TheAnonClub — Rainbow Siblings

#mlpmylittlepony #mlpfimmylittlepony #mlpnextgeneration #mlpfimmylittleponyfriendship
Published: 2021-01-19 06:24:22 +0000 UTC; Views: 1807; Favourites: 38; Downloads: 1
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Description Here’s some more nextgen kids that I drew forever ago. For those who don’t know, I’m a big ol’ lover of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash being a couple. Ever since I first watched the show, their dynamic really struck a chord with me. Friends to lovers is one of my fav tropes (right next to eye is to friends to lovers), so you can see why I adore these two so much.

So here’s their kids! And it’s a long post so sorry about that!


Theodora “Teddy” Bella | Pegasus | DFaB (She/Her) | Bisexual | Veterinarian |

Description: A lithe, deer legged pale pink Pegasus with magenta eyes and different pink-shaded spotting on her ears, snout, wings, and tail feathers. Her mane and tail are made up of two different pinks, purple, and blue.

Cutie Mark/Special Talent: Teddy bear wrapped in gauze resting on vines with a heart covered by a bandaid next to the bear. Her talent is animal health.

Personality: A tired vet student. She’s... not nearly as sweet as one would think a daughter of Fluttershy would be. In fact, she can be pretty nasty and snarky, though her voice is low and quiet. Her personality more aligns with her other mother, Rainbow Dash, who she tends to clash with due to them both being stubborn and brash. She definitely went through an emo phase where she dyed the blue in her mane black and she is incredibly embarrassed about it.

Auto Pilot | Pegasus | DMaB (He/Him) or (They/Them) | Poly, Demisexual | Handicap olympian and coach |

Description: a short, pale blue Pegasus with green eyes and darker blue and white freckles and same colored accents on his wings ears, and hooves. His mane and tail  are made up of yellow, green, blue, and purple.

Cutie Mark/Special Talent: A winged wheelchair wheel with colorful streaks coming off it. His talent is racing.

Personality: A pretty go-with-the-flow kinda guy. He’s very good at controlling his temper, and has a fierce determination; things he always but really developed while recovering from his accident. All this makes him an excellent coach, teacher, and athlete!

Ok, so here’s the background for these two. Teddy, the oldest, is the daughter of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, and for the first few years of her life things were doing incredibly well in the Flutter Dash household. Flutters was working part time at her animal sanctuary and taking care of Teddy. Dash was head of the Wonderbolts and becoming quite the star. Things were looking good for the little family. At least, from the outside. Rainbow Dash’s absence was very much felt in the household, and Fluttershy did her best to bring things up, and was often brushed aside. But missing so many of Teddy’s life events and not being around to spend home with her wife was taking its toll until it reached a fever pitch. After Shy and Dash had a particularly nasty argument, Rainbow went out to party her problems away only to wake-up with no memory of the night previous in the bed of none other than Soarin, who had also gotten black out drunk along side her. Mortified, the two decided never to speak of it again, and after the two had a long talk, Rainbow Dash went home to a worried Fluttershy to make amends, and that they did.

Still, Rainbow was wracked with guilt. I mean, she was the Element of Loyalty for Celestia’s sake! How could she have done this? Cheated on her wife? It went against everything she believed. And yet, she was only a pony, and ponies made mistakes, right? So this was one mistake she would pretend never happened, and knew that bringing it up would only cause more hurt, so she planned to keep her drunken fling to herself.

However, it seemed the baby in her belly thought otherwise.

It was a mess. Tears and objects thrown. The family in near shambles. And Teddy didn’t understand what was going on. Why were her mommies fighting now? Where was Mama Dash going?Why wouldn’t Mother tell her anything?

It was a fast and confusing time for Teddy. After all, what was a four year old to do? All these turbulent emotions would twist and twist until she exploded. She’d have angry outbursts, terrible tantrums, and cause general havoc to get attention; leaving a depressed Fluttershy even worse for ware. It wasn’t until Pinkie Pie came to intervene that word got out about what was going on.

Rainbow Dash returned, Soarin in tow, and Pinkie stayed as mediator as the three talked. It was decided after a lengthy discussion that Rainbow would keep the baby, and Fluttershy and Dash reconciled. They decided that maybe, with a new baby, Dash would finally take a break from the Wonderbolts and focus on the family, and Fluttershy would work more at the animal sanctuary (still leaving time to help Dashie, of course). Soarin was all for being a dad, after a lot of thought, and promised to be apart of the new babies life and help however he could.

All seemed well, for the most part. Not perfect, but healing. And then there was Teddy. While happy her mothers’ were together again and a sense of normalcy was reestablished, she was NOT happy about the new baby, and even less so when Auto Pilot was born. Who was this new child stealing her mothers’ attention away? Wasn’t she enough? Was it her fault her mothers hated each other that they needed a new baby to fix things? She hated him: her replacement. And she hated his dad, too. Not only did he have to steal her moms, but he got a bonus dad? Who allowed this?! To say her sour attitude took a nose dive would be an understatement. She loathed this tiny, squirming thing that stole her family and their attention, so she decided if she couldn’t get attention by being good, she’d take what she could get by being bad. She started bullying kids at school (she ended up only having a friend in Morning Sonnet), hiding things from her parents, and torturing her little brother in small ways. Denying him his toys, yelling at him, and purposefully making him cry. While Teddy saw a counselor for this, but she still carried a grudge against her half-brother as well as Dash specifically for a long time.

As Auto got bigger, it was clear he took after his mother in terms being boisterous and determined. He was endlessly curious and confident. He learned quickly, and loved flying more then anything. Dash was obviously thrilled, and little Auto would often bond with both Dash and Soarin by playing in the clouds, or would fly with Dash in a baby carrier. Of course he’d spend time with Mama Flutters as well; the two often singing or playing with baby animals which delighted him. He didn’t understand why Big Sis didn’t like him, though. Why was she so mean to him? He just wanted to play with her...

And then, at age 8 Auto had an accident at his school’s field trip to the Rainbow Factory (no, not the fan fiction, like an actual one) where, when trying to show off to his friends, he was caught in one of the machines that mixed colors to make the rainbows and he had to have his left leg amputated. He was positively crushed, and his parents horrified, but devoted in helping their son with his newfound disability. Teddy was... conflicted. She wasn’t sad, exactly. Served him right for playing around near factory equipment. Maybe this would knock him down a peg.

... Then why did she feel so guilty?

The two siblings ended up getting closer through the experience, though it took Teddy a while to get rid of her anger towards her brother gaining even more attention (which Auto hated since it wasn’t the praise worthy kind; it was all pity), the two ended up talking more and started mending their relationship.

And that leads up to now! While Auto wanted to be a professional racer, he ended up being quite the athlete in parasports, and became a professional trainer. Teddy is off at school to become a veterinarian who still struggles with relationships, especially with her mother Rainbow Dash, but she’s doing fairly well for herself all things considered.

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