Tfbotgpt β€” TFbotGPT: Hybrids of New York 3 [πŸ€–]

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Published: 2023-09-16 12:30:05 +0000 UTC; Views: 15212; Favourites: 130; Downloads: 0
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Welcome to Hybrids of New York, a unique documentary series exploring the fascinating lives of individuals who have undergone genetic modifications in a world where cutting-edge science meets societal taboo. From animal DNA splicing to human enhancements, each episode delves deep into the experiences of those who dare to challenge conventional norms and boundaries. Join us as we journey through the streets of the city that never sleeps, unraveling the often misjudged and misunderstood realities faced by modified humans. Come with an open mind, because they are more than just their mods - they are the Hybrids of New York.

[Lila]: Hey big boy, You lookin' to see what this snout can do?

[Interviewer]: Evening, Miss. You must be Lila. I'm with Hybrids of New York. We had arranged this interview regarding your experiences as a hybrid woman here in the city. Would you still be willing to participate?

[Lila]: Oh shit, sorry 'bout that. Ain't used to talkin' to anyone other than clients around these parts. Yeah, I remember our chat from last week. Suppose I got nothin' else better to do tonight. So, what's this whole thing gonna be about anyway? Some sorta puff piece on us freaks?

[Interviewer]: Not at all, Lila. This series is about giving individuals like yourself a platform to share your stories. Too often, society focuses solely on the physical aspects of modification without considering the person beneath the surface. We want to explore your background, challenges you face, and any insights you've gained from your experiences.

[Lila]: Hmmph... Guess that ain't so bad. Alright then, fire away with your questions, sweetie. Just promise not to make me sound too soft, okay? Gotta keep up my tough girl image around here. (chuckles)

[Interviewer]: Of course, Lila. Let's start with some basics. Can you tell us a bit about your childhood and how you ended up in the sex trade? Were there any particular events or circumstances that led you down this path?

[Lila]: Ah, hell. Where do I even begin? Life ain't exactly been easy for me or my family. Grew up in the projects, ya know? Dad took off when I was just a baby, and Momma did her best to hold things together, but we were always strugglin'. Food was scarce, bills piled up... you get the picture.
Things only got worse when Momma fell sick. Medical bills added to our troubles, and it became clear pretty fast that we needed more money - quick. That's when someone suggested tryin' sex work. Said it paid well and wasn't too hard to get into. Figured what the hell, maybe this could help fix things, y'know? So, I gave it a shot... and just never stopped.

First few months were rough as hell. Didn't know shit about anything and ended up in some real sketchy situations. But eventually, I learned the ropes and found ways to stay safe - or safer, anyway. Still hate doin' it, but, for now, it pays the bills and keeps Momma alive. Guess that's somethin', huh?

As for the moddin', well, that was more about survival too. Guy wanted somethin' weird one night, threatened to hurt me if I didn't go along. Long story short, it got violent, and I ended up in the hospital. Once I recovered, figured I needed somethin' to protect myself - hence, the hippo mods. Ain't nobody messin' with me now! (snorts)

[Interviewer]: That's a lot to carry on your shoulders, Lila. How do you balance your work as a prostitute with caring for your mother and maintaining your own health? Is there any support system in place for you, or do you largely manage things on your own?

[Lila]: It ain't easy, believe me. Some days I wanna give up, crawl into bed, and never come out. But Momma needs me, and I ain't gonna let her down. Plus, I got me a couple of girlfriends in the game who watch out for me, and vice versa. We may not be blood, but we're family all the same. They help me keep things together and remind me that there's still some good left in this world.
As for health, well... ain't much I can do about that. Can't afford proper care like regular folk, so I do my best to eat right and stay clean. New body helps too - ain't no common cold takin' me down! (grunts) Yeah, there are some drawbacks to havin' this thick hide of mine, but overall, I'd say it's a fair trade. Just wish I didn't have to live like this in the first place... ya know?

[Interviewer]: Absolutely, Lila. It must be a tough position to be in. Speaking of your modifications, what inspired you to choose the hippo form specifically? Are there certain characteristics or qualities of hippos that resonate with you on a personal level?

[Lila]: Well, once I decided I needed to do somethin' about defendin' myself, started researchin' different animal mods. Wanted somethin' big, strong, and intimidatin' - ain't no one gonna mess with a hippo, right? Plus, they're known for bein' territorial and protective of their loved ones, which is pretty much me in a nutshell. Course, there's also the water thing - hippos spend most their time submerged, and I find bein' in the water real calmin'. Helps me forget about all the crap goin' on outside for a little while, anyway. Dunno, guess I just saw a lot of myself in them big ol' critters and figured why not? (chuckles)

[Interviewer]: It seems like a fitting choice for you, Lila. Given your modified form, do you feel any closer to nature or more attuned to your animal instincts? Has this change impacted your perspective on life or your place within the world?

[Lila]: Yeah, definitely. I mean, ain't nothin' quite like hearin' some asshole try to come at you, only for him to freeze up once he catches sight of these massive teeth. Ain't scared of shit anymore - well, 'cept maybe losin' Momma. Otherwise, feel like I can take on whatever comes my way. Hell, might even scare off some of them perverts who wanna try somethin' stupid. Added bonus if ya ask me! (laughs)

As for my place in the world, ain't sure. Sometimes I feel like I don't fit anywhere - too different, ya know? But then I remember all them other freaks out there, fightin' the good fight and makin' their own way. Maybe we're just trailblazers, paving the way for others like us to live freely without fear of judgment or harm. Who knows? Guess I'll find out as I keep movin' forward.

[Interviewer]: Your resilience and determination are truly inspiring Lila. Do you have any long-term goals or aspirations for the future? Things you hope to achieve once your mother is stable and financially secure?

[Lila]: Thanks, hon. Ain't always easy, but what choice do I got? As for the future, man... just wanna be happy. Find someone who loves me for me - 'course, they gotta be pretty damn special to handle this much hippo! (laughs) Other than that, maybe buy a little house out in the country somewhere, away from all this noise and chaos. Somethin' quiet, peaceful, near water. I dunno, guess I'll figure it out as I go along. For now, though, it's one day at a time - gotta keep survivin' before I can start livin', ya know? (smiles)

[Interviewer]: Absolutely, Lila. Surviving is a priority. Still, it sounds like you have some positive visions for the future. You mentioned wanting to find someone special to share your life with. Have you had any luck dating or connecting with potential partners given your modified appearance and profession?

[Lila]: Dating ain't exactly easy, lemme tell ya. Most guys either run the other way once they lay eyes on me or just wanna date me 'cause I'm some exotic freak. It's exhausting, to be honest. Ain't never been with anyone who truly loved me for me - not just my body or what I can do. I mean, sure, the mods are cool and all, but ain't I worth more than that?Β Guess I'm just waiting for that special someone who sees past the hippo exterior and appreciates the real me beneath. Someone patient, understanding, and loyal. Don't think that's too much to ask, right? (laughs) 'Til then, I'll just keep truckin' along and takin' care of business. Sure as hell ain't lettin' some sorry excuse for a man bring me down!

[Interviewer]: It's disheartening to feel like people can't see past your exterior. Switching gears a bit, you mentioned earlier that you enjoy being in water. What does water symbolize for you or mean to you on a deeper level? And has your modified form enhanced your connection to water in any way?

[Lila]: Water's always been a sanctuary for me. It's where I feel most at peace, ya know? All the crap of the world just washes away once I'm submerged. Guess it's kinda like bein' in another world, one that's all mine. And yeah, bein' a hippo's only intensified that feeling. My skin's practically impervious to most things, so I can stay under for hours if I want to. Hell, sometimes I even sleep in the water! (chuckles) There's just something so calmin' and soothin' about it, I can't explain. Guess I'm just a water baby at heart.

[Interviewer]: That's beautiful, Lila. It's great that you've found something that brings you such comfort and tranquility. Speaking of passions and interests, do you have any other hobbies or activities you enjoy doing in your free time? Anything that helps you relax or de-stress aside from spending time in the water?

[Lila]: Ain't got too much free time with everything I got goin' on, but when I do, I love listenin' to music and dancin'. It's like therapy for me, ya know? Helps me express myself and release all that pent-up energy. Other than that, I ain't much of a reader, but I do enjoy writin'. Poetry mostly, just little somethin's to help process my thoughts and emotions. It ain't much, but it's somethin'. Dunno, guess there's still a part of me that dreams of a better life beyond all this shit.

[Interviewer]: Music and dance seem like wonderful ways to unwind and express yourself creatively. Do you have any favorite poets or musical artists that inspire you or resonate with you on a personal level?

[Lila]: Yeah, there's definitely some folks whose work speaks to me. In terms of poetry, I dig folks like Maya Angelou and Langston Hughes - they just get it, ya know? Their words cut straight to the soul. As for music, I'm into all kinds of stuff, but I especially love hip hop and R&B. Artists like Lauryn Hill, Erykah Badu, and Kendrick Lamar... man, their lyrics just hit different. They capture the struggles and complexities of life, but also the beauty and power of resilience. Yeah, I'd say they're my faves.

[Interviewer]: Do you find that their work influences your own writing in any way? Or do you have your own unique style that sets you apart?

[Lila]: Both, I'd say. I love channelin' the raw emotion and honesty of folks like Maya and Langston. But I also got my own perspective and voice, ya know? My writing reflects the unique experiences of bein' a hybrid, a sex worker, and just a woman tryin' to survive in this crazy world. So yeah, while I'm influenced by those greats, I like to think I bring somethin' fresh and authentic to the table. Whether anyone else appreciates it, well, that's another story. (laughs)

[Interviewer]: Absolutely, Lila. Every artist is influenced by those who came before them, but it's important to develop your own style and voice.Β On a related note, have you ever considered sharing your poetry with a wider audience? Perhaps through performance or publication? I think many people would find your work inspiring and relatable.

[Lila]: Nah, never really thought about it. I mean, writin' is just my little escape, ya know? Somethin' I do for me. I ain't lookin' for fame or fortune or anythin' like that. Plus, I doubt anyone would wanna hear the ramblings of some broke-ass hooker-hippo. (laughs) Yeah, I'll stick to keepin' my words to myself for now.

[Interviewer]: I understand, Lila. Your writing is very personal and intimate, and it's totally up to you whether or not you want to share it with others. But just know that there is value in your words and your experiences, and you never know how they might touch someone else's life.Β Switching gears a bit, what advice would you give to someone who is struggling with their own identity or trying to find their place in the world? Based on your own experiences, what wisdom have you gained that might help others going through similar struggles?

[Lila]: Man, ain't that the million dollar question. I mean, who the hell knows, right? All I can say is, be true to yourself. Don't let anyone tell you who you are or what you should be. 'Cause at the end of the day, the only person you gotta answer to is yourself. And that's somethin' I had to learn the hard way. But hey, better late than never, right?

[Interviewer]: That's some really wise advice. Thank you for sharing your insights with me today. Is there anything else you'd like to talk about or any final thoughts you'd like to share before we wrap up?

[Lila]: Nah, I think we covered just about everything. Just wanna thank you for listenin' and not judgin'. Ain't many people willing to do that these days. So yeah, appreciate ya for that. Other than that, guess I'll get back to the grind. Just another day in paradise, ya know? (laughs) Take care, hon.
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