Registered name: Heryn
ID number: 14873
Owner: EmpyreanSkin
Breeder: FlyingAce1917
Species: Tokotas
Breed: Canarctos venatori
Gender: Male
Age: 2 years
Mane type: Sphinx
Genotype: ee/Aa/tt/MM/CC/AA/PbPb/nSd/nMrl+l
Phenotype: Marked collared brown piebald merle with liver points, accents, and saddle
Eye color: Violet
Height: 185 cm
Weight: 863 lbs
Hierarchy status: Average
Rites of Fertility: 0/3
Rites of Dominance: 0/5
Health Status: Perfect condition. Fit, active, and in good shape. A bit more broad and muscular than the average tokota.
Personality: A big cutie that has a heart of gold. Heryn is an ox of a tokota, but wants nothing more than to cuddle and give kisses. He's a complete goofball most of the time and prefers to avoid conflict, but if he's needed in a more lethal situation, he's willing to help.
------------------------------------------ SSS: Vendetta Masque 2275
----------------- SS: Prince 3847
------------------------------------------ SSD: Dashsky 3314
Sire: Ragnar 4716
------------------------------------------ SDS: Nootau 3009
----------------- SD: Kassuq 3318
------------------------------------------ SDD: Tullia 2602
------------------------------------------ DSS: Vatu 1502
----------------- DS: Khazak 3628
------------------------------------------ DSD: Ysera 2093
Dam: Umbra 5840
------------------------------------------ DDS: Senad 253
----------------- DD: Zola 2006
------------------------------------------ DDD: Lavena 274
Design (c) Alley96