For some reason the covers of the original english versions and the german versions are all the same. EXCEPT the one with Glaedr. We get more of a front view than the side view (think there are other languages that have that cover variation too) - I wonder why, imo the side view looks better.
Not much to say about this one either, was a cool character (and yes I cried) but not one of my favs. Now I won't post a whole vent here about Oromis' teaching methods because I'm simply too tired. But honestly, if he'd been my teacher I'd have become a forsworn too xD Okay maybe not that bad (mayyyybeeeee), but I hate the whole thing of letting someone go without instructions, let them make a mistake and then explain to them why that was wrong... instead of explaining it from the start. The amount of time wasted and the frustration.. ugh -.- Time to sleep maybe.
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