tornadot — The New World: Chapter Six
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Description The Tragic Frontier: The Lost World
Chapter 6
Jay stared at the wall for a moment, and then paced around the room again. He sighed once he reached the other side and paced around again.
"Any ideas coming to you?"
"I'm stumped. How about you?" He asked. Leigh shrugged and glanced at Jessica, who also shrugged.
"We have no idea where Nightmaren may have gone. They checked the bottom of the bay and the tower has disappeared. Towers like that just don't disappear easily so it must have been Nightmaren's dark magick."
"What about Loren? Wouldn't he want to go there?"
"After the war, Loren is devastated. I doubt going there will be of any use to Nightmaren."
"Rats! Man I could use...never mind," Jay said. He folded his arms. "If we could just get a clue to where he's headed, we can go but..."
"Why don't we just go back to the land of the fairies?" Jessica asked.
Leigh looked at her and Jay smiled. "I didn't know that you knew about the fairies but what good is going there?"
"They could help us find Nightmaren. They can often see things we can't and they are great trackers. Since I am part fairy, it shouldn't be too hard to convince them to help us."
"Shouldn't be? So that means we might run into problems?" Leigh asked.
Jay laughed. "Problems? Why are we worried about that? It's going to be difficult but we can do it. So Jessie...er I mean Jessica, do you know how to get to the fairy world?"
"I believe so. I could show you," She said and Jay smiled. Leigh sighed.
"Sometimes you are too optimistic Jay."
"Thanks. So how do we get there Jessica?"
"We must sail east from Keno and I'll use my pendant."
"I thought that pendant was just a relic from the Crescent Sun," Jay said.
Jessica shook her head. "The Crescent Sun had direct access to the fairy realm. They used many of the fairies to make their weapons and other stuff. Many fairies died because of the hard work and many tried to rebel but they were slaughtered by the Crescent Sun."
"I'm so glad they are out of commission. They caused so much trouble while they were around," Jay said. He folded his arms. "Well if that's the way to do it, we better get a move on. I suggest we leave tomorrow morning."
That night, Jay found himself in a tree, staring up at the sky. He wanted to focus on the mission but he kept thinking about Glenn and how Nightmaren had taken control of him. "I never thought you'd be such an idiot Glenn but maybe I never saw it coming because you are so quiet. Why didn't you tell anyone man?" He asked. He swung down from the branch and stared at the bushes behind him. "Whoever you are, you'd better come out."
A soldier stumbled out of the bushes and fell to the ground. Jay helped him up and frowned. "You look like you just came from a battle. What happened?"
"Something attacked Keno...a huge storm of meteors hit the city and destroyed much of it! No one knows what caused it but now a mysterious group of ghostly warriors have now come in to finish us off!"
"What?! Where did these warriors come from?"
"From the mountains. Some believe they came from the legendary Dark gate! We need Armoria's help!" He said.
Jay nodded. "Yes. We'll let them know but I'm sure they have already got the message."
"An army of ghostly warriors? Sounds like some strange creatures. I've heard of them. They turn ghostly to avoid harm and to travel faster," Jessica said.
Jay folded his arms. "Well this messes us up. I have a feeling this is all part of Nightmaren's plan. Keep throwing obstacles in our way while he gains more power and more control over Glenn. He's a cunning little devil."
"Even so, we just can't let Armoria do it. We may need to help too."
"How can we fight them?" Leigh asked.
Jay smiled. "Make them stay in their physical state long enough for me to chew through each one of them."
"You take on an entire army? You are getting a little too cocky Jay," Leigh said. Jay shrugged and Jessica sighed.
"Is this what you to do? Always arguing?"
"Come on. You have to admit he is a little cocky."
"I thought that about Star."
"Yeah well Star had all those powers."
"I also beat Star in a duel with his powers." Jay said with a smile from ear to ear.
"Don't you think we'd better hurry? By the time we get there, Keno could be destroyed!" Jessica said.
Jay drove through the destroyed gates to Keno and sighed. Many of the homes had burned to the ground, flattened or just disappeared. The ground smelled like a horrible battle. Jay saw something dart through a house and he frowned. He stopped the hoverbike. "I don't like this. We could be attacked before we get to the castle."
"So what do you think we should do?" Leigh asked.
"If those creatures aren't physical, they can't hurt us but they can sneak up on us," Jessica said.
Jay turned and teleported away. He appeared behind one of the creatures. It had horns coming out of its head and when it looked at him, he saw it had the head of a dragon. It wore thick armor, stood upright and carried a large lance. Jay sliced it in half before it could react. He could hear more running at him and once they all appeared, he found himself surrounded. Jay laughed and folded his arms. He concentrated real hard and split into four images. The four images flew in each direction, killing every creature in its path. Many more of them ran off into the mountains to avoid dying. The four images finally came back together into Jay. He unfolded his arms and sighed. "That was fun!"
"What did you just do? Was that a fighting technique?"
"Yes. I use it when I'm surrounded by too many foes. It is very exhausting but effective. I'm sure those creatures will be back though," He said. He looked behind him and could see the castle, still standing. "They still have to finish the job."
"How long do you think they'll stay away?"
"Maybe for a few days. They'll be back with more forces so we better get ready. Now let's see if the king is doing okay."
Jay entered the throne room and found the king pacing around. Jessica stepped forward and cleared her throat. "Keno. We took care of the first wave of creatures but I'm afraid they'll be back."
"Jessica? Is that you?"
"Yes Keno. We came as fast as we could. This is Leigh Young and this is Jay Maverick," Jessica said.
Keno walked up to Jay and Jay nodded. "So how are your troops?"
"Many are already dead. Out of the many men we have, ten percent is left of our force. The rest are spread out across the world and it'd take too long to summon them all here."
"Do you know who was behind the attack?" Jessica asked.
Keno sighed. "I saw Glenn appear before the attack. I don't know why Glenn would be attacking us but something is very wrong."
"Keno, Glenn is being controlled by Nightmaren. He tried to break free but Nightmaren has too much power. He's using Glenn to finish what he started."
"Nightmaren with Glenn's powers? How do we combat that? My men can't fight him! Star is dead and so is Miles!"
"You have me," Jay said. Keno looked at Jay and Jay frowned. "You don't believe me now do you? I was trained by all three swordsmasters. I think I can handle myself. Besides I'm used to besting Glenn. I know his weaknesses better than him," Jay said.
Keno sighed. "I guess we have no choice. We can't do anything though until they come back."
"We'll be ready for them though. Until then, we can only rest."
That night, Jay lay atop a roof of the castle, staring at the sky. He wasn't sure if Glenn would show up to Keno but he didn't feel good about facing Glenn. "I beat Star and he beat Nightmaren so I should be able to handle Glenn easily, right? Then why don't I feel any better?" He said. He turned over on his side and sighed. He stood up and slid down a pole to the ground. He pulled out his sword and held it in front of him. He felt a cold wind go by his back and he smiled.
He turned around and saw a figure in a large black cloak standing behind him. The figure carried a long lance and crouched when Glenn turned. "Who are you?"
"I want to see how good you are with your sword."
"I don't need a sword to beat you," Jay said. He teleported behind the stranger but the stranger teleported as he reappeared. Jay jumped in surprise and then, laughed.
"So you know how to teleport? That's good. It'll keep this fight interesting," He said. He could feel the stranger appearing behind him and he spun and unleashed a roundhouse kick. The stranger appeared and tumbled to the ground. Jay folded his arms. "I mastered the teleport and I can tell where you are teleporting to. You'll have to try harder to fool me."
The stranger got up and Jay rushed at him. He grabbed him by the arm and pulled it back behind his back. Jay smiled. "Do you want to give up or risk further pain?"
"I'll give for now," She said and Jay paled. He let go and somersaulted back. The stranger pulled off her cloak to reveal a bruised Leigh. Jay growled. "Nice going Leigh. How was I supposed to know if it were you?"
"Well I can tell how much you feel about me," She said and she laughed. Jay ran his hand through his hair and removed his headband.
"Very funny Leigh. But how did you learn to teleport?"
"I learned it from you. I watched you do it enough and I taught myself how to do it. I see thought that you are too good with it though. I thought I could sneak up on you."
Jay laughed. "Not in a million years but I commend you for trying. You should probably get those bruises looked at. I gave you a good beating."
"I'm tough. I can handle it," Leigh said. She stood up but as she walked over, she winced in pain.
Jay folded his arms. "Yeah right. I'm sure you'll be okay once you get to bed. I'll help you to a bed, and then I'm coming back out here."
Jay helped Leigh to a bed but as he started to leave, she asked him a question. "Are you restless or something? You don't seem yourself."
"The prospect of fighting my best pal doesn't seem all that fun. We spared before but it was all for fun. Now Nightmaren is controlling Glenn and I don't know how to fight. If I go too hard..."
"Maybe there is some way to separate Nightmaren from Glenn. I don't know but--"
"Wait, what did you just say?" Jay asked.
Leigh frowned. "I said there might be some way to separate Nightmaren from Glenn."
"You're on to something! If Nightmaren has possessed Glenn, there might be a way to separate the two so we can really defeat Nightmaren for good! I'll have to ask Keno and Jessica about it tomorrow," Jay said. He smiled and rubbed his hands together. "Thanks for the suggestion Leigh!" He said. He leaned over and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before walking out.
The next day, Jay found Keno in his study. Keno looked up as Jay entered. "Hello Jay."
"Keno, do you know of a way to separate Nightmaren from Glenn?"
"You mean exorcise Nightmaren from Glenn? Good luck of that."
"What do you mean? Can it be done?"
"I don't know. I'm sure it can be done but I don't know of a way to," Keno said.
"To do something like that would require going to the fairies. They would be able to help us," Jessica said as she walked in.
Jay sighed. "Well that's a relief I guess. Once we kill off these silly creatures, we can go to the land of the fairies. Hopefully you're right and hopefully Nightmaren doesn't get there first."
"How could he get there? Unless he has one of the pendants, there is no way he could get to the land of the fairies," Jessica said.
Jay laughed. "All he has to do is capture you and then we are messed up."
"That's why you'll have to help protect her. If he gets into the land of the fairies, our chances of survival will be minimal," Keno said.
Jay slammed his fist on the table. "Minimal? You give up too fast! Even if he does get into the land of the fairies, we'll find a way to defeat him.
A soldier walked into the room. "Sire! The creatures are back and they are being led by forces from Loren!"
"Well, well. They really giving it their all this time, huh? What shall we do now Jay?"
"You're the king. I'm only here to help save your kingdom."
"Cocky son of a gun. That won't help us beat off those things and Loren!"
"That won't but I can beat them off."
"No. Soldier, tell everyone to make it to the teleportation tubes. We're leaving Keno. I don't want any more lives lost. I will head with them to the kingdom of the fairies. Queen Ryan will direct you until I return, is that clear?" Keno said.
Jay folded his arms. "That may have been the smartest thing you've said at all."
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