ThePsychoArtist — Interrogator: Rebirth

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Published: 2015-04-15 02:32:25 +0000 UTC; Views: 3919; Favourites: 37; Downloads: 16
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Update: I reorganize Malloy's profile. Anything you see with this "**," it means it's new

: James Malloy

Race: Cyborg

Alias: Hero

Profession: Government interrogator (full-time) and detective (part-time). In the near future, Malloy soon steps down from being a Government interrogator, to a full time detective

**Ethnicity: Irish

Age: 23

Height: 6 ft 3 in

Weight: 213 pounds (319 lbs with armor and helmet)

Hair Color: Unknown

Eye Color: Unknown
Blood Type: O+
Sexuality: (unknown)

Birth: June 24th (Cancer), Chicago, IL

Parents: Father (decease), Mother (living) and Sister (living) 

Love Interest: Single. He once had something with Mrs. White for a while, but it didn't work out between the both of them. Now, it's all the matter of sealing the hatch
**Appearances: Tall, physically built man, with a few scares on his body and pieces of cybernetic parts all over his body (here's his face made by the lovely )
    -Phasma  (by Hannah-Little )- After years of hating and fighting one another, they have become one of the closest friends ever. After taking countless of hits for him, Phasma returns the favor and takes one for Malloy. Soon after that, they began to bond and realize they have a lot of things in common. (May update this in the future......if you know what I mean )
    -Forever Man - Not only is he related to him, but he is also the only person Malloy gives a crap about. Even though they argue a lot on the job, but they become (almost like) brothers when the mission is done. They are almost inseparable and always watch each others backs
    -(Will update more in the future. These are the only ones that have been rp)


    -Super human strength- Malloy is capable to stop a semi truck going 60 mph by standing still, but that rarely happens. Malloy can also punch through a concrete wall, like it was plaster
    -Improved physical endurance- with the help of his cybernetic implants, Malloy is able to out last many world renown athletes

**More Information on Powers:
Malloy is capable of lifting objects that are 30 times his own weight, but it will over exert himself. This in turn will make him extremely weak and incapable of fighting. It'll take him some time to recover from it, but it rarely takes him all day to do it

Malloy is quite the athlete, but he has his limits. Malloy cannot continue on pushing himself in strenuous exercises, without feeling slightly fatigue. The more he keeps pushing himself, the greater the chance of Malloy passing out

Fighting Style:

    -Malloy has a mixture of Boxing and U.S. Army combative. He's capable of fighting more than one enemy, but will easily get overwhelm if they swarm around him. But considering the fact that Malloy is hesitant of killing someone, he isn't that brutal in combat
    -When working in a team, Malloy plays as both intelligence/brawler. Since he has a supercomputer for his helmet, he puts great use to it and is pretty capable of holding his own in a brawl


    -A legend in interrogating people

    -A skilled boxer 

    -An expert of hacking 

    -Decent marksman 

    -An excellent detective 

    -Is great with swinging a baseball bat

    -Starting a conversation

    -Very observant


    -Failing to save someone- after his sister was taken from him, Malloy made an oath that he wasn't going to fail on his loved ones

    -Death of a loved one- it should be common that people will be sad for a death of someone they loved and Malloy is no different. Malloy goes through the same process, but he keeps it to himself about it

    -Spiders- what's not to be scared about it? It's an eight-legged beast with more than two eyes! Malloy doesn't loose his shit when he sees one from the distance, but will start to freak out if you bring it closer to him

    -Betrayal- though it doesn't happen to him, Malloy is constantly worried of someone really close to him betray him
    -Failing a mission- Malloy will constantly feel guilty for failing a mission


    -Electricity- it is able to short circuit both his helmet and his body, making him immobile for a short time

    -Armor Piercing/Missiles- certain types of armor piercing rounds are able to rip through his suit as if it were paper. Weapons, like the RPG, will easily demolish Malloy's suit

    -Low temperature- while it doesn't effect him a whole lot, it tends to cause malfunctions to his helmet

    -Virus- just one virus in his helmet can screw him up to a whole new level. It is able to cause him extreme pain to severe hemorrhaging to his brain
    -**Judgmental- having the ability of getting all important information from someone, Malloy will judge someone by that information alone. He doesn't go by "walk a mile in someone's shoes" all too much. He's to the point of making his judgement on someone, whether it's a good thing or a bad thing
    -**Making the Kill- Malloy has no problems with breaking a persons ribcage and his arm, but is unwillingly to kill someone. He believes that everyone has the right to live and only monsters take that right away
    -**Anger Issues- Malloy is relatively good at keeping his cool, but it comes to a point where he can't take it anymore. Very rare he will snap and release all the anger he kept in him out towards anyone around him. At this time, he becomes very violent and uses profanity like no other. It's almost as if he becomes a different person

    -Peanut butter- he's allergic to it. It isn't to a point where it kill him, but it causes him to have extreme difficult of breathing
    -**Paranoid- no matter the situation is, Malloy is constantly worried about everything. It also leads to him having some trust issues with people. Now these people are ones that aren't really good, nor are really bad. They are just out for themselves and makes Malloy very iffy on them


    -A specialize pistol capable of shooting explosive rounds, corrosive bullets, etc.
    -His use of transportation is a black and red stripe Mustang. This baby is built like a tank with thick armor, bullet proof windows/tires, and a twin turbo engine
    -A state-of-the-art Assault Rifle, capable of shooting explosive rounds, corrosive bullets, etc. (keeps in trunk of his vehicle)
    -A single shot grenade launcher, design to shoot magnetic bombs, trackers, sticky bombs, standard bombs, and a grappling hook. More ammo types are still being tested (keeps in trunk of his vehicle)
    -Pocket watch design to cause high pitch sound, as well as telling time

    -Sometimes a baseball bat
    -His environment (i.e. street signs, mailboxes, manhole cover, etc.)

    -His fists

    -Ability to gain access to anyone's personal information

    -Breath Underwater- Like a normal air tank, Malloy is able to breath underwater. However, he only can be under for a solid 10 minutes

    -Bullet Proof Armor- Malloy is virtually immune to bullets. But some spots on his armor are expose his under suit
    -Under Suit- It acts more as a built in insulator for his body temperature and is a base for his armor. Instead of being bullet proof, this under suit is flame retardant

    -Different Visions- Malloy is able to have Night vision, X-ray vision, and Infrared vision
    -Heartbeat Sensor- This is especially great for interrogations; Malloy can read a person's heartbeat, to tell if a person is lying

    -Advance Headset-  Malloy's headset has a built in phone, enhance audio, ear protect (from both sound and physical), and as well as MP3 player
    -"Lightweight Armor"- Much like FM's armor, Malloy is given small doses of chemicals that give him a little extra strength to make the weight of the armor feel weightless

**More Information on Helmet:
    -His ability to gain information from someone works by facial recognition and every info comes up for the individual. He has access to the Governments data of ALL the people on the grid. But it is not limited to other forms of data. Malloy can get very personal to his information, if he wants to, by accessing a person's social media account. But the downfall to this is that it needs to be updated, regularly. If someone were to get plastic surgery on their face, without the Gov't. knowing of it, the data will not come up or will be of a different person. Since he lives in a world of super-heroes/super-villains, he has access to their powers and their secret identity. Much like if a person gets plastic surgery, if a villain has the ability to copy/steal other powers and does so without the Gov't. knowing, Malloy will have no idea what he/she has in a showdown


    -Gentleman- He is the guy who will open the door for ANY women out in public. He also has a very old fashion gesture to people. Like when he walks down a street, he has his arms behind his back and stands up straight as he can be

    -"Keeping it clean"- He rarely cuss at anyone, especially when there is a woman around. But when he's in immense pain, all bets are off

    -Calm- He stays calm to any situation, to the point of being hilarious

    -Optimistic- He's the guy who will look at the positive things in life and not the bad things. And very rare does he get mad or frustrated.  Basically, you can't make him feel depress
    -"For the sake of humanity"- He will fight for what he think is right. Like ensuring a little kid isn't killed at a sake of a mission. That means if a hero is doing something that he thinks is wrong, The Interrogator will fight him/her. That includes loved ones and family members

    -Pacifist- Tends to look for other options that wouldn't lead to violence. But if there isn't any, he will do what he must 

    -"A family man"- He absolutely loves his family. But when his family/loved ones are in danger, he will stop at nothing to make sure they are out of harm
    -"Split personality"- He is a complete different person when he interrogates someone. So everything you saw the above do not apply to him when he interrogates someone
    -Socially Awkward- He has every information of an individual. He will go up to a random individual and address to him/her their full name and may talk about: "How's Billy doing in school?", ""You feeling better from that back surgery last week?", "Congratulation on the promotion!", etc. He's very polite about it, but he doesn't know that may make other people feel uncomfortable

    -Bottom line: nicest guy you could meet. Unless, you were being interrogated by him

Media's View

Malloy is almost like the Bigfoot of modern society. Not to such an extent that he's either real or not real, but of his dealings. Thanks to the Government, all of what Malloy does for them is kept a secret(i.e. interrogating, investigations, conducting operations). The media knows he's real, but they have no clue of what he does, aside from his abilities to know every personal information to anyone. There has been many theories of what he does and some of them are hilariously outrageous (an alien visitor planning to steal the Declaration of Independence). However, he's very much talked about and he's consider a star for modern T.V. The History Channel recently started it's own mini-series of The Interrogator called "Behind the Mask: The Truth of The Interrogator." It's mostly a whole bunch of people making theories and some compelling evidence showing a glimpse of what he does. But they all agree on one thing: should they trust Malloy? Malloy (being to know every personal info to anyone) is a hot topic on media. There has been debate that he's a violation to public security and many other personal issues. Malloy is a star on the media. Ranging from theories to hot topics, Malloy is one of the most talked about figures on media

Public's View

Much like the media, the public has no clue of what Malloy/Interrogator does. He has started a "thing" for the culture. People make shirts, toys, music, movies, books, art, ect. of him. This is mostly of how classy he looks. People often do cosplays of him at conventions and such. While some may love Malloy, there are people who sees him as someone no one should trust. They believe that if this person "hides" of what he does from the public, why should anyone like him? He keeps a lot of secrets to himself and no one knows about. Not only that, they are on the fences of him knowing all of their personal information. They don't like it that someone they don't know knows a lot about them. Malloy is a controversial figure to the public and he'll be that way for a while


    -He enjoys long walks on the beach..........I mean, who doesn't? 

    -He likes getting to know new people

    -He loves his family, especially his sister

    -Enjoys cooking


    -United State's History and history in general

    -Playing baseball

    -The open oceans

    -Old time music and jazz


    -Mercenaries (ironic, that FM is a mercenary)

    -Selfish people who only put themselves first

    -Super villains and villains, just in general 

    -He hates any type of mob in existence

    -Annoying people or people who don't take things seriously


    -People threatening to destroy America

    -Rap music 

Short History

Malloy lived in Chicago for as long as he can remember. His dad was a well respected man in the mob, his mother was a nurse, and her little sister who suffers from aspergers. Because of this, she was picked on a lot by kids in school and in the neighborhood. Malloy of course beat every kid who picked on his little sister. Malloy has always been a watchful guardian for his little sister. At the age of 18, his father was arrested and was facing a lifetime in prison. However, he was able to knock off the sentence and would only go for six years. He told every crime that his gang had committed and will be willing to testify in court. He was then put under a witness protection program and were safe for a good 3 months, until the mob found out where they were and who they were. Since they didn't take it too kindly that his dad was a rat, they killed him when he was alone in his house. When Malloy arrive home from school, he sees his dead dad on the floor with his mother kneeling beside him. She kept saying that they took his sister (who is now 6) over and over again. When the police try to locate her, the trail went cold and the couldn't find her without going against the law. With that, Malloy took matter to his own hands and went on hunt. One by one, Malloy interrogated every member in his father's gang, until he found his sister. The mob leader later turn himself in, fearing that Malloy will come after him for revenge. At the age of 21, Malloy was caught in a store bombing that cause him to get cybernetic surgery. The Government found Malloy to be very useful and made him The Interrogator.

Fun Facts

    -James's helmet gives him information about every living being on this planet 

    -The helmet is also removable

    -He doesn't have the Joker's true identity

    -Statistics say that 89% of the victims he interrogates will tell everything he wants to know by the sheer sight of him entering the room

    -The other 11% broke after going five minutes with him, no one has made it pass five minutes 

    -He is related with Forever Man
    -He sometime uses torture on his victims to get information

    -While there may be aliens, Mr. Malloy only has a few species of aliens in his profile
    -Can get drunk very easily

    -Though he knows every hero's/villain's secret identity, he doesn't reveal it to anyone. He respects that people have a secret identity. But he will use it when he interrogates someone
    -There were other Interrogators before Malloy. There is always one for every generation. When one is either retire or dead, the Government finds someone else to be the next Interrogator. They have existed since the Revolutionary War
    -His mother in sister now reside in the country-side Tennessee

Theme Song

"Invisible" by U2

If any of you wants to draw him, there are a few things I want to say before you do. I'm not asking you to draw the exact replica of him, but you can simplify him down to fit in your art style. I love to see him in other people's art style and it gets me giddy when I see him drawn by someone else. Also, make sure you respect him and don't do anything OOC, hate art, or anything that is going to reflect badly to me or him. Just respect him and me, but have fun drawing him! If you have any question regarding this, leave a comment or note me

Pose reference use

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Comments: 22

Ninjawolf9 [2015-05-31 22:39:20 +0000 UTC]

If anyone breaks his sister's heart... He's comin' after you.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ThePsychoArtist In reply to Ninjawolf9 [2015-06-01 20:06:36 +0000 UTC]

And when he does, he'll put you six feet under.... >:I

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Ninjawolf9 In reply to ThePsychoArtist [2015-06-03 11:02:31 +0000 UTC]

Or likely to place you into a hospital's emergency room to be in a full body cast with a dash of amnesia for an entire six months.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Sockless-Sheep [2015-05-14 15:51:00 +0000 UTC]

psst. I was hopping around YouTube and the song "Cyborgs Vs Robots" by Ludo made me think of Interrogator. So I shall leave this here. *sneaks off*

~ Sheep xx

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ThePsychoArtist In reply to Sockless-Sheep [2015-05-19 02:57:30 +0000 UTC]

Why can I see this being his intro music in a anime show about him?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sockless-Sheep In reply to ThePsychoArtist [2015-05-19 22:56:35 +0000 UTC]

Oh my gosh that's incredible. >xD
Do you still need a punishment??? I kind of want a poster off you as if your OC's were part of an anime...

~ Sheep xx

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ThePsychoArtist In reply to Sockless-Sheep [2015-05-19 23:26:17 +0000 UTC]

......Yes, I'm in still need of one

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sockless-Sheep In reply to ThePsychoArtist [2015-05-19 23:48:25 +0000 UTC]

.... :3

Would you absolutely hate me if I suggested you do something like this with your OC's then..? c: ?? ilu.

~ Sheep xx

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ThePsychoArtist In reply to Sockless-Sheep [2015-05-23 02:09:44 +0000 UTC]

......slightly, but it's something different. Going to put that on the list now.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sockless-Sheep In reply to ThePsychoArtist [2015-05-23 22:47:51 +0000 UTC]

xD You can refuse if you really don't want to do it, dude! It's very much within your rights haha. But if it iiiis actually going on the list, that also works.

~ Sheep xx

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MethusulaComics [2015-04-15 21:15:20 +0000 UTC]

awesome design, dude

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ThePsychoArtist In reply to MethusulaComics [2015-04-15 22:14:33 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the feedback

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MethusulaComics In reply to ThePsychoArtist [2015-04-15 22:24:05 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Sockless-Sheep [2015-04-15 19:49:22 +0000 UTC]


Even if it's not facial, would he have maybe ones creeping about? >3>

But cripes Psych, this seriously is straight up inspiring. Ugh you've been improving so freaking much and I adore these "rebirths". Words cannot describe how much I love that Malloy is a true gentleman who just so happens to know everything about you.

~ Sheep xx

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ThePsychoArtist In reply to Sockless-Sheep [2015-04-15 22:13:46 +0000 UTC]

Don't worry, I updated the journal. It's up you if scars are noticeable on his face. More information is on the journal and it answers other questions you may have

SHEEP! You have no freaking idea how much you made me blush! I'm a dude and YOU and your comment made me blush! Thank you so much for your comment

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sockless-Sheep In reply to ThePsychoArtist [2015-04-16 23:38:42 +0000 UTC]

Excellent to know, bro! Thank you for the update, it's perfect and clears up everything. (I may or may not be super excited and already working on my entry as we speak >3>)

PSYCH. xDD You dork. Glad I could make you - A DUDE - blush. -- I'M GOING TO THROW ANOTHER COMPLIMENT AT YOU AS WELL because dang son, the colouring is just. Ugh. Can I genuinely ask what your secret is?? It's the same on FM's rebirth profile picture-- it looks so amazingly...warm? And just really really appealing to look at. If I was Forever Man I would spend eternity staring at your majestic colouring and basking in it's beauty and it would be a good life. >:'I <3

Also a quick question! It's completely unrelated to the contest, but would I have your permission to pinch Interrogator for an idea I have and want to draw up? It's a silly little thing, so figured I'd ask to make sure it was okaaaaay. *flops*

also also! (omg, sorry long comment is long) Malloy loves Jazz. >3>... Lucy loves Jazz too <.< ... and she actually frequents a jazz joint in the city... >3> So now I'm picturing her and Malloy bumping into each other in a completely neutral non-superhero context there. Just chilling. Sipping Martinis. Enjoying beautiful music that speaks to the soul. Being total Jazz nerds debating their favourite singers/songs... ? c: ??

~ Sheep xx

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ThePsychoArtist In reply to Sockless-Sheep [2015-04-17 02:16:20 +0000 UTC]

Can't wait!!!

GAH! Stop doing that! You and your lovely comments are making me blush again!!! But thank you for the compliment! As for the secret (which is no longer going to be a secret), it's all about the color of shade you use. I discover that when you use a purplish shade, you get a cool feel to it. But when you use a redish/orange color, you get the warm feel to it. I am still trying out the different colors, but these are the two that I use the most.

DUDE! Of course you have my permission! Malloy has already been in one silly drawing and I don't mind to see him in another one. I can't wait to see what you have in mind!

HOLY CRAP! SHE DOES!?! They'll be like the greatest of friends and that totally sounds like something Malloy will do with someone who likes the same likes as he does! JAZZ FRIENDS 4 LIFE!!!! But be in mind, if there is alcohol involve, Lucy might need to be the driver. Just saying. But I think they'll make great friends

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sockless-Sheep In reply to ThePsychoArtist [2015-05-03 21:59:40 +0000 UTC]

I'LL STOP MAKING LOVELY COMMENTS WHEN YOU STOP MAKING LOVELY ART AND CHARACTERS. Which will be never. -3- Duuuuuuude, now you mention that about the red-tinkted shading...you're so right! o: Lol I'm such a derp. Guess I'm just super used to defaulting and using a purple hue for my shading haha. This is really helpful though, I'll probably use that trick at somepoint, so thank you!

WOOOOO fabulous. I'll have to crack on and draw it hahaha.

YES. SHE DOES. Ahhhhh JAZZ FRIENDS 4 LIFE!!!! This is so cute and makes me so happyyyyy~ omg but no. Bro. xD If there's alcohol involved they will be in real trouble... Lucy drinks when other people do because she likes to be included, but since she's built like a sparrow she is a ridiculous lightweight. They will be terrible drunkards together which is almost as hilarious and awesome as them just chilling out in the first place. xD

~ Sheep xx

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Hannah-Little [2015-04-15 15:19:01 +0000 UTC]

Psych, there are no words. Seriously...like one of the best drawn things in your gallery. The details, the awesome, swanky suit, the colour scheme. And it's clear you spent a great deal of care/time on that gorgeous, atmospheric shading~

Phasma still made it into his dislikes list, and he is very proud~

Also...for the contest...obviously he got caught in the bombing, etc. Would he have facial scarring would you say~?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ThePsychoArtist In reply to Hannah-Little [2015-04-15 22:09:35 +0000 UTC]

Goddamnit, Hannah, your comments always boost anyone's day! It's just so good!! And don't worry, Phasma is going to stay on that list...for now

In terms of the contest, it's up to you if he has facial scars or not. There's more details in the journal that explains more and answers other questions you may

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pewternatural [2015-04-15 04:11:50 +0000 UTC]

The character came out very nice and the shadow effect on the drawing is cool. I like how he has the same visual language as Forever Man, but morally he's kinda his opposite.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ThePsychoArtist In reply to pewternatural [2015-04-15 22:04:29 +0000 UTC]

Dude, seriously thank you for the feedback! You basically hit all the right notes when comparing him and FM. Malloy IS the exact opposite to FM, in terms of personality

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