UMSAuthorLava — Holy Envoys' disciples 3

#heavenly #seros #corvan #zoods #chyder
Published: 2024-05-06 18:23:15 +0000 UTC; Views: 2793; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 1
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-= The Heavenly Zoods: Corvan, Seros, Chyder =-

-= CORVAN =-

- Age: 28
- Height: 5'6"
- Weight: 135 lbs
- Gender: Female
- Specie: Zood (raven-type)
- Home: Nirmana
- Likes: Overcoming the odds, assembly, amusement, complex machines
- Dislikes: Doldrums, too much work, actual romance
- Element: Time
- Blessed Weapon: Renovator (hammer)
- Disciple to: Galus

One of Galus's closest confidants, and one of Sunrise Tech's first employees. Her keen eye and deductive problem-solving skills make her an expert in architecture and machine design. She may be a bit of a gadfly, but there was no one else that Galus would trust in helping install his new prosthetic wings. While she didn't participate in the Race of Holy Envoys itself, she was tasked with monitoring Galus's performance with the prosthetics. Through this, she was able to figure out the bugs still left in them - though she was also busy observing other participants' capabilities.

When Galus came to nominate Corvan his first disciple, he realized why - she was advancing the project to make a kind of support robot based on the data she collected on the racers. However, she still had some errors to iron out, and figured that working closer with the other Holy Envoys would fix that.

-= SEROS =-

- Age: 25
- Height: 6'10"
- Weight: 251 lbs
- Gender: Male
- Specie: Zood (rhinoceros-type)
- Home: Nirmana
- Likes: Calm days, simple snacks, Ratsi's and Felsi's graffiti
- Dislikes: Sudden catastrophes, waiting in recovery, petty complaints
- Element: Earth
- Blessed Weapon: Lokapala (riot shield)
- Disciple to: Kani

A Kamaloka Police Force operative in charge of security for residents of Nirmana. Despite ending up in different branches, he actually trained alongside Kani for a long while. It was when Sunrise Tech really took off that security officers like Seros were most needed in Nirmana. Even so, he likes hearing about the artworks that Ratsi and Felsi had been spreading over in Manusya - and groaned with Kani about the complaints wanting those paintings removed.

The widespread attacks of the Pisachas had Seros concerned, since he could only fight off the ones in Nirmana. But, Holy Envoy Kani came to him with a proposal that could get around that: become her disciple, and gain fast access to any disc in need to protection. This lifted a huge burden off of his mind - and may hopefully give a chance to check out Ratsi's artwork in person.

-= CHYDER =-

- Age: 55
- Height: 5'4"
- Weight: 142 lbs
- Gender: Male
- Specie: Zood (elephant-type)
- Home: Manusya
- Likes: Helping Zoods in need, the wonders of the cosmos
- Dislikes: The Pisachas, paranoid neighbors
- Element: Space
- Blessed Weapon: Trailokya Globe
- Disciple to: Boro

Despite hanging around the humble disc of Manusya, Chyder is actually a cosmologist who was entrusted by Gautama themself to help figure out where Trailokya is bound to drift to next - for this world isn't as stationary as many believe. When he's not doing that, he's usually doting on Ratsi and Felsi, as he was the only Zood in Manusya willing to open a dwelling up to them.

Lately, the only fellow scholar that's been collaborating with him in research is Boro, who's been looking into the history of Pisacha insurgences. If these shortening periods are any indication, it may suggest that Trailokya's end may come in their lifetimes...!

This may be why Boro reached out to Chyder as his first disciple - so they can continue their research together and hopefully save Trailokya from impending disaster. It's also nice that he can keep helping Ratsi and Bulko with their new issues as Holy Envoys.



- Fix-It Felix Jr. (Wreck-It Ralph)

- Tora (Xenoblade Chronicles 2)


- Reinhardt Wilhelm (Overwatch)

- Reyn (Xenoblade Chronicles)


- Winston, Sigma (Overwatch)

- Taiyang Xiao Long, Qrow Branwen (RWBY)


- Corvan, Seros, Chyder (c) me


zood furry buddhism buddhist china chinese zodiac

raven head ravenhead human woman bird head birdhead coat cap hat glasses hammer

rhinoceros head rhinoceroshead rhino head rhinohead man police officer security riot shield tie

elephant head elephanthead scientist lanyard globe

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