Twitchy-Junkie — Umbra oc: Vaygh

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Description Fake Title: Vaygh

Full Name Meaning: none

??? (Real name)
mystery man
skin and bones
The shadow emperor
pretty n punk
The skinny tasty man (Exodus)
Loyal assistant (Naziros)
Sticc (Grimes)

Sex/Gender: Male
Age: 39 (fake) extremely old (Real)
Species: Shadelma (Akeldama/Shadowbeast)
Genetic evaluation:
65% akeldama
45% Shadowbeast
(Do keep in mind, when born the percentages were closer to 95/5.)
Shadowbeast stones/locations:
Pink,Green, red
Pink- in his cain
Green- above genitals
Red- in arm

Blood Type: -A
Crown Rank:  ‘Shadow’ Emperor
Body Type: stick.
Skin colour: White
Hair colour: black, Red, Green, pink
Eye colour:  pink, green, red.
Height: 6’0” (Normal)
Weight: N/A
Birthplace: Earth
Attracted to: Females
Currently living in:Naziros’s castle, various other places.

Occupation/s: Musician, Naziros’s Assistant.
Hobby’s: teaching younger Akeldamas, Cooking, looking for creature to work for him, hitting on girls who probably won’t take interest in him.
Hella Estella:

Hella Estella is a band created by Vaygh, a rather old one being- about 20 years old now, the band is composed of four members, the music they make is... more often then not extremely Vulgar and offensive, Vaygh claims his reasoning for making the band was purely to piss people off, and have fun... the band for what it is, is very popular, especially in the gothic/punk scene, they’ll often tour places on earth.. and sometimes even umbra! I’m umbra their shows tend to be... very brutal, though on earth they still tend to be very crazy on stage, though toned down, the name was thought up by the second member, Pastella

It should be known, they tend to several different styles of music, ranging from rock, to metal, and even occasionally more- pop music, though Vaygh and Pastella Primarily sing occasionally the other two members may sing

Each member tends to contribute towards lyrics.

(This band is primarily the umbra equivalent to ‘Mindless self indulgence’, though they do multiple types of music, so they may sound very different.)
The members of the band include:
Vaygh- Front man/vocalist
Pastella- Guitarist, Backup singer
Uli- Bassist
Scintilla- Drummer
Extra: Exodus- occasionally will join on tour/be featured in songs, though is not a full time member.

Type of Personality: Vaygh is a old male with a very laid back and jokey personality, though don’t let you fool you- he is extremely intelligent and has will power practically second to none, despite his body appearing weak his mind is as strong as they come, as he constantly is in possession of three Shadowbeast stones- something that should be able to drive one mad, he’s likely able to resist this by being heavily shadow beast himself, though that being said he does have fits of rage at times as well- especially if heavily wounded/ frustrated. When frustrated he can throw whats- only compatible to a fit really.

When there’s a woman he takes interest in he doesn’t hide it at all and is very forward

Likes: Poetry, Umbra, his cane, collecting demonic body parts, shadow beasts, fighting, Chaos, messing around with people, thicc girls, Naziros, slimes, letting inhuman friends drink his blood, talking to his arm, his arms attitude, singing, pissing people off, being respected by Shadowbeasts, his Cain, Sex, shadow beasts fanbeasting over him, Being around Huorik

Dislikes: How weak he is physically, Serent’s, being bored, being hunted by others for what he is, chicken, being told what to do, loosing control of himself, Uli doing REALLY weird stuff, Pastella hitting on him.

Romantic Relationships?: None

Unnamed akeldama Father- Deceased, Killed

Unnamed Akeldama/Shadowbeast mother- deceased, Killed

Unnamed Shadowbeast ancestor- Unknown

Possibly many children

Friends/Allies: Naziros, Mordecai, Eva, Pastella, Uli, Exodus, Wrath, Hammi, Midnite, His Shadowbeast parts,, most shadow beasts, Huorik (big crush), D’vora, Agatha (crush)
Neutral: Rainn, Scintilla, Jolyon, the whispers, Haken, Alucard, Mildred, Leora
Rivals: Cavas.
Enemies: anyone who gets in his way, Deviloe.

[Basic Skills]

Scoring basic skills

Cooperative work
Hand to hand combat
Weapon mastery
Shadow avil
(Do note If entering a Shadowbeast state- most of these stats are immensely increased)
[Resistant to/Tolerates]
Special Elements
The whispers
(Do note If entering a Shadowbeast state- these stats are immensely increased)

[Akeldama physiology ]

He’s a bit of a odd case, Vaygh is the highest rank of ‘Emperor’, though is limited due to his negative blood type.. he can summon strong beings & armies but- it takes a lot out of him, so he usually picks & chooses exactly what he uses his summoning capabilities for, though due to how he is- he finds summoning shadow beasts ridiculously crazy.

[ shadow Stones abilities ]

Shadow Manipulation

Beast transformation

Chaos inducement

Destruction inducement

Fear inducement

Strong general resistance

Summoning of shadows

Feral mind

Predatory behavior


Nightmare inducement

Illusion inducement

Ballistic roar

Elemental resistance

Anger empowerment 

Stone reformation/Generation

Raw Strength/Supernatural strength

Toxic shadowy fumes

Strong Stone 

Immune to a variety of things

[shadow beast physiology]
Supernatural strength
Immense Condition
Accelerated Healing
Supernatural Strong Body
Darkness Manipulation
Dark Portal Creation/Umbrageous
Dimensional Storage
Dimensional Travel
Darkness Aura
Darkness Defense
Darkness Empowerment
Darkness Healing
Darkness Mimicry
Darkness Transmutation
Shadow Mutilation
Shadow Stealth
Shadow Swimming
Umbrakinetic Combat
Umbrakinetic Regeneration
Ultimate Teleportation (gemstone power)
Soul absorption
Astral Projection
Soul/Spirit Link
Strong willpower
Anger Empowerment
Chaos Empowerment
Evil Inducement
Evil empowerment
Darkness Empowerment
Distortion Inducement
Barrier breaker
Night Vision
Darkness Infection

[Luvula The Shadow Cane]
A cain of immense power & capabilities, much like another artifact, it was created with the spirits of several deceased shadowbeasts by a Mad Akeldama, and with a particularly large shadow beast stone only empowering it further. (Do note, the stone is something he added to it,)

Spiritual Manifestations
Luvula can manifest multiple spirits of the shadow beasts which compose it. They usually come out as worm like entities who speak and have their own mind. They can detach too and become a phantom of what they once used to be.

Enhacing tool
It enhances Vaygh by a long shot, by adding more raw power, shadows and more to him.

Manifesting Phantoms
The phantom shadow beasts that is produced from this cane, is a big thing because even tho the shadow beast is a phantom, it still acts and behaves the same when they used to have physical forms, or well be alive. You don't wanna find yourself surrounded by ghostly dark apparitions that are hard to get rid off.

induce chaos on others

Curse inducement
He can curse others 

Insanity inducement
It can and it will induce insanity upon their victims

Mind destortion/Destruction
It can destroy the minds, on a spiritual level, forever damaging the victim

Chaos feeder
Luvula feeds off chaos

Shadow feeder
Luvula can devour any other type of shadows, even that of the likes of astrals

Total absorption
Once stabbed into something, the gem can absorb all life source & power and add it to both the Cain’s own, and Vayghs power, can apply to general attacks as well.

Total annihilation
He can absorb a creatures life source & very spirit- then after doing so can release said energy in a destructive blast, usually influenced by whatever said thing is,

A arm of immense power, much like his Cain built of Shadowbeast- making it the only part of his own physical body that is immensely powerful despite the fact that it’s fairly thin much like himself.

It holds many similar powers to the Cain/general shadow beasts, though some more unique ones are

Corruptive touch
When touching a liquid/object/sometimes person/creature can corrupt it to its very correct taking control

Can inject shadows directly into creatures, or even vaygh’s own blood.

Tough skin
Extremely tough & durable skin

Size changing
Can grow in size, becoming immensely large.

[Shadelma powers]

Corrupt Blood
His blood is special, like an Akeldamas but... darker, it’ll attract darker entities a lot more compared to light ones- especially shadowbeasts, otherwise it doesn’t have any other unique features- does not corrupt light beings or anything.

Viscous whispers
He can make the whispers of the beasts extend out from himself, causing for them to effect others and possibly make them go insane, could result in possession as well.

Akeldama shadows
These shadows are odd and colourful, making them quite trippy- unlike Vaygh’s regular Shadows, these ones can do things that benefit, or harm another- the shadows can empower & heavily heal others, or try to freeze and destroy others- something Vaygh seems to be in control over.

Beast constructs
With corpses & bones he can make odd ‘zombie’ shadow beasts almost,  varying in sizes, this is likely achieved by forcing a Shadowbeast spirit to inhabit said vessel

Field of shadows
Quite possibly his most chaotic ability- he summons countless spirits of dead shadow beasts and commands them to cause complete chaos all around him- when doing this he usually needs to enter a more dark state...

Shadow Cane/Luvula
A cane that is made of several dead shadow beasts, much like his arm- immensely powerful, uses it to hold one of his three Stones....

Arm of the emperor/Kultur:
A arm made of what seems to be dead shadow beast tissue, it is immensely powerful and unlike the rest of his body, can take a hits

Character Info
The past:

Long ago there was a man and a woman, Both a part of a species of rare humans named ‘Akeldamas’, the man a pure blood with a negative blood type, then the women a influenced Akeldama who also had a negative blood type, this meant they both were quite weak in comparison to most, especially among their own clan... one day, the woman would give birth to a beautiful boy, though sadly, he was born with a weak body, even weaker then they were.. he barely weighed 3 pounds, no matter what they tried or did, the baby clearly was on bought time- without technology being around at the time- his chances were non existent... though, one day.. the man met a odd creature

This creature was all black, though with a odd dark green colouring upon its repulsive form... it saw right into his mind, recognizing that he was in emotional pain... he explained to this creature what was wrong. The creature only smiled and listened, offering assistance, for a price.

The male agreed to said terms, and asked what the creature could do- before he could blink- the creature was in a new form, that of a tall human, just telling him to bring him to the child, and so he did.. he brought the man to his home, who would inspect his child, before telling the male to come with him

after weeks, the woman was scared that they’d never come back, even worse- their son was getting in even worse condition, but one faithful day, he came back. Not the father, just the odd male, holding just two things, in one hand, a small box that gave off a shadowy aura, and what looked like... a soul consumed by pure darkness, swirling with hatred and anger- the woman asked where her husband was, but she was only pushed aside, held back by shadows

She screamed and tried to get free as he did... something to her son, who cried out in pain.

Mere minutes later.. the man would leave, releasing the woman who ran straight to her child to see... that he now was asleep, exhausted but- upon his small body were markings, all over which gave off a fuchsia glow... giving a feeling identical to one she had felt long before- the presence of a shadow beast...

Many years would pass, the male would grow... weak in body, but amazingly strong in other fears, able to lift things despite his frail appearance & even have some control over shadows! Able to utilize them in ways his mother could barely do despite being far, far younger then her, around his neck he wore a gem.. a powerful gem that protected him- little did he know, it was one of the most sought after things to exist- a Shadowbeast stone, something that granted him immense power, helping reinforce his body, though- one day tragedy would strike.

When the boy was about 16 or 17, a massive group of demons would strike in the night, killing many of their most powerful immediately- many fought, including the boy.. but they were no match, despite killing hundreds  with their relatively small numbers, they failed, the demons would kill his mother right in front of the boy, after screaming out in rage and releasing a shockwave of shadows, he was knocked unconscious...

Realizing he was different from the others, the demons decided they’d use him for entertainment rather then food, he would be a slave of their ruler, a demonic queen named ‘Deviloe’... she recognized this boy was a oddity, a hybrid of sorts, she’d of course take his necklace with the powerful Shadowbeast stone and put it upon her crown instead... she forced the boy to do whatever she desired, whether it be simple tasks or gruelling labour that left his bones aching... though, his most common job?

Fighting in a arena as her champion... she’d force the small and frail boy yo fight for her amusement against massive monsters & creatures also caught by their kind, time and time again he’d fight and fight and fight, sometimes winning, and sometimes coming to near death, only for the creature to be stopped or sometimes executed before killing him.

If he won? He’d be ‘rewarded’ with a night of sensuality with the ruler, something he...loved and hated... while, if he lost- he’d be treated like garbage for weeks on end, forced to sleep outside and eat filth, as well as endure punishments...

He’d live this way for hundreds of years, any normal human would died after a month of this treatment likely... though he didn’t die, he just regenerated and got better eventually... he’d begin to hear odd whispers as he slept... his tattoos glowing in several parts, that menacing fuchsia colour, the whispers told him to do horrible things.. to destroy everything there- take their spiritual energy,  to utilize it in horrible sickly ways, the boy would ignore and tell the voices to leave him alone for so long... and they did, they went quiet. Until one day, while he was mating with the woman that was his owner... the voice would come back- making him growl in anger as he grabbed the woman’s neck roughly, the tattoos glowing bright fuchsia, his teeth sharp, eyes glowing a dark jade colour.. he lost all control as he beat her face repeatedly with his fists, his  muscles growing- body changing as his tattoos took over his body, making him look less and less human, he’d then grab her crown, ripping the gem out before he ran... causing a rampage across the demonic kingdom, tearing apart countless demons, indiscriminately, even children.

Days later, he’d wake up alone, panting and covered in blood, naked.. in his hand was that gem, though looking down he screamed in surprise. There was a jade Gem on him, a little above his his genitals & under his belly button, he’d try to take it off, but screamed in pain, realizing that it was attached to him- it was a part of him.. the voices spoke, telling him that he was better now- that he was free...

Many years would pass, the boy would grow and learn, usually living on his own... the voices in his head told him no one would ever accept him- which seemed to be true in many cases... he had been boughten to a strange spiritual realm, any society he tried to join would kick him out, if not met with aggression straight away... though, along his travels he heard of rumours that intrigued him, rumours of a object made by a Akeldama... a shadowsmith- something he had rarely heard of from his own clan back when times were simpler, the whispers encouraged him, so he went to go find it... it took many months, fighting monstrosity upon monstrosity before he found it- a cain held by a withered entity, though as he tried to grab it, the corpse holding it would reanimate, attempting to destroy the man, if not something worse- the male would succeed, though as he grabbed the Cain from the man, his right arm was gripped, to only then be savagely ripped off! Causing him to scream out in pain and smack the entity with the cane- destroying it.

He had been successful, though he was bleeding out, groaning as he lost consciousness... what happened after was unknown, though, when he woke up his arm was... back, no... replaced, looking her see a shadowy black arm, with boney protrusions and- a skull, in the middle of it another gem, as well as sockets that glowed, whispering to Vaygh much like the other whispers he already heard from his tattoos... now the Cain & his new arm whispered to him... teaching him things and influencing him...

[The present]

In modern times Vaygh takes a more relaxed position, primarily doing things with his band that he runs with 3 others he has met throughout the year’s, despite his... darker past, he has quite the attitude & sense of humour, not hesitating to insult others he finds annoying or straight up mock them in public- giving him a less then wonderful public image, he eventually came into contact with the Hyrasite Ancient named ‘Naziros Vorlin’ who he works closely with... though, his goals as of currently are largely Unknown.


“Jack me off.”

“Time to break out the fucking black lipstick~”

“Stop calling me skinny.”

“No, I’m not anorexic, cunt.”

“I’m a fucking superstar!!”

“I will shove my cain up your ass.

“Don’t underestimate me.”

To scintilla:
“Your girlfriend is pretty hot... you think she’d be up for a thre- whoa okay- don’t get so angry, jeez-“

“What do you eat?”

“Wanna know what I find hilarious? Exodus still thinks you’re a girl.”

To Mordecai:
“Man, I don’t know how you do all this law stuff, it’s so damn boring, to me at least.”

“Why do you hate Exodus so much???”

“Tell me, what’re other Serent places like? I’ve only ever been to- uh... nevermind.”

To Uli:
“You’re a weirdo, but I like that, you’re good at keeping Pastella busy too, so keep it up.”

To exodus:
“Sound like you hate the world more when you yell.”

“More brutal.”


“Stop sounding like you want to kill yourself, sound like you want to fucking commit genoc- *exodus yells & makes his ears Bleed*  <_< ow, okay. Good job-“

To Dvora:

“Looking good spider milf.”

“Huh? Nope, I called you spider Woman. Don’t know what the hell you heard.”

“You should suck me dry.”

“So do you lay eggs?”

“You’ve got nice legs, wonder if you got a nice ass too ” *laughs*

To Agatha:

“I like your style.”

“We should collaborate sometime, make a real good song together...*wink*”

*leans close* “y’know, I can use my tongue pretty damn well...” *smirks and sticks his tongue out*

*trying to get her to not rip his tongue out*

To Huorik:

“You can burn me baby.”

“Can you take that skull mask off? I wanna see what you look like under there.. I’m curious~”

“I would ask if we could dance but you don’t seem like the type... wanna to murder somebody together or something?”

“So I hear you’re not dating that Astaroth guy anymore... wanna get Together? Nod if yes~”

“You’re real hot Skull Gurl, you turn me on more then anyone else

“Peg me.”

“I wonder if you gotta lil skull with strings attached so it’s like a thong.”

“Please don’t hit me, I’d probably die.”

To Haken:

“What do you mean? I was not hitting on your daughter

nice weather out here today huh?”

To wraith:

“Hey buddy I’m curious... what does Huorik like? Other then training and fights.”

“I wonder if the person who made your coat & my cane made other stuff, I hear they were an Akeldama y’know? Maybe me and they are related.”

“I’m jealous of some of the stuff that Lexx girl gets you.”

“I’m surprised your mom and dad are together, never thought a human girl would ever be with someone like him, but I mean hey, if it works it works.” He’d kaigh

To ‘Pastella’ (Grimes):

“You’re a damn weirdo.”

“Stop trying to grab my ass, not for you, go bother Uli or scintilla.”

“Where the hell have you been? You were supposed to be here like 20 minutes ago, even Exodus came here early, and that dude has the memory of a 5 year old.”

-He named his Arm Kultur
-He likes to read poetry, he himself occasionally writes it.
-He likes Spicy food a Lot, though doesn’t have much tolerance to it sadly.
-He likes animals a lot.
-He likes rock, Metal, and classic music mostly.
-sometimes his tattoos move and take up more of his body, when this happens he tends to be less composed.
-His arm is sentient & an extreme dickhead to most.
-throughout his life he has slowly begun to become more and more Shadowbeast- going from 5% to 45%, this is likely due to having a soul being stitched into his skin, plus later on his arm.
-Summoning wise, it’s unknown if he had any named summons, though he does have a LOT of shadow beasts he’s made deals with- mostly females, can be assumed he offers them sex as payment-
-Despite being a floozy, if in a relationship he won’t sleep around.
-he’s a switch, though depending on his partner May lean more towards being dominant or submissive.
I only took forever to put money down for his redesign <.< anyway, Vaygh is way better now! I’m very happy with how he turned out.

Umbra/a bunch of characters mentioned:

Vaygh/some characters mentioned:

Art: psychopathic_static on instagram
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Comments: 15

brokenlittlebaby [2020-10-12 02:33:30 +0000 UTC]

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Twitchy-Junkie In reply to brokenlittlebaby [2020-10-12 02:34:49 +0000 UTC]

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brokenlittlebaby In reply to Twitchy-Junkie [2020-10-12 02:37:15 +0000 UTC]

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Twitchy-Junkie In reply to brokenlittlebaby [2020-10-12 02:38:14 +0000 UTC]

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brokenlittlebaby In reply to Twitchy-Junkie [2020-10-12 02:41:19 +0000 UTC]

I dont lol I'm banned from it. Are you the _umbrian_relm cause I swear to god I remember your art style from somewhere. It's fine I guess ill wait 🙄😂😂

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Twitchy-Junkie In reply to brokenlittlebaby [2020-10-12 02:42:57 +0000 UTC]

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brokenlittlebaby In reply to Twitchy-Junkie [2020-10-12 02:43:51 +0000 UTC]

Haha long story I don't wanna talk about-

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Twitchy-Junkie In reply to brokenlittlebaby [2020-10-12 02:45:29 +0000 UTC]

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GalaxyGinger [2020-10-11 20:27:19 +0000 UTC]

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Twitchy-Junkie In reply to GalaxyGinger [2020-10-11 20:29:38 +0000 UTC]

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GalaxyGinger In reply to Twitchy-Junkie [2020-10-11 20:42:38 +0000 UTC]

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Twitchy-Junkie In reply to GalaxyGinger [2020-10-11 20:58:08 +0000 UTC]

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GalaxyGinger In reply to Twitchy-Junkie [2020-10-11 21:32:52 +0000 UTC]

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Twitchy-Junkie In reply to GalaxyGinger [2020-10-11 21:39:54 +0000 UTC]

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GalaxyGinger In reply to Twitchy-Junkie [2020-10-11 21:52:08 +0000 UTC]

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DanceOfAngels [2020-10-11 06:07:34 +0000 UTC]

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Twitchy-Junkie In reply to DanceOfAngels [2020-10-11 06:08:24 +0000 UTC]

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