Registered name: Ellwood
Nickname(s): Woods
ID number: 16358
Owner: midnightshedow
Previously: craesin & actually-a-dog
Breeder: Crashfurs
Species: Tokotas
Breed: Canarctos venatori
Gender: Male
Age: 4 years
Mane type: Curly
Genotype: ee/aa/Tt/MM/CC/AA/nG/nWl
Phenotype: Marked collared greying tundra with accents and wolverine
Eye color: Light Green
Height: 185 cm
Weight: 855 lbs
Hierarchy status: Average
Rites of Fertility: 3/3
✓ Rite of Merit: Passed with excellent score.
✓ Rite of Fortitude: Passed with average score.
✓ Rite of the Hunt/Knowledge: Passed with average score.
Rites of Dominance: 0/3
Health Status: Healthy. Fit, active, and in good shape.
Personality: Ellwood is a sweet and gentle tokota with whom one can find absolute serenity on a peaceful afternoon lazing in the sun. While at first he is a standoffish and very shy tokota, he prides himself in his love for those who have grown close to him. One of his most redeeming qualities is his unimaginable intelligence level. He can figure out any puzzle put before him and is a master escape artist. There isn't anything he can fail at once he gets the hang of it.
- Wild trait:
5+ point score benefit in all group-sanctioned
Ice fishing, Ice racing, Sled racing, and Hunting competitions.
------------------------------------------ SSS: Fool's gold 5919
----------------- SS: Azrael 8491
------------------------------------------ SSD: Callisto 6057
Sire: Petrika 12630
------------------------------------------ SDS: Unknown
----------------- SD: WF23
------------------------------------------ SDD: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DSS: Draven 8025
----------------- DS: Drae Jr. 9081
------------------------------------------ DSD: Queen Majicka 4031
Dam: Guchi 10910
------------------------------------------ DDS: Saren 4480
----------------- DD: Max 7165
------------------------------------------ DDD: Aria 4903
Design (c) MerrySacrament