thepencilandpaperguy — The House 'Expanded Edition' by-nc-sa [NSFW]

Published: 2009-05-07 17:58:14 +0000 UTC; Views: 913721; Favourites: 2473; Downloads: 771
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This is a Expanded, rewritten, and otherwise director's cutted version of my story The House. I really wasn't happy with the original version as posted, so I spent some time working the story over a bit. Some scenes were re-written, some were expanded. Almost all got a bit of polishing. And threw in a alternate final dream that I had originally ditched, but figured it was better then what I used on second look. Let me know if you guys like this one better, if you do I'll take the old one down.

Without further ado: I present

The House (Expanded Edition)

Emily fell into bed with a sigh after hauling boxes and furniture and clothes and books and… she didn’t want to think about it anymore. Just thinking about it made her tired, reminding her of the further unpacking that would go on tomorrow.
She slowly peeled off her clothes as she lay there, too tired to get out of bed. Her pajamas were in a box someplace, and it was unlikely that anyone would see her naked up here on the fourth floor of her new house.
It was a nice house, she supposed. Big and roomy, her old apartment could have fit in the living room and kitchen. She felt a tinge of sadness thinking about her comfy old apartment, which was likely already so much rubble. It was probably her ex, the bitch, who talked the developers into building a mini-mall there. She would do something like that. “See here, Mr. Trower? You can build a lovely mini mall and make all sorts of money, if you just smash down that ratty old apartment building over there…”
She had been lucky that this place was for sale so cheaply. The realtor had told her they had been trying to move it for a while, but with the real estate market being what it was; eventually the bank finally gave up, and lowered the price, but still there had been few showings and no offers. The realtor showed her around, and she fell in love with it instantly, using her savings and the remnants of her 401k to buy it outright a few days later, after the building inspectors signed off on it.
Still, it was an unfamiliar house, the noises and sounds of it at night made sleeping harder then she’d have imagined. Finally, she padded to the kitchen, feeling thirsty. Tipping up the jug, she drank... and drank... polishing off half a gallon before she was satiated. Feeling comfortably full, she slipped back upstairs, enjoying the sensation of the milk sloshing in her as she walked. She wasn't normally a glutton, but sometimes a full belly felt so nice...

Finally, feeling full and comfortable, she dozed off. And began to dream…

In her dream, she stood in a ruined church, or maybe it was a monastery, she couldn’t tell. There was a feeling of peace here, but also something else, like an aching sort of need, as sunlight streamed through the broken roof into the large dusty room, a few broken beds lying on the ageing hardwood floor.

As her eyes adjusted, she realized she was not alone here. A group of women stood together, looking at her, each of them with immense, swollen breasts jutting out from their chests. There was something pleading about the way they looked at her, and she felt a sense of huge, tugging pressure and a longing for release in that gaze.

She came to the first one, a ravishing brunette who slowly removed her milk stained shirt, exposing her bloated, turgid breasts. Emily lightly caressed one, admiring them and feeling how full and tight they were. A little milk leaked from the woman, and she looked at Emily, the pleading feeling stronger now, as Emily realized what she wanted her to do. Kneeling, she licked the woman’s nipples and began to drink. The woman sighed as Emily relived her of her burden, the sense of pressure that seemed to radiate from her fading away.

The others slowly pressed in, and as one was drained, another would remove her shirt and Emily would move to the next one… and the next one.... and the next one... each one seemed bigger and more swollen then the last as the pressure within Emily’s own belly began to grow as she drank more and more, stretching to contain so much…

In her bedroom, Emily tossed in her sleep, the pressure making her uncomfortable, her flat belly slowly giving rise to a bump, and then a full pot belly that she scratched at a little as she dreamed. More and more she drank in the dream, larger and larger she swelled in the real world…

She groaned as she finished raining the second to last one dry, her hands resting on her swollen belly. It was incredibly full, so tight and heavy she struggled to move it. She waddled to the last one, feeling it undulate like a water balloon and slowly eased herself down on her knees. Looking up, she faced a towering redhead, and sighed as she saw the woman’s distended breasts, each one almost as big as her own bloated belly.

Emily paused for a moment to massage her bloated abdomen as the woman gingerly removed her soaked shirt, hoping there was enough room left to finish what she had begun. Something about this one had caught her eye. Emily realized that while each of the women had been gorgeous in their own way, this one was the first she had felt such a strong attraction to. The woman noticed how Emily was looking at her as she lifted her dripping shirt over her head, and smiled.
It wasn’t any one particular thing, Emily realized. It was the whole thing. Her body was a marvel, but it was also how she carried herself. The others had radiated a longing and a need for release. This one seemed stronger, and though she radiated the same feeling of pressure, she also seemed proud of how big she was, how much she could hold in her vast breasts. And vast they were, even bigger than before, now that they were free of the confining shirt. The redhead smiled, her cocky grin seemed part mirth and part challenge, as if to say “Yes, I’m the biggest. I’m the fullest. Try and drain me, if you dare…”

Emily grinned, and slowly raised herself up, accepting the challenge.

Emily moved cautiously this time, the woman was so big, so full, her delicate white skin stretched so taunt over her vast, straining bosoms, that Emily worried she might burst at the slightest touch. Slowly, she kissed one leaking nipple, and began to drink, keeping her drinks and breaths slow and steady, her eyes locked with the redhead’s, not backing down an inch.

Emily fought the growing ache from her belly, the pressure increasing with each swallow of milk. She tried to focus, blocking out everything but two things. The redhead’s eyes and draining those massive breasts. Slowly but surely she was winning. She could feel it; the redhead only had a few more swallows in her. Just take it one at a time.

Emily continued to stir in her sleep as her belly waxed larger, now as full and round as if she was hugely pregnant, overdue with triplets, perhaps, making her turn on her side as the weight became uncomfortable. She lightly rubbed her swelling mass, and smiled, tumbling back into deeper sleep…

Her belly groaned as she took a final drink, the heavy orb resting on the floor in front of her, trembling and round with the pressure. She looked down at her ballooned midriff for a moment then returned her eyes to the redhead. There was a sense of relief, and admiration, and affection in her eyes as she smiled at Emily.

Slowly, the redhead bent over, kissing Emily full on the lips. Their tongues danced erotically for a moment before the woman withdrew, and the aching pressure seemed to fall away from Emily. Slowly she rubbed her distended middle and looked at the redhead in wonder.

The redhead blew her a kiss and Emily knew she'd see her again as everything faded and Emily fell into her next dream…

Emily was in her dorm room from college, and her friends were having a party. Of course, the word of a party had gotten around, and soon, the room was full, and the cheerleaders who brought the booze suggested they all play a drinking game. The first up, Emily vaguely remembered, was Katty, a friend she had from biology class. The slender thing probably wasn’t going to last long, but she seemed like she was going to make an effort anyway. As she poured her first drink, the cheerleaders started chanting, some sort of jump rope cheer.

"Huffing and puffing with all my might.”

Katty began to drink, taking a deep breath between drinks, tipping back one White Russian after another. Her midriff seemed to swell and expand with each breath as she downed the next drink.

“Blowing my belly up big and tight.”

Slowly, her belly began to emerge from under her shirt, slowly but steadily increasing in volume. Tossing back her sixth drink, her hand brushed her widening belly, causing her to jump, as though shocked. Astonished, she paused, slowly rubbing her growing midsection with wide-eyed wonder. Emily and the others looked back and forth, not really understanding what was going on. The cheerleaders giggled among themselves as they watched, then proceeded with the next verse.

“Stretching and swelling like a balloon.”

Katty cradled her burgeoning middle, still rubbing it occasionally as she swelled bigger and bigger. Her skin was getting shiny as it continued to stretch over her ballooning tummy as she began to look around, panic in her eyes.

"Pressure's building, running out of room!"

Her belly button popped out with a soft ‘doint’ as she gingerly lowered herself to the carpet, wincing as the pressure continued to grow inside her, pressing up against her rib cage and down on her hip, forcing her to slowly bend backwards to accommodate her increasing girth.

In her bed, Emily was doing the same thing, as her steady inflation kept pace with Katty’s, her skin stretching over a belly that was beginning to grow shiny with its fullness. She smiled and mumbled in her sleep as transparent hands began to massage and caress her distorted figure…

Emily’s mind raced furiously, trying to figure out what she should do, her friend was inflating so large that she was starting to look like some sort of balloon! The cheerleaders seemed to titter among themselves before continuing:

"Inflating as big as I can go.
Body's creaking, gonna blow!”

Katty grunted, sweat pouring off her as the pressure continued to climb. She was huge now, her groaning belly almost as large as the rest of her combined. Her skin slowly went from pale to a reddish tone, as though sunburn was spreading across her middle.

“How many seconds until I..."

"...burst" Emily whispered to herself, a fragment of her first dream filtering back to her. Suddenly, she had a flash of inspiration, rushing over to Katty’s side, and kissed Katty full on lips. Instantly, the pressure began to flow from Katty into Emily, her belly bloating up more rapidly than Katty’s had, as she tried to drain off the pressure that was threatening to burst the poor girl.


Emily hung on, feeling her pants yield, the button on her jeans sailing off into the unknown with a snap! Her belly surged through this new opening, rapidly expanding as though she had put a pressure line in her mouth. Bigger she grew, her belly bulging into a growing bubble.


She could feel her whole front swelling now, her breasts bloating up as her belly began to groan with the increasing load. She could feel herself stretching, a dull ache as she began to rival Katty in size.


Emily could feel Katty begin to swell again, the pressure between them equal. They groaned and squeaked in unison as the pressure slowly climbed further, two massive balloons on the verge of bursting.


The cheerleaders looked at one another for a second, as though conferring among themselves, Emily and Katty sitting there, too terrified of bursting to do anything but breathe very shallowly.
“No Boom?” one of them asked the bustiest cheerleader out loud.
“No Boom” she affirmed.

A strange look crossed Katty’s face, as though she felt something happening. Suddenly, her cheeks bulged and she released a titanic belch, her body dwindling down to its former dimensions.

Emily looked around, hopefully for a few moments, and tried to burp herself a few times. The feeling of immense pressure was dwindling, but her body wasn’t shrinking. She rubbed the sides of her massive belly, feeling almost aroused by how big and full she was.

Katty walked around and hugged her, huge tears of relief in her eyes. The biggest cheerleader came over to them, and began to massage Emily’s turgid belly. There was something about that red hair Emily thought she should remember… The girl winked at her as she abruptly plunged into her next dream…

Emily's body eased a little, her breasts now fat and full, her quivering belly easily four feet in diameter. Slowly, her girth was pushed back from the edge of the bed, carefully, so as not to wake her. She snorted a bit in her sleep and smiled at the distant tickling sensation as she began her next dream…

Emily focused hard, praying this would work. There were just too many to feed, and not enough wet nurses to go around. Feeling within, somehow, she grasped some elemental part of herself, and twisted it. Slowly, she began to swell, her breasts bloating with rich milk. She slowly moved among the cribs, her breasts seeming to flow endlessly, as though bottomless. She walked through the ward, making sure each of the hundred or so orphan babies in her charge were fed and sleeping soundly before she went to the showers.

The others were already there, scrubbing off the day’s dirt and grime and sweat. Emily looked around the room, a vague feeling of recognition as each face turned to her. Slowly she stripped away her clothes and walked into the communal shower.

“Wow. You got big quick!” Anna, a blond whose bulging bust was only slightly bigger then Emily’s. “I started three days ago and I’m not that big…”

Emily stroked her breasts, enjoying the feeling of the water splashing on them. They felt warm and full. She could only smile that she could produce so much, so quickly. In the back of her head, she knew something was wrong, but couldn’t quite place it. The warm pleasant feeling seemed to radiate out from them as she dropped off to sleep in her bunk.

The next few days seemed to fly by in a blur of eating, and swelling, and nursing. Each morning Emily consumed a massive breakfast of eggs and bacon and pancakes. By the time she relived the night nurse, she was already full. Sometimes she could swear she could almost see herself swelling. She could feel their mass increasing; each time she was drained, they’d swell up even larger the next. Her uniform could barely contain her by the end of the week.

Other things seemed to be happening too. Things she couldn’t quite explain. She would be drawn to the others, strange feelings overcoming her. She had broken and twisted something inside herself to do this, and the others had too. Sometimes they would caress each other in the showers, feeling how full and large they had grown. They couldn’t believe how big they were getting, or deny how wonderful they felt.

Late at night, they gathered sometimes, when the matron wasn’t around, and drank from one another. They would commit sinful acts together to ease the growing tension they felt in themselves. It helped for a little while, but in the morning they would be so much bigger. Sometimes they’d swell enormously, twice as big as before.

It was after one such night that things began to fall apart.

…back in the real world, Emily’s breasts and belly continued to swell as she dreamed. Huge and tight now, her basketball-sized breasts were almost spraying out milk from the huge internal pressures that were stretching her body near its limits as she embraced her expansion within the dream….

Leona, one of the first to start to swell with more and more milk, had begun to swell in other places. Her hips had grown broad and her belly full and firm. The matron had suggested she might have gotten herself pregnant, but that night she spent the night with Emily, and the beautiful brunette had confided in her that she’d never known a man, but for the last four mornings, it hadn’t been just her breasts that had swelled, but her whole body. The pressure was becoming intolerable, she had said. Emily gently drained her, easing her burden for a little while.

The next day, Leona ate her fill at breakfast, occasionally grinning at Emily. As they got up to leave, she gasped and lightly cradled her belly, as it began to gurgle loudly. Slowly, she began to swell, her clothes tightening around her. Buttons flew as she went from voluptuous to immensely pregnant, her massive belly pushing her bloated breasts up until the tops of them were almost level with her eyes.

“So…full!” she gasp, trying to reach around herself to steady her enormous girth. She ponderously took a few steps toward the door, her massive body making it hard for her to see where she was going. “I feel so full…” she stammered, he skin stretched pale and shiny over her. “It’s too much…” she sighed as she leaned against Emily.
The next day that Matron told them that Leona had left the orphanage suddenly in the night and would not be returning.

Emily didn’t believe it for a moment.

Over the days and weeks that followed, more of them started to vanish. It would be the same chain of events. The girl would start to blow up hugely, and then vanish the next night. Emily talked to the police and the MP’s from the army, but no one could find any proof of wrong doing. Some of the girls families would come looking too, but not have any answers. The remaining girls all suspected the matron, but none of them would leave the babies alone with a suspected mad woman.

One day, it was Anne who began to blow up. And Emily had a plan.

She followed Anne around, as subtly as she could, and when the matron asked Anne to join her in some chores in the garden to talk, Emily pulled all the servants bell ropes once and followed. The garden lopped around in a large but simple hedge maze, with the tool shed at one end. Slipping through the maze as quietly as they could, they watched Anne and the matron go into the shed.

Time froze for Emily. She could walk away now, and just leave. Or she could enter the shed.

Emily heard a shriek and started for the shed.

The door crashed inward as four of the remaining nursemaids plowed into it, their increased mass shattering it like a battering ram. Some of them gasped and some retched. The matron stood there for a second, still holding the knife high, startled out of the act she had committed a dozen times or more in this room, as Anne cowered on the floor. Emily leapt forward, slamming into the matron with everything she had. They fell past the prone Anne and crashed into a pile of boxes.

Boxes marked ‘Hercules Powder”.

The single clear mason jar of liquid atop the pile fell in slow motion as the pile toppled over. There was no sound as two quarts of nitroglycerine hit the ground hard.

There was light, but no sound.

Emily slowly woke, the dream falling away. Her body had distended to its utter limit, massive, bulging breasts pouring out milk, her vast belly dominating the entire bed, quivering like a water balloon with each breath. She smiled as she registered the women standing around her, each of their names coming back to her from the dream, their ghostly hands caressing her mammoth form. Each of them smiled warmly back.

The redhead emerged from the far side of her. Her translucent hands caressed Emily's spraying breasts, now far swollen much, much bigger then her head.

“Well… you pass. You showed compassion, determination, and courage.” The redhead smiled at her. “You can stay here as long as you like.” Looking around, she grinned, “…which might be a long, long time, if history is anything to go by…”

Emily felt herself begin to shrink, the gallons of fluid pouring out of her breasts evaporating as it touched the floor. Slowly she say up, looking at each of them.

“That last dream, it was real, wasn’t it?” Emily said, as it dawned on her. “But… I don’t remember seeing you there…”

The redhead sighed as the rest of them giggled a bit. “Um, yeah, you did… Wait… No, you’re right… I forgot… heh… There were no mirrors here…” she chuckled.

Emily smiled, and then noticed that her breasts were empty, but still huge. “If that’s so, then aren’t these yours?” She said, grinning.

The ghost turned and winked "No, dear, like this house, now they're OURS..." she said as they faded away, adding, "And we can play with them together... tomorrow night..."

Author's note: Once again: poem the cheerleaders sing is by go read his stuff!
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Comments: 46

texasjavelina [2024-05-14 20:44:30 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

alk27alk27 [2023-09-12 20:12:40 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

msfeedee [2023-08-20 21:16:30 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

pigplayer2 [2023-07-29 20:09:20 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

pigplayer2 [2023-07-29 20:06:27 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

FatalErrorFan69 [2023-07-14 02:46:25 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

RAMBLERTANK [2021-09-21 13:23:37 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

cringeNaeNaeBaby7 [2021-04-10 07:29:34 +0000 UTC]

👍: 2 ⏩: 0

GodofDestructionRick [2018-01-09 21:39:00 +0000 UTC]

Jesus Christ....

👍: 2 ⏩: 0

GayPlatipuss [2017-08-15 02:36:54 +0000 UTC]

Ewg 3/4 eggs

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ArCeeeCrA [2016-01-18 16:32:13 +0000 UTC]

Your mother must be proud. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Forcedlactationlover [2012-08-17 22:14:19 +0000 UTC]

I enjoyed the story, and note that there is an alternative to popping with a swelling body and breasts, one can find a way to milk those oversized and swollen boobs, relieving at least some of the pressure. (Kinda fits with my moniker [surprise!].) I also liked the quiet eroticism that managed to never be crude. (Yes, that's a split infinitive. I always thought that that particular prohibition was stupid. It disallows a useful form of emphasis.) Good job!

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

hmelonowski72 [2011-09-08 10:23:59 +0000 UTC]

Love this story and associated pic. You are very talented. Keep up the good work!!!

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

candycorrupted [2011-06-26 10:56:34 +0000 UTC]

This was wonderful! Very erotic without being crude. Really enjoyed it. ♥♥

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

Darien-Shields [2011-03-31 11:24:45 +0000 UTC]

Nice little story, although usually straight inflation isn't my thing, it's very well written and I do like the whole milk/nursing angle.

I might dwell a little on negative points here, but don't let me bother you like that- I really did like the story, I just tend to have more to say about bad points than good.

The biggest single thing that gets me is the middle dream, in the College. This seems kind of out of place to me. While the first one in the church and the last one in the orphanage sort of fit together with the gothic history of the house- they both seem like possible past events for the ghosts- the middle one seems to be specifically about Emily's time in College, and... I don't know, it just doesn't seem to fit. While there's an air of distant past about the other two (maybe post World War II, in the shattered remains of ancient Europe?) the College one just seems to be, well, in College. Very close to the present day. Maybe it's just me, but it seems out of place.

The dialogue at the end is a little weak too. You write the narration and description very well, but the redhead's line at the end seems to spoil it a bit- “Um, yeah, you did… Wait… No, you’re right… I forgot… heh… There were no mirrors here…”- instead of her coming off as powerful and mysterious as she did before she seems a little hesitant or ditzy. It spoils the impression that comes before. It's just a little thing, but it makes a difference.

Characterization seems a little on the light side, but it's a short story and there are a few nice titbits thrown in there that I like- her old place being knocked down possibly by her ex, stuff like that. I'd say it strikes a good balance between out and out pr0n and plot/characterization. I can't stand the absolutely mindless things some people churn out.

So, overall, good.

I am a little fuzzy, though. What was the Matron up to? Dissecting them to harvest... something?

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Neoninja2 [2010-12-28 02:58:53 +0000 UTC]

Who was the model?

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

cclarso [2010-10-07 23:20:42 +0000 UTC]

Disgusting. You are all filthy homosexuals.

👍: 2 ⏩: 2

JustARandomBoi In reply to cclarso [2020-12-08 22:06:07 +0000 UTC]

DeviantArt is full of them. If you can't stand the gay then either uninstall this app or avoid certain searches. These are the only options.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

TheSuitedMan In reply to cclarso [2015-11-12 06:30:56 +0000 UTC]

Welcome to deviantart. Here, you are currently seen as the disgusting one.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

sileh [2010-06-27 17:28:20 +0000 UTC]

very hot love it

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Mirsad77 [2010-06-04 15:36:47 +0000 UTC]


what did you do? just edit the picture? or did you also draw something to it?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

thepencilandpaperguy In reply to Mirsad77 [2010-07-22 14:36:30 +0000 UTC]

The story is realy the main part of the piece. The picture was sort of a visual.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Mirsad77 In reply to thepencilandpaperguy [2010-07-26 14:33:46 +0000 UTC]


got it^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

gub72000 [2010-05-04 12:14:48 +0000 UTC]

Brilliant as usual! I would dearly love to see more body inflation art from you good sir. The work you did for Kabooom was phenomenal. In fact, do those strips still exist somewhere?

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Bobsacamano [2010-04-09 06:04:45 +0000 UTC]

I quite enjoyed that. Your writing is quite superb. Keep it up.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Canard-Pars [2010-04-02 02:38:11 +0000 UTC]

lol,can u do stories for those who didnt PASS?lol

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

thepencilandpaperguy In reply to Canard-Pars [2010-05-03 01:43:05 +0000 UTC]

Not too sure I want to write a Pop. I have enough problems around here with people getting my stuff removed.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

The-Myster-Man [2009-12-08 19:24:14 +0000 UTC]

I enjoyed how it was all a dream. That one made me feel like it was a mystery to what will happen tomorrow night for Emily.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

zededd [2009-10-03 23:51:45 +0000 UTC]

what a detailed and fantastic story! well written i must say! love the concepts and style

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

jorrus [2009-06-11 13:34:57 +0000 UTC]

Quite a nice read!
Well punctuated, and thought out.
I especially enjoy the way you convey the dream-like quality and the transformation parallels between the dream and reality.

Its certainly a good read. I would be interested to read more stories from you. It would be interesting to see how this new tenant finds living in the house!

Outstandingly great job, and exceptional picture! XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

beefmclargehuge [2009-06-01 04:16:18 +0000 UTC]

i would just like to add that turgid is probably the least erotic word in the entire english language

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

thepencilandpaperguy In reply to beefmclargehuge [2009-06-16 00:18:33 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, but at some point you have to use a different word.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

bang33 [2009-05-16 21:12:06 +0000 UTC]

best.. story... ever..

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Canard-Pars [2009-05-08 23:15:59 +0000 UTC]

wow i realllly loved this...

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

BigAreolas [2009-05-08 14:55:21 +0000 UTC]

nice story & cute picture

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Mosherness2 [2009-05-08 01:39:10 +0000 UTC]

Well..let's see....Overall it's not a bad story, I guess, but there's a few grammatical errors here and there you might want to take a second pass through to find. Things like "so inflating so" and whatnot.

As for the story itself, I noticed one glaring continuity error right off the bat, being that if the house was supposedly so cheap that Emily could afford it, where does she get the money to hire an architect and inspector to give it a once-over? Not to mention the whole "Oh, apparently-ex-girlfriend-building-developer is steamrolling my apartment complex while this perfect house shows up on the market with NO other bids" is just WAY too Deus Ex Machina for plausible suspension of disbelief.

This story wants to be something, but all I really saw was a poorly-hatched attempt at a backstory to dive right into the fap-fest of material. Not to mention, from an editing standpoint, it could have done with more than extra spacing to distinguish the 'real' from the 'dreaming'. Italics or the like would have done wonders, and I also highly recommend working on your descriptions, as sports-spheres and maternal shapes can only be referenced once..MAYBE twice in a good story before it becomes incredibly bland and repetitive.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

thepencilandpaperguy In reply to Mosherness2 [2009-05-08 04:04:03 +0000 UTC]

Hmm... I think that you may be right about the italics thing, but when I tried it last, dA doesn't seem to support it in window. Or maybe I'm just doing it wrong. I'm not sure.

I agree that The real world and dream sequence seconds need better separation.
As far as architects and engineers go, she doesn't hire them to actually do anything to the place, just inspect it. Last time I did that it was about $300 each for that.

The DEM this was because I realized after the fact that I hadn't really spelled out that she was not hetero early on, which some people complained in the first version seemed like a continuity error. As far as the house being perfect goes, you might re read it, as the character questions that it seems awfully nice for being so cheap, and hires people to look at it worried she might be getting ripped off somehow.

I'll look into the description thing, but there are only so many ways to describe a distending spheroid. I guess it's time to break out the Thesaurus...

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Uniquename02 [2009-05-08 01:34:51 +0000 UTC]

Aww. I was hoping for a pop xD

Beautiful story, by the way.

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

thepencilandpaperguy In reply to Uniquename02 [2009-05-08 04:05:17 +0000 UTC]

Eh... people keep asking about that, and I have a non-popping, preferably non-hurting (though this story skirts that at times for sake of realism) policy.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Uniquename02 In reply to thepencilandpaperguy [2009-05-08 15:16:55 +0000 UTC]

Awh. What happened to your stuff from Kaboom?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

thepencilandpaperguy In reply to Uniquename02 [2009-05-09 01:09:32 +0000 UTC]

Eh. That was exparimental, at least as far as the Ewa Sonnet sequence goes. I wanted to see if it COULD be done...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Uniquename02 In reply to thepencilandpaperguy [2009-05-09 01:18:56 +0000 UTC]

Ah, alright then...

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

hajile [2009-05-08 01:28:04 +0000 UTC]

It was unique in some ways, I believe, but the prolonged dream and its various segments seemed disjointed, even though it was supposed to be a little surreal. After all that, I still have to wonder if she's woken up. The ending is all right, though, in that it seems vaguely horrific.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

thepencilandpaperguy In reply to hajile [2009-05-08 04:07:17 +0000 UTC]

Hmm... re-reading it, you may be right, there needs to be better transition. I'll go over it in the morning.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

anonymousmexican [2009-05-07 18:24:50 +0000 UTC]

Big tits are indeed the best of all tits.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

tgw-Raptor [2009-05-07 17:59:32 +0000 UTC]

it seams you like big Tits

Nice Picture

👍: 0 ⏩: 0