TipsyRa1d3n — Professor Tipsy and the Archosaur Brigade!

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Description PROFESSOR TIPSY SPEAKING. I am here to introduce you to my friends and travelling companions!

(NOTE: YES. I KNOW THIS IS MORE THAN THE SIX POKEMON PER TEAM. And yeah, I know it's the law. Although a lot of these I don't even use for battle, and just let them tag along because want to come too. I have spoken with law enforcement about this, and they have permitted it, so long as I don't use more than six Pokemon in a battle.)


Gustav the Krookodile (The Partner-In-Crime)
Impish, Impetuous and silly
History: My best friend...and my starter. The very first Pokemon I owned for myself. I met him when I was going to college at Nimbasa University, a campus somewhere between Nimbasa City, and the Desert Resort. It was during my four years of studying outside in the sandy deserts, and had first met him as a Sandile, trying to take my lunch. I've spent those years getting to know him, his habits, his favorite foods, his living space, and the predators that would try to hunt him. Those days, he hung around me very often, following me around the campus, and being offered food while I taught him various things, such as human language, new hunting techniques, new foods, convenient technologies. I had become a teacher to this Sandile as well. And come post-graduation, he had evolved into a Krokorok, happily tagging along as my partner, ready to see the world and cause some racket.

These days, he does....stuff. He carries around a Clawitzer he trained himself, and named "Tomislav the Brass Beast", using it like a gun. He enjoys snacking on cute Electric-Type Pokemon. On bad days, he occasionally intoxicates himself by eating Bitter berries that confuse him. Talks smack about foes when doing battle, and likes to chew up small Pokemon before spitting them out. At least, those are some things he does aside from being the best friend I could ever ask for. 


Tomislav the Clawitzer (The Brass Beast)
Brave, Strong willed
History: I'm gonna tell you the truth. Tomislav isn't my Pokemon. He's a Pokemon that my partner had raised and trained himself. YES, this is perfectly legal. But what happened was that Gustav had found him one day in Kalos, as a tiny Clauncher. And I mean tiny enough to fit in Gustav's hand. Apparently Tomislav had always been on a bit of the slow side, because when he was found he had trouble aiming and launching at a Frillish. So...Gustav, who had fallen in love with this thing and its firepower, had pretty much picked it up, and pricked a specific spot on its belly that caused him to launch a Water Gun at the Frillish's face, point blank. It wasn't the water that knocked it out, but the force of the blast. And after the whole thing, Gustav got it to stay with him, by feeding it a Pokepuff. 

It was at that point that Gustav had spent some days perfecting his Clawitzer-Handling skills. He "reloads" Tomislav by feeding him a Pokepuff. Handles him in different ways depending on the move he's about to use, to avoid blowback damage. Regularly cleans and polishes his carapace. And Tomislav found himself easing into this, knowing that Gustav's Speed, matched with his sheer Special Attack power, can make the two of them a rather frightening combo!


Shale the Tirtouga (The Newborn)
Naive, Often scatters things
History: Now this was a relatively recent discovery. But most people are proud to admit that they have their "Shoulder Pokemon". And this happens to be mine. A very, VERY tiny Tirtouga. One whose fossil I found on the beach, which I thought was just a random pebble. Thing was smaller than the palm of my hand, suggesting that Shale must have died and fossilized when he was BARELY a hatchling, fresh out of the egg. Tragic really...but at least he's revived, and now, very much alive. Shale is very new to the world, and so, to learn more, he sits from the top of my head and just watches what happens. 

He's pretty much mute, not having learned to communicate yet. He doesn't seem to understand most of the things he sees until later, when he pieces it together. He has a very slow metabolism, meaning that he doesn't need to eat or drink a lot, preferring to simply spend his days watching the world from the top of my head. Although one thing he IS skilled at is showing affection, because I sometimes scratch his head and let him eat off my hand. So cute!


Tesla the Heliolisk (The Butler)
Serious, Alert to sounds
History: Now Tesla is actually a Pokemon that I inherited from my father. He's still alive, don't worry, but what with me being the main traveler and all, he thought it best to transfer him over to provide his services to me. Apparently Tesla is actually quite old. Still going strong because of his reptilian biology, but old. Apparently so old that he used to watch over me when I was very young, putting him above at least 22 years. Tesla is basically considered the butler of my family, tending to the needs of myself and my other Pokemon, including cleanliness, health, food, and equipment. ESPECIALLY when it comes to helping me power my equipment, in case of an emergency. That whole "can power a skyscraper" thing is true, and it has saved my life in times where my equipments' batteries would have otherwise ran out. He is highly alert, because he is attentive to our safety and well being as well, leading other Pokemon of my team to pitch in and help out. 

Although lately, I think everyone's been pitching in to help him considering that we've got about three Tyrunt triplets now. Even compared to before, Tesla's finding himself running around the clock, trying to make sure they don't cause a ruckus. Which they do. Very often. As does Charlie, whose birdbrained antics can REALLY frazzle his frill. I mean I dunno about you, but I've never seen a Heliolisk do a Full Nelson on a screaming, panicking Archen before.


Europa the Aurorus (The Mother)
Gentle, Loves to eat
History: Europa is an absolute angel...apparently, she had been an Amaura for a very long time, having lived in especially harsh conditions that caused her death and fossilization. Most notably, a lack of food. So when I brought her back from the Sail Fossil, she predictably ate like an elephant, munching on grass, flowers, tree leaves, berries, just about anything her peg-like teeth can chew on. I had seldom seen a Pokemon eat so much, so we were a bit worried for a moment, until she was finally satisfied. As an Amaura, she had a sweet disposition, singing in her species' characteristic manner, enjoying scale-polishing sessions, and used an occasional cold mist to keep the others from getting too rowdy. I mean they DO break out of their Pokeball at times to randomly battle with each other, chaos ensuing before she intervenes.

And then she evolved into an Aurorus. She got HUGE, gaining an appetite like a Snorlax and a digestive and immune system to back it up. This means that she's usually out of her Pokeball, wandering around looking for something to snack on, too big for almost any predator. Not to mention....that cold fog that constantly radiates from her body tends to be a problem when trying to observe wild environments whose denizens don't like cold temperatures. But she easily makes up for these by being everything she was as an Amaura and more. Essentially a Team Mom to most of the group's members. And the last detail I should mention? She's most definitely the very strongest member of my team. And believe me, like any self-respecting mom, she doesn't take crap from anyone messing with her teammates. Harm a teammate, and you get a smack with her tail. Harm a child, or a very young Pokemon, and you will be on the receiving end on what is probably the strongest Blizzard attack I've ever witnessed. Like...crap, man.


Kongamato the Aerodactyl (The Elder)
Bold, Highly persistent
History: He was, in fact, a birthday present from my parents. They gave him to me when his DNA was still fossilized in Old Amber. A trip to the Museum managed to restore him, and he was just about in his prime when he was so. A good deal older than most Aerodactyl, but nonetheless, experienced, and a good mentor to his peers, young and old. 

I taught him Fly so that we can move to other locations when need be, and he makes for a pretty badass Pokemon! For starters he's an amazingly strong flier, easily able to carry myself and Gustav without breaking a sweat. Good company to be around too, being older and more able to go by his natural instincts. ESPECIALLY to kids, with whom he acts as a surrogate grandfather at times. Albeit I REFUSE to call him an Aerodactyl, because that would imply that he's related to Pterodactylus. Not the case. He's a Pterosaur-like Pokemon, a flying reptile. Therefore, I call him an Aerosaur. I'll petition for this, dammit!


Kasai the Tyranitar (The Manchild)
Quirky, Often lost in thought
History: You may not believe me when I tell you this, but Kasai is actually...a huge dork. Thing is I found him as a Larvitar, who acted nothing like regular members from its species to begin with. Kasai was unusually hyperactive in a "Genki Guy" sort of way, had a rather immature sense of humor, loved dressing up in accessories, and had once gone on stage at a Pokemon Musical playing a saxophone. And just like some of my other members, occasionally burst out of his Pokeball to have a random friendly-fire battle with the rest of the team. Not to mention his diet made no real sense, because while he sometimes ate mountains of dirt, he seemed to enjoy hot dogs and nachos more.

When he evolved into a Pupitar, and then a Tyranitar, he...didn't change at all. While most Tyranitars use their new energy and freedom from their pupae to fight, destroy, and generally ignore other weaker Pokemon, Kasai just used his energy playing the saxophone for about 48 hours straight until he tuckered out. And sadly, most other Tyranitars are eager to try and step all over him and insult him for liking stuff that doesn't involve constant battling and destruction. But y'know, having been a long time team member, his friends are all quite eager to back him up. I mean you GOTTA respect a Tyranitar that can play "Never Gonna Dance Again"!


Charlie the Archen (The Birdbrain)
Hasty, Scatters things often.
History: I tell you what, Charlie can be considered something of a polar opposite to Kongamato, in just about every way. He was a run-of-the-mill Plume Fossil I found, when I was digging underground one day in Unova, for cues on the Abundant Shrine's history, when I came across this Plume Fossil. Naturally, Fossil Pokemon are my passion, so after finishing up my project, I went to a Museum right away to revive it. And lo and behold, an Archen! A really birdbrained Archen at that....

He was undoubtedly one of the youngest members of our group, and frankly could be outsmarted any day by a newborn kitten. He goes to sleep in seconds if you put a blanket over his head. Inevitably tries to jump from great heights to see if he can fly. Occasionally starts flapping and screeching if something lands on his face, usually running about until he crashes into a window, or smash into a bunch of tables and chairs. Eats colorful things, including another person's/Pokemon's hair. TRIES to bury his head in the ground so people can't see him, but just make it look like he's ramming his head against the ground for no reason. Stuff like that. Although the Tyrantrum Triplets seem to like having him around as their "minion" of sorts. I should also mention I don't use him for battle often, because he gets scared off REALLY easily. I.e. Defeatist ability. Useless in battle, but great for survival in the wild. Or with a brigade of big, unruly archosaur Pokemon.


Blue the Tyrunt (The Alpha)
Serious, Thoroughly cunning

Delta (The Beta)
Adamant, Proud of its power.

Echo (The Omega)
Naive, A little quick tempered
History: Ah, the Tyrunt Triplets....these three are all a real treat. The most recent additions to the Brigade. The funny thing is I got three of them in one day! I dug up Delta's Jaw Fossil from the ground, someone gave me Echo's Jaw Fossil in exchange for a copy of my Pokemon Field Guide, and I won Blue's Jaw Fossil as an honorary prize after participating in a Pokemon Contest with Europa. Nobody expected it, what with her moveset and species not being the "Contest-ish" type, but she passed it with flying colors! Literally. That flying aurora, that crystal-ice fog, that melodic singing voice like an opera singer only a Milotic could rival....and aside from standard fare prizes, I was offered a Tyrunt Fossil! Apparently, folks seem to know me well these days! In any case, I got three of them at the same time, and managed to revive them all at the Museum.

Blue is quite obviously the brains of the operation, and is most definitely a lot smarter than most Tyrunt I know. She's definitely clever enough to have the other two wrapped around her claws, and come up with plans to meet an end goal. Delta is the group's muscle, being the toughest of the three, and is so far kind of reckless, being the most eager to battle. And Echo is the speedster, and seems to look up to the other two for guidance. He's pretty hyper as it is, and has a tendency towards clowning about and acting immature with the others. Not to say that Blue and Delta are all that grown up either, and get carried away easily with whatever they're doing. 


Emela the Rampardos (NEW)
Rash, Likes to thrash about 

Ntouka the Bastiodon (NEW)
Hardy, Likes to fight

History: OK, these two....a lot to say about 'em! So first things first, I found the both of them in the very same rock deposit, buried and fossilized together. And from the moment they were revived from their fossils, they showed a lot of strange dynamics with each other. First, they were both already at level 29, meaning it took VERY little time for them to evolve. Second, they literally fight at any given chance, with other team members, or simply spar matches with each other, and ESPECIALLY during trainer battles, these two just love to brawl! Albeit it should be said that Emela is more of a rampaging berserker in a battlefield, while Ntouka tends to think things out a BIT more. Not by much tho. Third, as belligerent as they may be, they seem to have developed a very sincere affection and fondness for each other, to the point where they're practically inseparable. 

And fourth....they both share the same fears. Despite how aggressive they can be, they become frightened when separated from a group, or worse, separated from each other. They defend children and baby Pokemon very eagerly, laying down their lives for a child who can't save themselves from danger. Perhaps remembering their own hardships during that time. And most of all, they have a fear of....fire. ESPECIALLY bright, fiery projectiles flying through the skies. Fireworks. Flares. Rockets. Erupting volcanoes. But ESPECIALLY Fire-Type attacks. I first discovered this pathological fear when they battled a trainer's Typhlosion and Camerupt, and both were sent into panicked hysterics at the sight of a Lava Plume and Eruption attack. A moment of bragging and gloating from the trainer and their Pokemon, followed by bitter regret and remorseful apology, seeing them huddled up with each other and shaking, legitimately afraid they were going to die. They told me, that they reacted in this frightful way because they were killed by a great ball of fire from the sky all those years ago. A ball of fire, followed by volcanic eruptions, fire storms, and a rain of flaming debris. I think I know what happened to them....and I'm sorry I didn't know sooner.


Pythagoras the Deino
Jolly, Highly curious
History: You know....the Deino line as a whole gets a REALLY bad rap. And it has a lot to do with just how long it takes for them to level up, and the fact that few, if any trainers, want to be saddled with this Pokemon for that long to evolve. Leading to many mayfly-minded trainers to go out of their way and catch a Zweilous, or worse, a full-grown Hydreigon thinking they're taking the easy way out. Not so! However strong these Pokemon are, they are also destructive, and have little to no control over themselves! Pythagoras was especially bad off, because he was a VERY long way from that mark. He was only about at Level 2, and kept in a Dragon-Type shelter at the Village of Dragons that only a few people had permission to access. I happened to be one of those people, by way of knowing the psychologies, anatomies, and physical needs of Dragon-Type Pokemon enough to care for them, and help others care for them. I remember, when I asked for permission to take one with me, I had already made myself look weird by picking out the lowest level Deino possible. And then I proceeded not to battle with it, but...I actually started schooling it! Because I wanted to know, would it be possible for a Deino to become intelligent? Enough to betray its usual aggressive nature?

I gave it a pair of glasses with which to see. I figured out its nonviolent, curious nature, so I catered to it with education. Just in that village alone, I started teaching him ABC's, how to count, shapes and colors, how to read and write basic sentences. The Villagers, even the elders, were completely perplexed at what I was doing, because while most others sought to battle with these Pokemon and help them grow strong, I was becoming a schoolmarm with the express purpose of helping him grow SMART. And smart he became! This schooling was actually leveling him up! At level 5, he had a child's vocabulary, and a Kindergartner's grasp on basic math and English. At level 10, his vocabulary kept expanding, and his ability to think, reason, and read had grown to the point where Pythagoras himself actively asked questions and searched for answers, eager to learn more. And as he approaches level 15, I feel he's going to do wonderful things in life.


Mlularuka the Noibat
Quiet, Strong willed
History: SHE'S NAMED AFTER A CRYPTID. And stuff. I tell you what, I...don't know a lot about this girl. She's an on-and-off member of the team, as she doesn't often interact with me or the other Archosaurs. While she's definitely aware that I'm not going out of my way to become a Pokemon Master or anything, she seems to be laying low in the presence of other humans. But seems to have a level of respect for my ultimate goal to educate the world on Pokemon, and shed some light on species, ESPECIALLY the Dragon-Type, that everyone likes to battle with, but are often misunderstood. HOWEVER, I can say with great certainty that she has some kind of familial connection with Kongamato! I see her with him very often, as he seems to act like a surrogate uncle or grandfather to her! I'll give her time to open up a bit more at her own pace, but damn if she isn't one strong and clever girl. Gotta respect that!

AND THUS...wacky hijinks will ensue!
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Comments: 19

CJCroen [2017-05-27 06:39:25 +0000 UTC]

We need more quadrupedal Aerodactyls in the world.

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

Lediblock2 [2017-01-02 17:02:36 +0000 UTC]

So Emela and Ntouka were killed in the K-Pg Extinction?

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SilverMystion [2016-07-29 01:42:09 +0000 UTC]

Jeez so many pokemon dude!

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

TipsyRa1d3n In reply to SilverMystion [2016-07-29 08:40:53 +0000 UTC]

Heh, thank ya dude! XD

I'm assuming here that these aren't necessarily his battling Pokemon, and are simply there as his Poke-friends!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SilverMystion In reply to TipsyRa1d3n [2016-07-29 15:46:44 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Weirda-s-M-art [2016-05-03 19:22:03 +0000 UTC]

I will be honest: you don't want to ever hear my internal squeal after seeing this, because I'm a fan of your professor Tipsy OC and his team...! The WHOLE THING !

It's really rare to see cool Pokemon trainer OC and a developed Pokemon professor especially. And to know you agree to throw him and all his Poke-pals into story alongside Weirda Mirrart in my Pokemon universe...I'm just fullfilled with happiness and joy to see what happens

okay, Pardon for telling way too much and being maybe even mushy

Just know there's a huge fan that can't believe its eyes. not just Tyrunts triplets and Tirtouga together with full description of all Pokemon I can know in new light, but even Charlie AND THAT GUSTAV X TOMISLAV COMBO?!
Tipsy, this is...genius, genius for milion times~!
They both got "gangsta" apperance, but not just this- a crocodile and a shrimp friendship? YESSS I'm all for it, it's beyond epic!

Akhem, pardon for my excitement, but I love this new thing the most, still enjoying every tidbit there and there like Kongamato's artwork reminding me your drawings of Norbert the King, Kasai playing on saxophone which reminds me of lately seen Louis from "Princess and the frog"...and wonderful description of Tesla which made him shine in my eyes
Now I see Andre and his Pokemon as even better than before OC from Pokemon universe and I feel honored to put him anytime in my stories, at last to just draw some of his pals...speaking of which, I can see how you improved, so much! I love to see how people improve. Watch so worth it, hehe

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TipsyRa1d3n In reply to Weirda-s-M-art [2016-05-04 05:07:57 +0000 UTC]

Thank ya so much dude!!

Yup! Finally decided to do the whole team, and get their story rolling again! Sorry I never did anything with them for the LONGEST time. Like it must've been two years since I even did anything with Professor Tipsy!  

Charlie and Tomislav I came up with really recently, and wanted to include them! Although I've also been trying to remember, any other type of charrie who'd fit into the gang.

I remember one time a Noibat who Kongamato would raise. And a Deino who Professor Tipsy would raise himself in an attempt to teach him intelligence! And I'll also see which Mons Weirda might have with her during her adventures in Kalos with Andre!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Weirda-s-M-art In reply to TipsyRa1d3n [2016-05-05 09:49:53 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome, I enjoy your stuff since I found you on DA
Who said that breathtaking professional artwork is the only thing we look for- imagination and ideas are the best, so this always wins for me

But...b-but why you say sorry? I'm glad you somehow came back to them again with new and even more awesome ideas, that you do lots of stuff lately, that you manage to do it all still having a life...! Seriously, don't say sorry. Be proud that you're able to manage everything lately so nicely. I remember even a sketch of Eccentri-City even if you haven't got time to nail it, but you still shared what's in your head trying your best. That's a huge and great thing in my eyes, so please take at last my words. Being ambitious is good, but being TOO ambitious is nothing good, okay?

Two years to introduce and write down a team. Woo, you're still better than me. I still haven't done a fully satissfying me reference sheet of Weirda Mirrart, to let everyone know what my friends do and what makes them so excited and curious about her story. And she exists in my head since over 4 years. Even more, it's been 2 years since I did the first page of Kalos story. Because I gave up as a perfectionist realizing how many gaps it does have. But deeply in heart I'm still believing I'll do it, just need to believe in myself and my ideas more.

Wow, so you haven't forgotten about the Noibat? I'm so glad you do remember her. I gave her nickaname Mlularuka, after a cryptid thought to be a bat or even flying jackal in the Africa, but then found to be group of flying rodents, similar to flying squirrel, but not being the same. I've been inspired on some Andre's Pokemon being named after cryptids. In my Pokemon universe Noibats aren't bats, but pterosaurs not many even know!


Well, as for her and Kongamato...actually you're not the only one who will take her into arms of your OCs- see, there are also two friends with who I create widener story in my Poke-universe. One of them has a female Noivern OC that will get close with my male Gliscor OC and with my friend we decided that Mlularuka will be their adopted "child". Still, Kongamato will take huge role to Mlularuka, becase he's like an uncle to her. Most of times we see an OC and its parents, rarely more Pokemon who would create bigger family, so that's why I think it will be another plus to have something unusual~

If you'll forgive me for writing too much to you...if you wanna know, when lookin' at Charlie I'm thinking he would be connected to my shiny Archeops with rash nature, Dakota and shiny Aerodactyl with probably mild nature, Ptero. Both under care of bird kepper....Trevenant(!).
(Persephone from my list of OCs you might bravely read through it all XD)
Charlie would be annoying to everyone and feel no one understands his behaviour, while Dakota would be a good, yet moody mommy to him with Ptero reminding him of Kongamato. I'm not saying I already set it in my head, but a visit of such "family" would make Charlie scream and squeal from excitement like crazy and change him to better Pokemon...for few days before he'll turn to "normal" after Dakota and Ptero would come back to their home.
My brain just never stops with its imagination

If I can share more of my imagination...I wanna say I see professor Tipsy's Deino being adopted from a group of people in Hoenn who continue respect and love to dragon types by having...both shelter and reserve for those. You know about Draconians in OR/AS? Also, ever seen an anime episode in Best Wishes saga with Village of dragons? I wanna expand those ideas with concept that Andre, comign from the Unova, knows about motion in Pokemon World that dragon types are hunted and not respected in wild nowadays. Their high levels needed to evolve, especially Deino's makes some lazy people go hunt on wild ones to get Hydreigon on cheap way. I can see Andre defending those dark types known from aggression just because they're often hunted and not understood in wild and those owned by Pokemon trainers nevern been raised from small, so that's why being so brutal and without mercy. He will show with his Deino that this Pokemon can be great friend and trainers need to use their brains to raise them propertly.
This idea, man, this idea makes me so excited to make people go "wow" over such deep Pokemon universe, where most of people doesn't know what's going on behind their back.
Well...if I'm not the only one to think like that
I'm always afraid my ideas are kind of "meh".

"And I'll also see which Mons Weirda might have with her during her adventures in Kalos with Andre!" Wait, wat? Whaat..? Pardon monsieur, you wanna add even more Pokemon to the list I've shown you in other comment? Not to mention, a list without Pokemon that Wei lost?
Even more Pokemanz?!
whoah, I hope I just not understood you there lol

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TipsyRa1d3n In reply to Weirda-s-M-art [2016-05-05 15:04:33 +0000 UTC]

Hey, I wanted to say, thank you VERY much for this comment! I really feel like I'm able to kind of explore my ideas a little more so I can develop my Pokemon characters! Because I feel that while human characters are interesting and all, Pokemon can be so interesting in terms of personality and character dynamics with each other! Although I do hope that whatever project you take, that you find inspiration to pull it off. ^^

- In the meanwhile, yeah! Mlularuka, that's who it was! I figured that she also had a family figure who'd raise her as it is, although Kongamato would definitely act as an uncle, or grandfather figure as she grows up! After all you're totally right, Pokemon seldom get an extended family, which is really something special in this case. XD Although regardless, still interacting with Andre at times, who KNOWS just how smart and developed she is, while she knows full well about his ultimate plans to educate the world on Pokemon, especially the Dragon-Type Pokemon everyone likes, but few people actually understand. 

- I actually feel kind of sorry for Charlie, in that he's VERY young, and his brain is VERY small, needing more time to develop into something actually resembling intelligence, which kind of leads him to do really dumb things, even for "baby" Pokemon. Although the two of them would do wonders in helping Charlie develop past that, by actually parenting him. It's extremely helpful in the long run. Although it just doesn't look like it right now, because things rarely stick with him in general.

- Now the Deino....he's a very interesting case for me. I can see Deino being a quite unappreciated Pokemon, on account of it taking so long for it to evolve, and most people would rather go catch a wild Hydreigon and use that for battle, instead of take the time of day to raise a Deino, despite it being the safer method. Maybe adopted from a dragon shelter mostly classified to all but a few people! And, with Andre beginning an "experiment" with the Deino, to see if it's possible to teach a Deino intelligence. By actually being a teacher to him, at first teaching him his ABC's, how to read and write, what math is, shapes and colors, and as he gets older, move onto stuff like Language, Algebra, Physics, and all that stuff. And I imagine THAT'S the kind of curriculum that actually helps him level up and gain experience rather than fighting! (Even better since Tipsy DEFINITELY got him glasses with which to see stuff)

And at the end of the whole thing, when he evolves into a Zweilous, then a Hydreigon, he turns out completely different from any other member of his species. All three of his heads are still wholly functional, and he uses all of them to think! Although his intelligence makes him just as great a fighter as all the others. And his name shall be: Pythagoras! 

- Oh! I mean, I'm probably gonna do a Weirda reference sometime myself, so I figured I'd add some of the particularly prominent ones! I was kinda thinking of Marshall, Furry, Quilly, Frankenstein, Titan, Monica...I wasn't sure which ones would be more prominent in the storyline, so I just kinda figured I'd try them first!

Although I DO know I'm definitely adding Mlularuka and Pythagoras to this! I've also been thinking about including a Bastiodon and Rampardos on this team as well! Although I kinda need to think about that for a bit!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Weirda-s-M-art In reply to TipsyRa1d3n [2016-05-07 17:59:45 +0000 UTC]

You're then VERY welcome, again~!
This is a great feeling, isn't it? I know it and I'm always happy seeing how people enjoy seeing my trivia around my OCs, especially Weirda Mirrart being mysterious and pretty complex for a Pokemon trainer.
I also love more Pokemon OCs than human characters, but more for my nostalgia to fairy tales and books with anthropomorphised animals. It's because just by look we can judge who is certain character. Foxes are graceful and sly, crows are pretty mysterious and intelligent, can get to many places unaviable for land animals and so on. For Pokemon, we got "super-animals" with types, which I see as elementals. Then we have...Pokemon fandom and its stereotypes! Like if something looks feminine like Virizion, then no one cares for its origin, but make it always female. Especially that shiny is pink. I love to twist first impression and such stereotypes to dig in and make reliable character with its matters it needs to face, like being a male that's not very bold and masculine or lacks self-esteem because it's not strong Pokemon like Lucario or Machamp.

PARDON, pardon for writing THAT MUCH, hehe

-As for Mlularuka the Noibat (then Noivern)...because you still wasn't sure of her personality and nature as Pokemon OC, I haven't drawn her, so I don;t mind you have forgotten I wished to add her

Just tell me anytime when you'll get any idea for her personality and background, I'll try to tell if I've got any and this might boost time of creating her as an OC
What I look for is, something unusual in her personality. If seems ppl commonly make Noibats and Noiverns a female.
Noibats are cute, especially that I've seen LOTS of adorable Noibat artworks nomming a fruit. Okay, those are my thoughts around her, now I give you time to see if there are any cool ideas in your head to make her interesting, not just "oh look another cute Noibat/Noivern over here!". Of course breaking stereotypes is not the only thing I wanna see in Pokemon OC. Troubles and imperfection are another thing I like to develop. Maybe a wild Golbat tried to hunt her and bited off one of ears or skin on a wing making her totally not worth in trainer's eyes? Troubles with being independent? Finding new methods to live and battle because of lacking whole "set" of skills? I'm sometimes thinking about rash nature, which boosts sp. atk, lowers sp.def and the pun fun over word "rash" that she might could get rash after eating some fruits! Okay that's just my thought, dunno what's yours? It's okay if you also don't have much more. I haven't started a comic yet, so there's plenty of time to work on her

- I feel sorry to this buddy too, but more I'm satissfied he as a fossil Pokemon got a reason why he died so young- because of such personality...hey, maybe he got a mental illness, like ADHD?
Any non-perfect OCs are cool, in my eyes even better if they can spread awarness of problems among people or animals! And Pokemon are between both

I often saw Archen and Archeops portayed as bird-brains, there's even one Unova Nuzlocke ongoing with Cheddar the Archeops who's another dumb one, which kind of sucks in my eyes...but ohh no,
I don't wanna say I'm dissapointed or not not seeing any good sides in you following such common idea for Archen with Charlie! It's your idea and imagination around him AND he's in professor Tipsy's arms
and under his Poke-pals care, so Charlie gonna get better. Still making mistakes and not being perfect, but trying his best and learning

My shiny Archeops based on Dakotaraptor gonna be good teacher to him in my eyes with her rash nature. she'll have enough energy and focus to keep eye on Andre's Archen, while her impatient and moody personality
will work with not getting too annoyed by Charlie's.
No one will get bored when those two will be around...especially that I find personally those fun to draw dynamic poses and body talk.
Adding some situation humour you might come up with, we might make funny "raptors" duo who will be rather silly than what Jurassic Park made from those carnivores. >rubs hands with a smirk<
You know that reptiles got more brain parts responsible for movement and coordinations, also I've talked lately with one of my friends about group intelligence being better than single one of a person.
Charlie and Dakota might go with silly actions in a rush, but with some other Pokemon and great intuition they might suprise those who watch them >:3

Birds of feather flock together!

- OMG So Pythagoras the Hydreigon....DAT DUDE?! I remmeber him! A Hydreigon you drawn as a professor holding various stuff in its wings like many birds in cartoon got "magic hand feathers" XD
Not to mention, I am so happy to see I'm not the only one who sees there are experience points, not BATTLE points or battle exp. Experience for Pokemon is for sure not only battle! And now with Andre's Deino everyone can see that and that dragon Pokemon just need time and more experiences than adrenaline and physical fight to evolve, yaay~!

- Sinnoh fossils, Sinnoh fossils yaasss~! I've always been a fan of those(and so is Wei, getting to two gym leadersto just take their autographs rather than badges 'cause I see Byron and Roark as paleontologists XD ). Not only because they were first purely dinosaur fossils ever, but the fun fact they both belong to Marginocephalia, are related, even if they look so different!
And ceratopsians are one of my favs because of their diversity.

Have you noticed that in my Pokemon OC I listed for you there was a Bastiodon?
I have that idea that she was... a birthday gift from Andre...because I don't believe he would not notice how Weirda talks with passion and sparkling eyes about Bastiodons. Also, I see professor Tipsy having determination and open mind when scientists will say it's impossible to revive a new Bastiodon subspecies from fragment of crest I see Andre has found one day, so he will ask one Kadabra scienstist he and Wei will get to know in Hoenn.
Even more, Donny is an OC that's inspired on both Dolly cloning AND Jurassic Park cloning females...so...maaybee professor will think of opening a fossil Pokemon park? X'D
No seriously, money aren't growing on trees and if both doesn't work or seek maniacally for battles to just win money, then...
Uhmmm, forgive me, I think way too serious about the Pokemon World lol

- Oh! I mean, I'm probably gonna do a Weirda reference sometime myself, so I figured I'd add some of the particularly prominent ones! I was kinda thinking of Marshall, Furry, Quilly, Frankenstein, Titan, Monica...I wasn't sure which ones would be more prominent in the storyline, so I just kinda figured I'd try them first!

Merci Monsieur, now I've got what you meant

You got them right, I only wanna add that Quilly will be seen only in Kalos, because then...ahh, I think I wanna say way too much. He will stay in Kalos, just saying -w-'
Also, uhm....it would be very kind of you if you would ask via note about details in apperance for those OCs of mine you wanna portait in your style. I'm always eager to see same thing in different fashion, but there are things that are characteristic to my OCs. Not to mention, Weirda's green blouse got redesign and so her big ref sheet is not actual and most of her Pokemon are still lacking reference sheet I would link you...so you're free to ask about their slight differences you might show in the artwork, but I know this is not a request, you will draw them if you want AND have time

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TipsyRa1d3n In reply to Weirda-s-M-art [2016-05-07 21:40:25 +0000 UTC]

- While I added her to the picture recently, yeah, I still don't have much of a clue on her nature or personality, so here's my thought on her background. 

While Mlularuka is an adolescent, she's considerably lower leveled than any of her other Noibat kin, on account of her having indeed been viciously attacked by a Golbat early on. While she survived the encounter, the sheer amount of blood and damage its poison moves did on her bodily system ensured that for years to come, her development was stunted, unable to keep up with the rest of her kin. Remember, Noibat become Noivern at level 48. In most areas, Noibat are already at level 45. And she's a measly level 6. Making her effectively the weakest Noibat in the area, and WAY less fit to be part of a Pokemon team than any other ones. However, despite her very low level, having very few moves to work with, and her lack of experience outside her home, she is an incredibly determined and stalwart individual, braving through situations others would back out in. Albeit she has a poor idea of when to stop, and often has unrealistic expectations for herself. Her parents hold nothing against her, and have advised her to stay out of the way of trainers, knowing that she would only be unhappy with a trainer that sought to use her for her power (that she doesn't have yet). However, Professor Tipsy had defied expectation by being completely unlike other trainers, and had taken in Mlularuka to raise her as one of their own, no matter how difficult it is for her to keep up. 

Mlularuka. Brave, Strong-Willed. One of the most courageous little dragons one will ever meet. And now with Dinosaur Pokemon for parents!

- You know, I've always figured that Archen and Archeops are smarter than we give them credit for. Although Charlie would be a rather unfortunate case, since now that I think about it, his bizarrely unintelligent mannerisms are unusual for other Archen! To the point where others of his same species find him overly hyperactive and annoying. This may or may not have something to do with the fact that Charlie died and fossilized to begin with, because he accidentally fell off a cliff during a failed attempt to fly, and landed on his face. Doing major damage to his frontal lobe that partially carried over by the time he was revived. He's not irreparably damage but eh...it's gonna take some time. 

Plus that Charlie-Dakota dynamic actually sounds like a hilarious idea. XD Charlie as the hyperactive little kid giving grief to Dakota, the beleaguered mother figure trying not to go crazy. XD

- Exactly!! The way I see it, Experience Points come from experience. Which doesn't have to be JUST about fighting! The fact that Pythagoras, a Deino, has made it this far without fighting is really telling of how he'll grow up. ^^ I like to imagine Pythagoras as speaking with a kind of German accent. I dunno why, maybe it makes me think of TF2's Medic? XDD Maybe even addressing Weirda as "Fraulein Weirda"!

- I actually really like the idea of Donny being a kind of present from Tipsy, knowing how much she loves Bastiodons. XD Although if you've seen the updated pic, I actually made a new Rampardos and Bastiodon OC for the team! In this case, being two fossils found together, who actually have a pathological fear of fire. All because the event that caused their death and fossilization was in fact a fire storm, brought on by the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs. Despite being battling Pokemon, I think the fact that the both of them openly admitted their fear has a significant impact on their character arc. I mean, ever seen a Pokemon with a phobia before? 

Anyway, thank ya very much dude!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Weirda-s-M-art In reply to TipsyRa1d3n [2016-05-27 07:42:14 +0000 UTC]

-It's still a great read about Mlularuka, I love this~!

especially that-quote- "unrealistic expectations for herself"... it's just really interesting and sure will be nice for some stories. Geez I have still a WIP of Andre on Kongamato and Weirda on his Noivern, because I thought he could borrow her at last once his second flying Pokemon, but now I can see Wei and Ruka could get closer at some point just knowing how it feels to have such high self-expectations most of people and Pokemon rather don't worry about. And which...often slow down. Like brave nature lowering speed. It's just me and my way of thinkng, but know that I personally really like your choice of nature for this Noibat! ^^b

-might I haven't commented yet (or I forget, or when I don;t I can't gather my thoughts and get satissfied with my comment ) on your fan-fics with your fossil Pokemon OCs backstories, but I can see the reason behind Charlie's behaviour and intelligence, it's brilliant idea to add why he's acting like this and we all can hope his evolution will affect transformation of the brain and will cure his brain at last a bit. Even if not, a Pokemon with ADHD is something I've never seen, maybe only in parody type of Nuzlocke, so that's another plus going to you~

- I saw already that you even have a cool idea for his specific kind of talk, which is cool!
HMMM, who knows why, but then it's something nice for such Pokemon nerd like me, because Deino line was intended to resemble tanks at first, so with stereotypes, german accent just does fit this Pokemon...because many associate Germany with second World War :I

- I saw your updated pic, you've done great work on drawing them, again

Ooo, I love this idea. I thought I'll never find such fear among Pokemon OCs I love to come across. Now when we add that fire type moves are pretty common because they're very useful and fire type Pokemon are usually those the most popular, it makes me feel so bad for those two ;^;
I also personally love they stick together. 

uhm, I might haven't SEEN, but I've heard from my best friend about Kadabra with phobia to....maids.
Other than this, I can't think of anything else than my OC, Weirda's Excadrill having phobia of falling rocks. Which is same as for Rampardos and Bastiodon kind of irrational, because it resists this type of moves. Even 4 times for ground/steel type.
Frankly if there are any other Pokemon with phobia? Nope, the World haven't seen one yet!
...omg, now whenwe think about fire spin being literally a fire storm, even if a really weak one, that duo of Bastiodon and Rampardos might get feared quite often....now I feel really bad for them.

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Xhodocto385 [2016-05-02 23:30:26 +0000 UTC]

your team is great Tipsy, also only 5 new types on your "Stuff so far" journal remain, i hope you do the Time-Type, time type moves would be very weird.

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ComanderSprings [2016-05-02 14:05:38 +0000 UTC]

Wow Professor I love your team! Although I'm not sure who is my favourite out of them

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TipsyRa1d3n In reply to ComanderSprings [2016-05-02 14:45:06 +0000 UTC]

Thank ya very much dude!

I tell you what, reptile and Fossil Pokemon are a passion of mine! With the digging around I do for archaeological purposes, it's always a great treat to find more of them. ^^ Although I do admit, those lizards can get pretty unruly sometimes. XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ComanderSprings In reply to TipsyRa1d3n [2016-05-02 21:55:43 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, but I'm sure they are still fun to be around Also, soon there might be new discoveries. How do you feel about that?

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TipsyRa1d3n In reply to ComanderSprings [2016-05-03 05:50:40 +0000 UTC]

Oh, most assuredly!

I'm still looking for updates on the new region, wherever it may be. There is still very little info because it's a very recent thing. However, I'm hoping to discover more Pokemon with possible extraterrestrial origins. Or even better, more Fossil Pokemon! Or at the very least, more reptiles to join the Archosaur Brigade. ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ComanderSprings In reply to TipsyRa1d3n [2016-05-03 22:01:44 +0000 UTC]

Yes, let's hope for more interesting creatures!

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Jay-Law [2016-05-02 11:01:14 +0000 UTC]

*Heather wears bodywarmer jacket*
*looks up at aurorus Europa*
*Europa looks down at small heatmor*
*Heather pipes and admires*
*aurorus trills*
*Heather sings*
*Europa sings*

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