toramisha — [Project Revelation] Kuukki Aansa

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K U U K K I   A A N S A




[ B A S I C ● I N F O R M A T I O N ]


Name: Kuukki “Crumbs” Aansa (Pronunciation: KOOH-kee AHN-sah)
Age: 17
Birthdate: March 31st
Gender: Male
Height/Weight: 5’9 (175cm) / 137lbs (62kg)
Species: Magician
Subspecies: Human
Orientation: Unsure, has never fell for anyone romantically and has no sexual experience
Ranking: Bronze
Magic: Light


[ S K I L L S ● & ● M A G I C ]


Active Spells

Support: Lights of Laughter

Kuukki draws power from his own happiest memories to heal himself as well as to raise his ally's fighting spirit, thus enhancing their luck (accuracy). His ally can also be healed if they know each other and have had good memories together to look upon. The closer the bonds between them, the more effective the spell becomes. For the spell to work, at the moment, Kuukki must be stand no further than 3 meters (approx. 10ft) away from his ally.

His speed falls greatly while he performs the spell, and can only recover partly when he stops. The spell itself will wear off after a set time, depending on what type of magic is being fought against.

Depending on the situation, if Kuukki puts too much effort in drawing power from his happiness to enhance and/or heal his ally, his vitality might fall. The corresponding health points will be transferred to his ally then, or converted into accuracy points if his ally is in full health.

The spell is most effective when combating Dark magic, as Kuukki's accuracy is so poor he might accidentally enhance the opponent as well. Such a thing will not happen when fighting Dark magic because he would be subconsciously much more alert.

Offense: Teardrop Requiem (unestablished)

If distress and tension reach their peak and find Kuukki at his limit, he will start to cry out of despair, while attempting to calm himself with his familiar childhood tune (which, unbeknownst to him, was part of an ancient funeral song).

The effects depend greatly on the opponent and the situation: his tearful singing can range from mildly annoying and distracting, to emotionally powerful. On the opponent, damage ranges from slight drop in accuracy or attack points, to complete rebounds causing opponents to suffer the damage of their own attacks.

It is thought that when used on Dark magic users, the spell calls upon whatever humanity exists or is left in them for strength, and works like a psychic, non-verbal plea. This is not confirmed and highly doubtful.

This spell has only ever been used once, involuntarily, in a highly specific situation involving Kuukki alone and a Dark magic user he knew very well. It has never been tried again, and it is unknown whether it works on opponents of other types of magic.

Passive Magic

Bad Luck Magnet

It's uncertain how this works, but Kuukki is as unlucky as a cursed man, so much that the opponent's attacks might be channeled to him, sparing his ally (if any). In some cases, his bad luck might even cause unexpected events to take place, disrupting the fight temporarily, giving time for both parties to regain stamina.

So it's rather useless.


[  S T A T S ]

Base Stats: 14 (+0 Upgrade Stats)

VIT:  4    (+300hp)

DEF: 2   (+takes 20% reduced dmg)

INT: 3   (+20% spell potency)

STR: 3    (+20% attack dmg)

SPD: 2    (+14% evasion)

LCK: 0    (+20% accuracy)




❝Wait, what am I supposed to do again?❞

✖ Gullible | ✖ Scatterbrained | ✖ Scaredy cat | ✖ Crybaby | ✖ Indecisive | ✖ Zero sense of fashion

✔ Devoted |✔ Truthful |✔ Loyal | |✔ Mellow | ✔ Generous | ✔ Forgiving

Annoyingly eye-catching with his mismatched sense of color and fashion, Kuukki is a down-to-earth young man who would try to befriend anyone that shows the slightest hint of goodwill and interest towards him. He often takes jokes and sarcasm seriously because he can't tell that they aren't serious, not entirely because he is dense but more likely because he is too trustful. His prominent gullibility matches his truthful nature: beyond unable to tell lies, he barely ever thinks of telling one. He is also highly disorganized and forgetful, as well as easily distracted, to the point that he can forget what he is saying if so much a sneeze interrupts his speech.

Generally, he's mellow and easygoing, letting people have their way most of the time - especially when that means he will not have to make decisions. Kuukki is also very quick to do other people’s bidding. You won't even have to bribe him; he trusts most people by default and will do most things asked of him. Because of this, he can be and actually is stepped on quite often, but he's oblivious of this for the most part unless or until something drastic happens, violence being the quickest way to shatter his trust.

Kuukki cares less about ideologies or promises of the “greater good”, and more about the people around him. He doesn’t have a very strong sense of justice or a stable set of morals either – in fact, he would waver and might even crumble when faced with difficult decision-making. There is only one thing that could win over any other considerations and help guide him through tough choices: his loyalty to his family, friends and loved ones. That being said, he is not very brave. He is willing to act strong to reassure anyone if needs be, but it usually doesn't work because he is rather easily frightened and it shows, especially when he looks on the verge of tears once scared. He's not a good actor. Not an actor at all, really.

Talking about actors. Kuukki is also a bit of a tryhard when it comes to arts and music, always striving to prove himself artistic when he is actually not. In fact, Kuukki has dabbled into all sorts of things from painting to drama to poetry to musical instruments - and failed all. On the other hand, he is surprisingly good with logical subjects such as arithmetic or alchemy. He can analyze and draw diagrams of armors or contraptions on sight, and is also able to build replicas based on these. He doesn't recognize his abilities in this area, however. Hopefully one day he'll learn to make use of them.

[ ● L I K E S ● ]

● Making friends

● Talking (more like rambling)

● Hugs, especially bear hugs

● Picture books

● Mulberry juice

● Turtles and tortoises

● Trinkets and little clockwork contraptions


[ ● D I S L I K E S ●]

● The smell of lavender

● Being alone and/or feeling lonely

● Being lost

● Crying

● Pranks


▼ B I O G R A P H Y


« I used to like the smell of lavender »

Kuukki Aansa grew up in the small town of Deerhide, northeast of Stonehaven by about eight days of horse carriage. Born to Tauno Aansa and knew his parents but from the warm tales told to him by his older brother, Vyinno. Vyinno was 13 years older than him, and had always acted as a parent figure to Kuukki. In fact, Kuukki looked up to his brother so much that he didn't feel the need to question much about his parents. He was content with Vyinno's story of their death: they have been killed by rampaging werewolves back in their old village much further north, when Kuukki had been a mere baby in the crib.

Until very recent years, Kuukki had never showed any signs of magical powers, and this raised no questions since his mother had no magic in her blood. The Aansa family had never been outstanding in magic, either, being a minor branch that had separated from the main magical clan about a century ago. However, the older of the Aansa brothers inherited some magic from his father. Aside from farming on their own meager piece of land and working various jobs around Deerhide Town to raise his brother, Vyinno Aansa also dabbled in magic despite lacking in both primary power and teachings. This had always worried Kuukki to no end, seeing as his brother had never been proficient, often hurting himself in the futile self-teaching. Kuukki knew his older brother was hoping to train himself until he could find a better job, earn more and send the younger to school.

Even without the ragged training, Vyinno was already worn as he was, working three jobs at a time to make sure Kuukki had a decent life. Kuukki had begged his brother to let him work as well, but Vyinno refused, only letting him take care of chores and gather fruits in their small garden during harvests to sell for extra money. The younger didn't like this, but at least he was allowed to tag along with Vyinno sometimes when he went to work. There was only one job his brother took that obliged him to go away from home for a few days each month, and this was the job that Kuukki liked least. His brother always looked exhausted when he came home, smelling like lavender. This was the smell that wafted through the most part of his childhood, the scent that would tell him of his brother's return. The smell of lavender meant reunion for him, so Kuukki held it very dear.

Until the day everything fell apart.

« I used to fear werewolves »

It was the year Kuukki turned thirteen. Droughts and withered crops made for a meagre harvest, which sent the town plummeting into famine. The poorer folks were struck hardest, as food and jobs became scarcer by day. The Aansa brothers didn't have it better than anyone. Despite working day and night until he passed out, Vyinno could barely gain enough to support their penniless life. Before they knew it, they were deep in debts, despite having sold both house and garden and moved to the slums. It wasn't long until Kuukki started seeing loan sharks loitering about their place. More and more often he found Vyinno talking to these men, who appeared more aggressive with every visit. He was terrified, but his older brother reassured him that these people were merely impatient since everyone was hungry these days.

One winter night, after a pathetic meal of thin broth and a piece of bread, Kuukki managed to convince his brother to go to sleep rather than staying awake to work again. They were fast asleep beside the hearth, but it wasn't even midnight when they heard banging at the doors. The feeble wood splintered after a few kicks, and men were quick to swarm into their cramped home, searching about like bloodhounds sniffing for games. Vyinno was knocked down as soon as he stepped up before them; Kuukki could do nothing but sit and watch, wide-eyed. The men were quick to decide that there was nothing worth taking save for a large jar smelling of lavender that Vyinno had told the younger to never touch. As soon as they left, Kuukki tended to his brother in tears.

The next morning, Vyinno was frantic upon learning that the glass jar had been taken. He broke down, losing calm in a way Kuukki had never seen before, then stormed out of the house without a word. Panicking, the younger Aansa ran after his brother but didn't manage to find him. Past midnight that night, Vyinno returned to their wrecked home with fresh apples, soothing his frightened younger brother and apologizing for having left him abruptly. Kuukki, from there on, kept a closer eye on the older, concerned and afraid. Their life carried on, difficult as ever, with Vyinno growing quieter and more tired every day.

A few weeks later, when Vyinno told him he had to go away for work for a few days, the way he had always done every other month, Kuukki begged him not to. He feared the men, the loan sharks, he feared that Vyinno might leave forever. In the end, the older relented but remained restless even as he stayed home. And that night, everything fell apart when the full moon rose.

Kuukki barely noticed it at first, as he was rambling on with his recounts of quarter gossips to light up the mood – just how his brother had always seemed to like. And then he realized that Vyinno had been oddly silent yet obviously agitated by something. Even though the older brother uttered not a word he still seemed to be in a foul mood for no reason at all. When Kuukki, out of concern, suggested stargazing for a bit and promptly opened the window curtains, it was all Vyinno could do to rasp out “Run”, before he himself leapt to the moonlit spot before the window.

His transformation started then, right before Kuukki’s eyes. Vyinno’s grimaced was deformed as his features twisted into a muzzle-like, grotesque face; his body seemed to be bursting out of itself, thrashing and writhing in blood-curdling howls. The older Aansa brother tore out of his own clothing as well as his own humanity to reveal himself as a cursed man – a werewolf.

Kuukki heeded his brother’s hoarse order and ran, barefoot and breathless. The screams had woken up folks who resided nearby. Torchlights were lit as whispers and footsteps rustled out on the wintry night streets. They would kill the beast, Kuukki came to the realization. Of course they would, before the werewolf could bite anyone. So he turned back and tried to get the werewolf’s attention, throwing rocks and pebbles towards the raging beast. As soon as the rampaging wolven creature started chasing him, the boy headed towards the forest. His speed was no match for a werewolf, but somehow he kept both the werewolf’s attention and the distance between them until they were engulfed in the shadows of the thick foliage. Underfed and exhausted from fright, Kuukki could no longer hold up the moment he knew that, at least, for now, his brother was safe from townsfolks.

His legs had given out under him, so he sat waiting in silent tears as the beast tramped over bushes and twigs towards him. He did try to crawl away, but he was too shaky to go far. Cornered, he started to sing an old tune that his brother used to sing to him. The closer the werewolf came to him, the louder both his singing and sobbing grew. When the rampaging beast lunged for him, he was not hurt.

There was a burst of light, blinding Kuukki himself. It was a blur; to this day he still could not be sure what happened, but in a second the werewolf was thrown back, bleeding and groaning on the ground, and slowly turned back into a human. Kuukki came to his brother’s side, desperate to heal him but had no way to. He passed out dreaming of their happier days. When he woke up, Vyinno was gone.

That was the first time Kuukki practiced magic.

« Now I am searching for both... »

He did not wake up in the forest, though. He’d been brought home, the ash in the hearth was still warm, and there was a letter placed just under his hand. It was from his brother, explaining everything. Kuukki learned that his parents were not killed by werewolves; the truth was that his father had been cursed by an Aemis back in their old village. The man did not know he had been cursed, and so just two weeks after his second son was born he went on a rampage and bit both his wife and his first son, Vyinno, who had been 13 years old at the time. Kuukki’s mother was killed instantly, but Vyinno survived at the cost of being turned into a werewolf as well. The older child brought his little brother with him as he fled first to their uncle’s house, then to Deerhide Town where nobody knew who they were. He struggled with finding jobs, as no one wanted to hire a child, as well as with hiding his curse. In the end, he begged for a living and stole to stock up on a cheap lavender-scented sleeping potion that would keep him sane every time he transform at full moon, until he was accepted to work various jobs around the small town.

The letter also directed Kuukki to one of their far relatives, as well as half a dozen other people whom Vyinno had acquainted with. Lost, Kuukki packed the few things he had and left Deerhide, in hope that by following the list of people his brother had suggested he might be able to find Vyinno. But one by one they turned him down, and none of them seemed to lead him to his brother. Kuukki Aansa resorted to wandering from town to town, joining a traveling circus.

4 years passed like a breeze. Now a seventeen-year-old young man, Kuukki still found no trace of his brother, without even an idea of what to do, but he did not lose hope as his traveled on. He saw bigger towns, richer forests, taller mountains, larger lakes. He saw Aemis and merfolk and Faes, some in person, some in just picture books. He met people, a lot of people, some friendly and some scary; nevertheless they all taught him a lot. He’d learned from an Aemis who starred the freak show that the werewolf curse was irreversible. There would have to be a miracle for a werewolf to turn back into a human, the Aemis had leered. He’d also learned from the magicians in the circus about types of magic, and the gods and angels and demons – stories he’d never been told back when he lived in small towns.

And when they traveled to Stonehaven, he learned about the Palaegius Express.

« ...while hoping for a miracle »

Will they turn me down? Agh… I hope not… but who am I kidding?! Look at me! I look like a clown- I am a clown. I… I really just left the circus. This place looks too fancy for me! But I have to get in here. I won’t have a chance like this again, and if I don’t ever learn magic, I won’t… I probably won’t ever find- No! Now’s not the time to think of that, this is important, what are they going to think of me if I start- No no no not now, not now, I don’t want to cry!!

…Goodness, they’re coming. Man, am I nervous. My nose is still kinda stuffed- is this snot?? Ugh- Ah, no. Okay. All’s gonna- work out, right?


▼ M I S C E L L A N E O U S


[ ● T R I V I A  ● ]

● Kuukki Aansa has such an unbelievable bad luck that some people think he must have been cursed. Falling objects ranging from flower pots to canonballs often find their way to land near if not on him. He is not clumsy himself, but things just seem to fall apart just when they get to them. Nobody knows why, not even himself. But people say it's actually kind of safe to be near him: Kuukki takes all the mishaps and mayhem and nothing bad will happen to you.

● Kuukki is so forgetful he has to wear all his keys on a chain on his neck so as not to lose them again.

● He actually sings well, but doesn’t sing often.

● His brother called him "Crumbs" because Kuukki sounds like "cookie". He loves this nickname. But to friends, he only says that they can call him Kuusi - the common diminutive.

● Kuukki wears a blue stone on his left wrist. It was passed down to him from his mother - or so his brother said. It was supposed to tell the date and time, but he already forgot the spell required to make it work.

● He once tried to use magic to color his hair blue (“so that they would match my eyes!”). Ended up cursing himself with a permanently silver lock of hair that would grow back silver even if he cut it.

● He prefers slightly sour snacks to sweets.

● He is a heavy sleeper. It’s hard to wake him up once he’s fast asleep.


▼ R P  M E T H O D S


LIT ● Chatrooms ● Skype ● Google Docs ● Notes ●

I prefer skype and chatrooms; docs is also good. Actually, I'm not sure if emails are alright so I didn't list it, but I'm most used to roleplaying through emails! It's fine either way though, just tell me what your preferred platform is and we can always decide on something.


Ughhh I had only two days so this was a HUGE rush ;; v ;; seriously everything was so off from writing to drawing to characterization //cries
but I finally finished
I'M SO SORRY IT WAS SO LONG I kinda rambled in the bio ;; A ;;

Thanks for reading through!! 

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Comments: 3

ArtOfASlytherin [2016-05-28 17:32:26 +0000 UTC]

Wow really Awesome *^*
And a really long reference XD 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

toramisha In reply to ArtOfASlytherin [2016-05-28 17:35:13 +0000 UTC]

Aaah thank you!! Haha yeah I don't think anyone's gonna go through that terrible bio beside the mods ; w ; it's for me to keep track of the backstory mostly >w<

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ArtOfASlytherin In reply to toramisha [2016-05-28 18:23:13 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome~
And I can understand you, Is always better do a long reference for remember always the back story of the own character, without forget everything XD 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0