theanimemonster — .:I Know... Akuroku FF:. [NSFW]
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Description "I Know..."

Well, spring's finally here...and it's started the same way it usually does:

1) Having Sora smack me in the face while dancing to the song Hare Hare Yukai.

2) All of these goddamn mosquitoes!

3) The empty feeling I have inside that he really should be filling.

...Hi, I'm Roxas. I'm not really like other 16 year old boys. First off, I think I look a little like a girl, with my rosy cheeks, long, blond eyelashes, tiny waist, and sparkling baby blues. I also don't have any friends. ...Okay, not exactly. I have three: Namine, Xion and Axel. Namine and Xion are both girls and Axel is a guy. I think the only reason Namine and Xion are my friends is because I'm bisexual. Yup, you heard me right. I like both men and women. What can I say? Since I've said that, you're probably wondering why Axel is my friend...but I don't know either. All I know is that he's my best friend and I kinda maybe like him...a lot.

It's been two weeks since the first day of spring, and I was writing my American History paper on John Adams. The teacher was giving us the time in class today to research everything, but really, I think she just needed a break from all of the testosterone-filled high-schoolers stuck in this tiny room. I squinted in concentration as I tried to remember what John Adams actually did for our country. Just before I buried my head into the textbook, I felt a prickling sensation go up my back. I stiffened for a second, but then remembered when that usually happened and relaxed again. Looking up, I saw Axel's face in the window of the door. He motioned with his right hand, and mouthed something. I raised my eyebrows. After all of the times we've done this, I recognized those words his lips spelled out. 'Come on!'
Axel and I would always ditch school together. Most of the time he'd be the one to beckon me, but occasionally I would almost fall asleep in Trig and realize I needed to bolt quick. There was this abandoned playground about a block away from our school that, later on in the day, these stoners would all hang out at. During the day, though, it was free land for me and him.
I pulled myself up from my desk and walked over to the teacher. I asked him if I could use the restroom, and he distractedly handed me the hall pass before going back to whatever the heck he was doing before. "Score," I muttered to myself as I swung the door open and slyly ran out to the courtyard to meet Axel. We linked arms and strolled over to the vending machines to get something before we left. We would always get the same things every time we skipped class. I would get a Mellow Yellow and a Kit-Kat bar and Axel would get a can of Coke and a pack of Juicy Fruit gum. It was our own weird tradition by now.
Once we walked over to the old abandoned playground we sat on the small swings in complete silence. I concentrated on the small pokes of the rocks underneath my checkered Converses, rolling them around under my foot and enjoying the scrapes they made. I stared down at my soda, feeling my cheeks slightly redden from the awkward atmosphere. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Axel swing sideways, twisting the rusty metal chains with his signature poker face. I began to re-arrange my legs becuase I was starting to get uncomfortable. Cross my legs...no, too girly. How about I put one leg under me...do I WANT to look like a hooker wannabe? I got sick of alternating between the different leg positions, so I just sat normally.
"What up with you today? Are you going all emo on me again, Roxy-poo?" Axel laughed. I looked over at his big toothy smile, and grinned right back.
"It's nothing...and no, I'm not going emo on you!" I chuckled softly, my smile slowly fading. "It's just that I...I dont know, I'm cold." I was THIS close to confessing that I love him! Ugh, I should've just said it! Stupid, stupid, stupid!
"Well then, here." Axel flung his jacket off of him and placed it on my shoulders. I grabbed the sleeves of the jacket and blushed. "...Never mind, I'm cold too. Give it back." We took it off my shoulders and laughed at how badly I was blushing and stood up. "Let's go, slowpoke. It's freezing, and school just ended." Axel stuck out his hand. I put my small hand in his larger one and he pulled me up off the swing set. He them proceeded to tackle me in a hug and give me a quick kiss on the forehead. I was careful not to react in any way when he did that. You see, Axel would always kiss me goodbye, so I knew the action was meant as a farewell. It meant nothing to him, but meant everything and more to me.
We hastily parted ways as we got to the fork in the road. Axel went right, and I turned left. After walking for about 10 minutes, I finally arrived home. I sighed as I bustled into my cramped house to see Sora laying upside down on the couch playing Kingdom Hearts (yet again) on his blue DSi. "WELL!" He flipped over and landed on his head. The impact caused him to jump up from the floor and sit backwards on the couch, positioning himself on his knees like a puppy happy to see his owner. He waved his butt around and smirked mischeviously.
"Well, if it isn't my evil twin!" I could tell he was hyper by the empty soda cans and juice pouches all over the coffee table. He laughed and tossed a half empty Capri-Sun at my gaping face. I caught it and wiped his spit off the tiny straw with my shirt. I popped it in my mouth as I walked over and sat down on the couch.
"You're MY evil twin, Sora." I knudged his arm. Sora spewed out a maniacal laugh.
"Bullshit, broski! I know that you and Axel have been sneaking away from school!" He was an inch away from my face. Sora sneered. "Are you two sneakin' away to do the naughty~?" My face turned a lovely shade of chili-pepper red. I paused and thought of what to do since Sora's face was a little too close to mine. I stuck my lips out and they touched his. I snickered as I watched my twin brother squirm around on the floor wiping his mouth.
"Don't fuck around with me, Sora." I shrugged nonchalantly as I added, "Who knows, you could be doing 'the naughty' with Kairi...or Riku." I almost fell to the floor giggling when Sora made gagging noises at what I had just said.
"HELLNO! I told you never to bring her OR him up!" His face's color soon matched mine, and he looked away. Everything got awkward, so I got up and went in the kitchen to see what there was to eat. "H-hey Roxas, wait! You're supposed to feel all sorry for me now!" Sora whined leaning his body off the side of the couch until he fell face first into the carpet. I'm sure he could hear me crack up as I searched through the cupboard for snacks.

Later, I was eating ramen in my room listening to Miku sing about giving her lover a dead cat on the laptop Sora and I shared. I was on the edge of my seat, in shock at the ending of the PV when I felt a buzz in my pocket.
"Popipopipopopipo~ EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~~~!"
"Way to kill the mood you created, Miku." I reluctantly got out of my seat and crawled over to my phone. I snatched it from my dresser to see who sent me a message. Of course, it's Axel. He's the only friend I have who has my number.I opened it and read aloud:

"Let's go camping..."

I didn't even answer and I had already started packing. It was about 15 minutes later when I noticed.

"OF COURSE I'LL GO! " I quickly typed back, eager to finish packing so I could get there quicker.

Not even one minute after that my phone buzzed in my hand again.

"Get your ass packing then, sweety~ XD Haha, i kid, i kid."

I stared at his sweet text message and smiled.

"Oh, shut up, you~ Well, I'll get packing. Bye. I 3 u."

"Love you too, Kit-Kat."

I blushed at the message he sent me. Kit-Kat...like the chocolate candy I'd get whenever we skipped. How sweet.

Monday through Friday blew by; and before I knew it, I was sitting in Axel's firetruck-red Mustang listening to the radio buzz out the song "We Found Love" Saturday morning. Axel and I were silent, and Axel was looking out the window softly humming to the music. His voice was the perfect baritone pitch: deep, but sweet and smooth, like a tall cup of hot cocoa. I don't know if you can tell or not, but I love it when he sings. Even though I had to ask him a question, I kept quiet and stared unabashed at him. Axel looked at me and stopped humming.
"...Do I have something on my face?" i jumped and blushed when he started speaking.
"Ehh? Oh, um...no. I-I-I, uhhh..."
He laughed "Oh, really? No manly stubble your face wishes it could have?" My cheeks turned pinker and I furiously shook my head side to side. "Why were you staring at me for the past hour, then? Heh."
"I-I wasn't. I was just...I like your singing, okay?" I loudly confessed. I yelled at him. I yelled at him! why did i do that! Idiot! I shyly looked at Axel, gauging his reaction. He rapidly blinked at me, confusion clearly written on his face.
"...OH! You mean just now?" I nodded nervously and wrung my hands, hoping he wouldn't comment on my shining cheeks or my averted glance. "Haha, oh. Uh, thanks Roxy-poo."
I just gave a shaky smile I'm sure he couldn't see and kept on looking out the window. Another agonizing twenty minutes went by before I cleared my throat. Axel's eyes darted to me before setting their glance back on the road. "Oh, well, I forgot to ask you before, but what's the campsite we'll be staying at called? Where is it at? Will we have t- "
"PFFFFT!" I was politely interrupted by Axel's lovely snort. "We're not going to those shitty things with the loud kids, rude adults, and old people. You and me, we're going faaaaaar into the woods..." Axel drove the car into the grass where there was a thin, almost invisible path. "Where we'll be all alone~~" He purred seductively in my ear.
I shivered and blushed, my cheeks a burning magenta color. "D-don't play with me like that..." Axel just laughed and started driving down the worn, bumpy path.
After another hour of staring out the window, Axel was finally satisfied with the empty field of lush grass that lay in front of his car.
"Okay, here we are! Come on, Kit-Kat!" I jumped, startled, and exited the car. We both stood next to each other, calm, before Axel glomped me from behind and sang in my ear. "1...2...1, 2, 3, yeah! Tsuyogatte bakka de nanka, son shiteru ki ga suru datte sou jaaan~!" I giggled and tried to get him off of me. Axel started chuckling too, his melodic voice cracking with his laughter.

It's around 4:00 P.M. now. Axel rubbed two sticks together and made us a fire, even though it was still bright out. "So, how's my little key-bearer doing?" He grinned. I knew he was talking about Sora because he was obsessed with that Kingdom Hearts game.
"Annoying, as usual." I ran my hands through the ichy grass next.
"I'm guessing that mark on your face is a little token of brotherly love?" He laughed, the sound softly echoing around us. I touched the bruise where Sora socked me dancing to Hare Hare Yukai about half a month ago.
"This 'token of love' has been on my jaw for three weeks without yellowing." I ignored his ecstatic hoots of joy and continued. "If you think THIS is bad, you don't want to know where he hit me when he was dancing to PoPiPo!" He threw his head back, the sounds of his joy surrounding us.
"Ohhhh, I love that brother of yours!" The happy moment spread like a contagious disease, and for minutes we couldn't stop laughing. It took a while for our chuckles to die down. As they did and the echo faded away into nothingness, I looked around.Hmm...
"Axel, where's your sleeping bag?"
"Huh? OH! I forgot to tell you, didn't I?" I nodded, confused. "I didn't bring any sleeping ba- don't you even THINK about interrupting me." He mock-scolded me as I opened my mouth, about to chew him out. "Let me continue, Roxy. Okay, I didn't bring any bags. What I DID was take out the seats in the back of my car and lay down a few blankets. I thought it would be better than sleeping on the ground." This time, I nodded, getting the situation and regretting what he was going to say next. "We'll both be in there. I mean...if your okay with that."
I stuck an over-roasted marshmallow in my mouth and tried my best to talk. "Dat wou be awight, I gesh." Axel smiled and moved next to the fire. Laying down, he patted the ground next to him suggesting I lay there with him. I crawled over and laid down next to him. He put his arm under my head like a pillow, and I subconsciously cuddled up with it as I almost drifted off to sleep. Before I did, though, Axel awkwardly removed his arm from under me and grabbed my hand with it.
I stared up into his angular, grass-green eyes and said, with my voice shaking "A-Axel?" He smirked, never blinking. I studied his face, looking for some hint of what he was going to do next. I bashfully looked down at his Escape The Fate T-shirt. I looked back at Axel. He was closing in for a kiss.HE'S GOING TO KISS ME? I nervously puckered my lips, not really knowing what else to do. (I forgot to mention I was a kiss virgin, didn't I? Well, I am.)
Through my eyes, I could see him barely an inch away when I heard a loud boom in the sky. I quickly stopped puckering just before Axel opened his eyes. The very second his eyes fluttered open, we were drenched with water. We ran, laughing hysterically, grabbing the food and our bags. We continued to run to the car. Axel tried to open the door but it was locked.
"WHERE ARE THE KEYS?" He patted his sides. I looked around and saw them next to the firewood. I rushed to get them but tripped over a slippery patch of grass. I felt my ankle twist and got mud all over me. Axel sprinted over and picked me up. He fumbled for the keys and quickly opened the back of his car, threw the blankets to the front so they wouldn't get wet, and set me gently down.
Tears ran down my face as I rubbed my swelling ankle. Axel threw our bags in the passenger seat and sat in the drivers seat. He turned around, facing me. His hair barely stood up. "Are you alright?" I wiped the tears from my cheeks and nodded. "Liar," he replied in a harsh tone. He climbed to the back of the car with me. Axel stared hesitantly at me before running his finger up my neck. He stopped at the tip of my chin and kissed my lips. Slowly moving his head, he parted my lips and stuck his hot and sweet tongue in and out of my mouth. I gasped and arched my back, my arms around his neck. He popped his tongue out, and breathed deeply. "Better?" I nodded and prepared myself for another kiss, but Axel just reached over and turned on the radio.
We never kissed again.

Axel nonchalantly took a bottle of liquor out from his backpack.
"W-why do you have that?" I sharply whispered, but he didn't listen to me. He ignored me and took a few gulps of it. After his thirst was quenched, he tipped the bottle over in my direction.
"Want some?" I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out.
"I-I dont drink..."
"Come on, Roxy!" Axel tilted my head back and stuck the opening of the bottle on my lips. "Just a try~?" I didnt know what to do so I hesitantly parted my lips, and Axel let the suprisingly disgusting fluid flow into my mouth.
I bolted up and started immediately coughing. "That stuff's digusting! Are you sure that's liquor, or rotten dog piss?" I yelled. Axel waved a hand toward me, and mock-frowned.
"Aww, I thought we could enjoy sharing this tonight~! I guess not." Axel said with a sigh and a puppy-dog pout.
"W-well I guess I could have one more try, if you really want me to..."

I reluctantly opened my eyes the next morning to find myself snuggled up with Axel's shirtless body. His hair was tied back, and he was sleeping peacefully. I didn't know what to do. The situation was a bit awkward and- what? Without thinking, I had touched my thigh only to feel bare, smooth skin. ...Where are my pants? I abruptly sat up. I lifted the blankets on top of us to see that I wasn't wearing my boxers either. I'm not embarrassed to say I panicked (okay, maybe a little...). I was looking everywhere around the room to find some evidence that would lead to me and Axel sleeping together. I mean, unless we played a feisty game of strip poker... I thought hopefully, but even I know that was unlikely. I woke Axel up with a chaste kiss. He groaned and felt around for a pillow. His hand wrapped around one, and he slammed it on his face, blocking the light. I heard his back crack as he sat up with the pillow still on his face. He took away his hands and the pillow fell to the floor. He looked at me, rubbing one eye.
"Mmm, hey. What time is it?" He asked himself, switching his hand to the other eye. He reached over and patted the back pants pocket of his disgarded jeans beside him. I didn't noticed he wasn't wearing his pants either. Just fucking great, Sherlock. Axel peeked at the time on his phone, and dropped it back in the pocket. He went through the assorted clothes piled on the floor and lifted his pants with a bewildered look. "Oh, these are yours..." He handed me my boxers and I put them on, flustered. Axel must have seen the embarrassed look on my face, because he lifted my jaw up so my eyes would meet his. "They're over there." Axel pointed to the left under the other giant pile of clothes. Sandwiched between my Converses and Axel's lime green socks were my pants. I crawled over to the corner of the car to retrieve them. Axel squeezed my butt when i got up, but I ignored it.
When I picked them up, I stuck my arms inside the pants holes. My fingers brushed up against something slimy and wet, like a latex glove. I pulled it out to see a green condom. My hand shook as I looked at it. I turned down the window and threw it as far as I could while I slipped my lower body into my jeans. I guess it wasn't a dream.

Axel and I situated ourselves in the car, that elephant in the room bigger than ever. He floored the pedal and raced to the hospital, not wanting to stay in the awkward atmosphere's smothering embrace much longer.
"I-I'm so sorry I did all this to you." Axel stuttered sweetly, grasping my left hand with his. I had never heard him fumble over his words before. Usually he was so confident, almost bursting with arrogance. Seeing him reduced to this state made my heart swell, like the Grinch's did in the Christmas movie.
I tightened my hand against his reassuringly. I felt his arm unconsciously relax, like he hadn't known he had it so tense. "It's okay, Axel."

The doctor had told Axel that my ankle was fine. I just had to take it easy for a while, and I'd be good as new. Axel shuffled into the room, his posture suggesting his anxiety and sorrow, even though my heart had forgiven him already. He (gently) tackled me and ran his fingers through my soft blonde hair. "What did he say?" I fixed my hair as I asked him, trying to act casual but failing miserably.
"He just said that you have to rest for a bit. You'll be fine in no time."
"Okay then," I said, grunting as I stood up on my still aching ankle. The action was a foolish one. Axel's down expression immediately perked up into something devilishly elven.
"Not happening, Roxy-poo." Axel threw on his back, grabbed my jacket from the chair, and walked out the door.
"I-IDIOT! I can walk! Y-you dont have to do this! Axel, please!" He just chuckled and kept on walking through the hallways of the hospital while the people stared at us curiously. You lovable, bipolar jerk.

Axel set me down in the passenger's seat and buckled my seat belt for me. I whined angrily, although I was melted ice-cream on the inside. I can buckle my own seat belt, idiot Axel! I broke my ANKLE, not my hands! I smiled at him fondly as he went to sit down as well.
"My ankle doesnt hurt much anymore, see?" I lifted my right foot and slammed it into the car's dashboard.
"Hahaha, okay, Roxas. You win, you win." I grinned, satisfied with myself. "Now, get your grimy feet off my dashbaord, please." Axel faced me, a mocking tone in his voice. I took my feet down, and fake-pouted, crossing my arms. Axel snickered and continued, "Well we have a half-hour drive ahead of us. You can go to sleep, if you want."
"You don't need to tell me twice. 'Night."
I didn't wait for his answer. Impatient to sleep, I lowered my seat and fell into comfortable unconsciousness.
I felt someting wet and warm spread across my face. I groaned and swatted whatever the hell that was doing that away. I heard somethi- err, someone whimper, and knew who it was. "Axel, you sicko. Licking people's faces is what dogs do." I laughed as I wiped his spit off of my cheeks. I grabbed my bags and hopped out of Axel's Mustang. I went over to the driver's side of the car, and Axel himself stepped out, smirking. He squeezed my behind as he gave me a quick peck on the lips, stepped back into the car, and drove off.
I sighed and smiled (like a girl in those cheesy romance movies) when I thought of all the stuff that happened. I looked up at the sky, and shouted gleefully. That's when I heard something in the distance. It sounded familiar...almost like laughing. FAMILIAR laughing. My eyes widened and I turned to see Sora with his eyes closed, laughing on the balcony.
"Whoops~!" Sora raced into the house once he saw that I noticed him.
"BASTARD!" I screamed as I ran full-speed into the front door after him.
"SMOOCHY, SMOOCHY, SMOOOOOOOOOCH~!" He shrieked and laughed as I chased him throughout the whole house. I finally pinned him to the wall in the family room after he stopped for a second to catch his breath.
"No word...of this..to Mom or Dad." Sora giggled, even though he was breathless. I still had a shit-load of adrenaline in me.
"...Man, you are pissed! No sweat broski, I won't speak a word." I almost cried out of relief.
"I LOVE YOU SORA!" I buried my face in my twin's Pikachu shirt.
"IF...!" I looked up at him.
"IF...you give me twenty bucks."
"Do I have to?" I searched his face for possible signs of mercy, but the boy was relentless. "...Ugh, fine." I hugged him one more time and gave him a small kiss on the cheek, which he wiped off his face in front of me. I gave him the money and he went skipping out of the house without a care in the world. I knew where he was going too, the predictable twit. I should start worrying about this Kingdom Hearts addiction of his...
Our parents arrived home at 8:00 P.M. sharp from work. They stood up from the couch after removing their shoes and socks, and told us they needed to tell us something important. First they took Sora into his bedroom. I couldn't hear either of my parents' voices until I heard sora yell, "N-NO! Y-YOU CANT!" I heard Sora whimpering, and knew from personal experience that he was trying not to cry.
"Come on now, son. Don't do this to us." Dad used his quiet and apologetic voice. It was probably then that I knew something truly horrible was going on, and not just Sora being an idiot.
"NO! SHUT UP!" Sora viciously opened the door. I saw his face. He looked a few shades paler than usual, with his cheeks red and wet with tears. He was furious, was distraught, and it clearly showed. He tried to hide his face (in vain) and walk past me, but i reached for his shoulder. I clasped it in my hand and made him turn to me.
"What happened in there, Sora?" His eyes welled up with tears and I felt like bawling myself. Sora never cried. When he was 7, some moron ran at him with a giant textbook. Apparently, the idiot was going to give it to the teacher, but that never happened. He bumped into Sora and his giant sneaker crushed Sora's vulnerable toes. Sora hopped around in pain, but never cried. To add insult to injury, the boy steadied himself and ran into the teacher only to crash into Sora AGAIN. He dropped the hardcover textbook on the same foot that he had stepped on earlier. He almost broke two of Sora's toes, yet Sora never cried. What was so bad that Sora ran out of the room crying? What did Dad say?
"SEE FOR YOURSELF!" He pushed me away like a toddler would do to someone during it's tantrums and ran out the front door. I watched him sprint up the street and turn right at the stop sign.To Olette's house...maybe she can help him...? I was too caught up in my thoughts to notice anything. So when I felt something warm rub my shoulder, I whipped around and placed my hand over my mouth to keep for shouting out.
"GOD! Mom, you freakin' scared me!" She didnt laugh like she usually would have. She only looked out the door because she was worried about Sora.
"I knew this would be hard on him. I just didn't know how much." I kissed my mom's cheek, trying to comfort her in any way.
"It's okay, Mom. He'll get over it." She nodded, but didnt take her eyes away from the door.
It took a while for Mom to get out of that funk. Of course, I waited patiently, as a good son does. She reached for my hand and took me through the house, leading me inside Sora's room.
"Hey, Dad." My mother's hands were still on my shoulders. I touched her soft hands and gently took them off me. "What did you say to Sora to make him do something like that?" I barely controlled my raising voice.

"We're moving back to Destiny Islands."

I froze. I felt like my heart just sank to my stomach. "B-but we live in TWILIGHT TOWN! They're so far away from each other, they're practically different WORLDS!" My dad looked away, taking off his glasses and cleaning them (what he does when he's nervous about something) and Mom hugged me.
"Don't cry, sweetheart. We don't want to leave, but we have to. Your uncle Cloud is gravely ill, and needs family there. Your father already got a job offer there, too."
"What about Sephiroth?" I roared, not caring that they were my parents. The empty feeling inside me was full for such a short time... "Aren't Sephiroth and Uncle Cloud best friends or something?" Instead of snapping back at me like I thought they'd do, they just cleared their throats and waited for me to finish. When I was done gasping for air, they went on.
"Your uncle needs more than just friends. He also needs his family. His personal doctor, Ansem T Waiz, told us that this 'Geostigma' thing was more serious than he had thought before. He may not have a lot of time left, Roxas. Don't you want to be there for him?" I lowered my head, ashamed of my outburst. Uncle Cloud was the best uncle anyone could have. He would always make his friend Reno take us up in his snazzy helicopter whenever we'd visit. He'd never miss any of our birthdays; and for Christmas one year came all the way here personally, even though I remember Mom and Dad talking about Uncle Cloud's shortage on cash that year.
"I understand, Mom, Dad."
"You'll make new friends, Roxas. Don't worry." She wiped the tears off my cheeks and kissed my forehead. My face suddenly went blank and I got pale. The realization didn't truly hit me until now.
"Axel." I whispered.
"What about Axel, honey?" Mom whispered back. There was a defeaning silence in the room, only broken by the squeaks of Dad's glasses as he furiously cleaned the lenses. I didn't look at her or him as I walked out the room and to the front door. I stopped in the front yard, tears running down my face as I raced to Axel's house.
When I got to his house, I ignored the bell and smacked my fist against the door. "AXEL!" I cried out. "P-please..." I sniffled. "Come out here. P-please...!"
"THERE'S MY KIT-KAT!" He slammed the door open when he had said that. Hearing the jubilant tone in his voice only made the tears fall faster. I don't think everything processed with him until one of my sobs escaped my firm lips. His eyes widened to sizes I didn't know possible, and his smile immediately dropped. He hugged me tightly and told me to go inside and spend the night.
The only thing that happened that night was me telling Axel we were moving to Destiny Islands. I moaned and sobbed while telling him...a lot. Oh, and after confessing to him, we had sex again; this time in his bed.

"YOU CAAAAAAAAAN'T LEEEEEAAAAAVE!" Namine screeched in the middle of class.
"Shhhh! I'm sorry, Nam, but I have no choice." I hushed her, lowering my own voice to remind her to keep quiet.
"BUT WE MAY NEVER HAVE A HOT GAY GUY AS OUR BEST FRIEND EVER AGAAAAAAAAIN!" This time it was Xion who complained. She was sitting backwards in her chair, looking like she about to topple over at any second.
"I'm not gay! Im bi."
"Same crap! Anyway, please! Pleeeease stay! You can't go! We'll miss you!" Namine and Xion wailed simultaneously.
"If you want a gay best friend who's really hot, go talk to Axel." Both their eyes bugged out of their heads.
"YOU AND AXEL ARE DATING~~!" Namine yelled. My face flushed red with anger. The whole class turned around, looking as if I had personally slapped everyone in the room. Namine covered her mouth and sank in her chair. "Oops." I crossed my arms and stuck my head inside the square opening they made as I listened to the cruel comments and jeering by my classmates.
"Herpes is incurable, y'know!"
"Roxas, before HIV! Savor it, everyone!" I cried while my face was down.

I'm just glad today's my last day at this pathetic school. I truly felt alone now. Only Axel could save me from my endless nightmare; but even that is gradually disappearing...

Axel and I said our goodbyes when he came to my house while we were packing.
"How're you guys leaving?"
"Sora and I are going by train and spending a week with Kairi and her grandmother while my parents get the house and everything ready for us." We were listening to the radio, the friendly silence hanging in the air. I always loved the song "Just a Kiss" by Lady Antebellum. When it started playing and Axel kissed me, I think I loved it a bit more. We hummed the song as Axel helped me pack my suitcase.
"...You know, I never thought I'd do something like this." I stopped folding one of my blue polos and turned to him.
"Do what?"
A stretch of silence followed my question as Axel tried to find the words to explain what he was feeling. "I never thought I'd help the person I love pack their bags."

We got on the train at six in the morning. Axel was at the station with us and so were Namine, Xion, Hayner, Pence, and Olette. Namine, Olette, and Xion were wailing like banshees, Hayner and Pence were busy man-hugging Sora, and Axel asked me if I had any gum. "I don't think I do, but check anyway." He gave it back to me and told me I didn't. When the train finally arrived at our stop, I gave everybody one last hug. When it was Axel's turn for his hug, he pulled me close and embraced me so tight I could barely breathe.
"You just wait, Roxas. I'll find you, and we WILL be together." He whispered solemnly in my ear and ruffled my hair before letting me go. Just the thought that I'd be leaving the guy I'd loved and wanted for so long made me start sobbing again. He just smiled, a simple upturn of his ruby lips, and told me to cheer up. Sora and I hugged each other and staggered clumsily on the train, our luggage in tow. Namine and Xion were waving frantically when i stepped on, and Olette was too busy crying into Pence's shoulder. Hayner had his hand up in a still goodbye, and Axel just stood there smiling. As the train chugged away, I saw those lips move. I leaned up against the window, but couldn't make out the words. I drew back, and the window was fogged up with my steamy breath and burning tears.

About 30 minutes into the ride, i felt like having a snack so I stuck my hand in my bag. The tips of my fingers bounced off of something cold and smooth. I knew it wasn't my and Sora's laptop. That was in the green laptop case Sora stuck into his suitcase. My curiosity got the better of me, and I carefully pulled out the mysterious object. A scarlet iPad glistened at me in the dim light of the train. I gasped as I recognized the color. Last year, Axel told me he was sick of the simple black color. He almost messed the tablet up, but he managed to paint the back of it a red as bright and fiery as his hair. This is Axel's.
There was a pale yellow sticky note on the screen.
"Play me, Kit-Kat."
I unlocked the device, and it sent me immediately to Axel's photos. I could see a bit of Axel's face under the play button. My finger hovered over the play button for a few precious seconds before I almost broke the screen with my insistent jabs. "Well, hey. It's me and Roxy here, at that dingy playground near school. It's been a boring Tuesday, and we've decided to ditch." I heard Axel's baritone voice and felt it buzz from the machine. Still...I couldn't believe it. It was a collage of all the videos he had taken with me. I grinned and chortled as I watched them in my cabin. I was whimpering, missing him more than ever. I sighed and hugged the iPad. I had the screen to my chest, so I couldn't see him knocking on his camera. Still, I could hear it.
"Huh?" I looked at the iPad and gasped. It was like he was staring into me. He was looking right at me with those eyes...
"I know you think this is done, but it's not." The outfit he was wearing...wasn't that the same one from this morning? "You may think it all ended, or that we just got to love each other. Don't you?" I nodded, and like he could see me, he went on. "Roxy...you're wrong. You may think our love was fast, that I just went for you because of that night in the car. Another thing wrong. Since the first day I met you, I loved you. I don't know what it was. Maybe it was the shy look on your face as you introduced yourself. It could've been the way your hand felt against mine as you grasped it and shook it. Our first handshake. I think it was the smile that made me feel for you. That smile, the one just for me."
My breath hitched in my throat. He remembered...he exactly remembered the first day we met. We had just moved from Destiny Islands to Twilight Town. Sora and I were both four, and Axel was six. After all of these years, I never knew...I never knew he loved me like I loved him. "I never want you to forget this, okay? You're my Roxy, my Kit-Kat. No one else's. I know you better than anyone else does, and you're the only person who knows the real Axel. The real me. Did you know that?" I shook my head side to side. "You're special to me, Roxas. I love you. ...Pause this."
I paused the video, and felt the tears bubble over again. I gave in to them. I spent a good 10 minutes just sitting there, blubbering like a small child. Remembering I paused the video, I composed myself and unpaused it. "Now, since I know you so well...you cried, didn't you?" I gaped at the screen. "You've always been one to show your emotions." He chuckled, and continued. "I told you to pause the video so you could cry in peace. Now, if you're done, there's a cell phone in your pocket. Don't thank me; you didn't have one so I got it as a farewell present." He chuckled. "Don't hesitate to call me, Roxy-poo." He blew a girly kiss at the camera and smirked, though I could still sense the sadness in his lime green eyes. "Love you, Kit-Kat."
The video stopped playing and I stood up. I leaned on the wall for balance as I twisted myself and reached into my back pocket. There, I found a new iPhone. I always knew Axel was rolling in it, but crap. He didn't have to do all of this. Idiot Axel. Of course, it already had his number dialed in. Number two on the speed dial and everything. The corners of my mouth lifted as I automatically typed in his number. I pressed call and waited. It barely rang once before-
"Did you watch the video?" Axel hastily asked soon as he picked up. had said to me "Hello to you too, Axel." I softly giggled. I could feel the water building up behind my closed eyelids, but willed my tear ducts to suck it up. I've had enough of crying. Haven't I run out of water yet? Geez, I'm a human faucet. ...I need to be strong, not only for myself, but Axel.
"Yeah, yeah. Did you?" I could hear the pleading and impatience in his voice like if he were next to me.
"Yes...I did."
"Well," I heard Axel clear his throat awkwardly. I refused the urge to squeak at his cuteness in that moment, and waited for him to finish. "Everything I said in the video...I wasn't kidding. It was all true."

I felt the biggest smile since God-knows-when push at my mouth as I replied back.

"I know."

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Comments: 93

theanimemonster In reply to ??? [2012-10-02 23:46:05 +0000 UTC]

thank you very much sweet heart!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MsMiller13 In reply to theanimemonster [2012-10-03 01:16:27 +0000 UTC]

Your soo very welcome

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ILOVEAKUROKU [2012-09-29 22:34:41 +0000 UTC]

i love the song just a kiss !!!
did axel mouthe the words i love you?
this story is soo sweet!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

theanimemonster In reply to ILOVEAKUROKU [2012-09-30 23:49:17 +0000 UTC]

me too =w=
Um...I'm not sure. Was that in the selection?
I made so long ago i forgot XD

Thank you so much sweet heart!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ILOVEAKUROKU In reply to theanimemonster [2012-10-01 21:17:24 +0000 UTC]

last 2 sentes
"You just wait, Roxas. I'll find you, and we WILL be together." He whispered solemnly in my ear and ruffled my hair before letting me go. Just the thought that I'd be leaving the guy I'd loved and wanted for so long made me start sobbing again. He just smiled, a simple upturn of his ruby lips, and told me to cheer up. Sora and I hugged each other and staggered clumsily on the train, our luggage in tow. Namine and Xion were waving frantically when i stepped on, and Olette was too busy crying into Pence's shoulder. Hayner had his hand up in a still goodbye, and Axel just stood there smiling. As the train chugged away, I saw those lips move. I leaned up against the window, but couldn't make out the words. I drew back, and the window was fogged up with my steamy breath and burning tears.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

theanimemonster In reply to ILOVEAKUROKU [2012-10-02 10:47:23 +0000 UTC]

oh! now i remember. and yes. he was saying i love you

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ILOVEAKUROKU In reply to theanimemonster [2012-10-02 21:04:21 +0000 UTC]

I Knew it!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

theanimemonster In reply to ILOVEAKUROKU [2012-10-02 21:34:35 +0000 UTC]

your actually the first to guess it! haha

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ILOVEAKUROKU In reply to theanimemonster [2012-10-02 21:47:18 +0000 UTC]

Really?! guess i read akuroku stories too much....

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

theanimemonster In reply to ILOVEAKUROKU [2012-10-02 22:07:13 +0000 UTC]

you can never read TOO much! Its always a good thing ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ILOVEAKUROKU In reply to theanimemonster [2012-10-02 23:53:05 +0000 UTC]

yep ! but i need to expand on what i read , beside romance novles....^^'

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

theanimemonster In reply to ILOVEAKUROKU [2012-10-02 23:56:22 +0000 UTC]

thats fine sweetie. any kind of reading is good in my opinion

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ILOVEAKUROKU In reply to theanimemonster [2012-10-02 23:58:48 +0000 UTC]

see, people like you are the ones who can make complete strangers go from a terrible mood to feeling super happy! thank you!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

theanimemonster In reply to ILOVEAKUROKU [2012-10-03 20:58:36 +0000 UTC]

Aw i feel honored! thank YOU sweetheart!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

alexhodges654 [2012-07-10 19:25:46 +0000 UTC]

damn it i cried!!!!!!!!! make a fricken part 2 plz!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

theanimemonster In reply to alexhodges654 [2012-07-11 15:08:39 +0000 UTC]

Aww i hope the crying was in a good way. And im working on it! I have a tiny bit of writers block >x< ill try to make it as soon as possible

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

alexhodges654 In reply to theanimemonster [2012-07-11 17:22:14 +0000 UTC]

it was im a really sensitive person......

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

theanimemonster In reply to alexhodges654 [2012-07-11 18:33:38 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

alexhodges654 In reply to theanimemonster [2012-07-12 00:16:56 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

theanimemonster In reply to alexhodges654 [2012-07-12 22:54:33 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Shon2 [2012-06-09 00:08:50 +0000 UTC]

I was crying so hard when I read this. . . It's so beautifully done, and emotionally touching. . . I'm going through a similar thing, and it's good to see that I'm not alone, even if this is just a story. I have now lost the urge to kill myself. This made my heart swell up with every emotion I could've ever had, and this is by far, the best thing I have ever read on deviantart, any site, and by far, the only thing that has made life worthwhile. Your story is incredible. Please make more. . . I love you for making this. . .

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

theanimemonster In reply to Shon2 [2012-06-09 01:02:48 +0000 UTC]

oh my god thank you so much!
im so happy that my story has made you very happy!
it makes MY heart swell when i see that people love my stories that much! <3
the best?! wow! thank you so so so so so much!
I'm planning on making more. and now for you, i will try my best to get it done as soon as possible!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Shon2 In reply to theanimemonster [2012-06-09 01:15:38 +0000 UTC]

When I said the suicidal bit too, I wasn't kidding, your story really helped.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

theanimemonster In reply to Shon2 [2012-06-09 01:22:54 +0000 UTC]

I'm very very glad I could help you

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Shon2 In reply to theanimemonster [2012-06-09 01:28:59 +0000 UTC]

thanks, I really enjoyed it. . .

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

theanimemonster In reply to Shon2 [2012-06-09 01:39:27 +0000 UTC]

thank you!
you made my day today :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Shon2 In reply to theanimemonster [2012-06-09 01:41:46 +0000 UTC]

No, you made mine^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

theanimemonster In reply to Shon2 [2012-06-09 01:45:33 +0000 UTC]

we made each others' day then!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Shon2 In reply to theanimemonster [2012-06-09 03:11:58 +0000 UTC]

;~; I'm so happy

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

theanimemonster In reply to Shon2 [2012-06-09 03:17:53 +0000 UTC]

im so happy that your so happy

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Shon2 In reply to theanimemonster [2012-06-09 03:22:05 +0000 UTC]

You've made me smile. Thank you.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

theanimemonster In reply to Shon2 [2012-06-09 11:25:22 +0000 UTC]

aww >w<
your welcome!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Shon2 In reply to theanimemonster [2012-06-09 17:57:13 +0000 UTC]


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theanimemonster In reply to Shon2 [2012-06-09 19:43:25 +0000 UTC]


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Shon2 In reply to theanimemonster [2012-06-09 22:44:58 +0000 UTC]


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theanimemonster In reply to Shon2 [2012-06-09 23:06:24 +0000 UTC]


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Shon2 In reply to theanimemonster [2012-06-09 23:07:26 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

theanimemonster In reply to Shon2 [2012-06-09 23:33:42 +0000 UTC]

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Shon2 In reply to theanimemonster [2012-06-10 00:29:35 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

theanimemonster In reply to Shon2 [2012-06-10 03:47:45 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Shon2 In reply to theanimemonster [2012-06-10 04:18:51 +0000 UTC]

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theanimemonster In reply to Shon2 [2012-06-10 13:46:05 +0000 UTC]


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SamurajDreamer [2012-05-30 20:32:30 +0000 UTC]

I really liked this, if there's anything about it tho it's the fact that it's moving really fast forward. Don't be afraid to slow down the pace and add more time and details in to the text.
But you have a really good flow in your writing, I really liked what you made with the story and there were so many things I liked with it. Like their cute ditching or Roxas' nick-name.
My favourite part of the story tho is the end when Roxas finds the iPod and watches/listens to Axel's message for him~!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

theanimemonster In reply to SamurajDreamer [2012-05-30 20:45:46 +0000 UTC]

thanks you
and okay, ill try my best to improve on slowing down the pace a bit. i do that sometimes. i have a habbit of rushing through a story but really, i'll try my best to improve!
aww thank you
that was my favorite part to write~! X3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SamurajDreamer In reply to theanimemonster [2012-05-30 20:55:06 +0000 UTC]

No problem~! thank you for linking it to me, it was really cute and I enjoyed reading it. OwO
I bet you'll improve and be an awesome writer in the future!!
That explains why it was the best part~! (IMO)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

theanimemonster In reply to SamurajDreamer [2012-05-30 21:58:06 +0000 UTC]

your welcome!
thank you!
(thats kind of confusing isnt it?)

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SamurajDreamer In reply to theanimemonster [2012-05-30 23:12:46 +0000 UTC]

I think I'm keeping up, but yeah, it's a bit confusing. XD
Lucky me I can click the "Original"-button. C:

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

theanimemonster In reply to SamurajDreamer [2012-05-30 23:26:38 +0000 UTC]

well yeah theres the original button XD hahaha okay

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Skyfoot [2012-05-16 21:44:17 +0000 UTC]

I read it!!!!!! You can't nag me anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *manical laughter*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

theanimemonster In reply to Skyfoot [2012-05-16 23:02:09 +0000 UTC]

dude u need to get on DA more, ill watch u if u watch me?? (lol u dont even has a icon or comment signature u iz lame XD )

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