Looking to order a custom art instead?
Please go here instead, the prices are different!
✨My Terms of Service✨
What I will + won't draw on commissions.
Please read that first if you're unsure I'd be
willing to draw what you want!
**You may ask for designs on bases not included, especially if the character you want is non-feline. However I am less likely to accept a base i have never worked with.**
I have the right to refuse any commission
I want, even with no explanation as to why.
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I take points and money!
100 points = $1 USD
>> Custom Lined Design Showcase <<
This isn't 100% done but I plan to update it with a list of
useable bases + some additional things about my JBD design commissions in future!
For the missing 'reference' parts, Reference #1 looks like this,
and reference #2 Looks something like this. [this option is not available]
For JBD design commission samples, go here.
This is what I use when trying to decide how much to charge on something.
I have struggled for a long time on how to price art, and this is so far the easiest system for me.
Everything adds up. So while 'unedited base' sales '$0', that doesn't mean a design on an unedited base is free.
PRICES CAN GIVE/TAKE BY COMPLEXITY. A bird is much easier to design than say a robot or a dog.
I also do hypokits [cats only] case-by-case. I do not do JBD NMYOs.
I can also take character revamp commission on a case by case basis.
I am almost always willing to look at commission requests!
It will of course vary by type wanted and how much time I currently have at any given time,
but this shall usually be open to any questions or commissions requests.
Important Information
- I can be contacted by notes. If you contact me by chat, expect delays as the stupid thing doesn't work!
- I do not currently have a discord I will share outside friend/hobby groups. Please don't ask for it.
- I do not keep a public to-do list at this time! I do keep one offline, so 95% of the time I know what I owe.
- I usually work on commissions in order of when order, with some exceptions.
- Please don't ask for updates unless it has been over two weeks since you ordered!
- When I'm on a good streak I can easily work very fast, but my turnaround should be between 2 weeks-1 month.
[If it goes over a 2 weeks-1 month I will definitely try to update you on why I am taking so long!]
How to order.
There is no form for these!
Simply specify tell me any info you think is necessary.
You can also let me know if you'll be paying in cash/credit or points!
I take cash by my ko-fi and points by the da widget.
Finally, let me know if you want progress shots as I work, or if you don't care either way!
**I rarely do character interaction artwork on commissions.**
**I NEVER do sexual/fetish/NSFW artwork.**