Registered name: Soyala
Nickname(s): Yala
ID number: 17254
Owner: kagetora4ever
Breeder: EternalHusky
Species: Tokotas
Breed: Canarctos venatori
Gender: Female
Age: 2 years
Mane type: Normal
Genotype: ee/Aa/TT/MM/nD
Phenotype: ALBINO - [Marked tawny dun]
Eye color: Lavender
Height: 178cm
Weight: 850lbs
Hierarchy status: Average
Rites of Fertility: 3/3
✓ Rite of Merit: Passed with average score.
✓ Rite of Fortitude: Passed with novice score.
✓ Rite of Knowledge: Passed with average score.
Rites of Dominance: 0/3
Health Status: Perfect condition. Fit, active, and in good shape.
Bright Flashlight ;; Increases probability of finding items while on an expedition by 15%.
Personality: Yala is a very friendly girl that will always greet you with her tail wagging. She's very vocal and loves to sing, especially on nights with the fullmoon.
Very intelligent and loves to play games, and get tasks that require a lot of thinking.
- Wild trait:
5+ point score benefit in all group-sanctioned
Ice fishing, Ice racing, Sled racing, and Hunting competitions.
------------------------------------------ SSS: Unknown
----------------- SS: Tonga 182
------------------------------------------ SSD: Unknown
Sire: Bofur 1085
------------------------------------------ SDS: Unknown
----------------- SD: Shesh 19
------------------------------------------ SDD: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DSS: Voltaire 02
----------------- DS: Solvieg 217
------------------------------------------ DSD: Unknown
Dam: Vilea 2032
------------------------------------------ DDS: Unknown
----------------- DD: Shilah 475
------------------------------------------ DDD: Tavrani 14
Design (c) kagetora4ever