tictactie — TPT || Rowan

Published: 2015-12-02 23:59:00 +0000 UTC; Views: 5150; Favourites: 53; Downloads: 6
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|| update 003 || TPT revamp! ||
|| update 002 || added Helena's feather to her inventory ||
|| update 001 || So excited to try and join this group; I can't believe it opened up again! ;w; ||

I’ll have dirt on my feet and stars in my eyes,
I’ll be in the forest where the earth comes alive.

name || Rowan (row-ahn)
nicknames || n/a

gender || female

age || 4 years

breed || australian mist x oriental

soul class || green (air manipulation/healing)
soul level || 005 (create wind gusts, fly, heal self, heal large wounds on others)

physical description || Rowan is a tall and lanky cat with soft, short, cream-and-fawn colored fur, swirled in a marbled tabby pattern. Her long legs are built for jumping high and carrying her easily across long distances. Most of her muscle is contained in her legs, not her core, which makes her a far better runner than fighter.

spotify playlist || TPT - Rowan

p e r s o n a l i t y

[devoted & trustworthy] [practical & cynical] [aloof & level-headed] [virtuous & amiable] [resolute & fearless]

devoted & trustworthy//If you can count on anyone, you can count on Rowan. If she cares about you, she'll go thorough anything to keep you safe and lend a supporting paw. Her blind devotion to family and close friends can be a danger, causing her to enter situations she would not otherwise have gotten herself into. You can trust her to follow through on anything you ask of her, so long as she's gotten to know you. Just don't count on her for much if you're not very close.
practical & cynical//Ask this cat to do something based on faith alone and all you're gonna get is a blank stare. Rowan believes in facts and action. That's all she's ever known in this harsh world - cause and effect. Stuck in a difficult situation? She'll take a look at the hard facts and figure out a way to solve the problem. She's never been one to race after myths or dreams and it's honestly a miracle she even made it to the gates of paradise. She wouldn't have ever given it a shot without her brother's unrelenting faith.
aloof & level-headed//You have to have done something truly terrible to get Rowan to express her anger. 97% of the time, she walks around with the same neutral expression plastered on her face. She only opens up to those who are close to her heart - Risk was the only cat who ever really saw her soft side. Her stoic attitude may make her a hard friend to get to know, but in the wastelands and trials it is an invaluable asset. Nobody wants to be around an emotional train-wreck while the world's falling apart, right?
virtuous & amiable//As not-in-touch with her feelings as Rowan seems to be, it doesn't mean she's a cold-hearted beast. She's friendly enough to get other felines to cooperate with her and knows how to get on others' good sides. All you have to do is prove that you're a valuable ally. Rowan has a strong moral center that she refuses to break and a surprising amount of empathy for others that drives her to protect and fight for those who can't.

resolute & fearless//Rowan isn't afraid of much. Hurt her and she'll stop at nothing to see you pay. Once she decides you're an enemy, you'll have to do something pretty amazing to get back on her good side. She holds strongly to her own beliefs about the world and isn't easily swayed. She believes her eyes, not so much her heart. The heart can lie, but the eyes rarely do.

b a c k g r o u n d

paradise and the lore:
At first, Rowan didn't believe the tales of Paradise and the scholars' lore. They seemed like kit's tales, made up to appease the hopes of those desperate to escape the horrors of the wastelands. She's always been the practical, grounded on in the family. Tales of gods and greater powers seemed impossible. Her devotion to her brother Risk was the only reason she even made it to the gate in the first place. He believed all of the scholar's tales and, much to the surprise of Rowan, they proved to be true. Well, mostly. Rowan is still skeptical about this 'Paradise' and the narcissistic god that guards the way in, but there is a sliver of belief lurking somewhere in that heart of hers. She's set on solving Oordeel's riddles and seeing her brother's quest through.

[[entry 001 - the city]]
Last night was really cold. My brother Risk and I are still doing alright, but surviving alone in the city has gotten harder. Winter's coming and if we don't find someplace to stay, I think we might not make it. Risk is a better hunter than I am, even though I'm faster. He caught us a rabbit the other day and my belly was actually full for the first time in weeks. Still no sign of Mom or Dad. I think they must be dead, but Risk won't give up. He says we need to keep searching. But we're just two kittens in a giant run-down city. Our chances are looking pretty slim.

[[entry 002 - the city]]
Risk and I met this really nice cat today, a pretty green-eyed cat with coal-grey fur. She says her name is Aggie and that we can stay with her. She took us to this big warehouse, and guess what?!? She's been finding others like us and giving them a place to stay. All the cats here look out for each other and Aggie makes sure we all have food and warm beds to sleep in. I'm really happy she found us. Still no sign of Mom or Dad. Aggie says they're probably dead and that this is our family now. Risk was really put-out but I like her. Even if she's a bit cranky

[[entry 003 - the warehouse]]
It's been 3 months since Aggie gave us a home and a family. We're part of the pack now. Emily, Triss, Speck, Fardoh, Lottie, George - the're just a few of my new brothers and sisters. We all look out for each other.

A strange cat showed up at the warehouse today. Called himself a 'scholar' and told us all about this place called Paradise. He said he was heading across the wasteland to find the door to Paradise and offered for us to come with him. I was skeptical but Risk got that look in his eyes that he always does when he's gotten something into his head and in that moment I knew that he was gonna leave. Aggie got all fluffed up and told the scholar to leave, but even when he was gone, Risk wouldn't stop talking about this so-called Paradise. He said he was gonna leave and follow the scholar to Paradise and, well, I couldn't let him go there alone. Even though there probably wasn't a Paradise, I'd rather go chasing after a myth than loose my brother.

[[entry 004 - the wasteland]]
We tracked the scholar down. His trail was pretty easy to follow and fairly fresh. He says his name is Falon. I hope we're doing the right thing. Risk sure thinks we are. Falon says we'll set out tomorrow, after we meet up with the rest of his group. Apparently he's gathered 15 cats or so that believe the lore.

[[entry 005 - the wasteland]]
The journey through the wasteland deserts has been tough. A few cats got stuck in the tar pits and died. A few others were struck by lightning in one of the insane storms out here. There's 9 of us left, including Risk and I. Falon says it shouldn't be much farther till we reach the gate. I sure hope he's right, cause we won' survive out here for much longer.

[[entry 006 - the gate]]
We finally made it to the gate. There's a lot of cats here; a lot more than I had expected. Rumor is the gate won't open for anyone, and nobody's sure how to get in. It's a little nicer here than it was out in the desert, but there's still nowhere near enough food to go around.

[[entry 007 - the gate]]
The gate opened today. There was a really loud noise and then just darkness and a booming voice that called itself Oordeel. The lore had told of gods, but nothing that prepared me for this black-winged-demon thing. He told us that he could let us into Paradise but that we'd have to prove ourselves first. So much for a benevolent god. I suppose we've come this far though. If Oordeel really can get us into paradise, then why not give it a shot.

[[entry 008 - the quivering forest]]
The first trial was much, much worse than I ever could've imagined. We were doomed right from the start. My team was mostly made up of cats from Falon's group. We all trusted each other and had learned to rely on one another's skills, so we had it better than most. We somehow found one of each color of key and got the door open, but the water had already risen so high... Not many of the teams made it.

We were almost through the door, the water rising higher and higher and swallowing up the teams that hadn't gotten to the door yet. Risk told me to go through and then did the stupidest thing I've ever seen a cat do. He could never be selfish. Dammit. He turned around and leaped back into the water to help some of the younger kittens who couldn't swim as fast as the others. And he saved a few of them, tossed them through the door and into safety. But the water was too violent and rising too fast and he went under. He never came back up. So I ran. I didn't try to find him, I just turned tail and ran through the door like nothing had happened. He's dead and I couldn't do anything to save him.

[[entry 009 - the coliseum]]
I didn't think things could get any worse, but they did. After the first trial, we all knew for sure. Oordeel was cruel and merciless and we were just pawns playing a game at his whim. Only a few teams had survived the quivering forest, and then all of a sudden we were launched into the second trial: a giant coliseum filled with terrifying beasts. The teams scattered. Falon led me and the others into the tunnels under the coliseum. It was dark, but at least we had a chance against the beasts down here. The air was filled with the scent of blood and every now and then a scream would split the silence. Falon was the first to be eaten.

The beast dragged him off into the darkness and then it was just me and three others. Then it was just me.

[[entry 010 - the coliseum]]
I'm afraid. After my team was picked off, it was just me for a while down here in the darkness. Thank the gods for my long legs. If I weren't such a good runner, I'd be a goner for sure.

I ran around in the dark for a while, then found a small group of survivors led by this feline named Nolan. They all had similar stories; their teammates dead and gone and it was just them now. I decided to stick with them, since it seemed like my best chance for survival down in this hell.

I still miss Risk. I've never been without him and it feels like a part of me is missing. He got us into this whole mess and didn't even get to survive to find Paradise. Well, that is if any of us survive the rest of the trials. Oordeel hates us and the feeling's mutual. But, if only for Risk's sake, I'll continue on. I'll outsmart this bastard god and see my brother's dream through. I'll make it to Paradise.

We defeated Big Biter, but at what cost? That dragon-monster--thing took the lives of too many cats in the process. Thank goodness I found my green soul and was able to use the air to evade that beast. If only the others had found their colors earlier, their powers might have saved them too.

[[entry 011 - the jungle]]

The coliseum fell away, leaving us in this jungle. It's lush and has everything we need - prey, water, safe places to sleep. No sign of Oordeel since the coliseum. I've heard the rumors that we've made it to paradise. I don't believe them. Paradise should be perfect, but this place is just... calm. Boring.

I've been working on practicing my soul powers. Gotten so far as being able to hover and float, close to the ground though. Not gonna lie, I'm kinda upset that the other cats seem to have more control than me. I keep telling myself I'll get there too, but there's cats younger and smaller than me, flying around and healing others. I'm as good as useless next to them. I won't give up though, I'll master these powers if it kills me.

[[entry 012 - the jungle]]

Two years. It's been two years in the Jungle. The first year I woke every day expecting to see Oordeel rise up from the treetops on his jet-black wings, but... well that never happened. Some have grown complacent here, but I know there has to be more. This is no paradise.

My soul powers have been growing stronger. I can heal others pretty easily now, and controlling the winds is much more simple than it first was. Based on the other green souls, I still have a way to go. We'll get there. Oordeel, we're ready for whatever you have next.

[[entry 013 - the ghost maze]]

He threw us into this hell of a maze like we were prey or something. Thankfully my whole team survived, using our powers to blow up this huge spider monster. But then there were the ghosts... They lead us along the maze until we were reunited with the others. And I traded my golden feather for this chunk of metal from a kitten-ghost. Each team got one... And when we put them back together, she appeared.

Oordeel was bad, but his sister, Helena, is worse. That golden-winged she-devil. I thought she might have been there to help us at first, but then she tried to annihilate us. I hate it, but Oordeel rescued us, opening up a pit in the ground that we all jumped into. He only just held off her attacks while we escaped, falling down into the darkness...

[[entry 014 - the caves]]

I woke up to the sound of crashing waves. I'm not sure how we arrived here, but there seems to be a system of caves, all interconnected. Just the caves and the beach. No way out. Oh, and some strange carvings in the wall. I've heard some cats talking about how it's connected to our soul-powers but I'm not sure.

Update: These scrolls showed up today. An ultimatum from Helena. I don't trust it. Oordeel says we should burn them, and I hate to admit that I agree. His sister is nothing but trouble and I would like nothing more to do with any of their 'god' bullshit.

[[entry 015 - the caves]]

There was a commotion in the back cave today, the one with the carvings. Everyone gathered back there and the carvings started to glow... And then Oordeel appeared, the menace as always, announcing the start of the next trial. I should have known paradise wouldn't come so easily. Maybe it really is all a lie, like Helena said. Always another trial. Pawns in the hands of a cruel god.

It all went dark. And when I opened my eyes again, I found myself in a strange, glowing city.

i t e m s

--- Helena's feather ( u s e d )

f a m i l y


Mate: n/a
[[it's kinda hard to think about settling down when the world is falling apart around you]]

Father: unknown
-------------------- died when Rowan was very young, no memory of him

Mother: unknown
-------------------- died when Rowan was very young, no memory of her

Siblings: Risk
-------------------- brother, orange-and-cream coated tabby, assumed dead: separated from Rowan in trial one

Offspring: n/a

Other kin: unknown

r p s a m p l e

[[taken from an RP in EmpiresBeforeClans ]]

Today was the most miserable day anyone could have picked for a raid. Rivulets of rainwater trickled off of Thanatos' silver armor, taking with them the smatterings of mud that had found their way onto it earlier. But maybe it was a blessing in disguise; Jupiter's gift to Massilia. The damp air would help to mask their scents to the invadors, giving them yet another advantage over the idiots coming their way.

The Empires were insane. That was all there was to it. Reckless and foolish enough to let a spy enter their ranks. Sure, it had been a risk on Thanatos' part allowing a young hunter apprentice the freedom of roaming the woods, but it had been a risk that had paid off. Sachin had stayed loyal and proved himself to be a priceless informant, alerting the Hunters of this foolhardy raid on Massilia.

Thanatos' blue eyes lit up as the members of the patrol began filtering into their shadowy hiding places. He rose to his paws from where he sat in front of the wide merchant gate. The so-calledassassin patrol should be here soon and he needed every hunter here to be ready. Caelina already knew the plan - he had discussed it with her on their way back from securing Scaeden. Thanatos hoped against his better judgement that the lynx would stay put. The empires would be looking for the rogue that had brought down numerous leaders. They would be out for blood tonight. He couldn't handle the thought of losing another family member, and although him and Scaeden weren't related by blood, they might as well have been.

It would have been easier to yell out commands to the entire hunter patrol, but the assassins could arrive at any minute. So for the sake of silence and surprise, the heavily-clad leader made his way around to every feline gathered in the inner gate. Stay hidden until the entire patrol is right outside the walls. Keep to the shadows. No one gets further into the city - and NO ONE escapes. We will drop down from the walls when they are right outside, as Orcus provides the distraction. If luck is with us, the elites hidden in the forest will have our backs, closing off any escape routes into the woods. Show no mercy - they aren't your average Empire scum. Make quick kills and advance to the next target. We'll make an example of their patrol; their futile attempt at creating an army.This was the general message he spread around to the cats waiting behind the gate.

"Orcus; you're the distraction. Signal me when they are close."

Thanatos leaped onto the top of the wall opposite Caelina, making sure to stay hidden behind the ramparts and waiting for each feline to get in place. His blue eyes blazed as he stared at the gate, his claws kneading into the thickly-mudded ground. He would not tolerate anything other than complete victory for the Hunters. He was sure that the assassins would go down easily - no amount of training in the woods could ever amount to the regimen that each and every hunter was put through from cub-hood. They would win and the Empire scum would come to regret that they ever decided to invade Massilia.

relationship/rp/art tracker: TPT||Rowan||tracker

character/art/description (c) me

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Comments: 25

kit-kaboodii [2017-12-22 07:33:53 +0000 UTC]

helo (;;;; my cat chrysanth has terrible lungs and probably has a squad of green souls to help her recover, do u think rowan could take pity on her lmao??

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

tictactie In reply to kit-kaboodii [2017-12-23 00:47:26 +0000 UTC]

heya :3c Rowan would totally be down to help her out! She loves using her healing powers and all that shit! 

I lov love her design btw! Super cool

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Staniqs [2017-12-12 05:18:31 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

tictactie In reply to Staniqs [2017-12-13 22:53:45 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

CaliberArts [2017-12-12 02:18:32 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

tictactie In reply to CaliberArts [2017-12-13 22:54:00 +0000 UTC]



👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Staniqs [2015-12-11 00:49:14 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

tictactie In reply to Staniqs [2015-12-13 23:03:53 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Wilderwicked [2015-12-10 23:43:09 +0000 UTC]

Love her personality~ Congrats on getting in :'D!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

tictactie In reply to Wilderwicked [2015-12-13 23:03:10 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Wilderwicked In reply to tictactie [2015-12-14 01:41:18 +0000 UTC]

No problem!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Fire-of-Fall [2015-12-10 21:26:28 +0000 UTC]

Congrats and welcome to the group! :>

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

tictactie In reply to Fire-of-Fall [2015-12-13 23:03:27 +0000 UTC]

thanks! I'm so excited to get started!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

mothsighs [2015-12-09 01:20:31 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

tictactie In reply to mothsighs [2015-12-09 02:33:15 +0000 UTC]

Thanks !!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

gorseberry [2015-12-03 22:59:42 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

tictactie In reply to gorseberry [2015-12-05 01:12:52 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

gorseberry In reply to tictactie [2015-12-05 13:03:22 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Staniqs [2015-12-03 03:28:42 +0000 UTC]

oh my god her history i'm sOBBING i loVE HER

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

tictactie In reply to Staniqs [2015-12-05 01:13:14 +0000 UTC]

alsdfj;lk thaNKS ME TOO<3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Nythero [2015-12-03 00:09:09 +0000 UTC]

What is it about this group? x3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

tictactie In reply to Nythero [2015-12-03 00:11:16 +0000 UTC]

It looks amazing, so everyone wants to join haha <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Nythero In reply to tictactie [2015-12-03 00:15:15 +0000 UTC]

Ahhh xP
Is it kinda Warrior-based or nah?
(I'm on my phone so I can't check )

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

tictactie In reply to Nythero [2015-12-03 00:32:33 +0000 UTC]

Nope, it's about a group of cats searching for 'paradise' in a post-apocalyptic world. Pretty unique story ;w; You should check the group out if you have time

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Nythero In reply to tictactie [2015-12-04 19:31:46 +0000 UTC]

I'm not sure... I have so many RP characters already o-o

👍: 0 ⏩: 0