TruffleButter — { PTS } Leif Lelle

Published: 2018-01-29 08:36:13 +0000 UTC; Views: 637; Favourites: 14; Downloads: 0
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"Hey, cutie, how you doin'?"

.: Introductions :.

First Name: Leif Lelle
Nicknames: Self Declared 'Hot Stuff'
Date of Birth: October 26

Age: 25
Sex/Gender: Male / Bisexual

Relationship Status: Single and ready to mingle~
Occupation: Daredevil!
Specialty: Dumb Motor Sports :^ )

Voice Reference: TBA'd



Eye Colour: Green.
Hair Colour: Light Brown.
Height:  5'6 ish // Taller in the right light and angle.
Notable Traits: Super long hair, buff af, booty on point.
Personal Items: iBerry Phone that he's constantly on. 

= Personality =

[+] Strengths:

         Determined: He will do things repeatedly until they go his way. 

    Charismatic: loves to socialize and chatter. 

 Streetsmart: He knows who to talk to and who to avoid.
 A softie: He has a big heart, and when someone needs help, he will always stop and help them. 


[-] Weaknesses

          Gambler: He has a reaaaally bad gambling addiction, and as such, he is in debt to a few bad people. Dorian disapproves of this.

 Irresponsible: He has an innate ability to recieve his paycheck, and then a day later it being gone. 
 Adrenaline Junkie: Enjoys danger too much, if he thinks of a stunt, he has to complete it. 
 Ingrained Fear of the Doctors: If he were to break both of his legs, he will be convinced he was alright. Will not go willingly to a doctor.
 People messing with Dory: Only he can do that. Don't do it in front of him.

Likes: Lounging around, eating, exercising, motorsports ( of course ), teaching Godzilla dumb tricks, messing with Dory, gambling with money, sending Dory dumb memes.

Dislikes: Losing bets, losing competitions, bullying, Dorian's smoking.

Overview: Boisterous, Leif is the life of the party. Never a dull moment, this dude is ready for action whenever. He does first, and thinks after, and often gets himself into trouble. Not a jerk in the least sense, he doesn't come off as rude, but he does speak his mind. If he doesn't agree with something, he will let you know. Not the brightest color in the crayon box, but he does his best. He will flirt up anyone he finds charming, but doesn't ever pursue a real relationship. He's young wild and free, for the most part. While he is spontaneous and go go go, when off work and not harrassing his best bud, he can be found sleeping. He sleeps quite a lot.


-Eats a ton. Has a habit of chowing down more than expected. 
-Has a knack of losing his money. He has a currently high I.O.U tab running with Dorian as of now.
-His favorite napping spot is on the floor, or on the fairly expensive rug Dorian bought.
-Exercises every morning before work, occassionally goes to the gym but not often. Prefers to work out at home.
-Has a HUGE sweet tooth, and will eat any and all sweet treats nearby.
-Dislikes Psychic type pokemon. The way they mess with your mind, it's freaky.
-Is very good at fixing mechanical machines/cars. Cannot build an IKEA shelf, though.
-Has a really high pain tolerance, and is overly stubborn when it comes to his personal health and well being. 
-Has a really big spot in his heart for his elder sister and his mother, even though he bickers with both of them at times.

= History =

   Growing up as the youngest of two kids, he had been spoiled by his mother. Her husband had ran off a few months after Leif had been born, claiming he wasn't ready for this sort of lifestyle. But that didn't stop Annette from giving her children the life they deserved. She wanted them happy, and would do whatever it took to keep them content and well taken care of. They weren't the richest family by any means, but they were a family and they relied on each other. When Leif was around two years or so, Annette had finally found stable employment at a local Poké Mart. More often than not, her shifts had her away for most of the day. 

Annette loved her children, Camellia and Leif, and she just wanted the best for them.

While Camellia florished at school; being popular and well liked by nearly everyone, the same wasn't said about Leif. He was small; small and thin and quirky and all of the things that the other children didn't like. Different, one would say, but Annette swore it was just part of her son's charm. When he would come home with his homework crumbled, bag torn up, and eyes red from crying, she could only assure her child that the other kids didn't understand what Leif had to offer. How delightful and sweet he was. She would come to school and talk to the Principal whenever she could, but everytime she done so, it only got worse for Leif. 

Despite the cruel treatment from his peers, Leif still had the same stubbornly positive attitude with anyone who wanted to try and befriend him. It bewildered the children at school, and only drove them to mess with him more. Making it through middle school was almost an accomplishment; he had made it through the thick of it and had high hopes for highschool. Fresh faces, a new start, what could go wrong? Well, seeing as everyone who lived in the same town attended the same schooling establishments, Leif was pleasantly surprised when he heard the oh so familiar taunting from the group of bullies who picked on him call his nickname they donned him with. "Look who it is! Little Leaf, shaking like a leaf." They weren't that creative.

It was after third period, P.E, that he had ran straight into the herd of bullies. He had been on his phone, and was texting his sister about their plans afterschool, when he had ran into the biggest of the bunch. A big mistake, and a hard shove, before they had grabbed the phone and tugged it straight out of his hands and kept it away from Leif. Shouting taunts and insults, they were having a blast, and hadn't noticed the lumbering giant that merely wanted to pass by. Leif recognized him; he was in Chemistry class, and had allowed Leif to copy off of his notes a few times. He was tall, and had a reputation for winning a few fights. He had to think quick.

“Oi! Dory, help me out here, would ya?” 

After a sticky situation, and a successful escape, Leif was counting his blessings. "You were pretty impressive, Dory!" He grinned, and knew Dorian was someone he wanted as a friend. After the confrontation, the bullies had began to leave him alone. Leif stuck by Dorian's side, and the two of them were the best of buddies, according to Leif. He had learned to understand Dorian's quirks and how he reacted to certain sayings, and it was a little strange at first, but the boy was persistent. Eventually he had wormed himself under Dory's wing and Dory was stuck with him. It wasn't until they were close to senior year that Leif had started to finally piece together things that Dorian said or muttered, and he had finally came to the conclusion that Dorian's mother was a bitch. The way she controlled his life, every little piece and aspect of it was most definitely not normal. He came over one night to hang out with Dorian, and after finally meeting Dahlia for the first time, the two of them had gotten into a verbal fight. That night, he had managed to convince Dorian to run away and stay over with his own family.

Annette, of course couldn't say no, and she doted on Dorian as much as she did with her own children....up until they were 18, and she wanted them to spread their wings and live life on their own. Dorian was more well equipped for this life, but Leif was scared witless. A few wordless encouragments from Dorian, and they managed to comply, and found an apartment together. Or...rather Dorian found the apartment. Leif just came along for the ride.

.: RELATIONSHIPS :.{ This will be edited as relationships grow.  }


{ Current Relationships: }

 Dorian Dreger { JatoWhitz }: Leif's current roommate and apparent best friend, one would question how these two function together. They've known each other for about 10 years, and have quite a bit of history together. Dorian often affectionately referred as 'Dory', had saved him from a gang of bullies. Ever since then, Leif had stuck to Dorian's side. Leif currently leeches off of Dorian and has a pretty high tab running, according to Dorian. 

Leif's current game plan is to teach Dorian how to feel and read emotions properly. If he can get the dude to smile, that'd be a victory.


.: Pokemon Team :. 

Species: Larvitar
Nature: Impish.
Level: 5
Leif's right hand pokemon, he's always by his trainer's side. Bold, reckless, idiotic can all be used to describe this larvitar. The Pokemon shares his owner's fearless abandon, and will charge head first into battle. Vocal, loud, and devious, it's a bad combo.  He has a endless appetite as well, and more recently has gotten into the habit of eating tires right off of cars. He is also not sorry for that. Has also been known to eat dirt, but Leif is trying to get him onto a better diet. Zilla does not appreciate it.

Ability: Guts
Sandstorm: A five-turn sandstorm is summoned to hurt all combatants except the Rock, Ground, and Steel types. 
Bite: The target is bitten with viciously sharp fangs. This may also make the target flinch.
Earthquake: The user sets off an earthquake that strikes every Pokémon around it.
Stone Edge: The user stabs the target from below with sharpened stones. Critical hits land more easily.


Name: Destroyah
Species: Bagon.
Nature: Rash.
Level: 5
Destroyah is constantly getting into trouble, trying to find high up places to launch himself off of to try and fly. He's got bad inside behavior, and as such, spends a lot of time in his pokeball. Is stubborn af, and won't back down from a challenge even from higher leveled pokemon. Leif isn't sure if Destroyah is brave, or dumb. He's leaning towards dumb at this point.
Ability: Rock Head.
Headbutt: The user sticks out its head and attacks by charging straight into the target. This may also make the target flinch
Protect: Enables the user to evade all attacks. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.
Flamethrower: The target is scorched with an intense blast of fire. This may also leave the target with a burn.
  Dragon Rush: The user tackles the target while exhibiting overwhelming menace. This may also make the target flinch.

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Comments: 5

Queen-Anarchy [2018-02-03 00:22:13 +0000 UTC]

Look at this Nerd >:]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

AyaChan993 [2018-01-30 07:39:14 +0000 UTC]

What a buff babe~!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Baothghalach [2018-01-30 00:03:05 +0000 UTC]

Ooo what a cutie. Been meaning to fill up a app for this group when i am no longer sick so i can submit when it opens. Love your larvitar 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

EliteRosie [2018-01-29 15:28:30 +0000 UTC]

He is so sooo handsome!! Oh my!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TruffleButter In reply to EliteRosie [2018-01-29 16:41:40 +0000 UTC]

Eeee thank you! O w O

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