theirishdreamer — An Orc and his Slave (Part 10) [NSFW]
#darklegion #goblin #orc #ponygirl #races #training #aiers #medicalrestraints #roccasone
Published: 2015-02-09 02:25:41 +0000 UTC; Views: 10027; Favourites: 10; Downloads: 0
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Description ‘It’s a school again’ Alison thought with mild amusement ‘albeit in a incredibly bizarre manner’ as she watched her Master utilise the old auditorium of the school as an impromptu training and lecture hall as she knelt hands on the tops of her boots just behind the large desk to the right of Master’s chair in the centre of the lecture stand.
The past few days since her drunken breakdown had been very busy, albeit quite pleasant she’d discovered as even sleeping in bed with Master and Dell, while embarrassing, was greatly more comfortable and relaxing than in her cramped cage and trying to sleep well on the hay bedding. Alison was even starting to adjust to the intimacy of the situation, something the alcohol had blunted the first night but had felt incredibly apparent and obvious the second especially after that morning and then Master’s and Dell’s love making prior to sleeping, it had taken Alison an hour or more calm down to eventually fall asleep curled up beside them.
The mornings routine of getting woken by the energetic married couple followed by the morning jog and exercises still continued followed by the almost ritual, and quite enjoyable Alison found, bathing of each other before starting these morning ‘lessons’ with the apprentices packs. Master had made clear when talking with Alison and Dell of the time pressure to get them organised she’d discovered and he planned to have every morning cover an important area for his little future wagon train of doctors and vets.
Which had meant the past few days had meant humans, ie, slaves, as that was helping pay the bills Alison had discovered for forming of the whole endeavour and was also badly needed so Master didn’t have to spend so much time helping with the poor girls having to pull the proposed ambulances or the goblin chariots, yesterday had been men, well boys, as Master owned no older male slaves and now today and tomorrow were women and girls as quite simply Master had a number of them.
Alison was just glad she herself wasn’t one of the three on the stage for the purposes of practical study, two girls about her own age and one in her late twenties who were being periodically rotated and placed into one of the former schools veterinary harnesses of the school in front of the lecturing form of Alison’s Master who was speaking in low polforian, occasionally lapsing into Degol or other polforian dialects, about performing a ‘proper’ health inspection on a slave and now general health of special slaves such as during pregnancy, Alison could only follow pieces of it but Master had already instructed her on the subject over the past few days anyway.

‘The other women apprentices aren’t overly happy about the whole subject of today’s lesson either’ Alison though hiding her amusement as she briefly looked through the ranks of the apprentices as Master stopped speaking and allowed each pack translate, discuss and take notes among themselves, ‘still they all looked relieved it’s not one of them either being the class study material for the day’
Not that the three women being used as reference material seemed to mind, two were ambulance girls and seemed delighted to be just out of the harness for the day, while the third was a pregnant woman who was one of Matty’s slaver-leather workers and seemed unbothered by being the subject of probing by the various ‘packs’ in rotating succession. After all Master had promised them a reward afterwards of beer and good food, as well as being unharnessed for the rest of the day for the two horseys, as long as they didn’t make a fuss during the lesson.

The two girls not in the veterinary harness were kneeling across from Alison whispering very quietly to each other as they sat beside each other though both looked an odd combination of nervous and happy, though one had a bloodstained cloth held between her legs due to the onset of her moon-cycle and main reason she’d been chosen for today’s lesson.
‘Master is thorough if anything’ Alison thought as he approached the pregnant woman secured face downward towards the floor on her belly held about waist high in the frame of steel and leather straps with arms and legs spread wide apart, next her was pointing to her swollen belly and spoke for a short while before taking a few questions from apprentices, mostly Orcs, about whatever he was saying ‘he’s got a pregnant girl, one in her moon cycle, or as Master keeps saying – Human Female in Heat - and one with an infection on her buttocks. If they were animals and not people I’d call him a well prepared instructor’

‘Though you can’t criticize really now can you Alison? You’ve seen that harness used before to secure Oscura’s, just like Dell who’s so friendly to you, only a few months ago for that exact same purpose or worse ones didn’t you? And you thought nothing of it then!’ Alison thought sadly as she continued to observe as Master spoken some Degol to one of the Drow’s human girls...Melissa.....about pregnancy and treatment ‘It no longer seems so natural and fair when looked at from the other side is it?’
And that was a disturbing truth she’d learned over the past few weeks of enslavements, the new overlords of Roccasone had in a horrific way merely reversed the state of things in the city, where humans before had been the average citizens they were now merely animals to be used and often abused for the benefit of the Demon run city while now the former orc and werewolf slaves of the city now were the ones owning their former overlords.
‘Why didn’t I see it?’ Alison wondered to herself as Master directed her to stand and come over beside him as he brought over the first ‘pack’ to begin an inspection on the restrained pregnant woman ‘why did it just seem so natural? Were we just lying to ourselves about being us being civilized and the Orcs being savages?’

The veterinary harness was shaped much like a table without the actual tabletop itself, as it was rectangular shaped and have strong wide wooden table legs at each corner of the metal frame with the heavily pregnant woman secured just above the elbows and knees to the adjustable frame straight out to the sides with leather straps securing the wrists and ankles upwards and forming the secured woman into almost a H shape somewhat.
A thick leather strap lay between her chest and swollen belly holding the study subject up and between that and the harness around her head kept her reasonably comfortable, albeit being blindfolded and with a wooden gag in her mouth holding it open wide and tongue pressed down at the back.
Master squatted down for a minute or so checking the secured woman again for a moment and ask grunt twice if in pain and once if okay, after a moment a grunt came through the gag, then silence before Master stroked the woman’s back for a moment speaking “Now slave relaxes, we starts doing practices for shamans nows, mights be littles uncomfortable but remembers Ks’nbosh not lets you be hurts and gives rewards for good slave and female in heat was fine too remembers? When Ks’nbosh asks, or shaman asks remembers, one grunt is yes. Two grunts is no. Understands?’
A single grunt came back through the gag as Alison now stood beside Master and the five apprentices, two Orcs one male and one female, a male goblin and two human girls shuffled up beside the harness, they would be the first group Alison knew that would be followed by all the others in the next hour.
It was true the first girl who was enduring her moon-cycle had came through fine, though the whole thing was basically one invasive inspection such as Alison had received at the slave auction and since from Master, but instead performed by about a dozen groups some of whom had some medical knowledge and were gentle and others who were basically novices, or were too rough for Master’s standards. The teen boy yesterday had been none too impressed yesterday by it all, and the first girl was an ambulance girl so she’d have gotten used to this treatment on a regular basis, Alison knew she herself would not like these rookies poking and prodding her own body after all, and she was well used to them by now!

Master was speaking in low polforian to the group, or more so to the Orcs and goblin who spoke back asking questions before Master indicated they were to begin their test from the looks of it. Evidently they’d learned something from the past few days as the female began to translate for its two human members, and on by a consequence of this for Alison.
“Okays...we ares too checks female with pup as packs and gives wizards answers after checks, he sees we cans inspects rights and understands female animals breeding cycles for when conquers thems and have many slaves. Is yous ever works with females with pups?” the female Orc asked in heavily accented degol as the younger girl shook her head but her fellow pack member nodded slightly answer “A little, never like..um...this but I helped with some of the poorer parishioners”
“Is goods. Thens yous and mes do inspects yes? Pack does wells and gets rewards wizards says!” the Orc female said as the human girls gave nervous smiles at the prospect, the rewards and punishment system that Master had implement was appearing to work from what Alison could tell in evening out the internal groups to treating the slave apprentices well, as well as driving competition between groups, or even in one or two groups as equals. One group in fact, with young orcs and an oscura had two nuns one of which was the official and unofficial pack leader due to speaking polforian and being an experienced nurse, and was thereby the glue holding the pack together in fact.
The human girl in the apprentice robes, with socks and sandals Alison noted idly, nodded to her pack leader and the two began an inspection very much like the one Alison herself had received only a few weeks ago in a horrifying slave market not a mile from here.
The woman in the veterinary harness remained unlike Alison’s first time remaining mostly quiet throughout the inspection as the Orc and the human girl ran hands over her body and poked and prodded, even over her large breasts, swollen belly and nether regions beyond increased breathing.
The Orc and human girl spoke to each other quietly for a minute then to their pack in low polforian, before turning to Master, now staying in Degol for both to understand and began detailing the health details of the restrained woman, it was hardest on the first group Alison thought as the others following on always knew the subjects conditions and it became the merely a study of the inspection itself.
The Orc female began to finish up her details to Master “....and the female is with pup likeslies soons as belly now bigs with pup and mammaries show signs readies be milked. Can finds no signs infections though flanks show signs bad whippings from few weeks agos. Female seems healthies and pup likely healthies toos inspites of fresh slaves” she finished up as the male Orc studied the woman in the restraints like he was thinking about what he’d be told, he and the goblin were observing throughout the inspection to learn.

Master nod at the female Orc with smile but first said to Alison “Alislave have opinion on pack’s inspection? Ks’nbosh want hear what his animal thinks” he said calmly as the three degol speaking pack members appeared a bit nervous, after all Alison could not in theory scupper their reward over some unknown reason.

Alison smiled shyly at Master, he’d warned her this morning he’d ask her to offer opinions on the packs occasionally so as to help train her, but also he’d said so the packs understood that as Master’s Animal her opinions could affect them even if she was often treated a beast at times. Eyes of apprentices who understood what was just said were upon her, she focused on pleasing Master than feeling nervous from sudden attention.
“They were thorough but gentle in the inspection and....showed good teamwork Master” Alison replied to him slowly having a quick think about it and unsure of what else to say.
“Ks’nbosh agrees, Alislave is smart animal of course” Master was saying now turning attention to the ‘pack’ “Ks’nbosh impresses you packs learn fasts and understands nature of  this slave and it not ables do as much works or takes punishments as female not with pup.....” Alison listened as Master continued on the details of the inspection and upon granting the pack a reward for increased food and some booze this evening for performing to Master’s satisfaction.
For the next hour the various packs were rotated having a quick few minutes inspection of the restrained woman similar to the first group, though now that they already knew the health details of the inspection Master, and Alison who was ordered to observe each inspection in detail, were concerned only with how the inspection itself was carried out. The results were...........mixed.
Several packs were excellent, like the teams with the human Nun as its pack leader and the Drow team who both performed swift, professional and organised inspections combined with good teamwork as the translated and discussed amongst themselves, all which Master really wanted to see from his apprentice teams for the field veterinary and medical force.
A few other packs....were not. As in Alison thought they were dreadful, and thankfully so did Master as two teams managed to get muffled protests from the mostly silent restrained woman, including one that had managed indignant series of what Alison assumed were meant to be curses from a male Orc whose pack stayed silent through the entire thing and had been both too rough and too invasive for Master’s, and Alison’s, likings and had stopped that check midpoint and told the pack they needed further training and would receive cut rations. Master had then caressed the restrained woman to calm her till she gave a happy sounding moan and Master promised her extra rations for being good.  
Alison actually found the whole surreal situation mildly amusing actually as she saw her own favourite seat near the front of ‘class’ where ‘Team Sexy Drow & Friends’ sat discussing among themselves and even taking notes ‘I always wanted to be a teaching assistant didn’t I?’ she thought restraining a giggle, it’d be unprofessional after all, ‘all it took was me shedding my clothes and being enslaved! Didn’t imaging being an assistant would involve me standing naked before my class but for boots and a collar while an Orc shaman lectures on human biology to a bunch of goblinoids and Drows’

“Okays, nows cans alls hears Ks’nbosh?” Master asked the other apprentices first in degol and then in low polforian after he had finished up with the latest pack and had them returned to standing at a desk further to the back, when the affirmative came back Master continued speaking in polforian, interspersed with occasional degol or other tongues to clarify issues, with gaps for translations to occur which allowed Alison to follow the lesson herself as Master discussed with her during the gaps as she stood beside him.
This part of the lesson of course was upon how to deliver babies safely and Master began to unlock the restraints on the pregnant woman who slowly got out of harness and struggled to stand properly after the hour or so of being locked in it and Master rubbed her sore joints for a few minutes then had her lay on the large desk on her back with her legs parted. Alison stood at her head and held her hand while smiling gently at her as the woman red faced smiled back nervously having been told what came next.
Master was speaking in low polforian, but Alison and the woman, who whispered her name was Angelina, knew what the tool in his hand was, being a speculum and as Master dipped the tool in boil water for a few moments to clean it. While Alison couldn’t follow the language much yet she knew the basics of what Master was saying from following him these few weeks “Make sure everything clean from boiling water before uses on one animal then on another! Make sure it’s cooled down before using! You are shamans, think before you act!” though Master spent a good few minutes stressing these facts, even switching into degol at several points when one or two queried, or argued, back on why bother do it.
When Master seemed content they’d followed his directions he called them to stand up and come forward in a semi circle to see what was to occur and how to do it, or at least that’s what Alison assumed he was saying as the apprentices began to get up in clumps with more talking between the groups and then they were all getting up and coming forward. Angelina in the meantime was talking controlled breathes seeming to ready herself for the next part of the practical study, as the Orcs and Goblins largely crowded round at the front while humans held back.

Master continued speaking polforian and taking questions as he walked over to between Angelina’s legs and started caressing her nether region for a few minutes, Angelina by now was red faced and breathing rapidly but otherwise silent with eyes closed as Master now evidently decided it was most comfortable to insert the decide into her. Angelina gave a half-grunt half-moan as it was inserted but remained still on the desk one arm over her eyes trying steady her breathing as Master clicked the tool open wider and began lecturing again now on how to utilise it. Master even switched into degol a few times to clarify he had acquired several of the tools in the past while, ‘basically from the school’s medical supplies’ Alison noted mentally as he continued to outline in both tongues that he alone would decide who had access to them and only when they were fully trained.
This part of the lesson lasted perhaps a quarter to a half an hour and was on the details of human birthing and on getting the various apprentices to understand the internal structures involved as they would be expect to help ‘animals calve their pups’ in the coming months. While Alison was mildly embarrassed by this part of the lecture many of the younger girls were completely red-faced at the discussion, much to the amusement of their packmates in some caes.
When it was finished the embarrassed Angelina walked gingerly over to the other two girls and sat down till the third, and final, girl was called over by Master to be restrained in the veterinary harness for discussions on infections and how to identify and treat them. This would last till after midday as Alison and the apprentices, especially the ones on the ‘poor students’ list, listened attentively and came up and performed another round of inspections on this girl, even Alison performed one this time for Master and he was content enough with her performance, especially compared to on the boy yesterday.
‘Boy that was embarrassing for both of us’ she thought about that first inspection ‘but I need to get better at this quickly if I want to keep being useful’
As such Alison was delighted when Master had the class break for food and water and brought himself and Alison for a meal with Dell in their own private room for talk on the days lessons and Dell’s training with her Oscura’s and working in the shop front.......


Myrtle had suffered a pretty miserable life since she was born nineteen years ago in a small fortified village on the edge of Roccasone, an event that had cost her mother’s life and left the child of an unknown father in the care of her drunk of an uncle and his browbeaten wife whose three other children had been the only ones kind to her in the family.
Growing up in the village had been difficult enough all by itself as the unloved child of the poor family without the added terror of Goblin or Orc raids which had further undermined the small colony but had gifted Mrytle with fast legs and a strong back for a girl her age.
She’d learned pretty early on when working in the fields or woods to be able to run home if she saw a threat with her tools and harvested plants as he Uncle had beaten her savagely as he had his own children for the crime of losing vital family tools to the beasts. Myrtle had realised in that instant if it had happened again she probably wouldn’t survive it and the next time the beasts came she outran them even with the extra weight.
As she started to grow into a woman the occasional beatings had increased from the drunken old bastard, though at least the fat fucker showed only rage towards her than lust Mrtyle found and she’d moved out of the farmstead to another nearby village as farmhand the moment she’d come of age.
Of course while the neighbouring village was an improvement from the bastards who were her family they had never really cared for the tomboyish young woman and while tolerated she was very much at the fringes of the social life of the village, baring of course an attempted rape by the village priest that had left her with a painful wrist and him some broken teeth.
And Mrtyle running with her meagre possessions from the village only a few days before the Dark Legion suddenly poured down from Polforia with Werewolfs, Goblins and Orcs shorching her village as the raiders attacked anything that moved. She ran as fast as she could with few breaks for a day and a night till she reached the seeming safety and security of the great walled city of Roccasone.
Not that the tired Myrtle got to enjoy much it in her few days within those walls as found herself sleeping on the streets as a homeless refugee only being fed due to the efforts of the local church school and the convents nuns who provided food and water to the refugees inspite of the attempts of the King and high nobles to either drive them out of the city or pretend they hadn’t existed.
And in the end the city was no safety at all as suddenly the demons minions were flowing without warning throughout the street as Myrtle woke one day and she did what she did best. Myrtle ran.
Twice her thundering feet had saved her from Orcs and Goblins as she escaped their grasp but there was simply nowhere to run for the terrified young woman within the falling city, as all her escape routes were found to be cut off and she was trapped like a rat in a maze.

And in the end there was only one ending to that. Trapped near the lower quarters by a goblin warband Myrtle surrendered without a struggle having learned with her Uncle many years ago resistance would offer limited protection now as then. Perhaps complying would spare her from the cook-pot she’d hoped.
In many ways it did she assumed as she found herself being harnessed in front of a wagon with two other girls to haul whatever loot the goblins had stacked in it, which was a brutal painful few days, even more so than any other in her life though she was seemingly spared competing in the cart races due to her greater strength and endurance hauling the heavier wagon unlike the fragile high born bitches.
This nightmare had continued till again the goblins changed locations and she found herself and the other haulage animals dragging the wagons and equipment to what evidently was the Church School of the city where all the rich bitches and noble brats attended while Myrtle had toiled away in the fields. ‘Well were all equal animals now aren’t we ye highborn bitches’ she’d thought at the time.
The time had the school was radically different than under the goblin chief they’d found out, and disturbingly familiar to Myrtle albeit from the other side of the stall door the farm girl found. The goblins had been brutal, cruel and either locked the girls up followed by brutal work periods or races.
At the school though an Orc Shaman was very clearly in charge of her goblin owners and began actual training regimes with structured feeding's and cleaning's; a structure was somewhat familiar with from working with cattle and horses from her time in the villages. Which to Myrtle had seen both a major improvement in their living conditions which would have proved fatal fairly soon she’d realised under the previous abuse, and that she didn’t exactly relish the prospect of being the on the other side of the breaking in process. Because it too often worked she’d found with most animals.

As such Myrtle’s new life, as well as the other goblin slaves, began at the school as they were roused before dawn by the more intelligent goblins or oscuras, under the Shaman’s orders evidently, and began a physical conditional regime of hauling heavy backpacks of rocks with arms bound behind their backs and blindfolded over the first few days till they were retired after darkness fell to their ‘stables’, where they were fed and watered before falling into an exhausted sleep.
This had continued for a few days till command training became added to the conditioning as it no longer became a matter of running in circles laden down with weight but one of following orders, and the whip, to walk, trot, pee, stand, run, fast run, slow, stop and following the lead of the new harnesses being equipped to their bodies.
Of course as the days went by Mrtyle began to find she was increasingly alone in the stables as the Shaman interviewed his human slaves and began to transfer the useful, ie high-born educated bitches, to other jobs within the slave structure leaving the daughters and wife's of farmers and rural villagers languishing as the ‘horseys’ in the stables. ‘The more things change, the more they stay the same’ she’d thought bitterly.
Her own ‘interview’ as she discovered was as much a full inspection of her body as she’d seen done with the animals in the village as actually talking about herself and her, or more so lack thereof, skills. Which in the end had boiled down to in the end to the two greatest strengths Myrtle had her in life, she had a strong back and fast legs.
Which had meant while several girls rose up to the fancy roles of apprentices or working as nice comfortable laundry women, Myrtle was not going to be one of them instead having all the required attributes of a simple beast of burden, especially opposed to the fragile creatures many of the other girls were.
Still Myrtle was to be special in one way compared to the others, who were to be harnessed as ‘ambulance-girls’ she been told, in that the shaman wanted to train her to carry a small rider, like a horse, and be used as a messenger beast of sorts for his warband owing her been an ‘excellent mare with strong legs, hips and back and fit and healthy to run long time’.

A few other girls were to be trained as well as such, but Myrtle was to be the first evidently owing to her ‘great condition’, bizarrely the first real compliment given to her in years, and while there wasn’t exactly much choice in the new position in life the Shaman had offered her rewards for compliance as well as punishments, compared to the rather low standard expected of the ‘ambulance-girls’ the ‘messenger-horsey’ position required more training and greater compliance.
Better rations, some free time from the harness and other rewards would be given to her if she obeyed. So Mrtyle, or My’rrrrt as the Shaman and goblins referred to her as, unable to pronounce her name evidently, decided to comply, at least for the time being, it wasn’t as if frantic resistance had helped the red-headed noble girl with goblins after all?
So the training continued with physical condition, blindfolded command training as she was driven around this way and that, secured by the new bridal and bit strapped around her head and face and after a few days the commands began to become automatic and intuitive as she started to respond to the shouted commands instantly, the pulls, tugs on the reins and shouts bypassing her conscious mind having her prancing like a trained pony in the courtyard she couldn’t see behind the blinders.
Of course as Myrtle discovered this had brought a gradual improvement in the conditions of her restraints, as the uncomfortable rope and twine binding her arms behind her back was replaced with relatively comfortable leather and cloth binder holding her arms wrist to elbow. The first uncomfortable bridal was replaced with a much more comfortable, but also semi-permanent, leather one around her head to her collar, restricting her movements, with a metal bit in her mouth and attached blinders to sides of her head restricting her vision to straight ahead; though when compared to the almost continual leather blindfold it was a major improvement.

Today though Myrtle was nervous, as the midday sun rose in the sky and she was led out into the courtyard by her soon to be goblin rider, a small thing the size of large child, towards the Orc shaman and a group of people including two naked human girls but for boots and collars. Today was the day she was to be saddled and give the goblin the first test ride.
She recognised both women as she neared them, the first being the shaman’s personal slave girl Alislave who seemed to always be at the Orc’s feet and the other the former stable mate Matilda  or something like that, but now the Orc’s obedient little dressmaker. ‘Lucky bitch’ Myrtle thought grumpily ‘getting to prance around like that unrestrained after whoring herself out and designing this harness they fitted me with’
The harness though was comfortable at least Myrtle had to admit to herself even as it restrained her into a faux horse, the traitor had done her best to reduce the discomfort of wearing it semi-permanently. Myrtle was made stand as the group began inspecting the harness and speak about it and her own body, with the bit in mouth forcing her tongue down between the as it rested on the sides of her mouth against her inner cheeks.
The harness itself consisted on steel shod leather boots strapped up her knees with large legging socks brought halfway up her inner thighs with some leather straps running from these to the waist harness, a reworked noblewoman’s corset now with some leather additions that secured her bound arms, and the leather saddle fixed above them on her back and further secured over her shoulders and around her chest to the corset, though leaving her breasts, buttocks and private exposed inspite of the harness as it went up between them to the collar. From the saddle hung stirrups on either side giving impression of a two legged horse in Myrtle’s view.
“Mount receives Rider!” came the command from the goblin who was to be her rider. She’d grown familiar with the creature the past week as the Shaman had trained it somewhat every day for a short while on ‘taking care’ of Myrtle and the past two days it had slept beside her in the stables, feed her , watered her and controlled her other functions. To ‘acclimatize’ her to him Myrtle knew.

‘Here goes nothing’ she thought to herself as she moved automatically to a squat at the command, back bending forward to manage the coming weight of her rider when she had to stand. Myrtle felt the pressure increase as the goblin slide a foot into one stirrup then pushed itself up into the saddle at her back, and she wobbled somewhat at the moving weight threatening to disrupt her equilibrium but after a second found herself stabilised again in the squat as the Shaman continued to observe and speak to her goblin rider as it took her reins and held them in its hands tightly causing her head to jerk backwards and be held in place only able to move and look directly forward unable now to see the group to her side.
“Mount. Stand!” came the command now loudly behind her head and without thinking she was moving to stand bent forward slightly and legs spread apart to maintain easy balance as the reins and bridal held her head firmly in control, even more so than during the training as the goblin rider shifted on the saddle behind her and began talking to the Shaman again.
‘I wish I could understand them’ Myrtle thought as she stood there with a damned goblin on her back like a man on a horse focusing on listening for commands and maintaining her balance. Surprisingly easier than she’d been afraid of this morning as while the goblin was heavier than his size indicated he was still much lighter than the weighted packs she’d been forced to train in these past few weeks.
“My’rrrt Walk!” came the command along with a relatively gentle kick in the hips from the waist high stirrups and Myrtle found herself jerking forward obediently at what was walking pace in the training, to her surprise there was no problems with the movement and her balance remained perfect as they walked for a few minutes.
Her rider pulled on the rightward rein somewhat causing Myrtle to begin turning rightward slowly as they walked and she found herself turning in a slow circle and was now facing and walking back towards the shaman and his group as the shaman spoke and gave a little clap of his hands to a spoken “goods!”.
“My’rrrt Stop!” came the command and jerking back on the reins strongly, and uncomfortable, on Myrtle’s head causing her to come to sudden stop with “uggghhhh” as it said again “My’rrrt Stays!”
‘Horrifying if easy, compared to the training or pulling that fucking cart this isn’t difficult at all. The stuff i carried running to the city was heavier’ she thought to herself as she reddened at almost casual control of her body by the small rider on her back and as the shaman came over to inspect the harness and restraints on her body. While they had tightened with the extra weight they were still relatively comfortable, and compared to the normal training weights it was an improvement she knew.

The shaman was to her side and while she could hear him continue discuss with her rider, Myrtle found he might as well be invisible thanks to the blinders on the side of her head before in degol she heard directed at her “Good My’rrrt. Is good horseys, Ks’nbosh impresses you learns fast and harness not hurts body. Now’s we tests yous some exercises yes? If does wells then Ks’nbosh rewards My’rrrt with more comfortable fur lays on in stables with hays and some sweet fruits!”
‘That actually sounds nice’ she thought to herself as shaman ordered his small group to stand out of the way and Myrtle heard him walk towards them as they passed out of her highly restricted field of view.
“My’rrrt Walk!” came the command with hip kick as the reins loosen slightly and she jerked forward into a walk and over the next few minutes was doing a slow circular circuit of the grass courtyard, till “My’rrrt Trot!” came the sudden command followed by another kick and Myrtle began to increase her speed to jog as they completed another half dozen circuits of the courtyard.
“My’rrrt Run!” followed by the crack of a small cane against Myrtle’s left right buttock caused her to again increase speed to the cry of “oooooooo” and tried to jerk her head from side to side from the sudden sting but found the reins and bridal holding her head locked firmly in place as she ran like a puppet on a string......


Ks’nbosh was impress with My’rrrt and rider Nosh’nosh as they performed another set of training practices, this time a jump over a knee high wooden board where My’rrrt wobbled a little stayed standings and thens goes into trot. And not even shows signs of been tireds after half hours practices. ‘Such strong mare! Impressives!’ Ks’nbosh thinks.
Neither Alislave nor Matty-slave were really happys about practices Ks’nbosh knows but not surprising as animals not like see others been trained but Ks’nbosh happy they not says anything’s but helpful things to Ks’nbosh on females trainings so Ks’nbosh rewards boths later after meetings.
“Matty-slave do goods jobs!” Ks’nbosh tells Matty-slave and give her quick rub on neck as she smile happily “Ks’nbosh lets have one boozes tonights withs some extras foods and extras for slave helps Matty-slave makes goods harness for horseys! Make mores Ks’nbosh will orders soons. Need training up a fews messanger-horseys for when on campaign and maybe for Succubus-Queen”
Alislave and Matty-slave looked a little nervous at the mention of Succubus-Warlord, Ks’nbosh not surprise as she was great lord and almost Demon Lord as wells! All humans should fears hers Ks’nbosh finds since she own former evil human city!
“Is okays Alislave, Matty-slave! Ks’nbosh not brings you nears Succubus-Queen. They havings race in two moons in bigs fightings building for big-wigs leaders and Ks’nbosh enters My’rrrt in races so shows shaman skills and hopefully gets workings off Succubus-Queen before campaigns! After all she offers Ks’nbosh stays in great Skullscity if Ks’nbosh not becomes great wizard in evil humans lands of Degolands!” Ks’nbosh says to them and they seem calm downs as he talks “Matty-slave saddles better than pains on other horseys Ks’nbosh has seens and My’rrrt strong mare! Strong legs and backs! And Ks’nbosh teachs Khosh’nosh be smarts rider likes with warg riders and My’rrrt smarters than Warg toos! Ks’nbosh thinks they wins and show skills!”

Ks’nbosh know time for moving from Skullsplace was approaching, only two-thirds moon-cycle lefts Ks’nbosh thinks after talking Brave Captain Merrick’s and his banners yesterdays so Ks’nbosh trains shaman-apprentices as quickly as possible and give most important lessons at starts in cases have less times than thinks.
That meant human-animals like Alislave and hows to treats them and inspects them for sickness and ages and breedings, Ks’nbosh does human-bulls yesterdays and human-mares todays and tomorrows as have plenty of study subjects for females unlike males and Ks’nbosh needed gets apprentices takes cares of horseys such as ambulance-horseys, chariot-horseys and saddle-horseys so frees up mores of Ks’nbosh times.
“Racing Master.....will....the girl be okay doing that?” Alislave asked a little nervous looking over as My’rrrt was ordered to mark her territory and moved to obey. ‘Alislave always so kinds and thinkings dangers to slaves’ Ks’nbosh things with smiles ‘Ks’nbosh trainings Alislave wells!’
“Is okays Alislave, Succubus-Queen scaries but keeps words Ks’nbosh finds. My’rrrt be safes as Succubus-Queen not touches others slaves likes thats unless slaves insults. And My’rrrt trains wells and knows be goods, ifs wins maybes matings but probalys nots as My’rrrt not nobles like others, Ks’nbosh already tells My’rrrt and promises rewards if wins” Ks’nbosh tell Alislave who look at him curiously as did Matty-slave.
Ks’nbosh and others continues observe horsey practice for another whiles then Ks’nbos order Nosh’nosh have horsey stand at attention and perform inspection on harness and female after short practice, races probably be shorters after all, and whiles horsey stand at attention it only pants through bits and sweats lots it showed no signs of exhaustion or damages from practices, harness also stills holds perfects and not causes pains to horsey. ‘Goods!’ Ks’nbosh thinks with reliefs.
“S’okay nows practices horsey for another hours then rest and waters for whiles then another practices for hours and rest. Does thats till gets darks and then washs horsey and puts in stable. Not remove harness! Only saddle and bit! Understands?” Ks’nbosh tells half-Ur-Dur goblin rider who nods head enthuastically
“Leavings these two Oscuras heres helps, if any big troubles gets Ks’nbosh, Alislave or if cants then get dark-elfies-apprentices to fixes. Horsey is nots be in bigs pains! Or Ks’nbosh punishes yous! You is riders and must learn treats animal well and animal be loyals!” Ks’nbosh continue for tenth times hammering in lessons to smart goblin so will learn. Ks’nbosh needs thems treat mares better after all so works well in campaigns or if used in cities!

As Knosh’nosh nodded “Yes Great-wizards! Promisez! Iz learns fasts, treats My’rrrts goods and rewards as goods horsies should! Is strongs and fasts and carries Nosh’nosh fasts! Is bestests and wins races and helps wins battles promisesz!” came the enthusiastic reply, but Ks’nbosh glad see goblin hold reins tight and control mount even as talks, Ks’nbosh glad chooses experienced Warg rider with smarts!
Then Ks’nbosh see Dell waving’s as she skips toward him and he turns towards her asking “Dell-mate you here early?”
“Hi Ksny, Hi Alislave!” she spoke happily “Hi other slave in boots! Ksny forgets! Skullsplittys is heres for meetings and Rheas’urs goblins and ups in meetings rooms. Delly gives food and boozes!”
Ks’nbosh blinked in surprise, then look at sky for moment.
‘Oh’s Ks’nbosh spends longer than thinks!’ Ks’nbosh realise before replying to Dell “Ks’nbosh not realises is as lates Dell, sorries. We goes nows and meets with thems”
‘First though’ Ks’nbosh thinks turning to Alislave and Matty-slave “Matty-slave Ks’nbosh have meetings now so can’t continues here, Ks’nbosh want yous go backs to cloth and leather slaves and makes sures next lots of harness is readys next few days as talks about early ons. Also needs you checks horsey harness when she finish practice and sees and adjustment needs”
Matty-slave bowed deeply as she replied to Ks’nbosh in low polforian “Matty-animal understands Masters. Slave obey Master” Ks’nbosh impress Matty-slave improves learning civilized tongue.
Ks’nbosh nod with smile “Goods Matty-slave is good animal. Nows Alislave we goes with Dell for meetings with Dunwelf-not-like-skulls and Rheas’ur nows”

Matty-slave bow again then walk off quickly towards where her under-slaves secured by chain and Alislave fall in behind Ks’nbosh and Dell as walk toward meeting room as Ks’nbosh ask Dell “Is good news with Dunwelf-not-likes-skulls Dell? You is in goods moods”
Dell grinned back at Ks’nbosh Skullsplitty is puttings on dress whens leaves! Is funnies and he goods forms! And Ksny promise Delly have boozes tonights before beds with Dell and Alislave and have relaxes and funs!”
Ks’nbosh sigh ‘Trust Dell to remember that’ he think though ‘Ks’nbosh be very busy and stress since start trainings and practices. Could do with nice relaxing tonights’
“Okay we relaxes tonights and have one or two boozes. Be on campaigns soons so might as wells enjoys when cans. And how was shopfronts? Sells well!” Ks’nbosh says as thinks ‘Is fairs since Ks’nbosh buyings good bits booze for rewards apprentices and warrior squads who does well. Ks’nbosh, Dell and Alislave deserve reward toos!’
“YEPS! We does betters than Ksny says in mornings! Thoughs we needs more funny reds powders for boozes and funny stuffs give slave-horsies at races” Dell was saying smiling as they walked. ‘Thats really goods!’ Ks’nbosh thinks ‘they earns most coins! Thoughs needs makes mores tomorrows now......maybes Ks’nbosh have shows apprentices makes somes?....hmmmm....or maybe Alislave.....hmmmm’ Ks’nbosh decide tomorrow he decide after few minutes.
As they walk Ks’nbosh watch apprentices with ambulance-horseys as Ks’nbosh asks, he ask tomorrows results of inspections from each pack and insures was reward and punish base on performance, though Ks’nbosh already guess which packs likely be bestest already after few days with apprentices, still Ks’nbosh ask “Is Alislave talks any pack slaves if problems? Ks’nbosh things packs starting to works well baring one or two”
Alislave smiled shyly and nodded as they walked “Not really Master, since Master punish Orc who beat human female animal packs try treat slave-apprentices okays. Thoughs only fews have clothes on under the robe”
Ks’nbosh not surprise by thats, Orcs and Goblins rarely let human-animals wear cloths and furs like Ks’nbosh not lets his slaves unless colds, is rewards after all from Master to animal! Though Alislave somewhat right and need get more foot coverings on slaves to keep them healthy, Ks’nbosh find it vital with horseys but also important with apprentices.
“Alislave not worrys, Orcs and Goblins not wears much furs and cloths as much as humans and while Ks’nbosh know human wants mate all time without clothes but not matter in packs. Alislave not wears any evers and Alislave more important than slave-apprentices” Ks’nbosh reply teasings Alislave a little as she always saying about thats. Alislave flush little and smile slightly seeing teasing and Dell laugh too.

‘Dunwelf-not-like-skulls find new dress’ Ks’nbosh note as suppress sigh upon entering the meeting room when Kanov and Goblin sitting having drink of booze each ‘stills he agrees not wear at trainings so Ks’nbosh understands he crazy wants best left alone when frees’
“Captain-Ks’nbosh” Dunwelf-not-like-skulls say respectful giving smile on horrid scared face as Ks’nbosh feel Alislave stand nearer to Ks’nbosh “I hope your medical training program has met with positive outcomes, it’s quite rare after all for teachers to have access to many live specimens for study” Rheas’ur just give salute and look at Kanov strangely stills not used to crazy Kanov talks.
Ks’nbosh nod “Ks’nbosh find apprentices learnings as best cans, some packs very good but somes.....not so goods, probably have them does lesser works when on campaign where Ks’nbosh make sure they nots mess up” he says as takes seat on bench as Dell sat beside him and Alislave knelt on his other side listening, though her civilized words still less than Matty-slave.
“Always the dangers with training of medical interns of course” Dunwelf-not-like-skulls say with sage nod “though we ourselves are encountering the same problems with our own trainees, we performed a series of simulated scenarios as part of team building exercises today and had less than optimum results from a few squads”
“Theys breaks likes rotten twigs?” Ks’nbosh ask guessing what ‘simulated scenarios’ were, ie. Dunwelf-not-like-skulls and better warriors performing pretends berserker charge on a few defending squads with wooden weapons on both sides.
Rheas’ur laughs “Sees bigs Kanovs and Orkies and drops shields! Few starts cryings!” the goblin had been highly amused by the mock battles.
Dunwelf-not-likes-skulls nod but at least not laugh “Sadly yes, partially my fault and Escadora’s.....we were....ah....somewhat enthusiastic in our simulations and this had a negative impact on weaker squad cohesion in later simulations”
Delly laugh, Ks’nbosh sigh as both remember how Kanov friend like when.... enthusiastic...in pretends battles “You not kills anys?” Ks’nbosh asks
Dunwelf-not-like-skulls shook his head as reply “There were no fatalities caused during the simulations, all those involved will recover within the next day or two. I’m quite impressed with several of them for their courage and will provide rewards and other incentives for such behaviour once they are recovered. Captain-Ks’nbosh’s valuable teaching time as such will not be wasted on their minor injuries”
‘That’s goods at least’ Ks’nbosh thinks relieved as Dell translate, badly, to Alislave who smile too as Dell and Rheas’ur laugh ‘was afraid have spend times fixing thats’

They spoke for next while on progress of the warband training which Ks’nbosh was glad to hear was going at least as predicted, Warriors be able walk in formation and guard wagons at least Dunwelf-not-like-skulls assure Ks’nbosh. Though he say next “...though I do believe you need to provide yourself a full bodyguard going forward boss, not just fair Delly’ndra here and a few of her Oscuras, this location is secure, as is our encampment due to the presence of our sister mercenary organisation. As a growing public figure a proper escort would be preferable especially as the city continues to fill with members of the high command”
Ks’nbosh nod sadly, Skullplace increasingly filling with fancy-demon followers and Succubus-Queen having to hold more entertainments to keeps all happy from slaves fightings, demon-rituals, more organised horsey races and specials horsey race for likes of Captain Merrick’s in two days and stage shows of blindfolded and bound former noble females through cage mazes under controls of Orc and goblin teams with prizes to winners. Ks’nbosh not have time see anys since so busys, maybes at race in two days but Ks’nbish rather focus on business as finds too many entertainments in Skullsplace too wasteful.
“Dunwelf-not-like-skulls is rights of course, Ks’nbosh needs escort for races anyways as wants you Dell stays heres with Alislave and minds shop. Lots work to dos” Ks’nbosh tells them then translates for Alislave as all nod in agreement.
“Wizard-Boss sees big-demon-lady-boss agains? Iz works? We okays?” Rheas’ur ask again as had few days ago, Broken Copper Hills had recently done.....poorly...with higher ups in Dark Legion till Ks’nbosh come along.
Ks’nbosh nod as reply “Is more Captain Merrick meetings than Ks’nbosh, but Ks’nbosh invited and can gets works before we leaves like saddle-harness and ambulance-harness that Succubus-Warlord wants. Be rudes not attends after invites and being rudes to Succubus-Queen.........be very, very dumbs” he tell goblin who nod that would be dumb idea. Dumb idea with very dead dumb orc at end.
“What not bring Dell or Alislave!” Dell pouted “Delly want see funny games and races!”
“Because only Ks’nbosh invite with Captain Merrick and other warband leaders” Ks’nbosh reply to Dell, though Alislave was delighted not have to go “and not bring Alislave because she be scared all times, also not like some succubus way treat slaves and keep Alislave safe. And Ks’nbosh needs Dell keeps Den safe, and Ks’nbosh want Dell safe. Be very dangerous for Oscura Dell. Is some big-wigs. Ks’nbosh smiles, has horsey win races and stays quiet”
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Comments: 24

AielloA [2015-02-11 11:01:12 +0000 UTC]

I have to say, this story is pretty awesome. I'm tempted to write my own story set in Aiers now, but I really shouldn't until I get some more work done on the other stories I've already started...

I wouldn't say no to a cameo from Carrion, though!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

theirishdreamer In reply to AielloA [2015-02-11 12:03:21 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for that!
Haha we'll try and work a cameo into the campaign when (I eventually) get to that part. I'm sure Carrion is busy raiding while Ks'nbosh gets to run around building his warband.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AielloA In reply to theirishdreamer [2015-02-11 12:27:50 +0000 UTC]

Well, it's not that much of a stretch, really... Carrion's "flavor text" had her in the northwestern parts of Polforia, so it's perfectly feasible that she could have met Ks'nbosh there. I also think it would be hilarious for her to have a (one-sided) rivalry with Dell, for that matter. I mean, think of the possibilities ;D

Also an intelligent Ozcura would be as powerful a blow against racial stereotypes as a literate Orcish Shaman.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Walt-Marsters [2015-02-09 19:27:36 +0000 UTC]

The horror scenario I find the most terrifying, is humans become reduced to mere animals by some non-human race. It takes away everything humankind has created as a civilization and reduces their culture to a pointless, futile endeavour. And you are bringing it pretty good!

The fascinating thing is that Ks'nbosh and co don't think of themselves as the bad guys. Humans are the bad guys and they have to be returned to their natural station: being pack animals for the truly civilized races of Aiers. In his own way, the shaman is convinced he's a good man for treating his cattle so nicely and compassionately. For the humans, it is at best a mixed blessing. They aren't beaten and eaten by goblins and orcs anymore, but being used as a horse ... that's quite different from being a knight or even a free citizen in a city.

Enjoying your story more with each chapter.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

theirishdreamer In reply to Walt-Marsters [2015-02-09 20:04:00 +0000 UTC]

Well I've been reading your stories and decided 'hell lets go the full domestication route with Skallgard', they'll have a large population of slaves (mostly women, girls and younger boys) and alot of needs as the usual animals (horses, oxen, wargs, dogs, etc) are all necessary war materials and a) taken for the invasion (as such vital vs slaves who ain't) and b) lost in significant numbers post invasion for a decade of two
So you have non-human species in need of all the roles we use animals for combined with large slave populations pre and post invasion. Its a logical progression for Skallgard to go the route of using human and elves to fill in the gaps as pets, horses, ratpack, etc. So just start apply twisted versions of actual animal training techniques plus a way for some slaves to get 'out' of slavery and you've got a functional frontier society built for long war.

Well from Ks'nbosh point of view humans are definitely the bad guys. Ks'nbosh is willing to allow some humans free if they are Dark Legion loyalists, or as slaves like Alislave even while he treats even his 'livestock' well, they resisted and have evil goals after all. Remember Humanity is pretty genocidal from the Orcish point of view, rarely enslaving or offering terms. In Aiers from Ks'nbosh POV humanity, and all his friends and associates, are very clearly the bad guys.

And as you said its a very mixed blessing as this chapter (and the next probably using the 'entertainments') shows clearly, especially for freeborn women and especially high noblewomen. For Myrtle though, and many peasant girls the change in circumstances might not be massive, her life is hard but not much harder than when a serf.
A lady knight though....that would be a blow going from the rider to the mount. I'll do a Pov on the campaign t somepoint for a Lady Knight as one of Rheas'ur's chariot horseys.
Glad your enjoying!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Walt-Marsters In reply to theirishdreamer [2015-02-09 20:17:05 +0000 UTC]

It is in any case a very practical use of the human slaves. One, Laisha would approve of. This development might be speeded up by the necesity of using whatever true animals remain as livestock for the upcoming difficult winters. So they wouldn't be available for work. And Laisha doesn't relish the thought of humans being eaten. Even though they are not much more than animals in her view, eating just seems so ... barbaric.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

theirishdreamer In reply to Walt-Marsters [2015-02-09 20:26:28 +0000 UTC]

Yeah not a bad idea for her as with probable post invasion chaos it'd be years before 'normal' war material livestock would be restored (and by then the culture could be in place of just use humans/elves for the non-eating roles). Actually cattle then would be the major ones owing to providing milk (you could theoretically supplement with human women there and maybe wargs?) and meat, the two more useful food-supplies.
Plus humans are intelligent, eating a useful work force would be....wasteful. Maybe it'd be like delicacy or something from gladiator fights for 'high society' demons, it'd be pragmatical concession from someone like her.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Walt-Marsters In reply to theirishdreamer [2015-02-09 21:00:22 +0000 UTC]

Yes, maybe. But she would never eat human flesh herself. That's something she would consider more suitable for orcs or gobline. Not succubae.

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theirishdreamer In reply to Walt-Marsters [2015-02-09 21:03:53 +0000 UTC]

Sorry said that badly. More-so I meant for her subordinates of her kingdom that'd be Orcs' etc. Though her opinions would probably 'rub off' on them as their Queen and practice might be looked down upon as 'uncouth' like with the Galaw.

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Walt-Marsters In reply to theirishdreamer [2015-02-09 21:06:44 +0000 UTC]

Yes, that could very well happen. Although ... the ways of orcs are not easily changed!

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theirishdreamer In reply to Walt-Marsters [2015-02-09 21:08:35 +0000 UTC]

Haha...too true!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

theirishdreamer [2015-02-09 18:13:22 +0000 UTC]


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larqven [2015-02-09 17:38:02 +0000 UTC]

Another meeting with Queen Laisha?  One surprise meeting went very well.  Hopefully a second one will also. 

Interesting new character in the addition of Myrtle, or Mrrrrt!  The having to run away from goblins on a farm setting was very interesting and pithy!  It gives a very good indication of what living in a Polforian colony would be like for those farmers out there.  It was also interesting hearing of Myrtle running to the city of Roccasone before the fall.  Signs of war and distress ought to have been quite visible, but the city was on a 'lockdown from reality'.  The escape behind the walls of Roccasone became a bad joke to poor Myrtle.

Now she gets to become a riding horse.  She still has some spirit--but attitude.  Myrtle seems to be well conditioned to obey, but shows signs of disobedience and rebellion potentials?  It makes me worry about the races?

Tying arms back makes sense for security, but it does steal some speed and efficiency from running performance.  Swinging one's arms when running is not insignificant.  Having her arms free enough to 'pump' when running would make sense. Maybe with her hands gloved and padded, and the arms strapped to prevent full extension of the arm?

In any case, the conditioning exercises were interesting and made sense.  It's nerve racking to even think about.  It's one thing to run, even to run great distances, on a track.  It's quite another to run with a weight on the back, over countryside, and jumping over stuff!  Myrtle must be a strong girl indeed!

Looks like training outside isn't so sanguine?  Well, a hospital train isn't meant to go looking for trouble, but as it is said, what if trouble finds them!?  These recruits will never make front line soldiers, but they'll have to be able to stare down and fend off skirmishers.  At least getting a tough test now will make the real thing less terrifying, and the new soldiers less likely to break in a catastrophic fashion.

Interesting how Ks'nbosh lost track of time in the testing of Mrrrt.  He needs the riding horse system to work, if it doesn't work here, it will break down in the field.  Plus, it has to work on a race, and the race will be important.

But as Ks'nbosh suggests, much to Dell's unhappiness at being left out or missing funny games, he has so much to do, and not a lot of time to do it in.  Meeting the big boss of Skallgard is not to be taken lightly.

It also sounds like a lot of supplies and drug components are approaching exhaustion as well?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

theirishdreamer In reply to larqven [2015-02-09 18:13:42 +0000 UTC]

Well its less a 'meeting' for Ks'bosh than a 'Gala' or reception for various warlords being invited to watch various races and gladiatorial battles while Laisha tries to judge their threat or usefulness. Ks'nbosh is there with Merrick as the 'horse trainer'  for the warlord. Basically a show of Merrick having a 'look at what I can do', winning the race being a optional bonus for bragging rights, while Ks'nbosh can go 'Look at my training services! Buys!' . There's benefits of course if Ks'nbosh can just make himself seem as useful to 'high-society'. Also why he's leaving potential dangers (Dell, Alislave, Dunwelf) away from such an event.

Yeah Myrtle has had an unfortunate life, but then again peasant life in the real Crusader states was often like that, especially towards the end. And when states like that start to go down a sense of collective delusion seems to creep in just before the Fall. I'm sure people noticed the cracks but preferred to ignore them, Myrtle though is just a simple country girl fleeing terror to the Big City, she'd not understand the veneer vs the reality with only a few days exhausted living in the city. In many ways her life was a bad joke, everything always going wrong.

She's not broken, merely docile and conditioned with some Pavlovian responses (hence the blindfolded training getting gradually more complex and controlling over the weeks) and Ks'nbosh is doing a 'rough and ready' training program, he'd prefer a 2-3 month training period but only has half that at best. But she'll not cause trouble owing to seeming to be pointless for her. In many ways she's the test bed for the 'horseys', owing to her already existent strengths (she's a medieval farm girl on the frontier vs Alison, posh city girl) which allow less 'muscle building' vs the other girls, she's just the strongest.
As is the harness, Ks'nbosh is willing to sacrifice some speed and efficiency at the moment to ensure compliance and security at the moment till he and Matty 'learn' better harness design and a more efficient design will probably arrive in time! I'm open to suggestions on a secure but efficient version?

Nerve-racking and uncomfortable but doable from history (Irish Army in 40's did 40 pound pack quick marches over 44-miles in 11 hours at one stage), humans are THE ultimate endurance runner especially a fit healthy girl like Myrtle with such slow build training. It's why it has uses as a message runner. One big advantage Ks'nbosh might have in the race is he takes training and the idea seriously unlike several of his competitors I'd suspect (some of whom likely just want to torment former young noblewomen before Laisha). And Ksny is focused on getting things 'working' on the practice field with a few weeks to fix any issues than risk it in the field after all. As the apprentices show, some things work and others less so.

Yeah while rear areas that doesn't mean no fighting, alot of areas will be bypassed or besieged as the Dark Legion advances and resistance forces and skirmishers are always a danger as you said. And Dunwelf in full 'battle-mode' even with wooden weapon is as terrifying as it gets!
And yeah sales are good but some ingredients for the 'popular but non-essential' drugs would be getting strained owing to Ks'nbosh's rapid, mass produced strategy, also demand is outstripping Ksny's production. He'll probably replace the essentials (and kept the rare stuff from the school) for the medical and veterinary services as they leave.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

larqven In reply to theirishdreamer [2015-02-09 19:20:28 +0000 UTC]

I suppose that Myrtle might be happy to compete against high class girls as well?  That's one way she'd try and do her best beyond just avoiding punishment at the race.  Yeah, I'm sure that she has many advantages, even without being drugged?  I wonder if that's allowed?

Some former lady knights or such might make stiff competition for her?  But they may not have the advantages of a better system!

"Hey!  No fair!  That horse's tack is designed to actually work!" I could imagine someone exclaiming.

Maybe the arms could be secured with thong straps attached to leather cuffs at the elbows, and anchored to the corset?  The elbow needs to have the freedom to swing back and forth and in opposition to each other, so that leaves binding the arms together out.  It would be impossible to raise the arms up very far, or to throw any sort of proper punch.  Although an arm could swing about a smack a short goblin in the face?  Another strap running from the front of the corset to the wrist or mid-forearm where the arm starts to really widen several cm up from the wrist might prevent unexpected jabs going to the side?

Maybe about 30cm of strap along the side of the corset securing the elbow, and 35cm of strap at the front going to the forearm might allow arm use without being able to punch or use the arms for anything other than running?  Hands being secured in padded mittens, and elbow cuff being padded to prevent elbowing either accidental or intentional? 

Come to think of it, a free knee and foot is going to be a greater threat anyway, than a fist or elbow with any sort of inhibition.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

theirishdreamer In reply to larqven [2015-02-09 19:48:53 +0000 UTC]

Yeah Myrtle wouldn't have any unhappy thoughts against highborn girls, between the reward offered of even fruit and stuff plus the 'reward' of putting rich girls 'in their place' would encourage her significantly even without the training. She won't be drugged, at least not with the 'energy drink' anyway as unlike the girls harnessed to the carts she has significant freedom of movement even while under control, as Neiri showed even when locked in place between wooden bars the 'wonder drug' sends the horsey into a barey controlled frenzy. I'm sure its allowed though and Ks'nbosh has sold such potions before......but would another rider be able to control his mount after using it...

Myrtle could have some competition, its a relatively 'open' even bar it being two legged saddles (and probably a few fancily trussed up as it high-society) but as you said the fact Ks'nbosh takes it seriously and isn't cruel deliberatly is an advantage. For example Rhonda. She's perfectly capable of entering a 'horsey' with relatively sensible harness and controls but would feel the need to add painful or humiliating attachments to the mount for her amusement that would impede the girls overall speed (like piercings or straps). For some the 'entertainment' is more important than the winning at the moment. Its a few, like Laisha, Ks'nbosh and a few others who are interested in the long term practical applications.

Hmmm...that kind of restraint could work, its about restricting the mounts capacity to resist and force it to follow the will of the rider obediently. With padded hands and such restraints freeing itself from the harness would be incredibly difficult. Perhaps on campaign...
THe feet and knees are dangerous but between bridal/bit holding the head in place and arms secured the threat of resistance is lowered significantly. Even 'making  break for it' is badly restricted by the combination and the blinders as Myrtle shows here - she's very dependent on the rider for directions beyond immediately in front of her. To the 'horsey' the rider is effectively god controlling their vision, direction and even body functions from walking to running.

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larqven In reply to theirishdreamer [2015-02-09 20:32:19 +0000 UTC]

Also controlling urinating and such, I've noticed.  'Marking Territory'!  LoL

A little goblin telling Myrtle to "Go Pee."  And she does, almost automatically after awhile.  Maybe even having a hard time doing it without the order?  Grateful to be given the order, as without the ability to speak, she can't ask?

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theirishdreamer In reply to larqven [2015-02-09 20:52:26 +0000 UTC]

Yeah that's from Ks'nbosh, he pulled something similar with Alison after all at the start in he doggie phase. Basically so she's house broken, Mr-bitey-face wet inside the Den after all till trained. The Horror!

And that extends over to the 'horsey' training and his teachings to the riders. The little goblin basically starts to control Myrtle in totality as you said, as time goes by it becomes first routine, then necessary to be ordered to go. She can't speak (and is largely forbidden when not (rarely) with bit). Want to urinate or other? Whine maybe, wait for Master permission. Need water, beg its same. Have an itch? Tough luck arms bound. Feeling horny. Tough luck same. To her the goblin rider is the boss even when its not in the saddle, all necessary for a theoretically higher escape risk horsey than the others.
As time goes by Myrtle will start struggling with NOT being commanded when moving or what to do the longer harnessed. Plus Ks'nbosh wants (and probably later Laisha) wants properly house broken animals!

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larqven In reply to theirishdreamer [2015-02-09 21:38:57 +0000 UTC]

On the other hand, having to ask for a bathroom break is pretty humiliating too.  Especially when going in full view. 

Having to be quite creative in asking for permission would be pretty amusing!  She stamps her foot twice?

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theirishdreamer In reply to larqven [2015-02-09 21:56:10 +0000 UTC]

True as Myrtle noted about 'horrific but easy', Ks'nbosh largely offsets humiliation against pain in the training, as Myrtle was trained, first the constant nudity, then the simple commands and then greater commands like that. And that's only the 'prototype' of the system, as the more animistic and submissive she becomes the better her treatment and conditions become.
I'd suspect 'begging' would start getting creative as the campaign starts and a system for various things creeps in among the riders and mounts, after all the girls are essentially Wargs now and been 'ridden' by experienced Warg riders.
What type of system would Warg riders use to identify their mounts needs?

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larqven In reply to theirishdreamer [2015-02-09 23:06:10 +0000 UTC]

Wargs are 'dogs'.  Dangerous dogs that could kill a poor goblin pretty easily.  They'll be social and all, which is why they'll be trainable, and they have the benefit of being a mount that can fight and kill as well.

Myrtle and the girls are 'horses'  a different sort of mount.  They're slaves as opposed to wargs which operate off of a pack mentality.  They'd be different relationships than the riding the wargs.

The whole idea of 'marking territory' makes different sense when wargs are the mounts, though.  The urine serving to warn other sorts of wolves away from campsites or a desired route, or a means to follow a route laid down by a scout, encouraging his warg to urinate?

But that might be a difficult thing to train, out in the wild?

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theirishdreamer In reply to larqven [2015-02-09 23:23:22 +0000 UTC]

Its curious though while the girls will think of themselves as horses as many other will as well, but the goblins riding them would all be experienced Warg riders.
And as such would be focused on using their experiences with Warg bitches as their starting point for training (with Ks'nbosh's training helping) so they could possibly trained in packs with their riders forcing them to act warg-like in much their behaviours especially when in the stables/kennels and on the road. Hence the marking territory comments, Ksny is basing on Mr-bitey-face and the goblin on his training with Wargs.
And as Ks'nbosh and co. get more focused on the campaign the training will shift more into the hands of the riders (with the structure setup and monitored) who are laregly the boss of the women and girl 'horseys' or maybe better 'humargs'? so to the goblin riders their human warg 'bitches' (as in the female wolf sense) and should act as such. And they have to power to make them follow those behaviours.

So I'm trying to think on what the training measures would be in that regards? Any ideas?
Yeah they'd be difficult to train too (Wargs) as their dangerous wild animals but are like dogs in many ways and maybe trained as such?

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larqven In reply to theirishdreamer [2015-02-10 06:16:00 +0000 UTC]

I don't really know anything that you haven't already covered.  Basically working one on one with one's 'dog'.

Maybe there is something to be learned in a dog training site?  Particularly learning about police dogs might give some clues?

There are some major differences though.  The warg might be subject to the goblin and be ridden by the goblin, but the warg is a collaborative and eager partner.  A big difference is that a warg is going to not just carry the goblin, but also actively look for and sense dangers by eyes, ears, and nose.  A warg will fight for its goblins.  A challenge might be restraining and redirecting the warg's natural impulses to it acts on the directives of the goblin rider.  But this is to run where it is directed, retreat, wait to attack when ordered. 

A human horse is a slave that isn't acting in the same cooperative way.  Has her senses and any offensive capabilities restrained.  Warg riders are using their mounts to look for and engage trouble.  Human horses will be using her running ability to carry messages without intending to get into offensive situations.

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theirishdreamer In reply to larqven [2015-02-10 09:36:23 +0000 UTC]

That is probably the best idea, see how dogs behave in a kennel and police dog/other similar dog training environment and mix it up with horse training.

That's true in the difference between the roles, one is active combat while the other is based on speed and endurance, and also to control them and prevent the escapes. Most likely kennelling them near the wargs and have the 'pack' familiarise themselves with the girls by sniffing combined with 'marking territory' regular in the wilds would be an added layer of security to prevent escape of an sort. Considering the differences the warg riders will find it an much more controlling riding situation with a more 'docile' mount after all.

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