TheUnisieppari — [IoS] Divine Retrieval - Leaving

#isleofsagittari #isleofsagittariarpg
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Divine Retrial: EARTH
Defender path - #2 Evacuate

Saccharine and Levi prep to leave their home. Rp collab with Sihiro  

Warnings: none
Notes: PG13 fluff


There hadn't been very long since they got the bad news. Despite their best efforts, lighting up many bonfires around the town to deter the beast, the giant did not cease its destruction and was headed right towards their home. Despite its confirmed fear of fire, it did not seem to stop it. Either it did not care or was so mindless in its destruction that any fear of fire was nothing compared to its need to cause violence. Saccharine was very upset by the news, his big ears seemingly staying permanently down in worry as he hurried home. He- He would need to pack up and- Saccharine hadn't ever been the sentimental type, but he surprised himself but getting pretty upset with the idea of moving. This town was what truly felt like home, and he really didn't want to leave it behind to be destroyed by some mindless beast. Sacch hurriedly cleaned his feet before getting inside, announcing his arrival with a small beat with his hooves against the wooden planks. Levi should be home at this time, but in case he wasn't, Saccharine went to gather up their essentials, starting to pack up.


Levi lifted the heavy waterlogged gambeson off him and let it hit the ground with soggy thud. The soaked padded blanket and boots he kicked off in same pile. He would deal with them after their return if they would still be there. Despite the protective layer of soaked clothing his hide was very warm, like he had just rose from a hot bath, and wisps of thin steam rose up from the fur. Turning on the backyard hose he took a long cooling shower to recover from his shift at the bonfire duty. Levi wiped away most of the water and lathered up sweat before entering the house. His iron shoes were anything but silent against the floor as Levi looked if Sacch had returned home.

He found him in the bedroom, in same state of mind as since the attack had started; nervous. "Use the leather ones", Levi said when he saw striped centaur stuffing things inside canvas saddle bags. He walked to the closet and pulled from its furthest corner a neat mess of a worn-out traveling set up.
"They are more reliable in case something happens during the trek and won't soak through in case of a sudden rain." He spread out the gear to hang from a wall rack. It consisted of a set of smaller saddle bags on the front and after those was durable leather strap harness that had hooks to hang bigger bags from. "It might be bit big for you, but we can punch more holes on the strapping." Levi scratched his unusually scruffy beard that hadn't gotten a proper trim in past week.


"Oh- Levi!" Saccharine was bit startled, too wrapped up in his own head and worries as he tried to figure out what they would need. "Yes, of course... I supposed you heard then- What am I saying, of course you did-" Saccharine rambled, worriedly fluffing his hair that despite it, stubbornly stayed up as it always did. Levi was a guard, of course he had heard the bad news, probably way before Sacch had. The striped equine fidgeted a little, tail nervously swishing. Having Levi here eased some of his anxieties, his scent familiar and soothing, though it was much sweatier and definitely very smokey right now. "Right, okay", Saccharine chuckled nervously. "What- What do we do?" he asked Levi, fiddling with his arm bands. "We have to leave but- Where?"


Right, Sacch had missed the announcement completely because he had been rummaging through Niklas' stash of fairytales. Levi took Sacch's hands into his own, making him face him. "First of, breathe." Horned centaur waited that Saccharine took deep breaths with him for few times before saying: "Remember those cellars in the northern forest? We are going there. The cellars are sturdy and fairly hidden, they should hold even if the giant walks through the forest. Small group is staying behind to keep the fires lit and making sure it doesn't spread to crops, orchards or to houses."


Saccharine was almost ready to start pacing but was considerably calmed down once Levi took his hands into a hold. He did as instructed, taking deep breaths, refocusing himself. "Okay... Okay. Sounds good", Saccharine said, ears still down. "Do we- Do we need to take bedding? Last time I left like this, it was in a hurry too", Saccharine laughed nervously.


Levi squinted his eyes a little. He looked past the striped shoulder at the two canvas bags Sacch had been filling earlier. "What exactly were you packing up?" He asked with curiosity.


"Oh uh- Hygiene items, hairbrush- Though, uh, now that I think about it, I don't think neither of us really needs one haha-" Saccharine rambled. "Few clothing items suited for travel, but I think I forgot to put my coat in there...", Saccharine chuckled, but his mirth soon died as he quieted down, changing his hands so he was more holding onto Levi than other way around. "I'm- I'm scared Levi. This is... The first true home I've ever known and- I don't want to lose it."


Levi was mildly amused by the list. Could have been worse but it seemed like Sacch was packing up for a vacation, not evacuation. Levi removed one hand from the hold and put it on back of his spouse's head, flattening the unruly mane. Pulling Sacch gently in he planted a soft kiss on his forehead. "Don't worry. What gets damaged can be rebuilt. And there's still a chance that the giant avoids the town because of the fires. The evacuation is just an extra caution."


"Right", Saccharine closed his eyes for the smooch, enjoying the closeness and the reassurance. His ears perked back up, setting his hands gently on Levi's jaw. "Yes. Of course. I'm just- Worried", he finished lamely and went for full hug. He ignored the stench of wood smoke, and just listened to Levi breathe for a moment before pulling back. "I'll- Do you have any information on the giant's location...?"


Tip of a big round ear tickled the corner of Levi's eye as he closed Sacch into that hug. Sacch's fur felt oddly cool against his own overworked body. "It just passed the Peregrine's Nest." Levi told and went to pull out from the closet three large duffel bags made of leather and jute. He put one on the bed and crammed other two on a dresser next to the canvas bags. "We got bird from there this morning. No reported major casualties. Many stomped and upturned fields though. Apparently, their warriors managed to turn the giant away, avoiding the town completely. I'm finding that bit suspicious, they are much smaller than us and don't have any kind of guard or army."


Levi was a comfortable furnace against the hug and Saccharine felt reluctant to let go. But they both should really get back to packing. "That's good. Little odd, but like, good." Saccharine went to get his little satchel from the bottom of his closet. He thumbed the embroidery at the front gently, tracing the carefully crafted bird carrying a leafy branch. He thought that he never would've needed to leave his home behind... Again. Though this time, it wasn't by choice, they were kinda forced to. But like Levi said, things could be rebuilt. Just as long as Levi was safe, he would be at home. Saccharine took a moment to just watch his spouse move around, gathering their things. "You figure they have some kind of a trick in their use?"


"Don't know", Levi replied. He was packing the two bags identically: things they wouldn't need immediately at the bottom, things that might be needed during the walk or immediately at the safe location on the top. "Sacch, come here. You need to know where everything is."


"Alright", Saccharine joined Levi, still holding his little satchel. He knew he shouldn't probably bother with it but... It was important to him. Sentimental. He could find a little spot for it somewhere, or maybe even keep it on him. "Have... You done this before? You seem so prepared", Sacch asked. Levi was so cool...


Levi shook his head. "No, I have not. But it's taught to all the guards, and my father taught Niklas and me this type of stuff. What to do if you're in trouble. The harness was his." Levi nodded towards the travel gear without taking his eyes off what he was showing to Saccharine.
"The order you pack the things has big impact on how well you can travel. Things you won't be needing until you make camp on the bottom, heaviest things in the middle and close to your body, things you need during the travel at the top. Since our trek to the cellars won't be long, we don't need to worry too much about what goes on the top. Majority what we need to bring is clean drinking water. And some food but since the cellars are being used to store food, we don't need to worry about that too much. Then we count in that we.... we might have to return to a damaged town so things like hunting and fishing gear, first aid kits, warm clothes since nights are still chilly, have to be brought along. We'll store everything of value that we can't bring along to our own cellar. It should hold. That way we hopefully have at least something to start with if worst happens." He had been so focused on explaining things that Levi didn't notice until then that Saccharine was fiddling with his old bag. "...Do you want to bring it along?" He asked after short pause and pointed at the satchel.


"Makes sense", Saccharine hummed along Levi's explanation. He hadn't learned this in his... Previous home, though they were a starting town and had lot to learn. Sacch wondered how they were doing right now, for a moment hoping his parents were alright...
"Oh, yeah. It's... important. This is the satchel I left with", Saccharine showed Levi the thing, even if the guard had probably seen it few times. It had been hidden for a while now, however. "It's... Tiny. And not really suited for travel", Sacch thumbed the worn seams, and one of the embroided leaves had started to unravel. It was meant to look pretty and carry your stuff for a day in the park, not carry important personal items on the road for months on end. "But I like it", Sacch smiled at Levi. "Maybe it can hold the coin or something."


Levi inspected the bit beaten up bag. He wasn't keen on losing his life savings just because of an unraveled seam. "You can use it the way you see fit." He spoke. "There's a loop on the harness where you can tie it."


"Hm", Saccharine hummed and inspected the satchel bit closer since Levi didn't seem fond of it. "Well, whether it has use or not, it's coming along", the equine said, the bag being one of the very few personal items Saccharine even had. He set it aside and went to fit the harness. It... Drooped. A lot. "Yeah uh. It's little big..."


"Nothing few more holes in the straps won't fix." Levi started to measure and mark where to make the alterations. "See? It will be fine. You'll be wearing a blanket underneath it so that will pad you up a little. I'll go check that mother has everything ready and pick up a fitting blanket for you. Fill up the saddle bags meanwhile, please? Money, medical things, flint, other valuables you don't trust left in the downstairs cellar."


 "I will", Saccharine smiled and corrected the harness a little as it had started to slide a bit. "Will she travel with us?"


"She's coming with us", Levi replied before leaving. Levi returned hour later with midnight blue blanket and jacket with him. From the front door he called for Sacch. Evening was drawing close and many of the citizens were already heading towards the north gate of the town. The guards would escort everyone to the safe place, and they would leave via the northern gate which was closer to the forest. Darkening veil of the evening would hopefully hide their escape from any possible acolytes of the giant that were scouting ahead its path of destruction.


Saccharine did as asked, packing up to his best ability. He was pretty much done filling the saddlebags, now only debating should he take his beloved sash with him or not when Levi called him. Saccharine decided to leave the pretty thing behind, as it was hardly essential, even if it was beloved. Taking the bags with him, as well as the harness, Sacch met Levi at the front door, setting the bags down. "She ready?" he asked and eyed the blue blanket.


"She's ready. Here, this is for you." Levi gave the blue blanket and jacket to Sacch. "It was supposed to be a birthday present, so you'd have something warm for next winter and not freeze off that tiny croup. But you need proper clothes now. The cellars are cold and so are the nights."


"Really?" Saccharine took the clothing items, pressing them tightly against his chest as he looked at Levi with adoration. "Thank you", Sacch beamed, touched by the gesture even if the gifts had to be given bit too early and in less than happy circumstances. Saccharine hastily started to dress up, eager to try them on. His worries were seemingly forgotten for the moment as Sacch took a moment to admire himself. Both felt warm and fitting, and Saccharine jumped to give Levi a deep hug. "They fit perfectly."


Levi gave a small smile as he returned the hug. "Thank mom. She's the one who made them. The embroidery is still unfinished, but she said she would do that after we return home."

He helped Sacch to put on the harness on top of the blanket and then make the earlier marked adjustments with a hole puncher. The result fitted much better for the lithe striped equine aside the girth which was too large. Levi however was reluctant altering that part of the traveling gear since it would have required much more drastic modifications, and it had sentimental value to him. It had to do as it was now for their evacuation, and he helped to secure the large jute bags and two big rolled up tarps onto the tack. Once done Levi took a step back to check on the result. "Where is your satchel?" He asked upon noticing that it wasn't hanging next to the saddle bags.


"I'll do that then", Saccharine smiled against the hug, taking a moment to bask in it for a bit longer before reality set in and Sacch remembered why they were here. He regretfully parted from the hug with a little sigh, letting Levi dress him up with the newly fitted harness.

No longer sadly drooping, it was far better suited for a smaller frame and now ready for travel. When Levi stepped back to take a look, Saccharine posed a little, now looking like he was actually ready for travel. He was warm with the blanket and the jacket, and Saccharine wished he had had these a long time ago when he left home. He opened his mouth to ask did he look travel-ready, but Levi interrupted him.
"Agh my satchel!" Saccharine rushed to fetch the bag, almost forgetting it, small hooves clattering against the floorboard as he quickly ran to get it. "Okay, now we should have everything", Saccharine smiled as he put the satchel on when he returned, the weight familiar. It had few of Sacch's personal items, but otherwise nothing important would be lost if it broke.


It was far from graceful, seeing Sacch dash back to the bedroom with full tack. Levi hoped the luggage wouldn't turn out too heavy for him to carry.
Levi nodded. Now that it was time to leave, he found himself loss of words and uncertain of the future. With grave look on his face he opened the door and gently gestured Saccharine to leave. "Mom is waiting you outside. Stick together, please. I'll find you, at the latest, when everyone has arrived at the cellars. Keep her, and yourself, safe, Saccharine."


"... Alright", Saccharine flattened his ears, disappointed and worried that Levi wouldn't apparently accompany them. But he was a guard. It was his duty to, well, guard the whole group. Not just his family. "Be safe", Sacch gave Levi a lingering kiss and one last look over his shoulder after leaving outside, and went to join Levi's mother, making their way for the gate.


Import: 0562 - Levi

Link to EXP tracker: Game activities

EXP Point and bonuses: 22 exp

Wordcount: 1437 = 14

Other centaur - 2

Official event - 2
Collab - 1

Extrovert - 3

Import: 0568 - Saccharine

Link to EXP tracker: Saccharine EXP Tracker

EXP Point and bonuses: 19 exp 

Wordcount: 1383 = 14

Other centaur - 2

Official event - 2
Collab - 1

Saccharine ©Sihiro

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