UltimateSassMaster — You know where my Papa is

Published: 2013-08-08 04:10:35 +0000 UTC; Views: 4558; Favourites: 73; Downloads: 6
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Description It was another day, the sun beating down on the many teams that gathered around in Tao Village. Recent troubles with several members vanishing to what the Guild Leaders have confirmed as "the past" has left many teams distraught, but gradually recovering. Letters from those in the past, kept in a safe for centuries until that old eccentric fox decided it was time to reveal its contents, made their way around the village, informing those in the present of their whereabouts and assuring them that everything will be okay.

Many Pokemon felt a glimmer of hope, others felt pessimistic and impatient. But no team was affected more so than the members of Team WIKIFIGY. Mali, a calm and Docile adult Flaaffy hadn't received a letter, unlike most others, but instead had a disturbing nightmare about the second member of their team. Regalis, who she knew as a Quiet (though sometimes rather arrogant) Ralts, was suspended by a stringy noose, surrounded in cryptic living letters. Unown, she knew the species to be, had spelled themselves out around the lifeless Pokemon, informing her that he had died. Accepting this as a fact for herself was tough enough, but attempting to tell her adopted daughter, Oishi, a stubborn Gothorita, was an entirely different story. Eventually, Mali found herself moving on, and before she knew it she was becoming intimate with another Pokemon... She met him while working at Spinda's Cafe. It had been a long time since the Flaaffy had laughed or smiled, it felt good to be happy again.

Oishi was less than pleased. The Gothic child felt that her mother had given up much too quickly, and swore up and down that she knew that her father was alive. She trained herself each day, throwing a Slide of kunai-shaped Rocks at imaginary targets within trees, focusing her Psychic abilities to carry objects, crush objects, whatever it took to strengthen her Extrasensory. She spent much of her time alone, thinking of her father and how stupid the idea was that he could actually be dead. She released her anger through her training, and Mali was thankful that she hadn't fought any other Pokemon recently to feel the girl's wrath.

A rare occasion, this day was, as the commotion near the center of town caught the two travelling around the village. Oishi held onto a large, purple egg that she had obtained a few days ago, sheltering it from any Pokemon who might bump into her. Mali recognized most as Rescuers that she had worked with before, scuttling towards the crowd, curious as to what was going on.

"Is that Chill?" Some Pokemon asked, heading towards the crowd of Rescuers.

"Chill's back!? Oh my god!" Another Pokemon shouted, adding to the commotion.

"Hey! HEY GUYS! Any rescuers out there!?" This shout came from the center of the crowd. It sounded familiar somehow... "We got a big undertaking on our hands! Guys! It's urgent as hell!" All of the crowding Pokemon kept exclaiming that so-and-so was back, but the louder shouts were being ignored. "COME ON! Stop gawking and let's get going!" Despite his pleas, the crowd kept yammering and gossiping over this new arrival. "Stop, stop! We need to just get going! Gunpowder's in trouble, come on!" Gunpowder? The Rogue leader? Why are we helping a Rogue? Someone else must have asked the same thing, because the mystery voice yammered something about it not being cool to discriminate against the guilds. A large Drifblim hovered down from above, scooping up whoever was in the center. "Time to haul tail, guys. Now!" Was his last shout, before the voice finally took an owner: a small grey rodent emerged from the crowd in the blimp's arms. Many other Rescuers were climbing on and grabbing hold of a flurry of Drifloons that followed the Drifblim's lead. They all had these aviator hats on, wasn't that the icon of Barty's Bluff?

Oishi watched the large Drifblim and herd of Drifloons carry the Rescuers into the sky, flying north of Monochrome Tower. Her sight locked on a certain Drifloon lagging behind the pack, holding onto a Treecko and Sneasel. Oishi heard the muffled voices of her father as her cyan eyes stared at the Rescuer team. They must know the whereabouts of Regalis, her visions were never wrong! The Gothorita ran after the group with her mother in tow, shouting at the Treecko. "Artemis!"

A growl emerged from the vibrating throat of the small raptor. Chrysstal, the foreign Sneasel who bore pale blue feathers rather than red looked to her shoulder, addressing the dinosauric Treecko that perched like a parrot. "Artemis? Is something wrong?"

The gecko looked down, letting out soft, chilling growls as he scanned the crowd. Quickly, his pupils dilated, having little serrated edges along the slit, causing him to fall unconscious for a split second, before returning to a thin line again. "NYRAARR," He cried, spotting a short, black Pokemon in a small dress, adorned with several white bows. Had she just called out his name? Somehow, the voice sounded familiar to him, but from where...? He had been asleep for so long, the events in the era of the Zoroarks were beginning to fade from him already.

"Hey, Clark, hold on a second." The Sneasel beckoned the Drifloon, the very same that brought her to Tao so many months ago, and slid off his back and plopped her claws on the dirt.

"Don't do anything rash." Clark called, adjusting his aviator hat with his small heart-shaped feet.

The ferret smiled. "How can I resist? It's in my nature." She punned, winking. She turned back to the crowd, which was lessening now, and allowed Artemis to guide her to where he was drawn. He slowly pushed his head forward, followed soon by his body, perching low on Chrysstal's arm in order to get a good look at the Pokemon around him.

"Oishi, what's going on?" The wide-eyed Flaaffy asked as the two suddenly stopped in the middle of the crowd leaving Tao Village, still being held onto by the Gothorita tightly. Something had to be wrong if the Rescuers just up and left with Chill, the Minncino Rescuer Mali heard so many stories about. Oishi was completely quiet now as her pupils narrowed as she focused on a Pokemon Mali couldn't see through the crowd, it frightened her how determined her daughter looked now. What did Oishi see that Mali couldn't?

Parting the frantic Pokemon was the fierce Treecko Oishi had seen in her vision, accompanied by his curvy looking Sneasel teammate. She didn't want this overgrown weasel ruining her day, so Oishi ran up to the team and shoved the Sneasel out the way, separating the raptor from the older girl's arms. Oishi stared deep into the lizard's wide orange eyes. "Where's my Papa?"

"Whoa, hey, what the hell man!" The ferret shouted, tumbling over and landing on her tail feathers when the black-dressed Pokemon shoved her. "Who do you think you are!" She growled, pushing herself back to a stand.

"Kryaah!" The raptor vocalized. Chrysstal halted, was that directed at her, or the rude little damsel in front of him? Artemis turned his head slowly, tilting it a bit, his thin slit pupils finally coming into contact with the child.

Chrysstal looked back and forth between the two. "I hope you know that he can't talk." She spat, quite rudely. She was still bitter from how this bratty little girl treated her.

Oishi snorted at Chryss' direction, explicitly showing her dislike for the Sneasel. "You talk lots of trash for a furry harlot. This conversation is between Oishi and Artemis so keep your furry butt out of it." The Gothorita pointed to herself and the wild Treecko, then flicked the back of her hand towards Chryss to dismiss her from her sight.

"Oishi!" Mali shouted, surprised to hear such language come from the girl's mouth. "Why are you acting like this? This is very unlike you at all."

Ignoring her adopted mother's scolding, the Gothorita slowly shifted the purple egg she was grasping in her left arm behind her back. She remembered that the Sneasel kind ate poor Pokemon eggs, Oishi would keep a close eye on her. She turned back to Artemis. "You know where my Papa is, you saw him last..." The tone of her voice was rough and demanding towards the little raptor.

"Excuse me?" Chrysstal hissed, "Did you just call me a harlot?" Her sharp fangs were displayed through her Snarl. Who did this stupid child think she was?

"Krah!" Artemis croaked at the ferret. She backed up, calming down a tad.

"Besides, didn't you hear me before? He doesn't talk. Even if he did know anything about your dad, how is he going to tell you when he can't even say one fu-" She bit her tongue, cautious of the fact that the older Flaaffy was near. "-freaking word?" She corrected.

Artemis calmly continued to stare at the child, a soft, unnoticeable growl emerging from his throat. Yes, something was familiar about her, despite him never seeing a Pokemon like this in his life. Her father? Must have been in those ancient days... Visions slowly began to swell back to him. He went through so much trauma in the past that it was difficult to piece the fragments together. But... what was it? What was it about this child that just seemed so awfully familiar to him, and what did it have to do with the days long behind him? He loathed to remember those days, to relive those experiences...

Mali frowned, she didn't want to make enemies right now nor have a fight break out. "S-so sorry about Oishi. She is quite determined to find Regalis as of lately even though he has died." The sheep took Oishi by her free hand and faced her in the opposite direction. "Come on, Oishi. You shouldn't dwell on the past."

"No!" Oishi forcefully snatched her hand away from her mother, and her wide eyes began to glow a haunting cyan as the earth surrounding the four trembled uncontrollably. A smooth stone broke away from the ground and levitated in the air, chipping away at itself quickly to form a single sharp kunai. The knife dropped into Oishi's hand and the young child pointed her weapon towards the Sneasel, ready to strike at a moment's notice. "Regalis is not dead! Artemis knows it but this wicked witch keeps stalling with her nonsense!"

"Are you fucking..." Chrysstal muttered, her face scrunching up once more. "FINE!" She shouted. "Ask him. Ask him to speak for you! Ask him to tell you about this Regallimimus dude! I don't care!" She shouted, throwing her hands up to emphasize her apathy.

Artemis continued his low growl, watching the stone knife in the girl's hand. If she had made any implication that she actually was going to attack his partner, he would be forced to knock the weapon from her hand. But for now, he quelled his emotions and focused his thoughts on his memories.

Memories... So much had happened back then, it was much too difficult for him to bring it all back. His hibernation skewed most of it, but gradually some more fragments surfaced. Silva Praesus... The Forest's Guardian. Artemis remembered his Overgrowth, reverting to a feral berserk stasis in which he only focused on killing the Guardian however he could. As the legend tells, Silva Praesus will do all it can to block the path to Silva Virgo, even if the Forest's Virgin is near death. To save the Virgo, a hero would have to slay the Praesus. He... became that "hero," though he felt like a villain. He shivered. All of the sudden he felt wrong, tainted, dirty. He had murdered when he was in the past... It's not something he hasn't done before, but before it was only insects that didn't know the difference between a rock and a gravestone.

Artemis began stepping backwards, his head lowering between his paws. What did any of this have to do with the girl's father? There had to be more. He felt it, the grotesque thoughts and instincts that had overcome him. The disgusting acts in which he took part of. His mind pushed it away from him, but he had to force it to surface. It was difficult, like trying to remember a dream from a month ago.

"He's not dead... he's not dead..." Oishi repeatedly muttered to herself with tears rolling down her cheeks, before suddenly wailing loudly. She sunk to her knees, dropping her weapon into grass. "I just want my papa back." She sniffed, her words broken up by small sobs. "I want to hear him reading stories to me at bedtime again." She felt defeated, similar to how she felt when she was defeated by a snake Pokemon during her last Rescuer mission, a broken shell of what she was before. It hurt her so much, the heartbreak of losing her father and knowing the answer is so close, yet so far. Mali didn't care, the girl thought, she was too wrapped up in a stupid relationship with a Ghost to care about her or Papa. Oishi's world was falling apart, crumbling into nothingness.

"Please Oishi," Mali pleaded, grabbing the Gothorita's shoulders softly. "Just forget about your father. He left us, it was his decision." Oishi only replied with quiet sobs as held her purple egg closer to her chest, her head lowered in shame.

Chrysstal sighed. "Look, I'm sorry... but I don't really feel too sorry for you?" She admitted. She turned to the Pokemon she recognized to be a Flaaffy; she knew the species was related to the kangaroo-giraffe thing that Fresnel was, but his species always seemed to skip her. "I don't really know what all this is about, but Artemis just got back from wherever it was everyone has been. He doesn't speak, so of course I know nothing about it. It's obvious that your..." She trailed, hoping to use the correct term, "daughter?" she guessed, "here has a really strong sixth sense that he's alive... I don't know. And I'm not entirely sure if Artemis would know either." She shrugged.

"Nyraah!" Artemis suddenly screeched. He held a growl, a bit louder than his previous growls, staring at and approaching the dressed child. He rubbed the edge of his snout affectionately against her hands, and tried to lick her tears away.

"Hey..." Chrysstal thought, "You're a Psychic type, right? Can't you like, you know, read minds and stuff?" She guessed. "If Artemis did know anything about it, I'm sure you could see it through his mind, right?"

Oishi couldn't help but to crack a gentle smile as the reptile's rough tongue glided across her cheek, licking the salty tears from underneath her red mask. Her smile turned to laughter as Artemis leapt on top of the Gothorita, smothering her in slobbery, lizard kisses. It was plain to see the Treecko didn't want Oishi to be sad anymore, even if he was unable to speak. Their eyes locked again into a frozen stare as Artemis stood over Oishi quietly with his short arms folded across his chest, the finger pads of his spiny hands softly touching, and bumping his snout against her face. Oishi's vision began to blur as the staring contest continued, the world around her distorted, but her and Artemis remained the same. She could hear voices chanting in the distance; could it be Artemis's voice? She couldn't tell, the voice was too muffled to be recognized. Artemis's pupils widened into those serrated edges as the lizard felt the girl burrowing deep inside his head, as if an ice pick had shoved its way into his head, swirling itself around those memories he kept locked for the past century. It flashed a vivid image before his eyes; a Kirlia wearing a Misdreavus's necklace, fighting off a gang of those rabid Zoroarks. Was that... this girl's father?

His question remained unanswered as the world returned back to normal; the young girl gave Artemis a playful shove off her and wrapped her lanky arms around his long neck in a sweet embrace.

Chrysstal threw her arms up and made some incoherent gestures, attempting to make a sentence out but not really having any thoughts to express. "I don't know what's going on." She finally admitted.

Artemis let out a soft growl, nuzzling his snout near the girl's neck as she hugged him. But these images... He tried not to shiver, to make sure he didn't scare the girl. Scenes replayed in the back of his mind, haunting him, lingering behind him, showing him again and again the terrible crimes he committed back then. Foxes, their bodies scattered across the field, their blood gushing, pouring, from their severed limbs... And at the heart of it all, Artemis saw a raptor, drenched in the red juices, rushing on to dismember even more of the Zoroarks. Why, why was he doing this? What purpose did this mindless murder serve? What did these foxes do to deserve such a fate?

Artemis backed up and looked at the Gothorita. He let out a sighing growl, but something twanged him. His pupils, once again, fell unconscious for a split second... what was that? The child, he didn't see the child, he instead saw Chrysstal, but not the Sneasel he knows to be his partner... No, this was a different Chrysstal, this was an illusory Chrysstal, the one that plagued him in the past, the Nightmare that had Taunted him so arrogantly. This Chrysstal was as dead as the foxes in his memories, slaughtered by the Tormenting of the visions and dreams. He started shaking his head, trying to rid the images from his brain. Of course. In his skewered thought process, Chrysstal was being murdered by the Zoroarks, so he repaid the favor. He couldn't bear that idea, and it drove him mad... Well, more mad than he already was.

He turned to Chrysstal, who was looking upon him with suspicion. "You alright, Arty? You look kinda wobbly there..." She coaxed, kneeling down to comfort him. She didn't mean to sound hostile, but the question that she ended up asking was a rude "What did you do to him?"

Oishi fumed with anger. How dare this Dark type accuse her of hurting Artemis! She was going to make that Sneasel eat her words. "I did nothing to him! Maybe it was you who hurt him, corrupting him with your Dark powers, you soul stealing she-demon!" She shouted, tackling the older girl to the ground and began slapping her across the face with her hand. Mali intervened by pulling the Gothorita off the Sneasel by holding tightly onto her arms. Oishi flailed and kicked her feet in protest, shouting obscure statements at the Sneasel in a foreign, exotic language. Certainly not one that Chryss has ever heard before.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" Chrysstal scurried to her feet, rubbing her cheeks where the arrogant child had smacked her. "Look," She said, rather angrily, before taking in a breath to calm herself, "Look... I know it sounded it, but I didn't mean it rude. I've just never seen Artemis act like this before. I didn't mean to imply that you hurt him in any way, it just struck me as odd." She tried to explain, her irritation clearly shown through her scrunched face. She was trying her best to keep a level head, but after just being beat by this kid, it was incredibly difficult.

The ferret let out a long breath, her feathers simultaneously falling. "Flaaffy, I'm sorry I didn't catch your name, but what is your kid blabbering about?" Her cheeks still stung from the kid's Outrage, but she tried to ignore it. "What I've picked up on is Regimus, the girl's dad? He's dead, right? But Artemis apparently knows where he is, I guess since he, like the other entire half of the village, was gone in the past or whatever? And you want to know where he's at because, naturally, what child wouldn't want to know where their father's at?" Something suddenly stung Chrysstal. She almost felt a connection to this kid, since she, too, has no idea who her real father is or if he's even still alive. She wasn't really brought up to have the mentality to "search" for him, though. Her head lowered a bit, feeling a tad sorry for the girl.

"My name is Mali, and this is Oishi. We are Rescue Team WIKIFIGY," Mali answered, lifting Oishi to her feet and handing the child her purple egg. "I am sorry for my daughter's actions, please forgive us for causing you two trouble..." Mali bowed her head to the Treecko and Sneasel. "Oishi just gets so worked up about her father...." The Flaaffy's voice trailed off into silence, as if she was hold back her thoughts.

"Hello, Mali," The feathered ferret greeted, nodding a head at the tall sheep, "Osushi," She turned to the kid, deliberately messing up her name. "I'm sorry, my name's Chrysstal, but you can just call me Chryss, and this, of course, is Artemis." She gestured towards the trembling gecko. "But I'm still not quite understanding what's going on here? So Regalligus is dead, but Artemis knows where he's at because Arty was in the past? That implies that Regalega was in the past as well, right? And, since many members from the past are turning up all over the place, I assume he'll be back as well, right?" She reasoned.

"I hate to interrupt," The small, purple balloon Pokemon suddenly spoke, "but we must get going. We're already falling far behind from the flock!" Clark pointed his stringed feet towards the cluster of floating bubbles in the sky.



ps I hope you don't mind NDF but I edited some parts a bit so that it could make a little bit more sense. They're just very small changes you probably won't notice

Mission 8: "Hieroglyphic Wraith" Part 1 of 8 I think
Collab with =NightingDayFlaaffy
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See it on NDF's page!

Team Epsilon
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Comments: 38

TheStoryLord [2013-08-08 12:09:43 +0000 UTC]






Man that sneasel ((or however you spell it, please don't yell at me for getting it wrong)) looks very tall compared to the treeko and looks very threatening. I love how the treeko also looks very calm compared to the other Pokemon ((whose name that is at the tip of my tongue)). I noticed the contrast between your members, how one wants to tear the yelling Pokemon to shreds, and the other doesn't really care. The flaffy looks very tall as-well, I do not know if this is the height comparison. If so, then both the Sneasel and the flaffy would be gigantic, but I AM comparing it to Treeko's height from the Pokemon games, and a little of the anime. Overall, i really love this piece of art of two separate teams (i am guessing) forming a cameo. I hope i can Critique more of your work.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

UltimateSassMaster In reply to TheStoryLord [2013-08-08 15:17:16 +0000 UTC]

About the heights, my style will make them look lankier already (because I hate Sugimori's squat anatomy-ridden style), and Sneasel is supposed to be around 2'11" and Flaaffy is 2'7", so the Flaaffy here is actually a bit too tall...! But these two are also adults, and the Gothorita is supposed to look like a child or teenager (they're supposed to be 2'4"), and the Treecko here is the shortest at 1'8"

The anime actually fucks up a lot of the sizes, so I don't like to use it as a reference. Did you know that Noctowl is actually like 5'4"???? That's taller than me! They also usually depict Steelix as being smaller than he should be; he's supposed to be 30' long, but when he stands upright on his tail (which doesn't make any sense at all bee tee dubs) he's only about 15', which is about 3 people stacked on top of each other, when he should be around 6.

A better reference for sizes is the 3D games; they actually correspond the character models to the height in the Pokedex and compare them to a height chart, so everything is exact. That's why Wailord appears so large compared to like Castform ahaha. I'm not sure if it's Colosseum or Gale of Darkness that has the little menu option to look at the Pokemon character models, but that's what I used to use a few years ago ahaha.

But thank you for the critique! I really appreciate it <33 Size references are one thing that I like to try and get down to a T :'D I get on to one of my friends all the time about it..!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TheStoryLord In reply to UltimateSassMaster [2013-08-08 15:25:54 +0000 UTC]

i'm glad you giving me the knowledge of how to record height If i ever draw for the group. But sadly i'm a writer..

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

UltimateSassMaster In reply to TheStoryLord [2013-08-08 15:31:46 +0000 UTC]

That's okay too! Art is hard and it takes a lot of practice to really build up experience. People like to say "oh you're just talented, it's natural for you" when really a lot of the time it isn't..! If you look at the work of really great artists from when they first started art, they usually look very childish or cartoony aha :'D and of course, lacking anatomy. Art is a patience thing, you can't just expect to get good overnight..! This is a thing with people who come to me like "AUGH YOU'RE GREAT TEACH ME YOUR WAYS" because like even if I do it's not really going to make them improve a whole lot; it'll just enlighten them to what they need to practice more of..! I like to think of art as three P's: Practice, Persistence, and Patience. So what if you're not good at art right now.! If you keep at it and build up that skill, and you really have a passion for it, you'll become really good in no time ;> (by no time I mean a couple years lol shot)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TheStoryLord In reply to UltimateSassMaster [2013-08-08 18:58:14 +0000 UTC]

Tanks Ultimate. I always wondered for 20 minutes why you didn't comment on the critique, as it turns out you write paragraphs ! Thanks for the suggestions on how to improve. Oh, and by the way.... Can my team become cameo-ed? I really like to see what you do with them! ^-^ As always TheStoryLords

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

UltimateSassMaster In reply to TheStoryLord [2013-08-08 19:39:54 +0000 UTC]

Ahaha when I have a lot to say, I just say it :>

I could cameo if you like..! It might just be a small cameo or something though aha. Do you have a link to your application?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TheStoryLord In reply to UltimateSassMaster [2013-08-09 21:58:31 +0000 UTC]

The application is done, but i ran across a complication. Firstly the way I documented it (Microsoft Office word) is a Docx File, and won't lad with DA for some reason. The only other program I have (notepad) doesn't do bold lettering... DA insert text thing also suffers that problem.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

UltimateSassMaster In reply to TheStoryLord [2013-08-10 04:07:55 +0000 UTC]

I usually just copy and paste out of the word doc ahaha

and if you do < b > and < /b > without the spaces, it bolds the text for you

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TheStoryLord In reply to UltimateSassMaster [2013-08-10 04:09:50 +0000 UTC]

Thanks,  a friend taught me that a little bit BEFORE i saw this. Man how that world revolves.. Also...did you get my note?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

UltimateSassMaster In reply to TheStoryLord [2013-08-10 04:12:44 +0000 UTC]

Yeah..! I just replied to it a second ago

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TheStoryLord In reply to UltimateSassMaster [2013-08-10 04:26:54 +0000 UTC]

I'll continue this chat on notes in the morning! XD (don't reply)

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MentalShru [2013-09-16 20:40:42 +0000 UTC]

Got to say, that art is brilliant, those colours O.O

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

UltimateSassMaster In reply to MentalShru [2013-09-16 21:31:15 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! I'm working on a proper painting style, and I'm really happy with the results :'D

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

InYourFridge [2013-08-08 17:57:08 +0000 UTC]

lemme just sit here and cry about the colouring because holy fuck it's amazing

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

UltimateSassMaster In reply to InYourFridge [2013-08-08 18:06:59 +0000 UTC]

Ahahaha thank you ; u ;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

InYourFridge In reply to UltimateSassMaster [2013-08-09 13:16:24 +0000 UTC]

no problemo cx

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ArthurEngine [2013-08-08 06:12:21 +0000 UTC]

Is Arty the Gothitelle?

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

UltimateSassMaster In reply to ArthurEngine [2013-08-08 15:18:13 +0000 UTC]

No, Arty (Artemis) is the Treecko, the Gothorita's name is Oishi

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ArthurEngine In reply to UltimateSassMaster [2013-08-08 23:04:05 +0000 UTC]

I see now.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

InsomniacFlaaffy In reply to ArthurEngine [2013-08-08 06:19:03 +0000 UTC]

Arty is the Treecko

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ArthurEngine In reply to InsomniacFlaaffy [2013-08-08 06:20:06 +0000 UTC]

Oh, I see.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Megalemon [2013-08-08 05:46:01 +0000 UTC]

omg Arty is in his ready to bite stance in that pic. <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

UltimateSassMaster In reply to Megalemon [2013-08-08 05:51:39 +0000 UTC]

Ahaha actually he's not..! He's in his hey gurr what da fuq you want stance

Chryss is more in the ready to bite stance, it's too bad she forgot how to use Bite xD;

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SabreMushy [2013-08-08 04:42:55 +0000 UTC]

Omg team wikifigi in your style........ AMAZING!!! I seriously have to see what you can do with my guys someday we have to do an rp like this oneday.

Having said that, will you be adding art to every single part of that collab? O.o thats gonna looks hawt but will take ages!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

UltimateSassMaster In reply to SabreMushy [2013-08-08 05:07:46 +0000 UTC]

Ahaha maybe! I got August booked with the incredible ~Pannzilla who is perf <3333

Yeah, I got 8 pages worth of pics! I'll hafta split up that last part a bit ahaha. And really, this page alone only took me maybe around 5ish hours total

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SabreMushy In reply to UltimateSassMaster [2013-08-08 06:33:14 +0000 UTC]

Heard of pannzilla :3 think me made Yumikos avatar image.

Still omg look at Oishi XD she looks epic jazz!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

UltimateSassMaster In reply to SabreMushy [2013-08-08 15:19:54 +0000 UTC]

She's fucking great omfg like. I knew her a long time ago too..! We met each other on this other site and we did a trade and we became friends and all, but she changed accounts without telling me and PMDe brought her back to me augh ; A ; now we talk like allllll the time omfg ahaha

She get's even cuter in later pages..!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SabreMushy In reply to UltimateSassMaster [2013-08-08 16:47:45 +0000 UTC]

Youll have to draw her again later, her evolved form is really unique. oishi is totally my fave on wikifigi

Yeah actually ive known her pretty much the whole time ive been on DA. Wikifigi has been a part of my collab list since Building Oran House where they were amoung the first to be featured :3 really really reeeeeally old story XD wouldnt have Rapid Fire the way they are now without wikifigi.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

UltimateSassMaster In reply to SabreMushy [2013-08-08 18:10:08 +0000 UTC]

Oh I meant Panny ahaha

I kind of do want to draw her...! I love drawing her as a Gothorita so I can only imagine how much fun Gothitelle would be

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SabreMushy In reply to UltimateSassMaster [2013-08-08 18:25:54 +0000 UTC]

I havent tried it yet but she was fun to RP with :3 did you read our july tasks? What do you think of what i did to Bree?

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UltimateSassMaster In reply to SabreMushy [2013-08-08 19:38:12 +0000 UTC]

I haven't yet, actually..!

I've been busy with other things ahaha

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SabreMushy In reply to UltimateSassMaster [2013-08-08 22:19:34 +0000 UTC]

Well if your curious about what became of Bree and Nils check it out they havent disappeared completely.

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UltimateSassMaster In reply to SabreMushy [2013-08-09 04:23:25 +0000 UTC]

They went on a romantic vacation and had lots of weird mutated Poochysel and Sneayena babies

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SabreMushy In reply to UltimateSassMaster [2013-08-09 16:06:51 +0000 UTC]

Oh man... youve so gotta draw me a poochysel XD or a sneachyena

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UltimateSassMaster In reply to SabreMushy [2013-08-09 16:13:04 +0000 UTC]

And then some Buittys and Skittzels

And then some Sneathers and Scysels I mean what

or some Treevys and Snickos

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SabreMushy In reply to UltimateSassMaster [2013-08-09 16:23:20 +0000 UTC]

Snickos and skittzles XD omfg... fakemons plOx!

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InsomniacFlaaffy [2013-08-08 04:12:49 +0000 UTC]

Arty's face

Just his expression is priceless like always

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UltimateSassMaster In reply to InsomniacFlaaffy [2013-08-08 04:18:00 +0000 UTC]


And Arty's just

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