TheClockworkJester — From The Ashes of Ruin 3/3

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Published: 2023-09-14 11:30:27 +0000 UTC; Views: 2589; Favourites: 9; Downloads: 0
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Description "I think you've done enough," Clock shouted, standing at the mouth of the alleyway the 4 men had stumbled down.  Three bloodied faces lay scattered amongst the trash, and chaos.  The beast they sought to confront towering over them once more, foot planted firmly in one of their guts.  "Just get lost already."  The creature looked up, and smiled, as if he'd just seen an old friend, or perhaps new prey.

"So you're the one who brought that child here," eyes hungry for more.  "You know better than anyone how that place worked!  We live by those rules!  I'm not done with these pest yet, Abject," Pulling a switchblade from his pocket, unveiling the rusted edge of a neglected relic, he crouched down; pinning his first victim under himself, positioning it to get a clear view of his new canvas.  "We gotta remind the trash what happens when you disrespect those above you."

As quickly as it all began, it ended in an instant.  "I don't play by those rules, Disgraced," A crystalline sword lay against the throat of the assailant, Blood trickling from the scratch left from an inexperienced swordsman, striking too close, for a threat, but not close enough for a swift execution.  it only took a second.  "They don't play by those rules either.  No one wants to live by those rules."  Planting a foot on his shoulder, and thrusting, the monster fell back, scrambling to create some distance.  "You don't want me to play by those rules; Scion."  As quickly as it formed, the blade shattered; eroding its existence from reality, only imparting a small cut on an unintentional victim.

Rising to his feet, the Scion threw a firmly resolute finger in retort to his unwilling associates, "You're what's wrong with the Liyorlis!  Too Weak to claim what we rightfully deserve; I'd expect nothing less from an Abject who had nothing to begin with!"  There was no response, only a blank stare of indifference.  exiting the darkened corridor of filth, and trash, hand clutching the small scrap, the faint sounds of disappointment could be heard muttered under the breath of someone below him.  He was in the right.  Right?


Along the boardwalk, swarms of children and adults indulge in activities and festivities as the season comes to a close, and Fall would usher its way into the forefront of everyone's mind.  Everyone but Ashe; there were far more pressing matters to attend to.  Chief of her issues, the cruel reality of the events of 1 year prior.  What had happened?  What did she forget?  Why did she forget?  Perched on a bench, straying away from the crowds for fear of unwanted attention, Iris weaseled her way next to Ashe, having expended herself looking for something free she could do.  "Why are you sad?"

It hadn't crossed her mind how she looked outwardly, She didn't concern herself with Looks.  Had she been consumed by her grief so easily?  "Sad?"  She questioned, looking into the eyes of the child, unsure of how to answer.  "It's just not a good day for me.  I don't think you'd like to talk about it, it's quite upsetting."

Iris had now taken up residency partially inside of Ashalynna's outer thigh; the bench was big, but Iris didn't care, and her coyote friend was already pinned against a side railing.  "Clock told me about how you met," Without any further prompting, Her arms were wrapped around the shattered woman.  "It's not your fault that stuff happened, But i know it's hard losing people you loved."  

The Memories returned; All of them.

As her mind slipped away, and the demon took hold, The Unholy beast that had been prowling her beloved church slashed at her throat. And once again, the cycle would repeat.  Awakening on the floor of the forest, confused as to what happened, and where the creature had gone.  Had the demon made her kill it?  Was it a hallucination, or a corrupted delusion of grandeur, pulling her ever so closer to a finale of self liberation.  It truly did not matter, She had time.  She needed to continue reading, Searching for an answer.  How to expel the demon from within.

Marching through the forest, searching for a familiar landmark, All she encountered were countless corpses, decayed beyond recognition.  Bones flayed across the landscape, never grouped together.  "I'm sorry Sisters," she whispered to herself, knowing her words would fall on deaf ears, even should they be alive.  How cruel a fate, twisted and demented, a Nun, possessed by a demon, scouring tombs of unholy scriptures, and tainted wisdoms; learning the language ever so slowly, clinging to the belief something must work.  One of those books brought it into this world, one of them would surely have the means to send it back to the evil realm it belonged to.

As the church grew nearer, Devastating scars of destruction leech outward into the world.  vicious claw marks etched into the trees, the ground displaced, and nature disturbed beyond normal means.  The sun did not even try to move in the sky.  it remain motionless, forever caught in the instant of day.  What was even normal at this point?  She pressed forward, skulking past corpses of her beloved friends, now laid to waste indiscriminately, unidentifiable lest she chose to desecrate the skeletons for more distinguishable details.  She knew a few.  As they lay slain even before she encountered her demonic puppeteer.

They let him in, and he slaughtered them for his prophetic rite.  An act of kindness turned into slaughter.  That fiend's corpse lay eviscerated, Partially due to her own actions, Mostly due to his own.  Foolish.  Foolish.  To dare to acquire power, only for that power to deem someone else more befitting of your "gift".  That book.  The book he used.  But the bodies.  Oh dear god, the bodies...

Opening the church doors, it would dare to stand before her once more.  "Hello again, Ashalynna?  Ashelynia?  Ashi-''

It survived...  It waited for her...  It was still hunting her.

Diving to the pile of scrapped pews for a makeshift weapon against her would be assailant, more tears emerged throughout her clothes, previous ones elongated with the rash movement.  "Leave!  I don't have time for you're self-righteous charades, I need to get to the book before it comes back!"  edging along the wall, making her way to the side chamber halls, She remained fixated on the creature standing before her; watching as it slowly shifted it's head to face her.  it made no advances, nor any attempt at leaving.

"Ashalynia," it called out once more, continuing to get her name wrong, not for lack of trying.  "What happened here?"  a wave of a hand throughout the church, blood stained walls, corpses littering the courtyard; A dark ritual lurking deeper within the halls.  "I just need answers."

"Answers for what?!" she barked back, all too familiar with the gambit they play; continuing to inch forward to the door she needed.  "Answers so you can justify killing me?!  Like your 'Friends'?!"  the room lay cold, and still, while the fire in her heart raged onward.

"Calm down."  The tone of it's voice almost seemed convincing, "I just want to know what is going on here."  it took a step forward, reaching an arm outwards, inviting her forward, "Are you alright?  We're not here to kill you."  To trust it, or discard all faith in anyone having good intentions in the church apart from her own, it would still creep forward, Slowly, but surely inching closer to its target.

before she knew it, they stood before her.  Shorter than her.  He didn't seem to care for his safety, even as she held her chair leg ready to strike.  "I wish I knew," she responded, completely unsure of what any of this ment, or how it could be real.  The sun held high in the sky, forever lifeless, the world stood still, and all she could do was weep fragile tears, lost and confused for so long, she was broken.  Spiritually, and emotionally.  She was the monster everyone sought to lay to rest with no second thought as to the story of the church, or what really happened.  'monster' is all they'd see in her.


The story was told as best as she could.  A man arrived at the church door, and requested to stay the evening.  Deep in the night, he began a ritual, luring the nuns into a room, tricking them one by one till he reached his final sacrifice.  Luring her into the chamber, speaking of a strange being looming over him in his bed; an angelic being of such great splendor, and grace.  Whom would not wish to see such a being?  A blessing of god, come to their fated guest!  As they grew closer, and closer, the air filled with tainted whiffs of iron and death.  Before she could scream, He had already gotten her with a knife to her throat.  Attempting to slice her open, Ashe broke free, tripping over the corpse of her dearly beloved sister, further into the ritual's expansive layout.  six Corpses lay sprawled out, decorating the edges of the circle he drew in blood, and dotted with candles.

In the chaos, he followed, advancing forward with a knife in tow.  eyes of a madman piercing into his cure.  Reaching for the closest object she could find, Ashe Struck back.  Lacerating the man's skin with the edges of a candlestick, adorn with thorns, and extremities; A piece of decor, equally as deadly as it was prized.  Before Ashe could muster another swing of her mace, the man burst into fire; as did the bodies of the others she once held dear.  A creature emerged from the center of the ritual, engulfing the room in darkness.  And the slaughter began.  

It took hold of her.  forced her.  Laying to waste everyone who dare cross her path, or escape from its wrath.  She tried fighting it.  But it was hopeless.  she could only watch in horror as the night raged on with bloodshed of the innocent.  Once morning came, she could feel nothing.  Do nothing.  nothing but watch as her family wither away in the breaking dawn.  No one escaped.  Soon after, others would be hunted in the forest at night.  Campers, hikers, even those seeking to find their friends.  She began to shut the horrors out.  What good was it to watch more bloodshed?  the torture broke her; She'd rather remain unconscious till mid day or late evening, than witness slaughters till dawn.

then the Hunters.  Searching for a beast.  A monstrous entity lurking in the dark, whispering away all and anyone who dare arrive in the forest, or happen to stumble too far from the road.  They all came armed.  Guns drawn, ready to lay to waste the first thing they saw that wasn't begging for help, or clawed in half.  They all tried.  they all failed.  Except Him.

He survived it somehow.  survived her twice in fact.  How.

The story was heard, and judgment was passed, "I'm sorry you have to deal with this Ashalynna."  the tone of his voice said it all. He'd been through his own trials of agony.  "Are you certain that book might have a permanent solution?"  She nodded, shaken, hoping she would not be wrong.  The sun still hung high in the sky.  Something was clearly wrong.

"How did you stop time?" she asked, not having read anything regarding stopping time in the books she had read thus far.  If the ritual had worked, surely some of those spells might be real, and the methods of using them as well.  "You can use magic!  You can help me!!!"  At last, all of her problems were solved.  Someone who could make sense of all of the mumbo jumbo in the books, cure her of her unwanted resident.

"I'm not magical," he paused, trying to figure out how to explain things to the poor girl, knowing full well, he'd break her heart, "this," he stuttered, raising his hands to the atmosphere of the church, "is a memory."  A puzzled look hung heavy on the coyote's face.  "we, You and me; are inside a memory; of the church, and area around it."  A look of horror passed over her face as reality slowly crept in.  "Yea...  Your 'friend' is still fighting you for control.  The moment this memory ends, it's going to try killing people again."

"oh."  she muttered, collapsing to the floor, aware of the horrors that would unfold should her savior be correct.  "This, isn't real.  I don't have enough time to get to the book..."  

The man laughed, "Story of my life.  all the time in the world, yet not enough time in the world.  gotta love it!"  Sitting down next to her, a warm hand was placed on her shoulder, "you'll be fine, what's the worst that could happen?"  The heartfelt words reached deep.  Even in the face of death he remained unphased, and willing to help.  "Ready to try?"  rising from the floor, and reaching a hand downwards, he smiled, "three.  two.  one."



Flashing back into reality, Ashe began to run down the hall, passing corpse after corpse, seeking to finally end her nightmare, or die trying.  Bursting into the tainted room, blood crusted the walls, and floor, staining it darker than night.  She hadn't been in the room since the day of the massacure, lest she be forced to desecrate the bodies of her beloved, and engage with the corpse of the pestilent heretic.  perched on the nightstand, a small pocket book, held open by a stray stone, surrounded by candles, pages soaked in blood and ink.  

The ritual he'd performed lay explained in perfect detail.  the sigils he'd need to sprawl, the "components'', and the expected results.  The beast grew stronger, and more vicious as the minutes passed, fighting her for control, struggling to maintain its grasp on her.  Flipping through the pages, one after another, it was clear what was done in the book, archiving the spells and rituals they deemed important from the vast collections of books they brought with them on their visit to the church.  Many of which she already read; However, all of them translated nearly perfectly.  She only had to check pages she didn't recognize.  

Trailing into the room after her, Sythe at the ready should she slip further into the darkness of the demon, the scope of things came into view.  "You...  weren't lying...  dear god," He'd have hoped she exaggerated, seven corpses, all decorating the corrupted ritual in the back of a church.  the gruesome details she explained, horrific atrocities she had been forced to commit.  Maybe he was mistaken in letting her live.  No one should live with those burdens.

"Get back!" she shouted, forcing corpses out of the corner of the room, making enough space for her to stand.  Raising a paw to her teeth, she stuck her hand down along her sharp fangs, littering her mouth with bits of flesh and blood, "Please work."  Drawing a circle on the ground below her, paw spilling blood onto her booklet, markings were dotted along the inside of the ring.  strange symbols, and characters, surely meaning something to those who knew more about the arcane arts.  a second blood circle would be drawn, and she stood up one final time, and looked towards the one who had helped her make it this far.

The blood began to crawl inward, approaching the one who stood inside.  painful howls of agony filled the night as the ritual began to take its true form.  Bloody chains launched from the outer ring, latching onto her wrist, and ankles; Dragging her to her knees.  A third entity could be felt within the room.  a powerful force of malic and dread, equally as pained as the young canine.  two more sets of chains launched out from the ground, binding her upper chest, crossing over her, before everything faded to silence.  No more screaming, no more looming dread, only silence.

Exhausted, and drained, Ashe rolled to her side, with a triumphant smile, "I'm in control...  i'm free."  Her fur remain stained where the chains and shackles held her, binding the demon to her, making her the one in control; much like the original summoner had wanted.  It did not matter if she was stuck with it for eternity; it just mattered that the nightmare would end.  her torture was over.


She remembered it all, as if it was merely a day ago.  "No, it's still my fault Iris; It just matters what i do next."  Brought to tears, remembering every vivid horror she endured, and committed, "I think we should do something else.  What do you want to do?"  Without a second thought, Iris was ready to go.  She didn't know what she was going to do, but she was going to do it to the best of her ability.  Attempting to stand, her heart grew heavy.  A child could forgive her, but she couldn't forgive herself.  Dropping to her knees, she dragged the little Liyorlis into her chest, and squeezed her close.  She was her family now, and she was one of the best things to have happened to her since she regained control of herself.  "Don't change Iris.  Please, don't ever change," she whispered into the ear of her dearly beloved friend.

"But i don't like pink!" she whined, hopeful she could find a better pair of clothes to wear.


i hope you enjoyed the little short story, and arts.  have a good day!
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