TMNTAngel — New Allies

#athena #attack #battle #cutlass #dagger #komodo #tooth #village
Published: 2020-11-13 22:52:30 +0000 UTC; Views: 645; Favourites: 3; Downloads: 1
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Description Dagger Tooth was sitting in the throne room of the old castle and sipping on some rum and seems to be in the middle of eating when Scar Face and a few of his men came running in which angered him greatly. "How many time have a told ye idiots that I don't wish to be disturbed until the time of the ritual!...." he bellows as the men cringe from just how loud and angry he sounded at this point. Scar Face gulps some as even he knew better then to disturb the captain unless it was absolutely important and this was one of those very times. "Sorry for disturbing you cap'n....but there has been problem.." he says as Dagger Tooth glares at him some. "what do ye mean a problem!..." he yells as Scar and his men look more nervous as they knew their cap'n anger was something no one wanted to be on the receiving end of.

"the lass that we capture for the ritual....she has escape us...." he says some and is getting even more nervous as Dagger Tooth gets up and walks closer to him. "how did this happen?..." he demands as Scar Face tells him what all took place as he had gone into the dungeon to check on things out and after breaking open that door that was barred from the inside all he found was a bunch of knocked out guards but the lass and even the swamp lizard where gone. He also found the open grate and knows that they must have escaped through the sewers and out beyond then castle. "that is all that I know cap'n....honest..." he says as he could see Dagger Tooth's eyes a burning with anger and hatred and fears that he and his men are going to get it, but to his surprise Dagger Tooth takes a deep breath and signs hard and turns and walks away from them. "I see....so the little lass is got a spunk then...*smirks some* well....no matter then...I will simply bide my time..." he says and turns to them. "and in then mean time....perhaps we should pay our little pesky natives a visit...shall we..." he says as he he and his men prepare leave.

It had been a day or so since Athena was rescued and she and the rest of the group has been moving through the jungle until they came an open area with a very large and clear looking lake and waterfall, the sight was very beautiful and it was so peaceful as well. They had all take this opportunity to clean off and try and get a fix on where they where and hopefully find then rest of the crew. "Oh well this is just great..." says Red in a very annoyed tone as Cutlass had just came out of the water as he and Scar Scales had taken a bit of a swim as the water just looked so inviting. "what' wrong Red?..." he asks as Red looks at him and points all of his gear. "most of my devices have been ruined by sliding down that sewer and into that mud...even the radio got busted..." he says and holds up the radio up to show that it is busted. Athena has heard this and feels really guilty about it and looks at them. "I'm so sorry guys...if it wasn't for me...you all wouldn't even be here and Red's things would still be working..." she says and looks down some as Red shakes his head some. "Hey now what a moment lass...don't go blaming yourself for all this...*looks at her* listen all of my devices can be replaced....saving you and keeping you safe is more important..." he says a making her feel a bit better. however she still wish she knew where Ryan went off to.

Athena was hoping that the rest of the crew and her parents where alright, she knew that they could take care of themselves but she still worried for them. She walks over and leans on a tree when suddenly and arrow comes out of no where and embedded itself in the tree but when it pinned Athena to as it hit her shirt caller. "Ambush!...Look Out!..." she yells as she tries to get loose. Cutlass along with Scar Scales and Red prepare to fight as a bunch of cat people like the ones Athena seen in the dungeon come storming from the jungle and it looked like they meant business as another battle began. Scar Scales had just taken out a couple of them and throw them in the water with a chuckle. "I know cats hate water...be I hope ye enjoy yer swim..." he says as goes back to fighting more. Athena was trying to get loose still when one of the cats started to approach her with bad intentions. She hiss at him as a warning to stay back but this doesn't seem to work as he comes closer.

However just as he was about to get to her Ryan comes running out of nowhere as slamming into the cat before causing him to go flying into the lake. Athena sees this as Ryan comes up to her with a smirks before pulling then arrow out a freeing her. "there you go fair lady..." he says and then sees some more of the cats coming his way and he begins to fight with them. Cutlass by this time has been fighting his way through a bunch of them and so was Red and they teams up on a who group that has comes running into them. "Red look out!..." he says and uses his sword to block one of them from getting Red in the back. "thanks Cutlass..." he says as they continue to fight.

Ryan had been holding his own against this cats but was soon out numbered as two of them had pounced on him and was now double teaming him. Athena was standing back and watching and sees this which made her blood boil. "alright...that it....I've had enough of this crap!..." she says and grabs one of the cats that was on Ryan. the cat was confused that he was just pulled of his target which gave Athena just enough time to give him a well place right hook to the face which stuns him. Ryan throws then other one off and goes for another one that tried to grab Athena as tossed him to the dirt before getting tackled to the ground again. During the fight there was one person that seem to be out of place and in more way then one. She was an dark blue allosaur looked like she had seen many battle in her life, she had been watching all this go down and had ran up with her bow and arrow ready for another strike and took aim at one of the intruders, however she stopped when she realized that this was a different group of pirates and not the ones that she had been spying on.

After this realization she let's out a loud roar before yelling something in another language which causes the cat people to stop their attack and turn to her. This confuses our group group of pirates as they did expect this to happen. The Allosaur who was dress in the same tribe clothes as the cats but had a more commanding look and tone about her steps forward and speaking to the cats in the same language as before and then turns to Cutlass and the group. "who are you....and what are you doing on this idea...." she says in a calm manner but her guard was still up as Cutlass steps forward after telling the others to stay calm. "We be the crew of the Crossbones...we came to recuse our cap'n daughter here and are now trying to find him and the rest of our crew..." he says as the cat people start to talk among themselves as the allosaur looks at him after hearing this, a smile forms on her as a look of honor and relief is seen on her face now. "I have heard many a stories of you Crossbones...,*smiles at them* I'm Reila Soran....former crew mate of the Blue Dragon....*she says some and looks at them* when we first seen you we had made the mistake of thinking you were part of the other pirates that have showed up here....we apologizes for the misunderstanding...." she says as Cutlass nods and explains more of their situation. "Well perhaps we can help each other out then mister Cutlass....if you and your team where to come with us...we could help you find your captain and missing crewmates...." says as she motions for them to follow her along with her own group.

The group had been walking for awhile now as our group of pirate follow the cat tribe being lead by Reila who had yet to explain much about herself and why these cats where following her orders. "what we going to do Cutlass....ye think we can trust these people..." asks Scar Scales as they keep on walking as Cutlass shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know mate....but ye have to think about what the cap'n would here....remember how we met the Zabeh tribe....maybe this could go the same way...." he says just as the heard Reila yells something from ahead as they runs to the front of the group to see a what seem to be a villige being attacked and burned as people could bee heard screaming and gunfire can be heard. "my village is being attacked..." she says and then yells to her people in their language before running into battle with them. Cutlass and the rest of the group aren't going to let this happen so they join the fight to in hopes of saving the village.

The one responsible for this attack was none other then Dagger Tooth as he was standing back a shouting orders as his men ran through the village and setting fire to building and shoot off their guns. "Burn this place to the ground!...there a reward for the man that brings me the lass....GO!...." he yells as his men do as their told. While this is happening Reila and her group run in and start to fight off Dagger Tooth's men and soon Cutlass and his group join in too. As the battle for the village rages on Athena had gotten separated from the other during the fight but was holding her own against them. Suddenly she comes face to face with Dagger Tooth as he stands in front of her and they stare each other down "Well well...if it isn't the little lassie I have been looking for..." he says and smirks at her. Cutlass sees this and runs up a getting in front of her. "if ye want to take her....then ye have to go through me!..." he says a not wanting anything to happen to Athena. means while Scar Face had been hiding nearby a watching and knows h had a perfect shot on Cutlass from where he is a goes to take aim, however just as he was about to fire something lands on him and pulling his hat over his eyes. "Weee!....Skew Attack!..." yells Skew has he came out of no where and landed on on his head and in this the gun goes off which miss fires and shoot off Dagger Tooth hat when causes a very shock and funny reaction from him as he looks around a wondering who did that.

Cutlass and Athena were both confused by this until they see Skew, "Skew!....ye crazy little frill!...never thought I be glad to see ye pull a stunt like that!..." Cutlass says as Skew just giggles some before continuing to make things harder for Scar Face. Dagger Tooth goes to run for it and yells for his men to retreat as he tries to run for the armed villagers that where chasing him, however his planned failed as he was cornered by more of them but this time it wasn't just them but also charging into the battle was Komodo and the rest of the Crossbones ready for a fight as they weren't very far away when they heard the chaos and decided check it out, Dagger Tooth not ready to face Komodo yet looked for a way to get out as he was getting surrounded. He sees his chance and runs for an opening in the wall and gets away. Athena sees Komodo to him. "Dad!...." she yells as he turns to see her running to him and he grabs her and hugs her. "Athena!...oh thank goodness your alright..." he says a feeling so relieved to see his daughter is safe and unharmed. Cutlass and the rest of the crew regroup with the others and tell Komodo everything that had happened and even introduce Ryan to him as well. Komodo speaks to Ryan a voicing how grateful he and Saphira is that he help rescues Athena and he has done a great deed for the Crossbones. Ryan being very modest about it said that he was just doing what he thought was right. Komodo then offered him the chance to enlist which of course Ryan agreed to it.

Reila watches and was happy that a family had been brought back together but was no having to focus on her home as it burned. Komodo ended up speaking to her and offered for himself and the crew to help them rebuild, Reila shocked at such an offer but accepted it and told him that if him and his crew needed a temporary place to stay then they could were welcome to stay in the village. "Captain...if I may....could I talk to you for a moment though..." she says as he nods and follows her so they could talk. "I feel terrible for asking this and I know you have your own battle to face....but I fear for my people's lives as Dagger Tooth has taken a lot of them prisoner...I have been mounting a plan of attack to free them...but I fear it wouldn't work....I'm hate to ask this of you....but would you and your crew consider a helping us...we would be grateful if you did..." she says as Komodo hears her out. " You have offered us a safe place during our stay here and proven to be great warriors....and it seems we both share a common enemy as well....*looks at her* it would be an honor to help you and your people out.

She looks at him and smiles some. "thanks you Captain Komodo....this mean very much to us..." she says and looks at him as he walks back over and explains what will happen to his crew. Later that night the Crossbones are invited to join the tribe for a feast and discuss what their next move shall be. Reila has been talking with Komodo and Saphira and Hunter had been wondering what was someone like her a doing a leading a group of cat people and so he asked her in that exact way in which Komodo had gotten onto him for being rude. Reila just looks at him and smiles. "it's fine for him to ask this Captain....and I feel like you and your crew deserve to know just how me and allosaur became the leader of the Jagaurians..." she says as she sits back and begins to tells her story, a story of fear, lost, pain and new beginning.

(Well this was a highly epic chapter wasn't?....two battles and new allies....and boy Ryan showed up again just at the right time to save Athena once again....However who is Reila Soran and why is she the leader of a tribe of Jaguars....all will be revealed in the next chapter. ^^)

Captain Komodo and the Crossbones and mention of the Zabeh tribe and their home belong to AxlReigns
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AxlReigns [2020-11-17 18:07:07 +0000 UTC]

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