TyrantReptile — Battle Kreaturez Safari 02 Part Two
Published: 2018-07-14 19:49:50 +0000 UTC; Views: 286; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 0
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Description The large predator slowly cruised through the cool murky water. While the visibility was poor, the predator has other senses that aid it through this environment such as a highly acute sense of smell along with its ability to sense vibrations. Little next to nothing could escape the large predatory kreature's detection. Swimming through the murk, the massive shark kreature known as the "Shartaka" revealed itself and it is currently very hungry. The predatory kreature is brown in coloration, on its back are multiple thick spikes, and its pectoral and pelvic fins are absolutely massive... As with many "normal" sharks the shartaka has jaws filled with multiple rows of serrated teeth that'll render flesh into ribbons with ease. As this super predator swims through the now rising waters of the floodplains many other aquatic kreatures native to these lands immediately get out of the way of this new threat. Despite looking so at home here, the shartaka isn't native to the floodplains... This beast traveled from the ocean thousands of miles away and like a Bull Shark it is capable of swimming in both salt and fresh water. The search for new feeding grounds has now brought the adult male shartaka here and he doesn't plan on leaving without getting at least one big meal. He has been in the area for twelve days now and so far his only meal had been a medium-sized school of fish and an albino toad-like kreature. Now he was becoming really ravenous and woe to anything that got his attention... As the predator continues in his search he suddenly stops. He senses multiple vibrations in the water and immediately begins to search for the source as it could possibly be the large meal he's been searching for!! The aquatic beast's search brought him closer to land, the source was coming from there? The shartaka comes to a stop and begins to hone in even more on the vibrations. Whatever was on land there was more than one them and they were walking close together. A herd? Or perhaps a pack? Whatever they were, the shartaka didn't care and made the decision to follow them by beginning to burrow into the ground!! True to being a kreature, the shartaka was no mere mortal shark and has spectacular abilities. The shartaka is unique among aquatic kreatures as it is capable of traveling on land as well by burrowing through the earth. This however, is just one if its special abilities... The great beast slowly began to follow the multiple footsteps. This stalking continues for a few hours and suddenly the shartaka once again stops and now senses a flurry of activity on the surface. Was this group he had been following under attack? A few moments later, he picks up the ever so delicious smell of blood as it begins to soak through the wet and muddy earth. This was excellent!! Something was injured and going by the vibrations he felt in the ground was also quite large. This was the opportunity the roaming predator had been waiting for!! The shartaka immediately follows the trail of blood now being left behind. It appears that two large kreatures were moving farther away from the rest of the group. This was just perfect for the shartaka....

Large feet pounded against the muddy ground as the two large kreatures ran. The adult male Dravenger and his favorite prey/rival an adult male Bodox charges after him, yet this was no hunt. This was father doing what was needed in order to protect his three offspring that he left behind with his mate. He knew that the highly aggressive herbivore wouldn't hesitate in killing his young. Feeling that he's made a considerable distance from his mate and offspring, the dravenger turns and faces his oppenent. The bodox comes to a stop and releases a thunderous bellows at the predator, ready to finish this battle. Our dravenger slowly circles the herbivore, but makes no moves to attack as he knows the chances for victory go up once his mate arrives to tip the scales. Becoming more and more enraged at the predator and his seemingly passive behavior, the bodox once again charges!! This time instead of sidestepping his enemy the dravenger releases a stream of scorching flames from his maw!! Revealing another of his abilities!! The charging bodox barely manages to evade getting flames to the face as he runs off to the right. The injury on his backside from the dravenger's acidic vomit was beginning to heal and he didn't need another one, especially a serious one like a severely burned face. The slash on the left leg of our dravenger was also in the midst of healing. Both kreatures and their natural high regenerative abilities would soon leave them fully healed. With his mate still nowhere in sight and the already ill tempered herbivore becoming even more so, our dravenger decides it's time to go on the offensive. The large predator charges his enemy and releases another stream of flames, aiming for the face aka the business end of a bodox. The mega herbivore is caught off guard by the sudden attack tries to evade, but fails and takes the brunt of the flames on its left shoulder!! Bellowing in great pain, the beast crumples to the ground and the dravenger follows up with a tail whip on the left side of the bodox. The spade tip at the end of his tail makes a large gash along the side of the mega herbivore. In shock from the direct hit from the flame breath and steadily losing blood from the follow up attack, the bodox can only watch as the predator now stands over him. Just as our dravenger prepares to attack once more, behind the ground suddenly erupts!!! Turning to see what caused the ruckus, our dravenger is suddenly and violently slammed into!! Knocked off his feet, the our dravenger looks up to see a large shape streak through the air and then forcefully tunnel into the ground from whence it came. Getting to his feet, the dravenger stays completely still and waits for any sign of movement. For about a minute or so, all that is heard is the ragged breathing of the downed bodox... Suddenly, the loud splashing of water fills the air and the dravenger turns to face where the splashing originated. In a nearby large body of water, a dark brown dorsal fin rises to the surface. The fin moves toward the two land kreatures and continues to do so through the ground. The fin stops halfway and then a massive back covered by thick spines rises from the ground, followed by the large tooth filled head of the ravenous shartaka. He has followed and stood idly by long enough!! Now it was his time to strike!!

Our dravenger looks at this deadly newcomer with complete shock and confusion upon his face. What was this new kreature? Where did it come from? How was it capable of moving in water and through solid ground? Was it a predator? The answer for the last thought was revealed when the new kreature opened its great jaws and three rows of very large serrated teeth greeted the dravenger's eyes.The  Pitch black eyes of the shartaka stared the dravenger down, cold and unmoving. Now understanding this new arrival's intent, our dravenger issues a deep and powerful roar towards the new combatant!! Just as the beast begins to move toward his new enemy, a familiar bellow suddenly fills the air... The male dravenger slowly turns to see that the bodox has arisen!!! The deep gash on its left side was almost healed and the burns from the flame breath were beginning to repair themselves as well. More furious than ever, the bodox stomps towards his enemy with murderous intent in both his movements and eyes. The feeling of trepidation immediately began to take hold of the dravenger as he was now in-between two large and powerful kreatures that were fully intent on eliminating him. The now trapped beast takes a deep breath, raises his head, and releases the deepest and most powerful roar he's ever done in his life. Following that roar was a larger than average blast of flame breath skyward as well!! This was a beacon... Our dravenger knows that one thing is for certain. He needs help now more than ever...

****End Part Two****
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