He hadn't always been like this. He used to be able to see, up until a few months ago, actually. He was still getting adjusted to walking around and reading Braille, but America was helping him out. They had started dating a few days after the accident and with in a month they had moved in together.
"Are you still there?" Britain asked the man across the table.
"Yes, of course I'm here. Do you need something?" American responded, eager to help.
"Yes, actually, can you read the menu for me, love?" The man replied trying to focus his cloudy, green eyes on where he thought than man's eyes were. Alfred didn't have the heart to tell him he had estimated a few inches too high.
"They have sandwiches, salads, burgers, and soups." The younger nation replied, trying not to go on a rant about how cheeseburgers are the best food in the history of the universe and how the Brit should totally order one .
"What kind of soups?" Arthur responded, hoping that they had his favorite.
"Pea soup, tomato soup, and chicken noodle soup." America put down the menu, already knowing what the Brit was going to order.
"I think I'm gonna go with the usual pea soup and earl grey tea." England smiled, and remarked upon how he always got the same thing.
"Cheeseburgers all the way, dude!" America joyfully exclaimed pumping a fist up in the air. England chuckled and blushed at the man in front of him. He missed seeing him. He missed seeing his hair, his eyes, his lips, and his perfect nose.
England snapped himself out of the little pity-party he had been having when he suddenly realized the waiter had come to take their order.
"A coke, an earl grey tea, pea soup, and a triple pounder bacon cheeseburger please." America announced to the worker before turning back to his lover.
"How can you eat so much but stay skinny as a rail? It makes no sense to me." England commented
"High metabolism, dude! It's like the best thing ever! I can eat cheeseburgers all day and party all night!" Alfred exclaimed. He then turned solemn, remembering how much the British man loved the colors of the club they always went to, and how he will never see them again.
Their food eventually came and America payed the bill. They then walked home, England holding on to his companions arm the entire way. When they got home they sat outside on their front porch together, enjoying the others fine company. Yeah, one could say their lives were pretty good.