First render. Description will be updated after Sword & Shield are released.
Any issue or improvement? Tell me in the comments!
Gossifleur prefers lands with clean water and air, and its pollen has a healing effect. Its pollen works on people, too, and it used to be a common folk medicine remedy for children of the Galar region to be given a tea made from this pollen when they fell ill.
Gossifleur travels over long distances by getting blown along by the wind. It controls the direction of its travels by twisting its body and petals.
Height: Category:
1' 40" Flowering
Weight: Abilities:
4.9 lbs (point the cursor into one of the Pokémon's abilities for further information)
Cotton Down
♂ ♀
Type(s): Weaknesses:
Evolves to:
#830. Eldegoss
A Gossifleur le gustan los lugares con agua y aire limpios y puros. Su polen tiene efectos curativos tanto en personas como en Pokémon y antiguamente se utilizaba en forma de té como medicina popular para los niños de Galar.
Además, es capaz de recorrer grandes distancias empujado por el viento y controla la dirección en la que viaja moviendo sus pétalos y su cuerpo.
Altura: Categoría:
0.4 mts. Adornofloral
Peso: Habilidad:
2.2 kg. (arrastre el cursor sobre una de las habilidades del Pokémon para más información)
♂ ♀
Tipo(s): Debilidad:
Evoluciona a:
#830. Eldegoss
Gossifleur's evolutionary line
??? ???
National Pokédex
#828. Thievul <---
??? ??? ???
829. Gossifleur (ヒメンカ, Himenka)
© 2019 - 2019 ~ Based on the eighth generation of Pokémon and ripped from Pokémon Sword & Shield.
© 1996 - 2019 ~ Pokémon. Nintendo, The Pokémon Company, Creatures Inc. and Game Freak Inc.
Picture made in Blender. I'm not the creator of the models.
38 minutes and 24.27 seconds of rendering.
Made and rendered by TheAdorableOshawott .
Device used for rendering: GPU, NVIDIA GeForce 840M.