turboman500 — Contest entry P2 for Karbo by-nc-sa [NSFW]
Published: 2008-08-09 12:45:29 +0000 UTC; Views: 2517; Favourites: 5; Downloads: 22
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Description Welcome to the Jungle -”Wrath of the Tigiran”

Clearing near base of Frost Peak…

Yudo backed up reluctantly as he stared into the glowing blue eyes of the eating machine before him. He’d just bore witness to a rampage the likes of which he’d never seen. A whole military convoy laid scattered about the snowy grounds of the clearing, with not so much as a hint of life except for the now grinning Natasha, Gar, and Yudo-and it was beginning to look like she had plans to reduce the count to just herself As he took a step back, she took one forward, completely smashing the remains of one of the tanks in the group as if it were paper. Her size had increased by roughly ¼ making her even more immense than before, her eyes were glowing a crystalline blue, the areas of fur on her body were flickering about as if they were flames, ice constantly cracked and fell from her saber-fangs, her claws were serrated and much longer than before, and her tail was moving about as if she was preparing to pounce at any moment. Yudo took another step back and stumbled, falling flat on his back and leaving himself completely vulnerable. Wasting no time Natasha pounced, Mouth wide open, tongue dripping with saliva as she prepared to claim her next victim. Her flight was cut short however by a photon blast that hit her in the side and sent her rolling. Rubbing her side she stood up to her full height and let out a roar that would sound like thunder for miles around as her eyes searched for whoever was stupid enough to try such a thing. Her gaze eventually landed on Devon who limped slowly into the clearing. Her fierce growling now turned into a deep purring sound as she licked her lips and dropped to all 4’s, and began to move towards him in a manner that was almost as erotic as it was predatory.

“I said it before and I’ll say it again…no one kills Yudo while I still draw breath…that is my right and my right alone…” Devon said as he took aim again.

“Happy to see you too…but hey don’t hurt her…she’s not bad…really…something just…happened…” Yudo said watching as Natasha moved closer. “Wait…How the HELL did you get away from that sea monster?! I saw her swallow you!”

“I’m quite aware of that, and I’m not trying to kill her…just stop her long enough to fix this…I’ve been following you for awhile now…” He replied still watching her. “As for escape…I’d rather not talk about it…”

“Ok…I don’t think I want to know now either…” Yudo replied moving over to Devon. “But I’m not gonna let you sit here and do this alone…not this time. “ He added as he stretched his cybernetic arm out to his side. Almost instantly a large blade appeared in his hand, as if summoned to his side. “So...how are we going to do this?”

“Talk about such things inside of belly…” Natasha said amidst a purr.

“You can still talk?!” Both said at the same time as they stared back at her,

“Yes…I can still talk…but I prefer less talk…more eating.” She said as she suddenly leapt for the two…


-River, approx. 1 day ago.

Natasha was relaxing, enjoying the warmth of the sun as it shined down on her and Yudo. She was floating on her back down the river towards their goal. It was in some ways quicker than running, safer, and a lot more enjoyable. At this particular moment her and Yudo were talking, as they had been for the last few days

“So…let me get this straight…The reason why you eat the nekos in the village is because of what they did to your father…and your mother?” Yudo asked from his spot on her stomach.

“You are correct…they did horrible things to momma, and they killed papa…they even tried to take me away from momma, but she took me to papa’s home, where they took good care of me. Grandma did warn me of evil monster that might come out someday if I got too involved with seeking payback though.” She replied as she looked to him over the hills that were her breasts.

“Monster you say?” Yudo asked as he gave it some thought. “What kind of monster, and why then?”

“I do not know…Grandma just told me that once the monster shows up...that I could loose everyone and everything I love forever.” She replied with a sigh as she let her head rest back in the water.

“That’s…awful…I’m sure if it comes out though…we can take it.” Yudo said standing up to strike a heroic pose. “

“I suppose I don’t get a vote in this little escapade…” Gar grumbled sarcastically.

“Same say you always get little buddy.” He replied with a grin. “Now…don’t you worry about any- WOAH! He was cut short by a sudden rumbling of Natasha’s stomach beneath him. “Geez...when you get hungry…you get HUNGRY…” Yudo said chuckling abit causing her to blush.

“I cannot help it…you little tasty things do not hold me for long.” She replied with a giggle as she reached for him suddenly.

“He-hey?!” He yelped as she picked him up by the collar and dangled him over her open mouth. “What are you doing?! I thought we were past this point!”

“I am hungry, and you are all that is around…plus you look and smell tasty…” She said with a grin.

“Yea...but…can’t we go find you someone to eat…I mean...there -has- to be someone around here besides me you can eat.”  He stammered out as he looked into her gaping maw.

“Only you will satisfy me right now…” She said before she dropped him flailing into her mouth.

Yudo closed his eyes preparing for the grizzly fate that would soon befall him. After a moment though, he opened his eyes…to see that there was still daylight, he wasn’t swimming in gallons of saliva, he wasn’t having an epic battle with her tongue, nor was he trying to avoid the black hole of her throat. He opened his eyes to notice that his legs were the only thing he couldn’t see-which are also when he felt Natasha’s tongue messing with his lower half.

“I’m…not getting eaten…yet at least…wait a minute! You were toying with me weren’t you?! He growled trying to spin around. Her lips had too firm a grip on him however.

“Mhmm~” She answered trying not to laugh.

“I’m so going to…hey…HEY cut that out!” He yelped as he felt her tongue coming back up for another round of teasing. “I said stop-no…wait…keep doing that…yea…that feels…nice.” He said relaxing some. “Oh yea…I could definitely get used to that…”

Natasha giggled as she continued her mischievous actions for a little while longer. When Yudo seemed to be in a blissful state she plucked him from her mouth gently and laid him to rest amidst the valley of her bosom. She sighed and continued to move down the river, knowing her next day with him could very well be her last…


Later that night…
“Hey Gar…you still awake in there?” Yudo asked as he rolled over some.

“I am now if that’s what you mean?” Gar replied sarcastically

Is it normal for a guy to develop feelings for a giant tiger lady that eats things his size for pleasure?” Yudo asked. “Hypothetically speaking of course..”

“This wouldn’t happen to do with the fact that she has breasts the size of sport utility vehicles would it?” Gar asked with a smirk.

“No…ok so that helps…sheesh…I AM a guy…but I mean aside from her amazing looks…there’s just something about her…I don’t know…” Yudo trailed off.

“I understand how you feel…I’ve had that feeling before…only thing I can tell you is to go with how you feel…see how she feels...and go from there.” Gar replied in a serious manner.

“Wow…yeah I think that’s what I’ll do…thanks buddy…sorry I woke you up.” Yudo replied closing his eyes.

“Yea sure no sweat…but can I ask you something now?” Gar replied.

“Sure thing.”

“When she get’s that itch and decides she wants some jungle lovin’, and you “vanish” never to be seen again…can I have all your stuff?” Gar asked laughing some.

“GAR!” Yudo snapped “I’m so FEEDING you to her baby sister when we get back!

“Feed? Food? Where?” Natasha asked moving her head as she woke up suddenly.

“Uh…nothing…go back to sleep…there’s no food here-you were dreaming about food…that’s all.” Yudo said trying to convince her.

“Oh…well then…night little Yudo…”She said affectionately before drifting back of to sleep.

“Phew…I’ll get you for this later Gar…” Yudo growled.

“Yea yea go to sleep...we should be getting to our destination tomorrow…” Gar replied with a yawn.

“Yea..-then- I’ll make you pay.” Yudo grumbled before trying to go back to sleep.


Base of frost peak, Approx 6 hours ago.

“God it’s cold out here…but...I suppose that’s about right for a place this frost lily would grow…” Yudo said as he sat shivering on her shoulder

“What are you talking about, it feels wonderful here!” Natasha said with a smile, though her breast would have told a different story.

“Yea yea whatever-easy for you to say.” Yudo grumbled.

“Well if it is too cold out her, I can put you somewhere nice and warm.” She said looking over to him with a grin.

“Ohh no, you’re not putting  me in your mouth again! I’ll be fine out here!” Yudo said pretending to be ok.

“No fun at all.” She said with a pout as she continued there trek on into the snow.

It didn’t take too much effort to get them to the base of frost peak, and the trip had been pretty uneventful so far. Every now and then Natasha would snatch up a small animal suddenly and swallow it, but there wasn’t much in the way of anything threatening…which was very odd. According to legend, and human Intel this area was supposed to be littered with dangerous creatures and perils, but nothing was bothering them. Yudo yawned after awhile from being so bored at it all, but he nearly fell off Natasha’s shoulder when she stopped suddenly, and began to look around.

“Hey...what’s going on…why did you stop Are we here?” Yudo asked abit puzzled.

“Humans…many of them…”She said as she took Yudo from her shoulder and sat him gently on the ground.. “You run If I tell you to.” She said looking down at him.

“If they’re human I can talk to them…figure out what’s going on…I don’t think it’s wise to get separated.” He said looking around. “It could be a search party…I mean…people knew we were coming here…maybe they’re going to help us.”

“I have bad feeling about this…but…I will do things your way this time…perhaps there is no need to fight.” She replied standing up. “I will be nearby…watching…” She said as she backed up, practically vanishing into the snow before his eyes.

Yudo stood and waited as the first vehicle of the convoy came into sight. Upon closer inspection he recognized the markings to be those of the faction that hired him to come to Felarya. He let out a sigh of relief now that he knew the new comers were friendly and he waited for the convoy to come to a halt not too far from him. The command vehicle broke from the group and rumbled up to him as well. The door opened and out stepped Cirus, the man in charge of this group. He had long black hair, was wearing all black-from his vest to his boots. He walked over to Yudo, accompanied by 2 heavily armed guards. Out of habit, Yudo bowed respectfully before the man addressed him.

“What happened, where is everyone else that was sent?” Cirus asked abit frustrated.

“Sea monster poop now most likely…every one of them, including Devon were eaten alive by a giant monster…She destroyed the boat and all the equipment…” Yudo said remembering the horrors he’d witnessed.

“Sea monster you say…and you’re the only survivor?” Cirus asked abit more interested now.

“That’s correct sir…” Yudo said hanging his head.

“Good…that makes the cleanup part of this operation a lot easier..” Cirus said with a smirk. “

“Cleanup…what do you mean clean up…” Yudo asked now looking at him.

“Tying up all the loose ends related to this mission, meaning you and all those other idiots. You see we can’t have any one knowing of our operations here, or our organization’s true goals…and once we’re down extracting what you know of this place from you…then you’ll be disposed of as well.” Cirus said with a grin as one of his guards suddenly punched Yudo in the sternum, dropping him to his knees. “Take him back to the command craft...we’ll spread out and search the area for that flower…it’s definitely close.

“Yes sir.” both guards replied as they picked Yudo up and started to drag him back to the command vehicle.

Suddenly,  what sounded like thunder shattered the ominous silence of the area as it echoed about. Bursts of gunfire erupted  from further back in the convoy, before it was silent again. Both guards stopped  and begin to look around with their guns at the ready.

“LOOKOUT!!!” one of the random guards yelled pointing into the air.

Both guards looked up only to see Natasha coming down on them from the air. They never got a chance to react as she snatched them and Yudo up and moved back into the snow. It took her little effort to separate them from him and she held the two guards in one hand with Yudo in the other.

“Are you alright Yudo? Did evil men harm you?” She asked inspecting him as best she could.
“Yea I’m alright…You’re fast…I never even saw you coming.”

“Thank you…”she said with a blush. “It helps me catch my food better..”

“He-hey lady...sorry about the mix up…we were just following orders that’s all...I swear! One guard yelped.

“Yea Cirus made us do it! “ The other chimed in.

“So you follow orders?” she said turning her focus to them now. “Even ones you do not want to?”

“We don’t have much of a choice…it’s that or no job...or worse..” the first guard replied

There was an ominous growl from beneath them suddenly, causing everyone to look in that direction.

“What the hell was that?!” The second asked.

“That was boss…he told me to bring him fresh meat…” she said eyeing the two hungrily now.

“Ah I see...like new recruits eh?” The second asked oblivious to her gaze.

“Something like that…” She said with a grin. “You two will do perfectly if you can follow orders…”

“I’m down for that…I mean…you’re the boss.” The first replied.

“Good, then your first and last orders are…make my belly happy and full…” she said as she held them closer to her mouth.

“WHAT? NO WAY!” They both yelped as she tossed them in and began to toss them about in her mouth.

“I don’t’ think I’ll ever get used to that…” Yudo said as he watched her swallow them.

“They follow orders well.” Natasha said with a toothy grin. “There’s more of them…and I am starving…you stay here out of sight…I go…”welcome” new guests to planet…” She said with a grin as she sat him down.

“Wait don’t…they have a lot of heavy weaponry…you could get killed!” Yudo replied trying to convince her to stay.

“Do not worry about me….I am big girl” She said with a smile as she gently patted him before running off again.

Yudo sighed as he heard more gunfire and yells. From what he could tell, she was decimating them with no problem; their weapons were completely ineffective against her. All seemed to be going well until he felt something in his back…

“Call off your monster…or you’ll die right here on the spot.” Cirus said.

“You’ve already let it be know you’re going to kill me anyway…I might as well get killed before you get what you want right?” Yudo replied with a smirk.

“I’m giving you a chance to save your friend…we have better weapons on standby…and she will die if you don’t make a decision.” He replied.

“…Ok…I’ll do it…”He replied begrudgingly as he walked back to the clearing. “NATASHA…GET OUT OF HERE THEY”RE GONNA-” He was cut short by the blow to the back of the head.

“They are going to what?” She asked blinking as swallowed the soldier currently in her mouth. “Yudo? They are going to-” Her eyes narrowed instantly on the man standing over Yudo’s body. “What have you done to him…I will tear you apart if you have harmed him…” She growled furiously as she began to move in his direction.

“You’ll stop right there if you don’t want him dead on the spot…” Cirus said never moving so much as an inch. “Now…you can show us to what we seek, and you might get to keep your toy…”

“Do not harm him…” She growled as she lowered herself.”

“You might make that pounce and get to me…but you won’t make it before this bullet goes through his skull. So I suggest you calm yourself down and do as I ask, so we can all go about our merry lives.” Cirus said chambering a bullet in his firearm.

“Alright…Alright you win…I will help you…just do not harm him.” She said softening her tone some and standing back up. “I will show you the Frost Lilies”

“Good girl…you’re not as dumb as you look…” Cirus said with a grin. “Out in front…lead us to the flowers, and remember if you try ANYTHING funny-Yudo dies on the spot. Are we clear?”

“Crystal…” She growled as she began to walk in front of the remaining crew.

Time passed slowly it seemed as she lead the last 5 armored vehicles to a small trench of ominously light blue glowing plants. She turned and faced him, the look of disgust and malice very obvious.

“Here are your flowers human…take what you want and give me what is mine…” She hissed.

“Good show…Natasha I believe.” Cirus said clapping as he motioned for  some of his men to began gathering the plants. “Now for my part of the bargain…”

He motioned for two guards to drag Yudo over to her. Just as they got within grabbing range, she was hit rd by a concussion bomb, which knocked her flat on her back. Before she had a chance to counter act, she felt the burn of several thousand volts of electricity running through her body. Through clenched teeth, and squinted eyes she watched as Yudo was dragged away from her yet again. She looked right into Cirus’ eyes as he smirked at her.

“What’s wrong…cat got your tongue? Do not worry, it will all be over soon. Though I would have like to have kept you for further study.” He said as he watched her struggles slow down. “Keep the coils on her…we don’t want her getting up…”

“I’ll…kill…you…for…taking…my…Yudo…away…I’ll…I’ll….” She trailed of as everything began to get dark.

“Empty threats…No more…no less…” Cirus said as he turned to head back to the command vehicle, passing the coil tanks which were zapping her. “Try not to leave too big of a mess…leave something for the scavengers…”

Though she couldn’t see him…she could feel that he was about to go, and if she let that happen then she would never see Yudo again. At that point, her mind went blank. She could only think of revenge, saving Yudo, and ridding Felarya of this menace. It was also then that she found amongst the darkness of her thoughts…a door…which beckoned to be opened. So she reached, she reached with everything she could muster within herself to open that door….and that’s when she came face to face with the monster her grandmother had warned her about. It wasn’t a ferocious beast…it was the one trapped within herself…

“Sir WATCHOUT!” One of the guards yelled suddenly, prompting Cirus to turn, just as Natasha’s eyes snapped back open, glowing a brilliant view.

“Yudo…” was the last word she uttered as her body began to convulse.

As Cirus and his men watched on, Natasha rolled over onto her stomach and began to push herself up slowly, while still bearing the brunt of the tanks weaponry. Her body began to grow, her muscles remained refine-yet her form exuded power, her hair grew longer and became wilier, her tail grew longer and whip-like, her fur began to flicker and move about like flames, her claws grew long and serrated, her fangs lengthened and grew into saber teeth, and the glow in her eyes intensified as she stood up to her full height of and incredible 15 stories. She stretched  her arms to the sky and roared, far louder than her previous one. So much so that it cause the trench of Frost Lilies cave in with snow. She turned with an angry glare to one of the tanks and exhaled a column of ice, freezing it solid on the spot. She reached down and grabbed it and in the same motion she flung it at the command vehicle. The impact shattered the tank, dumping the dazed crew on the ground, and destroyed the command vehicle totally. The resulting Explosion jarred Yudo awake.  He looked around dazed for a moment before he finally saw Natasha. She failed to notice him however because she had moved on to tank number two, using her blades of frost technique to shred the armor, so that she could get the tasty treats on the inside. Yudo took this time to sneak off from the two guards who’d held him; they seemed to be stuck in a state of fascinated horror as Natasha ravaged the remaining soldiers. He made his move into the trees to watch.

Group by group, she devoured them. Sometimes one at a time; others two or three. She demolished any armored vehicle that got in her way, and it’s crew would quickly find a new home within her stomach.
She kept up this pattern of destruction until all that remained were Cirus and his guards. She turned and began to walk towards the trio, crushing underfoot anything between her and them.  When she drew near, the guards decided to bail, but they didn’t make it very far. Her ice breath stopped both in their tracks, and left them as a couple of human-sickles . As her shadow loomed over him, Cirus smirked. He knew escape was impossible, and that underestimating  her had been a fatal mistake. He thought about shooting himself, but he opted to face her down, even to the end of it all. She didn’t waste a moment in swiping him up and bringing him to her face. Cirus smirked and merely spat at her in reply.

“You disgust me…” He grumbled.

She growled fiercely at that point and raised him over her head, opening her mouth as wide as she could to give him a good view of his final resting place before dropping him in. She waited no time in shutting her mouth around him as she began to toss him about with her tongue. She bashed him against her teeth, and ran him into the gallons of saliva on the floor of her mouth. She suckled on him for quite sometime, drawing all she could from him. Cirus lay there on her tongue as all the movement stopped suddenly, he’d expected her to swallow him and send him on his way to oblivion, but instead he felt a powerful suction motion as she spat him out into her palm. Dazed, soaked, battered, and confused he stood up and looked her in the eyes. Despite the ominous glow he could see the hatred, the anger, and the pure unbridled wrath that flowed from them.

“What’s wrong beast…couldn’t go through with it…do you lack the spine?” He said with a smirk. “You let me go now and I’ll make sure I come back to kill you. I’ll kill Yudo in front of you before I torture you to death…” he uttered. “Then I’ll sell your hair…and skins as clothing for awhile…and feed the rest to carrion birds…”

He began to laugh for abit until he saw the toothy grin she gave him. He paused preparing for her to bite him in two, or  throw him to his death. What he didn’t know was that she had something far more sinister in mind. She opened her palm with him in it, and he suddenly began to feel very cold. Almost instantly he lost all feeling in his body, and one by painful one he could feel organs start to shut down. He looked to see his body becoming more and more rigid, and even covered in ice at some points. From there it was only moments until his brain finally shut down and he died. With a grin she simply crushed the frozen man to dust within her palm, before she casually blew the remnants into the wind.

“Oh man…this is intense…maybe she’ll calm down abit…then I can try to talk to her..” He said as he took a step back. That’s when he snapped the twig  which got her attention….


Back to current…

The ground shook violently as Natasha landed almost on top of the two warriors. Yudo was thrown to the side. As he scrambled to get back up, he noticed Natasha had something in her hand grinning wickedly at it. Upon closer inspection, he saw Devon squirming in her powerful grip, as she raised him up to her face. Yudo turned his head, he couldn’t  bear watching as she devoured yet another living soul. He waited for the gulp, which came after a small burst sound-which he assumed was an accidental crunching of his mechanical body.  Then all was silent for abit, until a deep purring sound broke the silence. Yudo looked up to see Natasha crawling in a rather provocative manner towards him. He backed up now that he was alone in the clearing now with a giant man-eating tigiran who was gobbling up everyone in sight.

“Do not worry my pet…I do not bite…” She said with a grin as she moved closer. “Maybe just a taste here and there.” she said licking her fangs at him.

“Yea…see I got this allergy to being eaten…it causes me to um…run in mind numbing terror if I know it’s about to happen….seeya! He yelped as he turned and bolted.

“Playing hard to get again my pet?” she asked in an amused tone as her tail came around and knocked him into the air.

Yudo went careening across the clearing, finally landing in the snow face down. He felt something odd beneath him, and he intended to investigate until he felt her warm breath on his back. Before He could think of what to do next, she plucked him up from the ground by the collar and held him close to her face. He’d grabbed onto something-but it wasn’t firm enough to keep him anchored. He watched as she slowly opened her mouth and let her tongue roll out like a welcome mat. Yudo’s mind when blank for a moment when he found himself staring into the abyss of her maw, and it was only by sheer force of will that he managed to look away. That’s when he noticed the blue glow coming from under the snow, and that’s when he realized he’d landed in the field of Frost Lilies.

“He-hey! Natasha! Before you eat me…I um….wanted to give you a present-you know…something to remember me by?” He stammer out waiting for her response.

“Dinner and a gift? You know how to treat lady” she replied as she closed her mouth and looked at him.

“Here…this is for you.” He said opening his hands to reveal a fully blossomed Frost Lily. “Tell your mother I said get well soon, and yours sister hello for me?”

“I…I…”She stopped speechless as once again her world began to spin out of control.

Natasha suddenly found herself bombarded with a lot of mental information, memories, feelings, and a new overall attitude. Her eyes very slowly began to dim and return to their normal color. Her teeth, claws and body began to shrink as well while she lay there. Soon Yudo was able to see the old Natasha again, the one whom he’d fallen so hard for…

“It finally happened…the prophecy…you came and saved me…from the monster…I thank you…and...I love you…my Yudo…” she said as she lay there breathing heavily for awhile.
“I love you too…” Yudo said with a smile gently patting her on the cheek.

“Aww isn’t that lovely.” both Gar and another familiar voice said.

“Devon?!” Both exclaimed looking for him. “But …but she ATE you!

“I’m right here you dimwit!” Devon growled prompting Yudo to look over his shoulder. His eye’s widened when he saw another mousu on his shoulder. “You mean…you’re…a mousu? All this time…I thought…”

“See that’s why no one pays you to think…” He replied with a smirk. “Now…I suggest we get some flower samples and get out of her if you’re going to help your um…girlfriend.”

“Yea I know, but I don’t know if she can move right now…she looks like she might pass out at any moment…” Yudo replied.

“ I will...be fine…she said as she started picking herself up. “It is dangerous to stay here…we will go back to my cave…then…I take nap…” She said with somewhat of a goofy smile.

“Ok then…” Yudo replied with a nod as he went back over and started gathering the lilies.

After he’d gotten all he could carry, Natasha gently scooped him up and begin the journey home. She knew that any kind of severe confrontation would not be good, so she stuck to the trees when possible, and moved along the river at other times, as she had done to get there in the first place. She was feeling very full for some reason, which she had no clue why, so there was no need to stop for food. Like al journeys, it took her longer to get to the destination, then it took her to get home. When she reached near her Cave, she stumbled in, hurting all over, and now very exhausted. She sat Yudo down and took a seat against the wall of the cave looking down at him.

“I will…rest for a moment…before I take us to momma…” She said closing her eyes.

“That sounds good…we got back in a day in a half…so…rest…you really worked yourself hard…” Yudo replied with a grin. “I’ll be here.”

“And I will too...until I can get myself a new mechanical body…so I can beat you for the one your girlfriend ATE.” Devon growled.

“Ok ok…sheesh...I’m sorry about that…” Yudo said

“There goes the neighborhood…” Gar said from his other shoulder now.

Yudo began to laugh, along with Devon for a change, and then finally Gar as they watch the sleeping giant. They had endured a lot since they came to Felarya, and unlike so many before them, they had lived to see their goal, made friends, and in Yudo’s case…even found love (even if it was in strange places). It seemed as though everything would go good for them now, and that the next morning would be the start of a new and happy life on this strange, new and amazing world…
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Comments: 21

JisuTheMouse [2011-04-11 02:02:48 +0000 UTC]

ok, now I add "don't piss off a tigiran" to my ways to survive.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

turboman500 In reply to JisuTheMouse [2011-04-11 15:29:30 +0000 UTC]

that's definately a good way to not die

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

NightTheHyena [2010-03-10 08:36:47 +0000 UTC]

I like it. let me know when p3 is done.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

O-b-s-i-d-i-a-n [2008-08-19 19:35:49 +0000 UTC]

How she killed cirus was so Epic!

Favorite death actually

Good stuff

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

turboman500 In reply to O-b-s-i-d-i-a-n [2008-08-20 00:10:26 +0000 UTC]

Glad you liked it...i thought about her eating him but that didnt seem fiting

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

O-b-s-i-d-i-a-n In reply to turboman500 [2008-08-21 17:27:54 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

sumcoolguy [2008-08-10 07:29:25 +0000 UTC]

A realy great job on both the detail and the story line. I injoyed it.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

turboman500 In reply to sumcoolguy [2008-08-11 01:56:02 +0000 UTC]

thanks alot

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Karbo [2008-08-09 17:02:59 +0000 UTC]

Hehe nice one
Nicely written and Natasha is really an interesting character. I especially love the way she speaks and with an accent

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

turboman500 In reply to Karbo [2008-08-09 21:53:38 +0000 UTC]

thanks for the compliments. I gave her my fav accent on a woman..just cause

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

lmjvenom01 [2008-08-09 16:56:35 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

turboman500 In reply to lmjvenom01 [2008-08-09 21:53:06 +0000 UTC]

thank you

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

trh7323 [2008-08-09 16:29:35 +0000 UTC]

Hell, you wone one contest, how about another. Very nice, my friend, very nice.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

turboman500 In reply to trh7323 [2008-08-09 21:52:42 +0000 UTC]

yes but i know there are alot of amazing writers in this one. I'll just have to wait and see

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trh7323 In reply to turboman500 [2008-08-09 21:59:21 +0000 UTC]

Good luck

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turboman500 In reply to trh7323 [2008-08-10 00:45:54 +0000 UTC]

i'll need it

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trh7323 In reply to turboman500 [2008-08-10 00:53:51 +0000 UTC]

I think you will do fine!

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turboman500 In reply to trh7323 [2008-08-13 14:23:45 +0000 UTC]

I hope so, but thanks for the vote of confidence as always

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trh7323 In reply to turboman500 [2008-08-14 01:43:42 +0000 UTC]

I have faith in you

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turboman500 In reply to trh7323 [2008-08-15 00:57:39 +0000 UTC]

glad someone does

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trh7323 In reply to turboman500 [2008-08-15 01:11:50 +0000 UTC]

he he he So true for me too

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