turboman500 — Mother's Justice by-nc-sa [NSFW]
Published: 2009-07-21 20:38:35 +0000 UTC; Views: 5995; Favourites: 18; Downloads: 47
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Description “Don’t Hurt the Children! - Mother’s Justice”

The sun was high over head the jungle, and the heat was over bearing. The brush was alive with the sounds of life both big and small. None of that seemed to matter to young Taylor, whose injuries were blocking out most of his surroundings. His head hung as he finally tired from tugging at the rope that bound him, and his body ached from the struggling he’d been doing. Sweat dripped down his forehead as he raised his head to the sky hoping for the end to come. All of this trouble for stealing a bit of food to feed himself and his little brother, and now he would have to pay the ultimate price.  His thoughts went out to his little brother who would soon have to feed and fend for himself, since he would soon be in the rank and file of people devoured on the planet exotic world of Felarya. I was the ominous blue glow from above that suddenly caught his attention. His face went pale, and he lost all feeling in his body as he now found himself staring into the beautiful face of death…


Just outside of town-Roughly 1 hour ago…

“Come back here you little shit!” Ross yelled as he and his friend Matt chased Taylor through the bushes.

“Yea! This is the last time you’re going to rob us!” Matt shouted.

“I told you I’m sorry! I’ll work for it next time!” Taylor yelled as he ran.

“Not this time you thief, no one is even going to know you’re missing!” Ross yelled back.

Taylor’s mind began to rush as he processed those words. If he were to be missing, that could only mean they planned to do  something horrible to him when they caught him. He hadn’t seen them grab up anything except some rope. His eyes widened when the thought of hanging from a tree by his neck entered his head, prompting him to run even faster.

“I’m trying to take care of my little brother! I don’t mind working for it I swear…you guys just wont give me a chance!”

“Excuses! A thief is still a thief regardless of reason!” Ross called after him.

“You guys just don’t have a heart!” Taylor yelped as the unthinkable happened.

He was far ahead of them when he tripped over a root and fell-twisting his ankle in the process. Refusing to give up, he got up and kept limping as best he could until Ross and Matt finally managed to overtake him.  He yelled out in pain as Matt landed on his injured ankle, and Ross pinned him to the ground. His troubles didn’t stop there as the two men proceeded to beat, kick, stomp, and punch him for the next 15 or so minutes. The whole time Taylor managed to get out muffled and pained cries for help. All on the deaf ears of nature-or at least that’s what he thought. After they’d had their fun, Ross and Matt yanked him to his feet and dragged him to a large tree where they tied him tightly. With a grin both men stepped back to admire their handiwork, before Ross spoke.

“I’ll bet you’re wondering why you aren’t dead you little prick.”

“The *cough* thought had crossed my mind…” Taylor replied trying not to give them any satisfaction.

“Rumor has it a fairy has been sighted around here. A very hungry one, and a little snack like you ought to please her greatly eh kid?” Matt said with a smirk.

“A…a…f - f - fairy?!” Taylor choked out now deathly afraid.

“Yep, and she’s just what we need to get a little pest like you out of our hair. “ Ross said with a smirk. “Try to squirm and struggle a lot- I hear they like that.” He said as he and Matt turned to leave.

“When we find that little good for nothing urchin you call brother, we’ll make sure to give him an equal treatment since he was eating some of the stolen goods - just with less ass kicking.” Matt said before he laughed and walked off with Ross.

“She might eat me and like it…but you 2 bastards are going to pay somehow…I don’t know how…but you’ll pay!” Taylor yelled out as the disappeared from sight. “Who am I kidding…I’m as good as dead and I know it. Soon as that fairy see’s lunch gift wrapped she’s going to eat me. I just wish I got a chance to warn my brother and hug him goodbye…” He added before he hung his head and waited…



“You don’t look so happy to see me.” Natalie said with a grin as she floated down in front of Taylor.

“W-w-what makes you s - s - say that?” Taylor squeaked out as she began to untie him.

“The fact that you’re as white as a ghost…” she said casually as she finished untying him and caught him in her arms when he stumbled forward.

“I’m…always like this…yea…fairies are my best friends…really!” He said hoping to please her.

“Is that so?” She said with a grin as she put her face right in front of his. “Even when they do this?~”
She asked before giving him a series of long and slow licks, and then licking her chops.

“Ok ok I lied! I’m scared to death of you! I know what fairies do to humans…just…get it over with!” He yelped before closing his eyes and turning his head.

“If you say so…” Natalie said with a shrug.

Taylor went numb as he felt a strange sensation come over his body. He’d heard of fairy magic and how they shrunk those they planned to eat. He felt his eyes burning with tears as the sensation over his body got stronger for a moment before it suddenly stopped. He felt different, but not in a shrunken way; it was more or less the fact that he didn’t hurt all over anymore. He opened his eyes in disbelief, expecting for it to be some cruel game of cat and mouse, but all he saw was Natalie looking at him concerned….

“Are you ok? I hope I didn’t use too strong a spell for your body to handle…” She said looking at him curiously.

“Wow…I…feel great…my injuries…my ankle…you…healed them.” He said blinking at her. “Why” He asked.

“Because I don’t eat children…and because I saw and heard everything.” She said looking at him as if he were her own child.

“You…wow…I always thought…” He tapered off. “Never mind…” He topped for fear of offending her.

“That we’re just mindless eating machines who enjoy watching humans suffer before we eat them? Sometimes, young Taylor, that is true-because that’s exactly what I have in mind for the 2 who did this to you. All I need is a bit of help from you.”

“Me? How can I help you?”

“Simple…I’ll tell you exactly what to do.”

“Sure…but 2 questions…what is your name miss...and how did you know I was just a kid…?

“My name is Natalie, and I could tell by your eyes, your voice, and your smell. While you smell positively delicious…there no hint of a woman, you smell ripe for the picking…that and you DO need a bath.” she giggled. “So bath first then plan.” She Said before flying off with him to a nearby stream.


Back in the village, a few hours later…

“Are you sure it was the right thing to do…feeding a kid to a fairy.” Matt asked from his side of the table.

“Eh, it’ll keep her off our backs for awhile.” Ross said shrugging. “Oh well no sense in worrying about it now-he’s probably a steamer somewhere in the jungle by now.”

“That’s what I mean…he was just a kid…but it’s too late now.” Matt said with a shrug. “So what about his little brother?”

“We’ll clean him up soon enough, but for right now-what the hell?” Ross said as the knocking began.

“Come in!” Ross called out.

“Hey…sorry to bother you 2...but…I think I can make up for the food I stole from you.” Taylor said meekly as he opened the door.

“KID?!” Ross growled.

“calm down man…see…this is a good sign…he’s learned his lesson and we’re going to get compensated for it.” Matt said assessing the situation. “What’s up kid?”

“Well…Apparently that rope you gave me blocks out magic…because when the fairy came and tried to get me…she got tangled up while I got out…then I tied her to the tree…as best I could anyway.” Taylor replied. “Fairies are weaker than little girls without their magic.”

“You did What?!” Both men yelped together.

“Kid…take us there right now…but I swear if this is a trick…you wont have to wait for the fairy to kill you next time.” Ross said as he stood up and grabbed his pistol.

“I promise…it’s the truth…I came back to tell you…cause I figured you wouldn’t be mad anymore if I had something to trade you for food.” Taylor replied as Matt and Ross walked over to him.

“Dear…where are you going?” Ross’ wife called from the back.

“Out to check on a business prospect...I’ll be back soon.” He replied as he pushed Taylor out the door and they set off towards the tree.

It didn’t take long before they reached the small area where they’d tied up Taylor previously. Ross and Matt stopped and gasped when they laid eyes on Natalie, who was tied to the tree hap hazardly just as Taylor had said. After the initial shock, the two very cautiously approached her, despite the fact that her head was hung low and her eyes closed. Matt made the first move, curiously reaching out and touching one of her antlers-which prompted her to snap awake, her eyes open and on the two men.

“Whoa!” Ross said jumping back some.

“No shit…they’re real…” Matt said before he saw her eyes on him. “Shit she’s awake!” he said jumping back.

“Oh dear…I seem to have gotten myself tangled in these nasty ropes…and that little boy said he’d help me…then he tied me up.” She said looking sad. “I wasn’t going to eat him…I promise.”

“Matt…do you realize what we have here…she’s worth a fortune…” Ross said as the ideas of money entered his head.

“She’s totally hot too…” Matt said as he eyed her full figured form.

“Fortune…hot?” She asked confused. “Who needs a fortune when you could have your very own fairy?” She asked batting her eyes at them. “I can do anything, and I can be anyone…”

“She…has a point.” Matt said looking to Ross.

“Very true…but how can we trust her?”

“The rope…it keeps her powers down…so let’s just leave the one around her neck like a collar…I mean…we wouldn’t ever mistreat her…but...just to be safe.”

“Sounds good…but she’d have to stay with you...there’s no way my wife would ever let a fairy in the house…especially not one that looks so much better than she does.” Ross replied with a smirk.

“What’s your name miss?” Matt asked,

“It’s Natalie, my dear beg strong master…thank you for saving me…who knows what would have happened if I’d been found by someone else…” she said sweetly and smiling at him.

“See…kindness goes along way.” Matt said smiling back. “Not every fairy is cruel and evil…My name is Matt…you don’t have to call me master, but you’ll be staying at my house. I’ll feed, clothe and take care of you while you’re there.” he replied as he went to untie her.

“This is our lucky day indeed.” Ross said watching. “Kid…I think you’ve paid for your food in full…in fact…you can have some for yourself and your brother every day now.”

“Oh wow…thank you!” Taylor replied.

“Alright…lets go…” Matt said as he got a hold of the rope which formed Natalie’s collar.

“Yes master Matt.”  Natalie replied as she moved forward and hugged him-making sure to push her ample chest into him. “I will do whatever you and other master ask of me.”

“Ye-yes…that’s good.” Matt replied as a blush crept over his face.

“Lucky bastard…just don’t damage the goods.” Ross said with a smirk as they all headed home.

The walk back seemed to be quicker than the walk there. Everyone was quiet and to their own thoughts as they re-entered the village carefully. Mat waited with Natalie while Ross went and got some clothes to cover her and avoid too much attention.  After a few awkward moments of trying to dress her, the 2 men finally said they’re goodbyes for the evening. Taylor was treated to a full warm meal for him and his brother, while Matt showed Natalie his home. Everyone seemed to have came out on top of things for once-that was until phase 2 of the plan took effect…


Later that night…

Matt was sound asleep after he and Natalie had spent most the evening talking. He’d fed her and made sure she had a nice room and everything. Now the time to sleep had come and he retired to his room-after making sure she was secured in her own room-after all she was still a fairy. He’d been asleep for no longer than maybe 2 hours, when he began to have the strangest dream. He dreamt that he was swimming suddenly, and a strange sensation slowly began to pull him from his dream. Matt slowly awoke to a pulling and tingling sensation in his crotch. His eyes widened when he saw Natalie’s blue hair and he stared right into her glowing blue eyes as her head bobbed up and down. He winced and relaxed as she worked him with her mouth a bit longer before grinning and climbing on top of him. He was about to protest before he felt the sensation of her slowly sling herself down onto him and beginning to grind her hips.  He groaned at the sensation-as it was arguably the best thing he’d ever felt. He was about to reach around and grab her bottom when she pinned his arms to the bed suddenly and really began to work her hips. This was perhaps the first moment that Matt should have really started to be concerned, because he was a good deal stronger than Taylor who’d supposedly trapped her-but with her ravaging him so, all he could think about was the pleasure she so willingly gave. Natalie moaned gently as she continued and only ground her hips harder; her eyes locked on Matt the entire time. When she felt his body began to tense up, she adjusted her motion a bit and began to thrust her hips in a concerted effort to make him climax-which he did shortly there after with a deep groan. She grabbed his hands and placed them on her breasts, but she never got off of him; she merely sat there and grinned at him as he massaged her…

“Wow…that was incredible…” Matt said a bit out of breath as she moaned a bit.

“Yes…I’ve always loved younger men master Matt.” Natalie said with a smile as she tossed her head back some and moaned again.

“Well we should do this more often…I don’t mind doing things to satisfy you.” He replied with a grin of his own.

“You don’t? And you’ll do whatever turns me on?” She asked as her eyes locked onto him once more.

“Of course…I’m not a total jackass.” He replied.

“That’s good to know…and I have just the idea.” She said in a heated tone as she leaned forward and got face to face with him, “All of this playing…has gotten me so…so…” She trailed off looking into his eyes.

“Hot? Wet? Horny?” Matt guessed trying to fill in the blank.

“Hungry.” She said with a grin as her stomach growled between the two.

“Hungry?” He asked a bit nervously before he remembered the rope. “Oh…no biggie I can go fix you something right away.”

“I don’t want to eat your food…I want to eat YOU.” She said as her tongue graced his cheek and along his neck. “You’re what I want inside of me right now.” She added as she pinned him down again.

“Hey…wait what the hell?!” He yelped as he tried to get her off of him. “Why can’t I move?! You’re not supposed to be that strong…”

“Oh silly human…did you really thing I could be constrained by an ordinary rope?” She giggled as she moved his hands together to free up one of her own. “You boys aren’t too bright if you honestly thought a child could tie me up.” she said as she pulled the rope from around her neck.

“That…that little bastard tricked us!” Matt growled. “I’ll kill him for that!”

“You’ve got…bigger things to worry about than a child my dear late night snack.” She said as she began to shrink him.

“He-hey wait! I’m sorry...I didn’t mean it…honest! I wanted to go back for him after we left him there!” Matt squealed as her shadow now loomed over him.

“Excuses…that’s what you said…and in your case food is food…no mater what it says.” She said with a grin as she scooped him up and brought him to her face.

“Wait…no! Not like this…why did you do all this…if you planned to kill me?!” Matt asked trying to stall.

“Because you were cute, alone, younger, and I was in the mood-and besides you’ll feel things a bit less now.” She said as she raised him over her mouth and dropped him in.

Matt yelled and flailed as he fell into perpetual darkness, praying this whole time that this was a nightmare. The same mouth that had just given him intense pleasure was now the gateway to hell. He fought as hard as he could to get to the front of her mouth but to no avail. She tossed him about like a piece of candy, covering him in what felt like gallons of her warm saliva. It was a completely miserable experience as he moved and struggled and fell repeatedly trying to avoid the inevitable. He felt himself pushed into the roof of her mouth and he expected to be swallowed for a moment, but instead his whole body began to tingle as she began to suck on him for awhile-the sounds of her enjoyment deafening. After a bit she tossed him back under her tongue and lapped at her for a bit longer.  Matt fought until it ached to even move, and he finally just laid flat on her tongue exhausted. Once she felt this, Natalie grinned and tilted her head back to swallow him with a simple gulp. Matt felt himself slide back first, then he felt the powerful grip of her esophageal muscles as they seized him and escorted him down the long moist fleshy chute towards her waiting stomach. He landed inside the small hot chamber with a light plop, and just laid there. He didn’t even have the energy to fight and give her hell at this point, so he lay there cursing his luck and cursing the boy that led him to this end.

“One down…one to go.” Natalie said smacking her lips and licking her fingers.


Moments later… Ross’ home…

“Dear…why don’t we adopt the little lads? It’s not like they have parents…and I can’t have any children of my own…” Eva said as she looked over to Ross.

“Forget it…those 2 are riff raff…they wouldn’t do anything but shame our family, it’s bad enough we can’t have any of our own…why get rejects.” He said as he rolled over,

“You…you’re such an insensitive bastard!” She yelled clearly hurt by his words. “I’m going to spend the night at my mother’s place…I can’t believe you just said that…I can’t help it and I don’t think I’d want to have any for you even if I could!” She yelled as she got out of bed and got some things.

Ross laid there for a moment ignoring her until he heard the door slam…

“She’ll be back…” He said with a grunt as he turned over to go back to sleep.

He’d no sooner drifted off to sleep before he heard the door open and he felt movement behind him on the bed…

“I knew you’d be back…it’s not like you’ve got anywhere else to go…you need me.” he said smugly

“You’re so right…I do need you…every good snack should have something delicious to go with it…” Natalie said.

“What the?!” He turned around to be looking into her glowing eyes. “Y-y-you?! But how did you get loose…what happened to matt?!”

“He’s with me right now…” She said with a grin patting her stomach. “Just like you’re about to be.” She added as she crawled towards him. “Ever wondered how people just mysteriously vanish on this planet? Because you’re about to find out.”

“Stay away!” He yelled as he hoped from the bed and pushed it over on her before running out in his PJs.
“Eva…EVA! Help! There’s a fairy in the house!”

“A what?” She said as she turned around in the street.

“A fairy...she’s after me!” He said as he ran up to her and grabbed a hold of her.

“That’s crazy fairies don’t…” She trailed off when she saw Natalie casually walking towards them. “Oh…my…god.”

“Lovely mate you’ve claimed for yourself.” Natalie said with a sweet smile as she stopped just in front f the pair.

“Stay away…leave me alone…if you do…you can have this worthless woman!” He said as he pushed Eva straight into Natalie’s arms.

“De-dear?!” She protested now teary eyed as her husband ran off into the distance. “Miss…I…please…be quick about it if you mean to end my life…” She finally managed to say as she looked into Natalie’s eyes.

“I’ll do no such things…all I want from you…I for you to give those two young boys the love and care they need. I am a mother myself…and I can see you’d make a good one.” She said with a smile as she helped Eva stand to her feet.

“You…you’re sparing me?” She asked a bit puzzled. “Thank you miss…”

“Natalie…” She said as she suddenly pulled her into a deep kiss and let her go again. “Pleased to make your acquaintance Eva.~”

“I…I…feel funny…” She replied as a blush made it’s way all over her face.

“That’s a gift from me to you….but you wont figure it out until you meet someone who’s not pond scum. Until that time…take care of young Taylor…you’ll have the means with what you’re about to get from your…late….husband.” Natalie said licking her lips as she turned from the confused woman.

“Why…are you doing this? Why me…why Ross?” Eva asked.

“There are things about him…you’re just better off not knowing…now…go to the boy and his brother…get them off the street, and enjoy life ok?” Natalie said looking over her shoulder.

“Yes…yes ma’am…but…can I ask you one favor?” Eva asked a bit shyly.

“Depends on what it is…my dinner is getting away.~” Natalie replied with a giggle.
There was a moment of silence as Eva whispered her idea into Natalie’s ear…

“Oh…with pleasure…I love that idea! I’ll check on you and your family from time to time.” She said as she hugged her again and vanished.

“Thank you…” Eva said quietly as she turned and headed off.



“I think I’m safe now…I killed 2 birds with one stone…I got that worthless woman out of my life…and that fairy off my back.” Ross said as he stopped to rest in an alley for a moment.

“Dear? Dear! Oh thank the heavens you’re alright!” Eva said as she ran up to him and hugged him tightly.

“You…Eva…dear…how did you get away?” He asked looking shocked.

“I…begged for my life…and your life…I couldn’t bear the thought of losing you dear…I’m sorry I went off on you earlier…and I want to make it up to you.” She said as she took his hand gently and led them back to his house.

“I knew you’d come around.” He said smugly as he followed her inside.

She led him into their bedroom where she pushed him onto his back. He stared at her confused for a moment as she began to undo her clothes-one piece at a time, until she was totally naked. With a grin she sauntered over to him and began to undress him; an act he dared not resist.  Once this was done, she kissed him deeply, then ran her tongue along his cheek for a moment before she grinned wickedly at him.

“Dear…” She said looking into his eyes.

“Yes Eva?” Ross asked slightly irritated she’d stopped.

“I could just eat you up right now…” She said as she kissed him a bit more, and her hand began to wander below his waist line. “So…I think I will.” she said as she stopped suddenly.

“What…what the hell are you talking about…have you gone crazy woman? Did that fairy eat your brain?” He asked.

“No…she opened my eyes.” She said with a grin as Ross began to feel a strange sensation come over his body. “I always wanted to have a life inside of me…and you’ll do just nicely.”

“You’ve lost your….oh my god what the hell have you done to me?!” He yelled when he realized she now towered over him.

“Made you more…inside friendly.” She said as she scooped him up suddenly and raised him to her face.

“Let me go you crazy bitch!” He yelled in protest.

“With pleasure my love.” She replied with a big smile as she dropped him into her mouth and began to toy with him.

Ross was overcome with the warmth and wetness of her mouth as she began to toy with him, first tossing him around, then lapping at his body with her tongue. She sucked on his body for awhile and let what seemed like gallons of saliva wash over him for a few moments, before turning his world vertical. Ross was powerless to help himself when her esophageal muscles latched onto his legs and pulled him down to the small cavern of her stomach. When he hit bottom, he immediately ran around beating on all the walls, hoping to make her throw him up. Little did he know he was only making her enjoy him more…

“EVA! YOU BITCH! DAMN YOU! DAMN YOU TO HELL!” He shouted as he continued the beating on her stomach.

The only reply that he got however, was the loud and deep gurgling sounds of her stomach, as it came to life and began to move about. He was so busy pounding on the walls and yelling at her, that he never even noticed the other remains not too far away from him…


Later on…

Eva returned to the house with Taylor following her, and his brother in her arms. She kissed Taylor gently on the forehead after readying he and his brother’s room. She gently tucked the young child in, and then she tucked Taylor in with a smile. For a moment she stood at the door way and watched them, a warm feeling in her heart as she’d finally gotten on the road to mother hood. She quietly closed the door after the two boys had drifted to sleep, before going to her own room. She undressed herself and slid into bed quietly. A gentle Gurgling sound got her attention and she turned to see Natalie sprawled out under the covers with a big smile on her face. With a smile she gently reached over and tucked Natalie herself in under the covers before turning on her side and drifting off to sleep for herself. For the first time in the house there was true peace and pleasant dreams amongst all the inhabitants, and just had been served-even if it was kicking and screaming all the way down…
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Comments: 42

GrowthXXX [2015-01-10 09:11:54 +0000 UTC]

That was awesome

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

timing2 [2009-07-30 00:14:58 +0000 UTC]

Well, stupid is as stupid does! That was a nifty trick Taylor played on the two men.

I'll say up front I don't particularly care for fairies. It may be because I've read stories by authors such as Raymon Fiest where they can be quite sadistic.

Why not eat Eva, she seemed pretty tasty to me? Did I just say that? Is it just to keep Natalie from being completely unlikeable? Or something in her past? And I've noticed a lot of predators, named ones that is, won't eat kids.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

turboman500 In reply to timing2 [2009-07-30 04:30:46 +0000 UTC]

well for one, natalie has a powerful maternal instinct-she "adopted" malika once she found out how close her daughter, and she's just very protective of children in general because she IS a mother. she didn't eat ev because she saw her good will and intention..her desire to be a mother..how her hsband treated her. just because you're a predator doesnt mean you cant have your own moral code, but you already get that. she'd already overheard everything between the two and she resolved to help the boys, and eva while having her fun.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

sumcoolguy [2009-07-22 20:04:30 +0000 UTC]

again great job the the storey was well put together. It works with those teasers you put at the begining

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

turboman500 In reply to sumcoolguy [2009-07-23 15:03:19 +0000 UTC]

thank you ^_^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

trh7323 [2009-07-22 02:30:29 +0000 UTC]

You...my friend...definitely have the power!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

turboman500 In reply to trh7323 [2009-07-22 09:36:52 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

terrorhunter [2009-07-22 01:12:17 +0000 UTC]

i thought it was a wonderful story which gave us more insight as to how Natalie is as a person and I was wondering if you are going to do more with Taylor and his possible story.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

turboman500 In reply to terrorhunter [2009-07-22 09:36:37 +0000 UTC]

thank you for thr kind words ^_^, im not sure whatt i'll do though

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Blazbaros [2009-07-21 22:55:38 +0000 UTC]

My name's Taylor >.>

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

sumcoolguy In reply to Blazbaros [2009-07-22 19:58:02 +0000 UTC]

wow realy thats my name

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Blazbaros In reply to sumcoolguy [2009-07-24 05:33:52 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

sumcoolguy In reply to Blazbaros [2009-07-24 08:47:42 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Blazbaros In reply to sumcoolguy [2009-07-24 17:20:34 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

sumcoolguy In reply to Blazbaros [2009-07-24 18:07:52 +0000 UTC]

OMG IT is also part of my nickname

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Blazbaros In reply to sumcoolguy [2009-07-24 18:09:46 +0000 UTC]

. . .whut?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

sumcoolguy In reply to Blazbaros [2009-07-24 21:29:44 +0000 UTC]

Nm BUT Taylor is my name so to bad for you

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Blazbaros In reply to sumcoolguy [2009-07-24 21:44:56 +0000 UTC]

No, I'm Taylor!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

sumcoolguy In reply to Blazbaros [2009-07-25 04:26:08 +0000 UTC]

we BOTH are dam it

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Blazbaros In reply to sumcoolguy [2009-07-25 06:09:23 +0000 UTC]

Just me, fool!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

sumcoolguy In reply to Blazbaros [2009-07-25 23:51:43 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Blazbaros In reply to sumcoolguy [2009-07-26 05:18:08 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

turboman500 In reply to Blazbaros [2009-07-21 23:41:08 +0000 UTC]

only cause you'd come out on top in the end fool

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Blazbaros In reply to turboman500 [2009-07-21 23:51:05 +0000 UTC]

XD No seriously

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

turboman500 In reply to Blazbaros [2009-07-25 11:01:31 +0000 UTC]

oh yea...thats right! i forgot lol

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Blazbaros In reply to turboman500 [2009-07-26 05:42:00 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Karbo [2009-07-21 22:51:26 +0000 UTC]

Ohh great story ! well built and a sort of moral in the end

I really liked it

But man this Ross was maybe the character that deserved the most his fate in all your stories ... when he sacrificed his wife like that.. grr ><

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

turboman500 In reply to Karbo [2009-07-21 23:40:00 +0000 UTC]

it had the desired effect then ^_^ Thank you for your kind words

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

lmjvenom01 [2009-07-21 22:50:46 +0000 UTC]

Finally we get to see the softer side of Natalie and its cool!!!

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turboman500 In reply to lmjvenom01 [2009-07-21 23:40:48 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! and it was definately a side that needed to be shown considering

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DeREXslayer [2009-07-21 22:17:59 +0000 UTC]

good god!! Me and Honda would freak if you put natalie in the sequel to me and him trying to find relina again which features relina, malika, crisis, and vivian......... You're not gonna put her in the story are you? 0.0

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turboman500 In reply to DeREXslayer [2009-07-21 22:27:29 +0000 UTC]

prolly not-natalie is abit worse for you 2 than relina...as in deadly worse lol

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DeREXslayer In reply to turboman500 [2009-07-21 23:16:57 +0000 UTC]

if you were to put her in the story, will she do horrible naughty things to me while Honda tries to fight relina?

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turboman500 In reply to DeREXslayer [2009-07-21 23:39:33 +0000 UTC]

either that or eat you on the spot...hard to tell..she varies too much

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DeREXslayer In reply to turboman500 [2009-07-22 03:50:21 +0000 UTC]

natalie would eat a 16 year old human size naga like me?! 0_0

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turboman500 In reply to DeREXslayer [2009-07-23 03:04:00 +0000 UTC]

theres alot of things natalie puts in her mouth that you're prolly better off not knowing lol

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DeREXslayer In reply to turboman500 [2009-07-23 04:09:34 +0000 UTC]

now it makes more scared of her than relina

Honda: I don't care if natalie is relina's mom, I'm still gonna kick relina's ass, and maybe her moms too.

Yep Honda's lost some screws, he's gonna get me killed when he goes to find relina again. T-T

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turboman500 In reply to DeREXslayer [2009-07-23 15:03:56 +0000 UTC]

that would be the point Momma's alot nastier than her baby girl

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DeREXslayer In reply to turboman500 [2009-07-23 15:44:37 +0000 UTC]

Honda: add her into the story, I wanna see what happens.

He's gonna get me killed for sure

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turboman500 In reply to DeREXslayer [2009-07-25 11:01:50 +0000 UTC]

or himself lol

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DeREXslayer In reply to turboman500 [2009-07-25 18:45:15 +0000 UTC]

just please dont add natalie in the story, I'm still a kid even though I'm a 16 year old naga

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turboman500 In reply to DeREXslayer [2009-07-26 00:05:52 +0000 UTC]

yea yea

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