TrinitySilph — OCtober 30 - Witch

Published: 2020-10-30 20:35:02 +0000 UTC; Views: 318; Favourites: 6; Downloads: 0
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“Although they serue a common Master with the Necromancers, (as I haue before saide) yet serue they him in an other forme. For as the meanes are diuerse, which allures them to these vnlawfull artes of seruing of the Deuill; so by diuerse waies vse they their practises, answering to these meanes, which first the Deuill, vsed as instrumentes in them; though al tending to one end: To wit, the enlargeing of Sathans tyrannie, and crossing of the propagation of the Kingdome of Christ, so farre as lyeth in the possibilitie, either of the one or other sorte, or of the Deuill their Master. For where the Magicians, as allured by curiositie, in the most parte of their practises, seekes principallie the satisfying of the same, and to winne to themselues a popular honoure and estimation: These Witches on the other parte, being intised ether for the desire of reuenge, or of worldly riches, their whole practises are either to hurte men and their gudes, or what they possesse, for satisfying of their cruell mindes in the former, or else by the wracke in whatsoeuer sorte, of anie whome God will permitte them to haue power off, to satisfie their greedie desire in the last poynt.” - Daemonologie, King James VI (1597)

I'm not sure I've pulled this quote with proper context, but what better source for witch lore than the book that kicked off the witch hunts in England and, later, America?  Even King James himself recognized, in later years, that this material was highly abused, but this was basically where people were getting their info about witches.  I attempted to translate it into modern English below if you're having as much trouble with it as I did.

So... witches.  Who doesn't love a good witch?  My main source of design inspiration for her costume was the Wicked Witch of the West because she's just so iconic, but I wanted to put my own spin on her, too.  I didn't realize until I was done that the parts that I didn't take from the classic were actually cribbed from my own version of the witch from my Oz/ Wonderland crossover comic.  I doubt she'll ever show up dressed like this in the comic because I would rather die than replicate that hat in hundreds of panels, but maybe some cover or title page art sometime?  I'll have to think about it.

[Although they serve a common Master with the Necromancers (as I have before said) yet serve they him in another form.  For as the means are diverse, which allures them to these unlawful arts of serving of the Devil, used as instruments in them; though all tending to one end: To wit, the enlarging of Satan’s tyranny, and crossing of the propagation of the Kingdom of Christ, so far as lies the possibility, either of the one or other sort, or of the Devil their Master.  For where the Magicians, as allured by curiosity, in the most part of their practices, seeks principally the satisfying of the same, and to win to themselves a popular honour and estimation:  These Witches on the other part, being enticed either for the desire of revenge, or of worldly riches, their whole practices are either to hurt men and their goods, or what they possess, for satisfying of their cruel minds in the former, or else by the wrack in whatsoever sort, of any whom God will permit them to have power off, to satisfy their greedy desire in the last point.]

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