Tianasina — Wesker's Daughter Chapter 16 [NSFW]
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Description Chapter 16

The Morning After
The Mission

These happy days are yours and mine!

Elle groaned at the sound of her alarm and sat up. She buried her face in her hands and let out another grumble at the sound of the ‘Happy Days’ theme. She reached over and picked up the mobile phone that was sitting on the counter of her bed. Once the overly happy tune was switched off she rubbed her eyes and blinked, the room was pitch black and while any other person would not have been able to see into the darkness, but she was able to see just fine.
Sitting up she climbed out of the bed and headed towards the bathroom where she proceeded to climb into the shower.

“Oh this feels amazing…” she groaned in ecstasy as the hot water hit her back, the pressure causing the heat to almost massage her muscles. She turned in the shower and smiled as the water hit her face and torso, she slowly began to wash her hair.

The shower seemed to be over far too quickly and before she even realised it she had a towel wrapped around her and she was standing in front of her wardrobe pulling out her black leather stealth uniform.
She tucked some of her wet hair behind her ear and pulled back the other wed strands that were clinging to her body before she slipped into her black sports bra and her black g-string. She glared as she slipped on the g-string, she hated them, it wasn’t as though she didn’t find them attractive, it was just that she found them uncomfortable and if she didn’t need them for the pants she was wearing she wouldn’t have them on.
She then pulled on her tight leather pants and a tight black turtle neck top once her clothes were on she pulled a pair of black leather combat boots which reached her ankles.

“Oh yeah I pull this off.” She checked herself out in the mirror and smiled before she walked back into her walk-in-robe and pulled out a large black briefcase.

Plunking the briefcase on the bed she opened it with a click and pulled out the two silenced 9mm pistols inside and a shoulder gun holster. She slipped the gun holster onto her shoulders before slipping some ammo into the guns and putting the guns into the holster. She then took out two knives from the briefcase and slipped them into her boots.

“Oh this is going to be fun.” She breathed, her voice was laced with sarcasm.  

Slowly she left the room and entered her living room. She was surprised to find the lights on and Al sitting on their leather couch with a book in his hands. Lolita her brow rose at the book, she was a little surprised that Al was reading that of all books.

“What are you doing up?” she asked with the hint of a smile as she poured herself a cup of water from the kitchen space behind the living room.

Al didn’t look up from his book as he answered. “I’m going to be your pilot this morning.” He slipped a little black book mark into the book. “Or did you actually believe that I would allow you to fly my helicopter?” he put the book on the coffee table and lifted his bikers helmet that was sitting beside him.

She frowned, she actually had hoped that he would have let her fly the helicopter, but she chose not to argue. Once Al had made up his mind he didn’t back down, he was also scarily protective of his helicopter so she supposed that she shouldn’t have been surprised that he wanted to fly.
Al took her silence for the acceptance that it was and slipped his helmet on before standing up. He then walked to the wooden door that was the exit to their apartment and opened it, his head turned back to Elle in an expectant way.
Elle rolled her eyes and put her glass down on the counter before she complied to his silent wish. As they left the apartment Al locked the door and the headed down the hallway to the stairs that would lead them up to the room.

As they walked down the hallway Elle smiled at how normal the apartment building they lived in was. Contrary to popular belief the pair lived in a normal apartment in a normal part of town and lead a mostly normal life when they weren’t doing jobs for Wesker. She found it amazing that the BSAA and or the government hadn’t figured out that they were living there and come and blasted her door down. Though when she actually put thought into it, maybe that was the reason that nobody had come crashing down the door, because no one expected them to be in a normal home- it was a very good tactical decision on their part and she wondered why Wesker hadn’t tried it yet.
As they walked up the stairs her legs felt heavy, but not the type of heavy often associated with sore muscles. They heavy that came with the feeling of apprehension was what she felt in her stomach and legs.

“Al…” she mumbled as they walked out onto the helipad. “Will you wait for me while I do the job?” she watched as Al let out a sound of agreement and nodded, an action that caused her to smile- at least he was there on the off chance she needed help… or to be bailed out at the last minute.

She slid open the door of their helicopter and climbed into the helicopter with Al. Closing the door she watched as Al started up the helicopter and they took off. While they flew out of the city and headed towards their destination Elle watched the city lights beneath them, she smiled at the little yellow lights. She loved watching the lights and riding in the helicopter, so she was having a pretty good morning so far.


The ride had taken only and hour and soon they found themselves landing on the hospital roof, which was a block away from Elle’s destination. Elle let out a shaky breath and climbed out of the helicopter, she quickly reached into the helicopter and pulled out a pair of binoculars.
She walked to the edge of the hospitals roof and looked through the binoculars. She could see the top of the building that she needed to go, there were three armed guards standing on the roof of what appeared to be an old warehouse.

“Okay Al.” she mumbled putting the binoculars down. “There’s three of them on the roof- probably heaps in the building.” She grinned back at him. “Piece of cake.”

She threw the binoculars to Al who caught them with one hand while he tossed her a grapple gun with his other gun. She caught the gun and inspected it closely, her brow rose and she felt a smile tugging at her lips. “You stole this from Wong.” She looked up at Al. “Didn’t you?”

While she couldn’t see through Al’s helmet she could tell that he was smiling. Shaking her head she slipped on a pair of leather gloves that were in her pockets before she waved at Al. she then aimed the grapple gun and at a nearby building and set it off.


“Phil I hate doing night shift.” Whined one of the guards standing on the roof.

The other guard ‘Phil’ sighed and took a sip out of his coffee. “I don’t blame you- my wife cracks it at me every time I get this shift.”

“At least your wife stayed, mines left me. Bitch took the dogs too.”

“Hey Harv, what about your wife?” Phil turned and was met with the sight of nothing. “Harv?” he stepped forward before turning to look back at the other guard beside him. His eyes widened as he saw his partner passed out on the ground. His hand reached up to press the radio button, only to end up feeling a pinch in the back of his neck and his world going black.

‘Piece of cake.’ Elle thought as she lowered the guard to the floor. Once he was down she scoped the roof for an entrance. At first her eyes locked onto the roof door but she thought against it, it would be stupid, to say the least to take the main door. She eventually settled on using the air vents.

‘Now I know what a T.V dinner feels like.’ She bit her bottom lip to stop her from laughing.

She used her arms to push herself through the vents, she pushed herself for what had to be an hour before she was able to get a glimpse into the building. ‘it looks just like a warehouse?’ she looked into the building with confusion before she remembered something she had read in the jobs notes and from her own memories.

‘The building’s fake…’ her mind supplied her. ‘The facility is under the building.’ With that in mind she moved a little fasted and with a little more noise at that revelation. Even with her added speed it still took her another half an hour before she found herself looking through the vents and seeing the sight of white halls and scientists that sent memories through her mind.

‘Okay where is that room?’ she thought to herself as she pushed through the vent. While she crawled she discreetly took photo’s of some of the facilities test subjects ‘I wonder how the public would feel if they found out about that Tyrant.’ She thought to herself as she crawled past the subjects room- the Tyrant could smell her and she knew it, as the moment she passed it, the creature flipped out and started struggling in its binds. She was half tempted to stay and allow the creature to get free but she decided against it, she was here to collect one person and if able kill another.

“Hey do you hear something?” Elle stilled and glanced through a nearby vent. There were two scientists looking up at the vents, she was a little surprised that they had heard her. She held her breath and remained still.

“Really?” she heard one of the two say. “Where?”

“The vent.” The other said and Elle could see them looking up at the ceiling to see if something was there.

“You’re crazy.” The other guy said.

“Maybe.” The man said before the two walked off.

She let out a breath after a few minutes and then continued to crawl. Eventually the building looked like a maze, if it weren’t for her high sense of smell she probably would have gotten lost by now. But as it were, the more the place looked like she was going in circles, she was actually going the right way.
As she crawled she would take occasional glances out the window and would watch as the government scientists would injects virus samples into people. She felt her eyes water as she heard their screams, she took a deep breath as she tried to control herself, it was hard as her mind kept going back to the twelve year old girl she once was, the girl who had been abused in more ways than one in this building.
She shook her head and continued crawling, she didn’t want to go back to those days, she didn’t want to think about the past. As that all it was, the past. She was no longer the scared girl. Beside’s this time around, they were not going to get their hand on her.

As she got further into the building she saw the very person who she didn’t want to see. She clenched her fists at the sight of the old man walking towards a room, the very same old man who had caused her so much pain, the same man who caused her nightmares… and the same room that she stayed in…

Unable to control the growl that left her mouth she turned into the venting that went to that room and crawled to that room. She looked down at the old scientist whose hair was thinning and there was a sizeable stomach pocking out. Her eyes scanned the room from what she could see through the vent, she could see some syringes and other medical instruments sitting on the table beside a gurney. She squinted her eyes and moved her head so that she could see who was lying on the gurney. A dark smile took her face as she saw who was on the bed, it looked like she was going to be able to have her cake and eat it.

“Now Manuela how are you today?” The Old man picked up a notepad and looked over the notes.

Manuela made no sound and looked away. Her face was sunken and pale, her hair had been shaved and their were scars on her skull from the experiments that had taken place on her. Her body was in no better condition, her skin had an orange tinge and she was thin, thinner than normal as Elle could see the outline of her bones. Then there was the girls arm, the arm which made Elle want to be sick there were lacerations that were still fresh that hadn’t been cleaned, there were puncture marks from injections.

“Now, now Manuela its rude to not answer when asked something.”

“Its also rude to treat a lady the way your treating her.” The man turned, his eyes going wide at Elle who standing in front of the shut door with her arms crossed. Resting on her head was a faded red head band which should have sent warning signals off in the old mans mind.

The old man narrowed his eyes. “And just who are you?” his hand twitched towards the panic button. He jumped as a knife landed between his hand and the button.

“I wouldn’t do that General.” She said coolly. She stepped closer to the man. “Now I’m here to collect the little Miss here and you’re not going to stop me.”

The old man chuckled. “And why would I allow that?”

Suddenly Elle’s hand shot forward and she gripped the mans throat, her face held no emotion as the man choked an and crunches were heard from his neck. While holding him with one hand she leaned down and pulled out a knife from her boot. As she rose she let go of his neck and pressed the knife into his neck. The only sound in the room being the sound of him sucking in air.

“Now I assume you would like to know who I am and why I want to hurt you, even if you don’t I am going to tell you because I want to enjoy this.” She pressed the knife closer and watched as small droplets of blood formed on the knife. “This is vengeance for everything you have done, what you did to me and what you have done to Manuela.”

The old man spat at Elle who did not even bother to wipe it from her face. “This is for me.”

“And just who are you?” the old man had the audacity to sound smug given his current position.

Elle smiled, the smile was cold and harsh and filled with nothing but hatred. “I am Sherry Birkin.”

The man’s eyes went wide.


Al looked at the clock inside the helicopter and sighed. He had been waiting for ages! He briefly wondered what in the world she was doing, she never took this long doing a mission. He let out another sigh and reached into the helicopter where a packet of cigarettes was waiting, he might as well do something to fill the time.


Elle tucked her head headband into her pants and lifted the scientists clothing that she had stripped off the old man whose body was now sitting in the nearby cupboard. Placing the clothes beside Manuela she began to undo the binds holding the girl to the bed.

“Can you walk?” she asked, giving the girl a sympathetic expression.

Manuela let out a cough. “Yes.” Her voice was weak and Elle could tell that the woman’s throat was raw.

Elle undid the binds on the girl and helped her sit up. Elle took note of how thin the girl’s wrists were. Surprisingly thought Manuela was perfectly capable of standing which given the appearance of her legs seemed nothing short of a miracle. Elle felt her eyes sting as she remembered being in a similar position.

“I need you to wear this.” Elle pointed to a full body biohazard protection suit that was hanging in the corner of the room.

Manuela nodded and walked over to the suit.

Elle tilted her head as she watched the woman follow her commands without question. “Are you okay? You’re not exactly putting up at fight.”

Manuela looked back at her with an expression filled with so much sadness, so much emptiness that it could have knocked Elle out.

“I do not care where you take me, I would rather die than stay here any longer. If going with you means that I may leave, even if you kill me I will take that risk.” At the end of her speech Elle expected there to be tears, but instead there was only the sound of being tired. She watched with wide eyes as Manuela zipped open the suit and went about climbing into it.

While Manuela went about climbing into the suit Elle proceeded to climb into the old mans scientist uniform. She had made sure to be extra careful and made sure that none of his blood landed on it. She cringed as she slid his pants on, his scent was all over the clothes and she was going to take a very long shower when she go home to get the smell off her. The clothes were too big for her but she was able to adjust them with a belt and the business shirt and lab coat just looked a little baggy on her- more than a little baggy, if she really wanted to she probably could have worn the clothes as pyjamas; it was just a good thing that the ‘General’ was a short man.

“Okay Miss Manuela.” Elle smiled as she watched Manuela slipped on the biohazard hat/helmet on. “We are going to walk out the front door, you are going to be ‘taking a sample to an undisclosed location’.” She held out a briefcase that had previously been on the floor.

Manuela nodded. “Are you sure this will work?”

Elle grinned. “This is pretty much how I got out of here last time.”


Al dropped his cigarette as Elle wearing a baggy scientist suit walked onto the roof from inside the hospital, and trailing behind was whom he assumed to be Manuela wearing a biohazard suit. Snapping his helmet shut Al opened the helicopter’s door and climbed in.

Elle walked to the helicopter and opened the passenger’s side. She gestured to Manuela who placed the briefcase on the floor of the chopper and climbed in. She then took off the helmet and placed it on the chair beside her before strapping herself in. Elle gave the woman a smile before climbing into her usual spot beside Al. Closing the door she gave Al the signal to take off. They had places to be.


Jack Krauser was not a happy man. No if someone were to were to use the words Jack Krauser and ‘happy’ in the same sentence he would probably unload a few rounds of lead into their skull.
Running his hand through his hair he decided to take out his frustrations onto the poor punching bag that was innocently hanging beside him. Throwing punch after punch he tried to think about why he was so frustrated; and to be honest he wasn’t sure. It could have been lots of things, it could have been the fact that hadn’t been on a proper mission since Spain, or it could have been the fact that Elle was chosen to go and get Manuela out of that hellhole! He let out an angry sound and unleashed a flurry of punches into the poor bag, while throwing out some unsavoury words at the same time.

“Now Jack whatever could be the matter?” He growled at the sound of Ada Wong walking into the training room- didn’t the bitch have better things to do other than annoy him.

“What the hell do you want?” He glared at her.

“I just wanted to see how you are is there any problem with that?”

Jack opened his mouth to speak. “There is if your not supposed to be here.” Came a voice that was definitely not Jack’s.

Jack and Ada turned to see Elle walking towards them. She had changed from the scientists outfit in the helicopter and was now just in her black combat uniform. She glared at Ada as she reached the two.

“What are you two doing?” she asked coolly looking between the pair.

Surprisingly Jack was the one who answered her. “I was just training when the butch comes and starts on me.”

Elle crossed her arms and glared harder at Ada. “Really Ada can’t you tell that the man is on edge, go find someone else to pester.” She waved her hands at Ada in a way that someone would wave away an unpleasant odour.

“I need to give a report on the last mission.” Ada replied dryly.

Elle sighed. “Go to Wesker’s office, I’ll be there in a bit.” She watched with amused eyes as Ada glared and walked off in the direction of the office.

Once Ada was gone Elle turned to Jack and smiled. “Now Jack we need to have a little chat.” At Jack’s eye roll she giggled. “I’m serious, you want to hear this.” She stepped closer to the man who was at least another foot taller than her.

“What?” Jack sounded unamused.

“There’s someone I want you to meet-” at the sound of footsteps behind her she smiled. “ah here she is.” She stepped to the side revealing Manuela who was wearing track pants and a top. “Jack, meet Manuela.”

Manuela froze mid step as she locked eyes with Jack, since she didn’t have any hair to fiddle with she reached for the fresh bandage on her arm and touched it. Her heart hammering in her chest as her eyes watered.
Jack took a slow step forward, something in his chest clenching at the sight of Manuela, as happy as he was to see her, his eyes instantly locked onto her appearance, what in the world had happened to her? He almost wanted to ask her but he couldn’t find it in himself- there would be time later, right now was time to be happy.

“Manuela?” Jack started to walk towards her, the closer he got the more he more things he noticed about her, and the more he wondered about what those government bastards had done to her.

“Jack…” tears fell down her eyes. She let out a cry and charged at him with e speed that Elle didn’t think was possible given her physical state. She flung herself into Jack’s arms and sobbed into his chest, years of experiments, torture, and other injustices broke through her damn and she unleashed her pain through her tears.

Elle watched with wide eyes as Jack, in an action that was amazingly tender for him, clutched her to his chest and held her as she sobbed.


Claire smiled into the warmth surrounding her, she clutched the blanket on her and pushed herself back into the soft cushion surface she was lying on. Her eyes shot open as she realised what had happened last night. What she had done. Who she had done.

‘Chris is going to kill me.’ Panic took her and she shot up. She was lying on the couch? She frowned, she remembered passing out on the floor after her… erm… fifth mind blowing escapade with Wesker. But then how did she end up on the couch? And why was she tucked in?

She looked at around the living room, it was morning if the light was anything to go by and her room was spotless! There was no sign of the struggle that she and Wesker had experienced last night, the table was set up exactly as it had been before she had been flung into it, there were no marks anywhere that would show the multiple acts of athleticism that had occurred last night- hell the only proof that Claire had that Last night had occurred at all was the fact that she was wet and sticky in a very specific spot. She was even dressed!

The smell of fresh coffee hit her nose and she turned to see Wesker standing in her kitchen pouring coffee into two mugs. He looked impeccably tidy, his hair was perfectly slicked back and his clothes were completely straight as though they had been ironed; in fact, had he had a shower!?

“Coffee, Dear Heart?” he offered walking over to her with the mugs, he passed one to her, which she shakily accepted, and he sat next to her with the other.

“Did you have a shower?” Claire asked before she could stop herself. Her question caused Wesker to raise a brow, he had found his sunglasses she absentmindedly noted. “Sorry.” She laughed nervously.

Her mind whizzed with thoughts about how screwed she was going to be when Chris found out about this- oh god what would Leon say? “Wesker, what happened last night?” her body obviously had found the strength to ask the question while her mind was struck with thoughts of the many creative ways she was going to die for this.

“I would think it was obvious what happened last night Dear Heart.” She found herself laughing at his response, it was so much like him!

“I mean what was it? Where does it go from here?” A dark part of her mind told her that instead of asking such inane questions she should be seeing if he wanted to go for another round, but the other, more logical side of her brain told her that she needed to know where the hell this was going.

The next thing Claire knew Wesker had grabbed the back of her head and was kissing her furiously, it was a lot more tender than the ones they had shared last night but it had the same effect as the previous ones as Claire let out a moan and leaned into the kiss.
But Alas it was over almost as quickly as it had started and Claire found herself staring at him as he took a drink of his coffee- she had to admit she never pegged him for a coffee man, scotch maybe, but seeing him drink something as normal as coffee seemed a little strange and she found herself smiling before turning her attention back to her coffee.

“Where would you like this to go Dear Heart?” he enquired a delicate brow raising.

Claire’s mouth suddenly went dry and she licked her lips, she could feel him watching the little appendage and she found herself extending on the action, her skin heating up. Her heart pounded in her chest and she heard a little voice in the back of her mind gently remind her that this was Wesker that she was flirting with.

The little voice need not have reminded her as before anything could happen a childish squeal of “Daddy!!” and suddenly a blob of blue and yellow was attached to Wesker hugging him for dear life.

“Hello Belle.” Claire watched as the tiniest of smiles formed on Wesker’s lips. The lips that she had just kissed… she hastily took a sip of her coffee in an attempt to hide her cheeks, which were going red. She paid extra attention to her coffee when she felt him looking at her.

“When did you get here Daddy?” Annabelle asked releasing his neck and opting to sit in his lap.

Claire bit her lip as she thought about when he had gotten there. She wondered what he would tall her however.

“I came here last night Belle.” He replied calmly. He adjusted his hold of her so that he could drink some more of his coffee. Something about the sight of Wesker drinking coffee while talking to his daughter was making her feel dizzy.

Annabelle tilted her head in confusion. “Did you come after Mr. Leon left?” Claire had expected him to be angry at the mention of Leon being there, but he merely nodded and acted completely nonchalant about the whole thing, which made Claire wonder if he had known about Leon being there.

“Why didn’t you come and see me?” Annabelle tilted her head in confusion.

Wesker let out a silent chuckle and patted her head. “Because you were sleeping, Belle.”

Belle smiled in acceptance before she frowned. “But where did you sleep then Daddy?”

Claire choked on her coffee.

Wesker smirked. “Are you well Dear Heart?”

Claire nodded hastily and rose from the couch, she headed towards the kitchen and took out a bowl. “Would you like some wheat bix Belle?” she asked and received a ‘Yup Yup’ from the girl. “D-Do you want some too Wesker?” she found it strange asking him if he wanted wheat bix, there was something wrong with this picture. If a few months ago someone had told her that not only was she going to sleep with Wesker but she was also going to be offering him wheat bix she probably would have laughed before having the poor bastard sent to the loony bin. But it was actually happening… she felt… dizzy…

When Wesker shook his head Claire went about making the breakfast. When she was finished she took the bowls over and set the on the table before sitting on the couch, Annabelle jumped off her father so she could sit between them. They put the television and sat in a comfortable silence eating their food while watching a show on marine life. If someone were to walk in at that moment they would have been awestruck at how much like a normal family the three looked…


Elle groaned as she staggered into her apartment, Al was trailing behind her and she glared at how much energy the man seemed to have, then again he hadn’t just spent several hours climbing through a government building as well as having to put up with Ada’s crap. By the gods did the woman know how to irritate her! She let out a sigh as she plopped onto the couch and glared at the sun that was streaming through the cracks in the blinds.
Al locked the door behind him and then sat down beside her. Once he was on the couch he took his helmet off and dumped it on the floor. He then ran a hand through his hair slicking it back.

Elle watched him carefully her eyes examining him. He looked tired and his body radiated the age that he actually was, even if he didn’t look a day over twenty-five. There were little tells that he had, the small creases in his eyes that had formed before he had been infected, it was just his eyes though that told his age, the rest of his body was in its prime and she couldn’t help but find herself looking him up and down; that is until she noticed him watching her.
Her cheeks went red as he leaned down to look her in they eyes.

“What are you looking at?”

She smiled weakly. “You, you’re very handsome, you know?”

He frowned. “So you’ve said before.” As he moved to get off the sofa Elle all but flung herself on top of him, her legs straddling his waist and her hands holding his face.

“You need to believe me.” Her voice was firm.

“Elle I’m literally twice your age.”

“I don’t care.” She shifted her hips and smiled, it seemed he didn’t really care either. How long had she wanted this? On a subconscious level she believed that she had wanted this since she was young and had first met him, when he was in the isolation room in Wesker’s old base. He had been crying about loosing his sister…

“If you’re father were alive Elle he’d-” he let out a small gasp as she shifted her hips down.

“Call me by my name please Alfred.”

“S-Sherry this is-” before he could protest any further he found her kissing him, and before he could stop himself he was returning the embrace. He used that moment to pour every emotion, every feeling he had for the woman who was a constant annoyance… the woman he loved…
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Comments: 6

weskerlover [2013-05-26 16:44:38 +0000 UTC]

ths is awesome so far, i love it!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Tianasina In reply to weskerlover [2013-05-28 10:29:51 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Lunaveon [2013-05-22 17:45:18 +0000 UTC]

"through her damn"
Wrong spelling, there, Dear~
XD Wesker~ It's so cute to see him interact with Annabelle~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Tianasina In reply to Lunaveon [2013-05-22 22:05:57 +0000 UTC]

Gah! Sorry I've got a bloody cold at the moment, I made lots of mistakes while typing this chapter but I was usually able to pick them up. thanks ^^

I love Annabelle, she's perfect for brightening up the story ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Lunaveon In reply to Tianasina [2013-05-23 00:45:13 +0000 UTC]

XD No problem~ I noticed it said you were sick, my bad!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Tianasina In reply to Lunaveon [2013-05-23 10:05:50 +0000 UTC]

Lol its okay ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0