fantasy leonardoAI scapes/stories/character creations 2023 - The Cunning Folk -
The term "cunning man" or "cunning woman" was most widely used in southern England and the Midlands' as well as in Wales' Such people were also frequently known across England as "wizards", "wise men" or "wise women" in Cornwall they were sometimes referred to as "pellars", which some etymologists suggest originated from the term "expellers", referring to the practice of expelling evil spirits. Folklorists often used the term WhiteWitch though this was infrequently used amongst the ordinary folk as the term "witch" had general connotations of evil. In Ireland the female cunning-folk were known as bean feasa ("woman of knowledge"); banfháidh or fáidhbhean ("female seer"); bean bhán ("white woman"), and bean chaointe ("keening woman"). They were known as seers, and would provide traditional herbal cures and perform funeral tasks like preparing corpses. Gearoid Ó Crualaoich described the bean feasa as “an oracular authority for her community regarding the meaning and significance of experiences they fail to understand. wiki