Thrythlind — Divine Blood Minor Races Bad Ass Set 3 by-nc-nd

Published: 2014-01-29 09:41:10 +0000 UTC; Views: 1909; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 0
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This is in contrast to the "civilian" versions of these same races here:

Left to Right:

Wolfen Channeller
Female Vampyr Exorcist
Seraphim Soldier
Female Gorgon shapeshifter
Male Chiang shih web-weaver
Troll soldier

Genders were chosen as a flip side to the genders shown in the civilian picture where possible.  For the wolfen, there's no real visual difference between male and female that immediately stands out.  Trolls are always male and seraphim usually have no gender.

Wolfen are one of the few non-humanoid left in Divine Blood.  They normally appear as common wolves but can grow or shrink in size as necessary.  They communicate via telepathy and commonly use mentally controlled small animals rather than hands.  There are a few small communities in wild places that still have wolfen, as well as a number of wolfen that have adapted to living in the city.  Many families have developed a knack for shapeshifting into different sorts of dogs.  Usually through the Community, city-dwelling wolfen obtain jobs in various positions such as service-dogs, guard animals and the like.  Therianthropes and wolfen evolved from the same ancestors, the primary difference being the wolfen have not yet evolved to take human form the way therianthropes did.  As seen above, with the bronze glow of this wolfen's "Heart", wolfen are a source of many hellhound stories.  However, they aren't the only source of that well-named myth.

The red eyes on this woman are a dead give away that she's a death-seer, which means her hair is likely dyed to be that sort of reddish-brown.  Vampyrs have a rather high proportion of death seers.  This one is drawing a circle and filling it with her "Breath", that gray-green energy that is somewhat similar to human "Chi".  Of all the minor races, even those that regularly mate with humans, vampyr are the most closely related, hence the similar appearance of human and vampyr Life-Forces.  This one is most likely a shaper of some sort, possibly a full sorcerer, but not likely.  She's most likely not as dangerous in a fight as she is in setting things up.  And her friends among the dead likely keep her well-informed about what is going on around her.  Vampyr are vampires and have little to no tolerance for solid foods, though most live off of prescription health supplements rather supping directly on the blood of animals. 

The seraphim here is a soldier making use of zer "Grace", the gold colored energy.  The wings are likely a cultural affectation, but seraphim are the source of many angel stories.  For the last 1500 years or so, seraphim have ranged from scarce to extinct.  Recently, however, explorations by the US Naval project known as Socrates Group found extradimensional communities of both humans and many species that were thought long extinct.  As such, they have slowly been repopulating the Earth.  Many of them work for the US Navy in some form, occasionally as marines assigned to the Socrates Group.  They often serve the role of an SG "Expeditionary Psychic" which is equivalent to a Psyche Secretary.

The gorgon is either very pissed or very scared.  Gorgons are emotional shapeshifters.  They literally wear their emotions in their faces.  Anger, fear, sadness and the like draw out disquieting and even horrifying appearances while cheer, peace, good will and so on draw out very beautiful faces.  Also during the extremes of shapeshifting they are able to alter much of their body to achieve some rather dangerous shapes.  Only a few have the legendary ability to turn a person into stone with a look, fortunately.  Many, however, do have the ability to drain away life with a touch, or to heal people at a cost of their own health.  The silver glow in her hands is her "Entity" which may indicate such an Exchange Health sort of power.

The chiang shih are a spider descended species similar and distantly related to the jurougumo.  Like the jurougumo, they are a vanishing breed though in there case it is more due to their reclusive natures and small populations.  Chiang shih have an appearance that is remarkably similar to that of a thin, human corpse.  They are vampiric with the same inability to stomach solid foods that vampyr have thus often the same diet.  Chiang shih occasionally are born with the ability to spin webs and of course some learn channeling and shaping.  This fellow seems to be one such person.  The brownish-yellow glow in his eyes is his "Shengji" which is how they refer to their Life Force.

Trolls were bred as warriors by the Demons, or at least a faction within the Demons.  Like with the succubi, they were also at least partially intended to eliminate humanity via breeding them out.  As with succubi, that didn't really work out.  Trolls are incredibly tough, almost as tough as gargoyles in fact, and often quite strong as well.  However, there is no one set of Talents that the majority of trolls have.  Their small population seems to have a large variety of Talents.  This one might have an energy related Talent, or he might simply be a channeller or full sorcerer.  The reddish-violet energy is his "Potence".

Index of Other Divine Blood Stories and Art in my gallery

Divine Blood Index**************************
Divine Blood stories available on DA:
Novel Sample Chapters:
This Looks Like a Safe Neighborhood... : http://fav.me/d42d6br
Deployment: http://fav.me/d42d9cq
Just a Girl: http://fav.me/d42dado
Creepy Cute: http://fav.me/d42dbfa
In Motion: http://fav.me/d42ddgt
Center of It: http://fav.me/d42dfjf
Unique Perspective: http://fav.me/d53r3zz
Extracurriculars listed chronologically to the Divine Blood Timeline (focus character in parantheses):
Regarding the Proper Use of Force (Gaetana Trolleti): http://fav.me/d5vpbpa
Following Dernhelm (Eowyn Desai): http://fav.me/d5bh3hn
Can't Go Home (Whelan Connor): http://fav.me/d5nw5qc
Smoke Over Grimsvotn (Lilitu Geisthexe): http://fav.me/d5bh2wj
Serious Matter (Sherissie Minaba): http://fav.me/d5bh3zv
A Day in the Life of a Busy Woman (Mao Semezou): http://fav.me/d5c0o5b
High School Hel (Hel Logesdottir): http://fav.me/d5j1hg7
Pop Quiz (Naiki Semezou): http://fav.me/d62tdla
Magnets: http://fav.me/d6eju4e

DrivethruRPG Storefront: rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.p…
Amazon Author Page: www.amazon.com/Luke-Green/e/B0…
Smashwords Author Page: www.smashwords.com/profile/vie…

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Comments: 5

nonimportante [2014-01-30 04:52:29 +0000 UTC]

do you have a glossary somewhere that explains what all the terms you use with in the context of your setting. every fantasy novel should have a glossary, imho

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Thrythlind In reply to nonimportante [2014-01-30 05:26:32 +0000 UTC]

Lexicon and Slang
Akira – Derogatory term for a psychic that is either unaware of what they are, or else aware and think that their
powers mean they don’t need training or weapons.

Afflicted – Non-humans that were born a different species than they currently are.

Ashvattha – The largest rune tree, connected to the Nirvana mindscape as a whole. Primary reason the Gods and
Demons of Nirvana are as powerful as they are.

Apprentice – A black magician so heavily indebted to a particular citizen of Yomi that there is likely no way for
them to get out from under the debt.

Aura – Protective field of life force. Must be shaped to face particular styles of attack. Channelling skill.

Avatar – A white magician that has used magic originating from a particular citizen of Nirvana that their thoughts
and memories are practically an open book to the Immortal.

Battle Skill – Knowledge of how to actually fight, use weapons and any abilities.

Body Enhancement – Channelling skill aimed at allowing the body to operate at peak human or superhuman

Body Hardening – Procedures for permanently enhancing the toughness of the skin. The procedures involved are
a shaping skill.

Blast – Channelling skill involving in launching condensed life force as an attack. Occasionally used to create the
equivalent of a fireworks display.

Blend – Non-humans that appear mostly human and have no shape-changing or disguises skill. Some still can’t
really pass for human.

Butterfly – A Psyche freelancer. This is mostly Psyche/Community slang and differentiates between psychics with
actual practical skills and those researchers and “psychics” who are contacted by phone, exist
mostly to heighten public tolerance and themselves have little to know knowledge of the full
supernatural picture.

Changeling – Non-humans that are born appearing to be human and express their true nature later.

Channeling – The skill of using lifeforce for raw, blatant purposes such as in a fight. This is a trained skill that
almost any sentient being can learn. Practitioners are called channellers.

Charlotte – Slang term referring to any friendly spider-tank on the battle field.

Chi – Human life force, falls with a range of green colors.

Circles – Circuits designed to focus and multiply lifeforce so as to allow for more powerful effects.

Cloaking – Channelling practice of choking off one’s residual life force so that their presence is overlooked.
Practically invisibility, but does not operate against machines. Only masters can cloak and still do
other things with their life force.

Community – The Community, capital letters implied, refers to the local population of psychics and non-humans.
Usually implies civilians and a lack of skill, experience or both in dealing with a crisis.

Compact – The system enforcing the truce between Yomi and Nirvana. When a citizen of Yomi dies, the Compact
kills a citizen of Nirvana and vice versa.

Companion – A Demonic familiar designed to appear as an animal. Independent action, possible sentience.
Provide extra processing power and reserves of lifeforce.

Corruption – Injury sustained directly by the life-force. Usually presents symptoms that can be mistaken for
physical or psychological causes, such as paranoia or internal bleeding. Physical medicine and
psychiatry can ameliorate the symptoms but without a healer, the life force has to recover
naturally over time and the conventional methods will fall apart.

Cosmic Janitor – Derogatory term for First Tier Immortals as the primary reason they’re allowed that much power
is to make sure they have the power to mitigate natural disasters.

Cthulhu – Common slang for Nameless things. Used by pretty much the entire supernatural community.

Cuckoo – Derogatory term for changelings.

Deep One – Derogatory term for any psychic or non-human with aquatic powers. Primarily refers to lemurians.

Enchanting – The practice of creating lasting psychic tools, weapons and the like. Shaping skill.

Episode – An event in which a psychic spectacularly loses control of their power. Most recognizable marker of
amateur and untrained psychics: Akiras.

Exorcism – The practice of warding off psychic intrusion. Primarily focused on countering non-physical entities
such as ghosts. Shaping skill.

Familiar – Demonic tools and equipment. Bio-technology based on reptilian DNA. Often symbiotic, can be
parasitic when used by non-Demons. Produces lifeforce compatible with vitae.

Feng Shui – The accepted blanket term for schools of geomancy. A primarily human art, focuses on making use of
the residual lifeforce in the environment that most consider useless waste.

Freelancer – The intelligence and spec-ops term for mercenary psychics. Indicates some level of respect and
assumption of competence.

Geomancer – A common term for a feng shui shih, practioner of feng shui. Not considered correct usage.

Goatman – Derogatory term for government-trained psychics used by soldiers. Often considered less competent
than freelancers.

Haven – Psyche facilities providing support and shelter for non-humans that have trouble blending in with human

Headhunter – A battlefield bounty hunter. Mercenaries with no particular contract earning money by hunting
enemies with a price on their head.

Healing – Specifically refers to the skill of treating life-force corruption. Mostly used for treating psychics that over
extended themselves or for removing curses. Healing has the same trouble with physical and
psychological maladies that those fields have with life force corruption. They can only soothe
some of the symptoms. Healing is a shaping skill.

Homunculus – Essentially the God word for a clone. Individuals carried to term in some device rather than a living
being. A significant minority of Gods and Demons are homunculi.

Hybrid – Non-humans that have very few human features. They mostly do not appreciate the category name as it
implies that they are at all human.

K.A.S. – Derogatory reference to a rescue and purge op where the target of the rescue has no desire to be
“rescued”. Stands for Kidnap and Slaughter.

Kolchak – A reference to a person trying to make the existence of psychics and non-humans public regardless of

Leak – A condition where in the psychic is having a mild effect on the environment or people around them.
Usually indicative of a lack of skill or maturity, occasionally caused by long term conditions, usually psychological.

Lifeforce – A biological energy produced by a living body. Unique to each species.

Magic – The practice of borrowing the powers of other psychics. Primarily draws from Demons and Gods, since
such magic can be used without a physical “donation” from the person to be borrowed from.

Major Race – Any race with enough population to be an everyday sight on Earth. Currently, only humans.
Previously, the precursors to both the Demons and Gods.

Mana – God life force. Falls within a range of blue colors. Comparatively dark and dense next to mortal life forces.

Manipulative – Psychics with talents allowing them to control the physical world around them. Further split into
producers and controllers.

Metabolic – Psychics with talents allowing them to control their own bodies.

Mimic – Non-humans capable of using either illusions or shapeshifting to appear human. Gods and Demons are
the most common, but Therianthropes are the most well known.

Mindscape – A psychic construct that serves as a defense for the deeper mind.

Monkey – Derogatory term for humans and human related species.

Monkey Follower – Derogatory term for Gods and Demons that follow human forms of worship.

Monkey Lord – Derogatory term for Gods and Demons that still try to pass themselves off as truly divine beings
worthy of worship.

Nameless – Unique creatures, or at least creatures for which there is no previous record. Designation implies first
tier level psychic power.

Nirvana – The home shard of the Gods and a few Demons that changed sides. A virtual paradise.

Occult – Things that are hidden or unknown. A phrase describing phenomena and things that aren’t well
understood and go beyond the bounds of conventional physics and psychic research.

Orochi – The largest and most well known companion, linked to the Yomi mindscape as a whole. Primary reason
the Demons and Gods of Yomi are as powerful as they are.

Others – Non-human races that seem to have absolutely no relationship or similarity with humans.

Petrie Dish – Derogatory term for kitsune based on the fact that they are possibly sentient collectives of bacteria.
*This is included as a suggestion for future. There aren’t yet enough people who know what the
kitsune are for there to be such a term.

Puppet – Derogatory term for homunculi. Used by Gods and Demons.

Psy-Line – Intelligence and spec-ops slang referring to the fact that many psychics need a line of sight to their

The Purges – Seven Immortals, three Gods, four Demons, primarily responsible for a string of genocidal actions
during the early middle ages against races that were initially created by the Gods and Demons.

Rescue and Purge – Standard Op. Consists of infiltrating a facility recovering key personnel and torching
everything else in the facility.

Robot Jock – Upright Pilots

Rune – Divine tools and equipment. Bio-technology based on seaweed DNA. Produce something similar to mana.

Rune Trees – Runes designed to link into the Divine mindscape. Provide extra mental processing power as well as
extra reserves of lifeforce.

Seals – Technically refers to the lock on a gate entering a shard. Common usage refers to the actual
extradimensional pocket behind the seal. Creating seals is a shaping skill.

Seat – Avalon regional commanders. Codenames are from Arthurian myth and Tolkien’s Middle Earth.

Sensitive – Psychics with mental powers or non-physical senses.

Shaping – The art of manipulating life-force towards more subtle, often longer-lasting, purposes.

Shard – An extradimensional pocket formed by either taking a piece of the world outside of normal reality or by
outright creating the space.

Shelob – Soldier slang for any unfriendly spider-tank. Primarily used by the English-speaking population.

Sorcerer – A psychic whose abilities primarily come from training. Most were baseline humans from families that
have a tradition of the practice. To be considered a sorcerer, a psychic must be skilled in both
shaping and channeling.

Spidey – Slang referring to any spider-tank.

Table – The Avalon high command.

Talent – Individuals born with psychic abilities. Often are capable of effects impossible for pure sorcerers.

Talisman – Specially cut, grown and altered quartz crystals used as tools by human psychics. Distills ambient life
force into something compatible with human chi.

Upright – Robotic vehicles used for construction, law enforcement and military purposes.

Vampire – Layman’s term describing any entity that drinks blood whether for biological, cultural or supernatural
reasons. Mispronunciation of the name for one non-human race: Vampyr.

Van Helsing – Refers to individuals who kill psychics and non-humans for no other reason than what they are.

Visionary – A particular type of human born talent. Capable of inventing things outside the current
understandings of science. Chi is darker and denser than other humans.

Vitae – Demonic life force, falls within a range of red colors. Comparatively dark and dense next to mortal life

Were – Layman’s term describing any one that has a human form and an animal form. Covers a wide variety of
talents and species.

Witch – Untrustworthy psychic. Indicates skill and competence but a lack of morals. Dangerous.

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nonimportante In reply to Thrythlind [2014-01-30 06:38:42 +0000 UTC]


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Thrythlind In reply to nonimportante [2014-01-30 06:45:42 +0000 UTC]


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Thrythlind In reply to nonimportante [2014-01-30 05:20:21 +0000 UTC]

there's going to be a lexicon at the start of the RPG supplement

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