Thinking of you wherever you are.
To all my dear friends, those who are on this image and all those that I have been unable to add by lack of space or time, and which are also important for me. I wish you a very Happy New Year 2015 !!
I'll do more tomorrow !! But it was important for me to do something tonight !!
I wish I had more time to express to you my love, my adoration and everything. Unfortunately it will be for another time. But don't doubt about my feelings for you all !!
I love you !!!
And !!!
☆ Edit Rei - Danit09182
☆ Edit Kazu - Kazuki9484
☆ Edit Tifany - Tifany1988
☆ Edit Lilium - Kairichan96
☆ Edit Temmie - TemmieVega1999
☆ Edit Kohaku - Kohakuume6
☆ Edit Nana - ChoChoYatori
☆ Edit Rhian - xxrhian-midnightxx
☆ Edit Adelyne - Smirkaotic
☆ Edit WOM - Madness-lady
☆ Edit Kumiko - Candy-girl13
☆ Edit TJ - Justtj
☆ Edit Lexi - Lecalice
☆ Edit Haku - HakuMizuki
☆ Edit Saxor - Sophloulou
☆ Edit Moon - Theevilmonster
© KH, Square Enix, Disney Interactive, Tetsuya Nomura