tornadofromhellalt2 — Atypical Hurricane

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Published: 2024-03-25 19:33:45 +0000 UTC; Views: 1430; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 0
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Description Atypical Hurricane

**Item #:** SCP-1349-RU

**Object Class:** Keter

**Special Containment Procedures:** SCP-1349-RU is to be contained within a specially designed containment chamber equipped with advanced meteorological sensors and anomaly suppression technology. The chamber is to be located in a remote area with minimal human presence to prevent accidental exposure.

**Description:** SCP-1349-RU is a sentient anomalous weather formation that reappeared on 03/19/20██, at the same location where it was previously observed in Kazakhstan. It resembles an atmospheric vortex with characteristics of both a tropical cyclone and a tornado. SCP-1349-RU exhibits highly unpredictable behavior, including rapid changes in wind speed and direction, anomalous atmospheric pressure fluctuations, and occasional manifestation of visual anomalies within its core.

The anomaly's sentience is evident through its deliberate movements and interactions with external stimuli. SCP-1349-RU has demonstrated the ability to communicate through atmospheric phenomena, such as generating patterns in cloud formations or modulating electromagnetic signals. It has also shown awareness of its surroundings, reacting to nearby objects and personnel.

Efforts to penetrate SCP-1349-RU for research purposes have been met with extreme resistance from the anomaly. Previous attempts resulted in equipment failure, personnel injuries, and an increase in the anomaly's intensity. Further exploration is currently deemed too hazardous without advanced containment measures and thorough risk assessment.

**Addendum 1:** Research into SCP-1349-RU's origins and motives is ongoing. Analysis of its behavior suggests a level of intelligence and intentionality not typical of natural weather phenomena. Containment protocols are being continuously updated to manage the anomaly's unpredictable nature and potential for widespread impact.

**Addendum 2:** SCP-1349-RU's sentience raises significant ethical and philosophical questions regarding the classification and treatment of anomalous entities with cognitive abilities. Research teams are advised to approach interactions with SCP-1349-RU with caution and respect for its potential autonomy and rights as a sentient being.


note these stuff is before it was sentient:Addendum 1: Attempts to penetrate SCP-1349.

+ Infiltration attempt using a UAV

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"Battering ram" before attempting
to enter SCP-1349

An attempt was made to penetrate the territory of the “eye of the storm” using the standard “Taran” transporter. Upon reaching the 113 m mark, the transport broke down and could not continue moving. The damage could not be repaired due to high wind speeds. To evacuate personnel, an experimental model of the Taran-2 transporter was urgently assembled on the basis of the universal combat platform ██████, equipped with closed engine cooling and air supply systems. The crew and the Taran transporter were successfully evacuated two hours later.

Based on the results of the inspection of the equipment, it was found that almost all mechanisms and systems were clogged with sand and dust; according to information from the engineering department, the second generation conveyor was working on the verge of breakdown. Within seven hours, a project for an experimental third-generation transporter was developed, but significant technical and financial difficulties arose, and therefore work in this direction was postponed.

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10/12/2019 1:40 an attempt was made to reach the inner calm zone using a tunnel. Within eight hours, the engineering team, using the experimental AID-5 tunneling shield, managed to cover a distance of 3 km.

At the expected exit point, radar detected the foundation of a building, presumably a bunker or other concrete structure with a wall thickness of at least 0.75 meters, along which a path to the surface was laid, but the last half meter of earth was left untouched until the arrival of the MTF. In addition, protective gateways were built at the beginning and 100 meters before the tunnel exit.

On 10/12/2019 at 9:10 am, MTF Beta-2 ("Shrews") entered the tunnel. At 09:20 the group reached the end of the tunnel and began to prepare to reach the surface. At 9:25, an explosion was carried out and the group went outside, but after about a couple of minutes, an increase in the radius of the hurricane by 500 meters was noticed, and a sharp increase in the rotation speed was also observed. The group was urgently recalled, but two minutes after the command to return, the radius of the hurricane almost reached the entrance to the tunnel. The field camp was closed, the personnel was urgently evacuated. MTF Beta-2 was ordered to move towards the exit, simultaneously blowing up the tunnel leading to the surface.

At 9:37, contact with the group was lost. The hurricane's radius continued to increase and reached the outer protective perimeter of temporary Site 286 at 9:41 a.m., after which the hurricane suddenly dissipated. Three minutes later, communication with the group was restored, the main part of the group was at the gateway to the tunnel entrance in the field camp, two were at the 1 km mark and were moving towards the exit. A rescue team was dispatched to the entrance site, and the lock was opened at 9:50. The members of MTF Beta-2 were largely unharmed.

Appendix 2: Additional materials.

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...At 9:28 the group received orders to move to the entry point. A minute later a new order came to blow up the exit point. Engineer █ was sent to carry out the order. █. ████ and MTF Beta-2 agent B.V. Kucherov.

Further, according to engineer █████, the tunnel shook violently, and a layer of earth fell on Kucherov, causing him to lose consciousness. ████ continued to carry out the order and at 9:42 detonated, retreating behind the protective airlock at around 2900...

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Minutes of urgent meeting dated 10/11/2019

Time: 21:45
Attendees: [DATA REDACTED]

Agenda: Inability to hide the existence of SCP-1349 from the general public. Risk of breach of confidentiality.


The need for immediate elimination of SCP-1349 or its external manifestations has been recognized.

An algorithm of actions has been developed.

A. During penetration into the object, attempt to contact the probable source of the anomaly (subject) and psychologically influence him with the help of a staff psychologist. If successful, transport the subject to the nearest Organization Zone or Site for further containment.

B. If the scenario fails, use a sleeper agent from the internal security department in the ranks of the engineering and technical service, who must eliminate the probable source of the anomaly (subject). This individual will be assigned to Mobile Task Force Beta-2 and provided with the necessary instructions in advance.

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According to the plan, we had to go through a two-kilometer tunnel and emerge inside the “eye,” aiming behind the main building, in the area that most closely resembled a backyard. Look around, if possible, make contact with the owner and establish communication with him. By the time we got there, everything was calm. There is dead silence in the tunnel. It was strange to think that above, just 50 meters away, a wind of 190 kilometers per hour was raging. Then we came to the end of the tunnel. There we were greeted by a staircase prepared by engineers and the last half meter of earth, and we began to prepare to reach the surface.

Finally, we found ourselves in the fresh air. A strange and majestic sight. We were, as it were, in a well, very wide and rising to the very sky. Its walls were one continuous bubbling storm, which the centripetal force amazingly kept in a vertical position. All this was spinning and would probably have collapsed inward if not for the crazy speed of the inner radius.

The most striking thing was the absolute calmness that stood in the “eye”. Somewhere in the heights above us weightless white clouds floated, and even higher, in the “crater” itself, a blue sky filled with sunlight1 . I thought about a man who, by his own will or due to circumstances, is doomed to live day after day on this island of quiet peace in the middle of a storm, separated by a wall from the rest of the planet. Looking at the sun through a tunnel in the clouds. No matter what happens in the world, it is always warm and sunny here. And secluded.

Our squad walked around the extension and looked from the facade. Nice, relatively recently built country house. At a distance is another building, probably a barn. A small area of ​​plowed field. Tractor. Wind turbines. We were surprised that, despite the complete calm, they were spinning, and quite quickly.

The next moment we heard footsteps from the side of the main building - someone opened the door and walked through the hallway, the floor creaking. It seems that the steps are not very heavy, and the gait is young. Then the steps suddenly stopped. At the same moment, we felt that it was becoming very hot - literally, the air around us began to rapidly heat up. Having reported this, the group commander received an order to urgently retreat. We learned later that the hurricane began to increase its radius as soon as we reached the surface, and the base believed that this could be a reaction to our invasion.

We went outside through the same door, quickly circled the building and crossed the backyard to the tunnel. Already underground we were informed that the outer boundaries of the hurricane had almost reached the entry point into the tunnel and were about to overwhelm it. I had to be nervous, especially since two fighters lingered at the exit to blow it up. When we reached the other end of the tunnel, the hurricane had not yet receded.

They require me to provide some kind of report on what happened, but I simply don’t have enough data. It’s difficult for me to create a psychological portrait based on what I saw. I still think the anomaly could have been a manifestation of the paranormal abilities of whoever was trapped within it. I think in this case he was well prepared. Was his retreat behind the hurricane wall long planned, or was it a headlong escape? What was he running from? Did he want to hide from the world or, conversely, protect the world from himself? Was his ability supported by emotion or cold calculation? And finally, what made him commit suicide so suddenly and senselessly? What contradictions tore him apart until the very end? It's probably impossible to find out now.

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