The-Forgotten-Song — Rules
Published: 2018-09-20 16:44:06 +0000 UTC; Views: 1933; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 0
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  • Respect everyone. The TFS staff is dedicated to creating a safe and civil environment where all are welcome. Harassment or bullying of any kind will not be tolerated. Failure to comply with the rules will result in removal from the group.

  • Note the group if you have any questions, problems, or concerns. The admin team is always available to help you. Please refrain from contacting the staff on their personal accounts, all inquiries regarding TFS should be routed to the team via a note to the group, or via the Questions channel on the Discord server.

  • TFS is a mature ARPG and some content may be sensitive to viewers. Please note that character actions are not representative of the group nor its members. Consumer discretion is advised. Concerns with content will be addressed on a case-by-case basis. TFS does not promote an atmosphere that celebrates or encourages real life trauma.

  • TFS has a zero-tolerance policy for stealing. You may not trace nor heavily reference someone else’s work or designs. All content created for the group must be original. The group does not allow for the use of pre-made templates nor lineart. The staff retains the right to remove any offenders from the group who violate this policy.

  • Members must be able to meet the activity requirement. TFS has an activity check that runs differently according to the rank of your character. Regular members are required to make a minimum submission of once a season (every three months). Higher ranking characters, such as alphas and betas, are required to make a minimum submission of once a month. The group can only function when it’s member base is active. If you do not feel you can maintain an active membership, please re-consider joining the group. For more information, please see the activity rules below.


  • Every season (which spans 3 months), a player must complete at least one submission (artwork or RP) for each character that they own.  The submission will be made in a the Activity Check journal.

  • If the player fails to submit canon content for a character in the season, the character will be considered inactive and will be retired.

  • If a player fails to submit any canon content for an entire season, they will be removed from the group. 

  • If a player submits for one character- but not their other character(s), the player will not be removed, but the inactive character(s) will be.

  • Alphas and Betas are required to make at least one submission per month, as well as keep their pack’s culture page up to date. Pack rosters will be maintained by the group admins. Occasional leniency regarding alpha activity may be granted if situations should arise, but if the pack leader cannot maintain consistent activity, then the pack will be disbanded or given to another member if desired.

  • During a Pack Leader Activity Check, if an alpha character is inactive for one month, they will be marked with a red bullet by their name as a warning. If the character is inactive for two months consecutively, they will be removed for inactivity and the pack will be disbanded or passed onto another alpha at the creator's discretion. If this monthly inactivity continues to occur, the alpha may be at risk for demotion. Demotion is at the discretion of the group's staff.

  • To remove the red bullet from your alpha or beta character, simply be sure to upload a submission to the next month's Pack Leader Activity Check, and the red bullet will be removed. 

  • If your character is removed for inactivity, they may be revived the following season. However, they will lose their rank and task, and will have to re-start their journey from the beginning again as a Lone Wolf.

  • Members can request leeway for an Activity Check so long as they do so at least one week in advance. You may request leeway by sending a note to the group. The leniency is for emergency situations only, members found to be relying on leniency in order to stay in the group will be ineligible to ask for leeway. This functions the same for character leniency as well.


  • Characters must follow the guidelines detailed in the Character Creation journal.

  • All application content must be created by you. Members are permitted to use a design they adopted or purchased, but the artwork and written details must be created by the character’s owner. The group does not allow for the use of pre-made templates nor lineart.

  • Character bios cannot mention human contact. While there are the crumbled remains of human temples on the map, humans do not exist in the realm of TFS. Wolves of our world have never interacted with, nor have ever seen a human. Any oral stories of humans have become fantasized over time to the point of being almost unbelievable, and even more have simply been lost to time.

  • All character biographies must be in the artist description. In order to make biographies easily accessible to both members and staff, we ask that you do not link your biographies onto your app, but rather feature their complete written biographies in the artist description. 

  • All characters begin as a Lone Wolf, or an Empire Wolf if the faction is open. Your character must start out as a lone wolf, unless they are born to an existing wolf in-game. The only exception to this is if The Empire is open for new members. You may join a faction if you wish by having an in-character interaction with the Alpha or high-ranking member of the pack of your choice.

  • Characters may switch factions at any time. Your character may switch factions so long as they have an in-character submission that explains why the switch happened, and so long as the faction is open for new members and you are approved by the alpha to join. After your submission has been approved, please note the group with your faction change proof, so the admin team can move your character into the proper folder.

  • Pups must have a guardian or care-taker in order to survive. The guardian does not need to be their parent, but pup characters will need a guardian to raise them until they reach the age of juvenile. Orphaned pups will not be able to survive long otherwise. Pups cannot be first characters; you must apply to the group with a juvenile or older.

  • Your character cannot endure unrealistic injuries. Minor injuries such as small wounds, the loss of an ear, mange, missing eye, ect. are acceptable. Larger, unrealistic afflictions like the loss of limbs, extreme disfigurement, exposed bone, ect. will not be permitted. Your character must be able to reasonably survive its injury or disease. Remember, injuries will affect how your character acts in-game and will limit what they are able to physically do. For example, a deaf wolf will be more susceptible to attacks, and a wolf with a mangled leg will be unable to hunt independently.

  • Characters must have semi-realistic, natural wolf designs. Highly saturated colors, "sparkle dog" designs, and unrealistic markings will not be permitted. 

  • Major character redesigns MUST be sent in for staff approval via notes. The new design may not be officialized on the application sheet or be featured in any submissions until it has been approved by staff. Small tweaks and updates are fine!

  • Members may retire a character at any time. To retire your character, you must provide an in-character explanation as to their sudden disappearance. Once this is submitted to the proper gallery, you may note the group to have their application moved to the retired folder. You may revive a retired character at any time. So long as you keep their Activity Log and the piece(s) used for their development, they may begin again with the stats they had at the time of their retirement.

  • Characters killed in-game cannot be revived. They are considered to be dead within the TFS canon.

  • Characters may not be born of an NPC pack that roams the game's map. Packs that are featured in a character's backstory must be disbanded or moved prior to your character entering the game. All locations on the map are free until claimed by an alpha who has founded their pack within the group in accordance to the pack creation criteria.

  • Members are only permitted to bring in 1 character a season. This includes new members who have just joined the group. All your existing character must be marked on the Activity Check prior to noting the group with a link to your new character's bio. In addition, members may not create any additional characters while they have red bullets for inactivity on any of their existing characters. Once the new character is given approval by the staff, you may submit them into their pack folder.

  • Individual characters and Followings may not claim locations on the map. Characters cannot make any reference to their birth pack having lived or owned an area on the TFS map. You may not reserve a location of the map until your wolf's pack is approved by the admin team and the pack has been paid for. Users are not allowed to gate-keep their desired location and are encouraged to take advantage of the whole map while they explore and build followers. Please remain flexible until your pack is approved.


  • All artwork submitted for activity must be fully colored with a background. At the very least, backgrounds require some substance such as details in the sky, (clouds, stars, ash), or details on the ground (grass, trees, leaves), ect. Any style of art, be it representational, symbolic or surreal, is permitted! Sketches, gifts, and incomplete works may be submitted to the Scraps folder, but will not be eligible to count towards your development nor activity.

  • You may not use past, already uploaded artwork of your character to count towards activity or objectives. Only artwork that was created during your time within the group will count. You may submit past pieces to the group's gallery if you wish, but they must go into the "scraps" folder.

  • All art submissions must be canon and go towards your character's development. They may be depictions of events from the past or present, but must be canon material, and not hypothetical. 

  • All art & collaboration submissions must contain the following format in the artist description:
    Location: (where on the map the submission takes place)
    Season: (winter, spring, summer, fall)
    Summary: (brief explanation about what the submission is depicting)


  • TFS is an English roleplay group. We encourage those from all over the world to join us, but members must be able to communicate and write in english.

  • All roleplays must be written in the past tense and in third person. For the sake of consistency, please use pronouns such as he, she, it or they in your literature or roleplays.

  • No powerplaying, godmodding, or metagaming is permitted. This includes controlling someone else’s character, your wolf being invincible, your wolf having omniscient abilities, your wolf’s hits to land without giving your partner a chance to dodge or accept the blow during physical altercations, ect.

  • No unrealistic abilities or magical powers are permitted. TFS is a semi-realistic group. For the most part, your character must think and act as a real wolf would. They cannot jump 100 feet in the air, nor can they kill another character in one hit by sucker-punching them in the face. All in-game religions and cultures do not defy the laws of nature, and neither can your characters.

  • Violence of any kind must be discussed out-of-character beforehand and agreed upon by both players before being enacted through roleplay or artwork. Your character cannot harm or kill another character without the other player’s consent and permission. If you have questions about what sort of violence is permitted, please note the group and the admins will discuss it with you.

  • All role-play submissions must have a minimum of 200 words per post. They must have have at least 3 posts per character in order to count as a role-play.

  • All literature submissions must be a minimum of 600 words.

  • All written submissions must be canon and go towards your character's development. They may be depictions of events from the past or present, but must be canon material, and not hypothetical. 

  • All written submissions must contain the following format in the artist description:

    Location: (where on the map the submission takes place)
    Season: (winter, spring, summer, fall)
    Summary: (breif explanation about what the submission is depicting)

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