TokiNoona — -IWBTFTLY-GazettE, Story-Uruha

Published: 2010-03-07 20:49:37 +0000 UTC; Views: 1399; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 7
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Description PT 12: Take care

"Gomen nasai"

The more she said that the more the young man grew confused. Ever since the couple left the restaurant that's all that came out of her mouth. He didn't know why she was apologizing. He's even asked her why she said those words but all that came out of her mouth was 'Gomen ne'.

Relena tighten her arms alittle more around Kouyou's neck. He couldn't let her walk on her wounded knee so he ended up carrying her on his back. She wasn't heavy at all, she was light as a feather, in his opinion. He could've taken the bus or stopped a taxi, but it would be waste of money since his home wasn't far from where they were at.

"Uruha, I'm tired." She whispered against the back of his neck.

The small hairs of the back of kouyou's neck stood up from her warm breath. He couldn't help but shiver from the warmness that caressed his skin. He had to hold backa moan from escaping through his lips as she nuzzled the back of his neck.

"W-We're almost at my place." Uruha said, as he continued to hold her up on his back.

"Also, your hands…their suppose to be on my thighs…not my behind." She said.

Uruha chuckled as he moved his hands up from her soft behind to her thighs.


"I don't think your sister likes me too much." Relena said as she closed her eyes and sighed.

A soft expression took over Uruha's face, "That's not true, Relena. She liked you very much."

Uruha felt her forehead rub side to side against the back of his neck, "Iie."

"And why's that?" He said as he stopped at the corner of a street, looking to see if any cars where coming before he crossed the road.

"Because…I-I don't think she was expecting someone like me." Relena mumbled.

The little place that Uruha had carried her into was a small restaurant of Japanese cuisine. The place was packed mostly with young adults, hardly any grown-ups. This place seemed like a hang out for teens and young couples in love. Relena was alittle surprised that the Takashima siblings would stop to eat at this place.

She knew that Mika Takashima was looking at her. Looking at every detail that was in her, Mika's, view. And Relena couldn't help but feel nervous knowing that she was being judged.

"Well, you must be the woman who has captured the heart of my baby brother."
Relena, nervously, tucked some hair behind her ear.

Mika laughed. She could see how stiff and nervous the poor girl was. She looked over to her brother and smiled. Her brother had found a shy and cute foreign girl.

"I'm sorry for the way…I look. I wasn't, I mean, expecting to run into Kouyou." Relena said as she bowed her head.

Mika shook her head while laughing, "It's alright. Though, you're…different than what I was expecting."

Relena folded her hands and placed them on her lap. She swallowed the awful lump that caught in her throat.

"How…did you and my onii-chan meet?" Mika asked as she leaned closer, waiting to hear Relena's answer.

'Thank god the tables are stopping her from coming any closer.' Relena mentally sighed.

"Kouyou didn't get to that part yet since he was so eager to get you over here." Mika said with a smile.

"Uh, we met at a photoshoot." Relena answered.

"A photoshoot? You're a model?" Mika asked, with a dark brow raised.

"Looks like one, doesn't she?" Kouyou said. Relena nudged him in the ribs.

Relena smiled alittle, "Iie. I'm in a band."

"A band, huh. You and your band were doing a photoshoot with The GazettE, right?" Mika asked.

Relena nodded.

"Kaa-san, when are we going home? I'm stuff and tried." Mika's son said as he placed his empty plate closer to the center of the table.

Mika ruffled her sons' hair, "In alittle bit."

"How's your knee?" He asked Relena.

She placed the glass of water on the table, "Its still the same but the pain has gone down."

"I'll clean it up when we get home." He said.

Before Relena could correct him on what he just said, his sister spoke up.

"You two live together…already?" Mika asked surprised.

With a blush, relena shook her head.

With a big smile, Uruha said, "Maybe."

"Uruha." Relena hissed.

"I hope you two take good care of each other." Mika said.

"We will Onee-chan." Kouyou said as he placed a soft kiss on Relena's forehead.

'Dammit, Uruha! Not now!' Relena thought to herself, as she felt her insides melt from his kiss.

"Onegai, Take good care of my brother. I worry about him too much." Mika said softly.

Uruha reached out and grabbed his sisters' hand, "Onee-chan."

Mika continued to look at Relena with her glossy brown eyes. Relena felt herself nod 'yes' at Mika's plead.

"He needs someone to look after him. I can't always do that but…I think you can."

Maybe…it wasn't that bad…?

"Relena-kun? Koi, wake-up."

Relena wanted to continue to slumber away in the safe and soft comfort that she was in. She didn't want to obey they voice that told her to leave the comfort that she was in.

So, she told the voice her answer.

"Go away."

"Go away?" The voice repeated.

Relena opened her eyes when she recognized the voice that repeated her words and looked up into curious dark eyes.

"Uruha? Wha-Where am I?" She asked, as she sat up in the bed, that she had just a few minutes ago declared her comfort.

"You're at my place. You fell asleep while I carried you on my back." He said as he kneeled down on the floor, right beside the bed.

He motioned for her to show him her wounded knee and she did. His warm hands, gently, un-wrapped the bandage that covers the cut.

"Why didn't you take me back to the hotel?" She asked.

"Its too far of a walk and besides, my legs were starting to give out on me from carrying you." Uruha smirked which caused him a glare from his 'koibito.'

Relena placed a hand over her mouth and yawned. She took a look around the room, his room. The room was plain, hardly anything decorated the room. There, a few feet away from the door, was a wooden dresser, connected with a mirror, against the wall and another one by his bed, on the right side of the bed. The curtains…well, they were just regular whiting silken looking curtains.

Not much of a decorator, Relena thought.

"Ouch, Koibito. This cut looks bad! Poor you." He said as he kissed the knee that wasn't wounded.

Relena couldn't help but giggle at the action, "Its not bad, Kouyou. Iie, Kouyou-sensei."

Kouyou grinned at her, "I'm your sensei."

Relena flicked him on the nose, "Get back to healing your patient."

Uruha nodded, "Hai!"

Relena shook her head. She covered her mouth as she yawned again. She was really tired from today's events. Hanging with the guys, bumping into Kai, meeting Kyu, then running into Kouyou, meeting his sister…

"I'm leaving…you know that right?" Relena said as she winced when Uruha sprayed some spray to kill the germs from her wound.

"Hai, I'm aware of that." He said, preparing to wrap up her clean wound.

"I can't take care of you." She stated.

He didn't say anything but 'hmmm'.

She couldn't even tell what he was feeling since his face was only showing determination to wrap her knee right.

She swallowed the lump in throat and licked her dry lips, "We can-"

"There! All done!" Kouyou sang and kissed the bandaged knee.

With a blush, she thanked him.

Kouyou got up from the floor and picked up the used supplies. He headed into the bathroom that adjoined his room and threw away the used items in the trash. He turned off the light of the bathroom and headed over to his dresser, the one by the door, and looked for a certain something.

"What are you doing?

"Looking for something you can wear to sleep." He said as he lifted a shirt up, looked at, and tossed it at her.

"You can change in the bath or-"


Uruha laughed when he saw how fast his koi fled to the bathroom. He shook his head and quickly, before relena got out of the bathroom, changed into a jersey shirt. He preferred to sleep in something loose than something tight, as he sleeps the night away. As he finished changing into his dark blue jersey shirt, he tossed his used clothes into the hampered where his other used clothes were in. He looked over at the digital clock that sat on his dresser and stretched. It was only 2:30 in the morning.

He crawled into bed and turned to lie on his side, facing the bathroom door, waiting for Relena to come out and sleep next to him. He snuggled into the covers of his bed and chuckled happily. He was going to be able to sleep with his girl!

"Now, I think I should be worried about sleeping in the same house with you with that smile on your face."

Kouyou saw Relena closed the door behind her and stand infront of the bed. He couldn't help but enjoy the way she looked in his black jersey shirt. Of course, it was big on her petite form. She looked…Naughty? Her legs…and the way her hair…oh kami! Yeah, she looked naughty.

"Where do I sleep?"

Uruha patted the big empty space, "I guess it was good of me to get a queen size bed."

"Living room's fine."

But before she could move a muscle, he grabbed her by the arm and pulled her next to him. Holding her close to his warm body. Relena tried to get free of his hold, but he wouldn't let her go.

"Let's sleep together. No, not 'that' kind of sleep together, relax." He said when he saw her blush deeply and her eyes got big.

"U-Uruha, Le-"

He silenced her with a kiss, A kiss that she didn't hesitate to respond to. She felt him move the thick blanket over their bodies, all while still having their lips locked together. She wanted more of him, so she clenched onto his shirt and pushed herself more against him.

In the bathroom, in the pocket of shorts, was a cell phone that was vibrating.

Waiting for the owner to pick up the phone and hear the important news that was to be told.

The answering machine would just have to record it.

'Mouiiyo' (That's enough)
'Usotsuki!' (You liar!)
End of PT 12 of ~I will be the first to love you~(The GazettE love story= Uruha)
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