TigerliliK — The Way Things Happen Ch6 [NSFW]
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"Hey Harper!"

"What up Tuesday? Who's your friend?" She asked waving.
"Harper this is Katsumi. Katsumi this is Harper."

"Hi, you can just call me Kat." This time I didn't bow. "Its nice to meet you."

"Cool." She took a seat on the ground. "Kat, I bet Tuesday here has been going on and on about everything and everyone around here."

"Yeah." I said sheepishly. Tuesday just laughed.

"You know its what I do best." She laughed again. "Anyway I just getting started on the boys in our grade."

"Ooh boys! Where should we start?" Harper said with a wicked grin. "How about Robbie Fletcher?"

"Oh my God, Harper! We kissed one time back in sixth grade. We are just friends, are you ever gonna let that go?"  Tuesday was nearly yelling at Harper and some people started to stare.


"Ugh! Just ignore her." Tuesday said looking at me. Then she turns toward the crowd of students waiting in the courtyard before school started. "Lets start with Shane. He is my uncle's son and I can't stand him. Shane is over at my house so much its like his my older brother. He has dated just about every girl in our grade. Despite how dumb he looks he is actually pretty smart. He always gets straight A's but he hates for girls to know that." She rolled her eyes. "He claims it ruins his 'cool guy' image."

"Speak of the devil." Harper whispered.

As Shane walked over we all got to our feet. Shane was good-looking; he had soft pale blue eyes, scruffy short brown hair, and an adorable smile. It was easy to see why girls would fall for him.

  "Hey coz, Harper, and lovely friend of theirs." He smiled at me. I blushed I couldn't help it. I wasn't used to being complimented.

"She has a name you know." Tuesday snapped.

"Yeah, but I don't know it. So I have to address her the best that I can." He snapped back. "Besides I don't think she minds."

"My name is Katsumi Ichigawa. You can call me Kat." I said quickly.

"Shane Benson." He kissed me hand. "You're new here right?"

"Yeah, this is going on my second week here." I said trying to keep from blushing.

"Well if you ever want someone to show you around town, I would be more than happy to."  Shane said with a smug look on his face.

I looked to Tuesday and Harper before I answered. "Sure." The girls' mouths dropped.

"Great. When do you want me to take you out?" He smirked.

The bell rang for us to go to our first class and I pick my book bag. I smiled at him and said. " How bout in two months."

"W-what?" He said not believing what he heard.

The three of us walked off to class laughing. Harper was in my first class so I took a seat by her. The teacher strolled in shortly after and wrote his name on the board.

"My name is Mr. Schwartz for those of you who can't read." He smirked. "Welcome to AP Biology …"

He went on about what was going to be needed us to pass the class and the trip to the zoo we were going to take later in the year.  My next class I had to go it alone but the one after that both Harper and Tuesday were there. I met another one of their friends, a girl named Jaimee Watson. She was the youngest person in our grade.

The class I had been waiting for all day was during fourth period. The Photography classroom was rather small, only enough room for maybe twenty people at the most.  One wall was lined with computers and a printer. There where no desk just some chairs in a circle. There were posters of famous photographers, their works, and different styles. I was the first one to class so I took that time to look at the posters.

"My favorites are the works done by Andy Goldsworthy." A voice said from the doorway. There stood a familiar looking boy, but I knew I didn't know him. He had longish black hair and crazy deep blue eyes. "What's your favorite?" He asked walking into the classroom.

"Um…Paolo Roversi." I said looking towards the door as a few more students and a teacher walked in. I went and sat down in the chair where my bag was, the familiar boy took the seat to the left of me.

There were only eleven other people in the class and when everyone took a seat in the circle the teacher started to talk. "My name is Katherine Perry and I will be your guide. You, yourselves will be your own teachers. I'm here to help you on your photography journey and also so you don't kill each other." She looked to everyone. "Today we are going to do introductions and I'll start…"

The introductions went counter-clockwise, we had to give our name, age, place of birth, styles of photography you were going to try this year, and why you like art.  The intros started to turn into a contest to see who could answer the funniest or most interesting.

The boy next to me turn came up. He unlike the others stood to give his introduction. "My name is Mason White, I turned eighteen this passed June, and I was born in Virginia Beach, Virginia. This year I would like to do landscapes and portrait…models." He smirked at the girls across from him and everyone laughed even the teacher.

"But in all seriousness I like art because I love that anyone can do it.  There is no rule that says this is art and that isn't. Its everywhere you look and everyone is a part of it." He sat down after that and it was my turn.

"Hi everybody." I waved. "I'm Katsumi Ichigawa, but I go by Kat. I'm seventeen years old and I was born in Mushashimurayama –Tokyo, Japan. This year I would like to do still-lifes and fashion photography.  I love art because it's a way to express yourself and let out your feelings you might not want anyone to know…" I went quite after that feeling like I had said too much.

After all the introductions Mrs. Perry went to go get cameras for us all. People started to talk amongst each other. Someone tapped me on my shoulder.

"Hey, have you noticed that we have all the same classes?" Mason asked me.

"That's why you seem so familiar…" I mused. "Why did you move here from Virginia?"

He looked to the ground then back at me. "I needed a different scene. You?"

"Pretty much the same thing."

"Okay!" Mrs. Perry came in holding cameras. "Black and white film or Digital?"

After Photography class it was time for lunch. I met up with Tuesday and the others. We stood in line to our food. After we all got our food we walked towards a table. Next thing I knew I was on the floor and another girl was there with me.

"Oh my god, Juno are you okay?" A tall girl with short reddish brown hair asked the girl on the floor with me.

"I'm fine. Get your hands off me, you idiot." The girl Juno said. She got to her feet and so did I.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't see you coming and I …"

"Hey!" Juno said cutting me off. "I'ma let it slide this time because your obviously new here and don't know any better."

"I'm Katsumi Ichigawa, but you can Kat if you want. I transferred here from Japan." I said ignoring her comment and trying to make nice.

"I didn't ask for your life story." She said matter-of-factly.

"Yeah." Two girls said in unison. One was the girl who tried to help her out and the other was a girl with long light brown almost blond hair and green eyes.

"It was nice talking to you. Maybe we can do it again some time." Juno picked up my right hand and looked at it. "I think you're interesting." Then the three of them walked away.

When I got to the table with my friends, they start talking about Juno and the other two girls with her.

"I can't believe that happened."  Jaimee said gapping at me.

"Anyone else would have done that she would have thrown a fit." Harper said.

"Do you guys know what she meant by 'thinking I'm interesting'?" I  asked wanting to know what that was all about. What was she looking at on my hand.

"Why don't you just tell her about them?" A boy with short black hair and brown eyes asked as he sat at the table with us.

"Kat this is Robbie. Robbie this is Kat." Tuesday said gesturing between the two of us. "And for your information I was just about to tell her."

"Tell me what?" I asked.

"About Juno and her friends. They call themselves blood sisters." Tuesday rolled her eyes at how stupid the name was. " Anyway Juno is the leader of the three even though she's short and doesn't seem like much of a threat. The two, Angel the one with long brown hair and Odette the one with the short red hair are her minions."

"Gez, Tuesday will you just get to the point already?" Harper whined.

"Fine! Long story short, they believe their witches or wickens but not in the religious healer kind of way. They think they can do spells and stuff." Tuesday said.

I cringed at the thought. That was the main reason I left Japan. I didn't need this, Juno coming along saying that I'm interesting.

"So basically they're crazy and its best to avoid them." Robbie so kindly wrapped up.

Just then I saw Mason walk passed our table. He waved to me and I waved back with a smile. The rest of the people at my table started at me.

"What are you doing? Are you crazy?" Jaimee asked eyes wide.

"Do you know who that was?" Robbie said with the same expression.

"Yeah, that's Mason, he is in all my classes. What's the big deal?" I asked.

"The big deal? The big deal is that he is head crazy's boyfriend!" Harper said nearly yelling at me.

"I think that's enough for today." Faelin said.

I hadn't even noticed that I had stopped talking. I was just thinking about everything. About that first day of school, about Mason, my new friends, and my family. About everything that had happen since then. Even if Faelin some how did get me out of here things would never be the same.

They were dead he was dead. Nothing could ever change that. It was entirely my fault, he died in front of me because of the things that I did.

"Come on Kat." Faelin said calmly.

"Yeah okay." I whispered.

Faelin's POV

Katsumi looked utterly heartbroken when she talked about Mason. Just as bad when she talked about her father dying.

"Come on Kat."

"Yeah okay." She sounded defeated.

As I left the prison I thought about Mason. He was the only other person who was alive that was there that night. I think its time for a visit.
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