UnknownOperative79 — Babysitting Petra Part II [NSFW]
#babysitting #petra #2 #part
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I awoke cold. It was still dark outside, though morning was near. It was then I discovered my blankets were gone. I was naked with no protection. That reminded me of the strapping I'd been promised, and it hit me like a punch to the belly. My hands went to feel my ass: the skin was still tender, though not in as bad a shape as I'd expected or feared. I still didn't relish additional punishment, however. For a while I lay without getting up. My bedside clock read 5:27 a.m. The house was very quiet. I got up and went to the window, looking out at the faint morning light.

It felt strange to be naked, but kind of exciting as well. It was even more exciting to remember that in the next room were two beautiful girls -- women. Were they naked as well? I sat on the bed and masturbated. I could vaguely imagine the two girls, nude, lying on their beds. Elise was curled up on her side, Scarlet on her belly. I could see her magnificent ass.... I don't know what made me turn, but some sixth sense warned me: I suddenly was aware that I was no longer alone. I frozen and my head snapped to the right. Standing in the doorway, absurdly calm, was Scarlet.

"Are you enjoying yourself Petra?" she whispered.

I couldn't answer, couldn't even move as she smiled and approached. She took my hand from me and I didn't stop her. She fingered me gently.

Instantly I spurted. I was incredibly embarrassed, but Scarlet didn't even blink. She just smiled and nodded.

"Excellent, Petra," she whispered. "That's a very good come. Can you do it again for me?"

Doing it again was the last thing on my mind, but my body had other ideas.

"Oh please," I begged, not knowing if I wanted her to finish me off or leave me alone in my humiliation, but of course it was a moot point as I had no choice in the matter: Scarlet was free to do with me as she pleased.

Scarlet leaned forward against me, her sweet vanilla scent engulfing me. 

"Wow, that was amazing, little Petra," she said finally.

"You're really becoming a big girl!"

I said the thing that was on my mind -- exactly the wrong thing to say, of course: "Please don't spank me, Scarlet."

"Do you_want a spanking Petra?"

"No ma'am!"

"Are you sure?"

"Y-yes, m-m-ma'am," my voice wavered.

There was a long pause while she just looked at me with those piercing eyes. I couldn't stand it and looked away, but whenever I looked back, she was still staring at me.

"You're lying, Petra," she said coldly, urgently.

"You're just aching for me to put you over my knee and strap your bare bottom until it's crimson!"

"No I'm not!" I cried, but it sounded feeble, artificial.

"You want me to rub your behind and spank you, hard."


"Oh yes, Petra. I can tell. You love it when I'm harsh with you, the harsher the better."

"I'll tell you what, Petra," said Scarlet.

"You go fetch me the strap from my bedroom. It's in my suitcase in the closet. I'll give you thirty seconds. If you're back in thirty seconds, I'll only strap you ten times. Every second you're late I'll add an extra stroke. Doesn't that seem fair?"

Perhaps I was distracted by Scarlet's hand stroking me, but I stupidly agreed to her plan. (Not that I really had any other choice, but it's nice to pretend I did.) That my strapping would only be ten strokes was an incredible relief; I could take ten with a smile and a thank you. Scarlet waited until the second hand on my watch reached zero and then she nodded. I dashed out the door, determined to be back in half the allotted time. But I hadn't counted on Scarlet's guile. Of course she had a trick up her sleeve. 

I slipped into the darkened room where Elise lay sleeping and crept toward the closet. There were two suitcases. I opened the first and my heart sank -- Scarlet had lied to me! Of course, she'd hidden the strap in order to extend my punishment! Though rifling through the girlish panties and underthings was appealing, I had no time. I frantically closed the suitcase and went to the other. And there was the strap, curled on top, right where Scarlet had said it would be. I grabbed it and retreated. As I did so, I glanced in the direction of the bed where Elise lay.

The faint glow of dawn illuminated the room decently, and what I saw made my mind spin. I nearly fell down. Elise lay with the covers thrown off. She was completely nude. It took a few seconds for my mind to even register what my body instantly realised was there. I gulped and stared and stared. Elise was soundly asleep, and naked as the day she was born. She was curled up on her side, facing me, her arms up. I could see her bare breasts exposed beneath her left elbow. Her legs were bent at the knee and drawn up a foot or two, leaving the area of her crotch in mysterious shadow.

But I could plainly see the curve of her back and ass cheeks, and miles of luscious bare thigh. For an eternity I stood there, frozen, drinking in the beautiful sight. I couldn't believe my good fortune. Seeing another genuine female genuinely naked (not on video) was one of the top goals in my short life, and here it was happening. Wow, all my fantasies could not come close to the actual article: Elise was stunning, her body a tribute to the female form. Every cell in my body screamed in praise at the erotic vision. My eyes followed every curve, memorised every detail. I studied the soft, sensuous bulge of her breasts, tipped with large dark nipples.

"Eminently suckable," I thought.

The gentle swell of her hips, the magnificent pout of her ass with its dark chasm of mystery drew me in like a magnet. I longed to caress her, to fondle those ass cheeks and squeeze those breasts. My mind filled with the absurd but strangely attractive image of me licking that flesh, her breasts and ass. I was afraid to move, afraid to breathe even, lest I wake the sleeping beauty. At one point I inched slightly closer, craning for a better look in the faint light, when I noticed something in my hand. It was a long strip of leather. Suddenly a cold washed over me.

"Shit!" my brain cried, and I turned to flee.

But even then, as my panicked mind urged me to fly, I hesitated at the door, pausing for one final glimpse of the naked girl.

I arrived back in my room, panting. Scarlet was sitting on my bed, grinning like a cat with a goldfish in its mouth.

"My, my, Petra," she said, "you must sure want me to whip you hard. You were gone for two minutes and four seconds!"

My heart sank and my head spun. I couldn't believe what I fool I'd been. Over a minute and a half late! Shit, that was like... 90+ strokes! *Extra* strokes, on top of the ten I'd been promised.

"Oh God, Scarlet, have mercy," I begged, falling to my knees and crawling to the goddess.

The triumphant look on her face said something to me and realisation dawned.

"Wait a second... you knew Elise was in there, you knew she was naked, and you sent me in there knowing I couldn't resist looking at her."

Scarlet grinned.

"And you had every opportunity to leave. But you didn't. You chose to stay in there and come back late, and now your bottom is going to pay. You brought this whipping on yourself, girl."

I slumped to the floor, dejected, for I could not argue with her. If I hadn't been such a horny bastard I wouldn't be in this situation! How could I have been such a fool? But thinking back to the sight of Elise, naked on her bed, filled me with excitement. Those few seconds of gawking were going to be expensive, but maybe they'd be worth it. The strapping that Scarlet administered was indeed memorable. It was agonising in more ways than just the pain. First, she took me over her lap and whipped me about twenty strokes.

Then she fondled me and repeated the exercise, and this time it was fifteen strokes. It was about this time that Elise entered, my cries no doubt waking her up. To my disappointment she wore a bathrobe, but I could imagine that she was completely naked underneath. She sat and giggled as I took another dozen. The whipping took over an hour. Scarlet gave me far more than the 104 I was supposed to have gotten. She frequently added "penalty" strokes, ten here or twenty there, for whatever excuse she could find: I was wiggling too much; my cries were too loud; etc. After an eternity of this my ass and the back of my legs were raw and blistered. The strokes didn't even hurt any more, not really. They just irritated the already sore flesh and caused me to buck and groan and pray for mercy. Finally Scarlet put down the strap and she and Elise began to finger me again. I was crying at thought that the torture was not over, and though my body ached all over, their touch felt soooo good I couldn't help but become aroused. 

They scolded me while they caressed me, telling me I was a "naughty girl," or commenting on my anatomy, or teasing me about how badly I must want to come.

They promised me many hard "bare bottom" spankings across their laps during the day. I stood naked in front of the two girls with my hands on my head and waited for the order to go across a lap.

"Please, not more strapping," I begged.

To my surprise, Scarlet agreed.

"I think she's had about enough of the belt, don't you Elise?"

Elise looked a bit disappointed, but after ordering me to turn so she could study my ass, she concurred. Scarlet grinned wickedly.

"Of course we have yet to spank her for peeping on you."

There was an awkward pause, during which Elise looked between me and Scarlet with alarm.

"What are you talking about?"

"Tell her, Petra."

I couldn't deny it, but I could try to spin it against Scarlet. I hoped.

"Scarlet made me get the strap from her suitcase," I said.

"It, uh, took me a while to find the right case, and when I was leaving, I, uh, I saw you, uh, sleeping."

Elise stared at me, her eyes fiery.

"You saw me naked."

I blushed furiously.

"It was just for a few seconds," I mumbled.

Scarlet told her friend how long it had taken me to perform my "simple task" of fetching the strap.

"I figure she stood and stared at you for nearly two minutes," she finished.

Elise nodded grimly.

"Than she gets two minutes of spanking from me!" she declared.

Scarlet smiled and looked at me and shrugged hopelessly, like she was on my side and there was nothing she could do about her obstinate friend. Scarlet ordered me to turn around.

"I don't know if a bottom spanking is appropriate," she said, her hands patting and pinching my ass.

"Look at that butt: it's covered with strap marks. I don't think it can take that much more."

"Oh, come on, Scarlet," urged Elise, grabbing a hunk of my flesh and squeezing, "there's plenty of virgin flesh here. Look, we haven't even gotten into her crack yet."

"That's true: but I don't plan on leaving without giving her a good caning, so I want her bottom to heal as much as possible before that. I'd hate to have to limit my caning to six or twelve strokes."

The girls continued on like this for several minutes, prying apart my ass cheeks and talking about me as though I wasn't there. I felt like a horse being examined for sale. It was humiliating being treated so impersonally, but I didn't dare protest. I just hoped Scarlet would win the argument and spare my ass, at least for a little while. How foolish I was. Of course Scarlet won the argument. And how much was I to regret that decision? It was decided that instead of spanking my butt for two minutes, Elise would strap my inner thighs which were untainted by the whip.

Since there were two surfaces to whip, it was further ruled that I would receive two minutes of strapping on each thigh. So right there my punishment was doubled. And instead of it occurring across my battered and numb buttocks, the blows would land on my sensitive inner thighs. But my punishment got even worse. The position Elise decided I needed to be in was ridiculous: standing on one leg with the other raised and held by Scarlet. I was nearly doing the vertical splits! When Scarlet gave the starting signal, Elise whipped me hard and fast.

They'd warned me not to get out of position, and that proved incredibly difficult as all I wanted to do was run away. The strap cut across my inner thigh again and again, stinging me something awful, and if I wiggled in the slightest Elise terrified me by warning that she might strap my pussy if I didn't stay still. I gritted my teeth and held position though it was horribly difficult, the leather smacking my thigh at the frenetic pace of slightly more than one stroke per second (I know that because when the two minutes were up, Scarlet, who'd been counting, announced I'd been given 142 strokes). 

After my right thigh had been taken care of, it was time for the left. Elise promised to go extra hard on me and she was true to her word, scoring 171 strokes across my left thigh in the allotted two minutes. The girls left me, sobbing and dancing, while they discussed something with each other.

Then Scarlet approached me, ordered me to "stop behaving like a baby girl and stand still," and told me that because I'd received more strokes on my left thigh than my right, which was obviously, unfair, Elise would now be given the chance to make up the missing strokes on my right thigh.

So my left leg was lifted, Elise played with my pussy for a few minutes, winking at me and warning me how much the upcoming 29 strokes were going to hurt, and then she delivered while I howled and suffered. After this it was decided, thankfully, that my punishments were over. For the moment.

I was sent to shower, which I desperately needed, and the cool water felt wonderful on my skin. When I finally went downstairs (sans clothing, of course) the girls had made breakfast, and I ate scrambled eggs and bacon and toast while the girls talked about their plans for the day.

"It's supposed to be a scorcher today," Scarlet said, munching on her toast covered with strawberry jam.

I winced, thinking the jam looked like my ass.

"God, I hate the heat," muttered Elise.

"Clothes stick to your body and you get all sweaty. You can't even sunbathe with the sun so strong."

"A swim sounds nice. What do you think, Petra?"

A swim did sound nice. I nodded.

"Yes, let's go swimming. But soon, before it gets too hot."

I couldn't imagine the torture of the hot sun on my raw flesh. Scarlet grinned.

"Yes, let's soak that skin of yours, get it nice and healed so I can cane you."

I shuddered visibly, and both girls giggled.

"Oh, but I didn't bring my suit," sighed Elise.

A wicked gleam came into Scarlet's eyes.

"We could skinny dip."

I nearly choked on my orange juice, sputtering and spilling juice all over my area of the table. The girls glared at me.

"We can't, not with Pervert Petra around," said Elise.

"Aw, Petra won't look, will you Petra?"

I shook my head.

"No, ma'am."

All my fingers on both hands were crossed under the table.

Scarlet smiled.

"So it's settled. After breakfast, we'll all go skinny dipping."

Elise was looking at Scarlet nervously and shaking her head, but Scarlet just kept grinning at me. I wondered what she had in mind. After breakfast, I was made to wash the dishes. For the first time in my life I didn't mind, and I didn't protest. I didn't even care that the girls made fun of me, standing naked at the sink, my beet red ass on display, or giggling when I moved, walking awkwardly because any time my thighs rubbed together it was enough to make me scream. Washing dishes nude was a blessing compared to another whipping. Finally, it was time. The girls had gone upstairs for towels and suntan lotion and stuff, and I went outside and checked the pool.

It was about ten a.m., with the air pleasantly warm and the water a touch cool. Just perfect. Then they were there. Elise came out first, wearing a large blue towel around her torso, and Scarlet followed. Scarlet's towel was petite, barely covering her body. It was pink, and she looked stunning. I couldn't stop my jaw dropping in anticipation.

"Look, Elise, little Petra's ready to play."

Elise glanced over her shoulder from where she was bending over putting her stuff away, the towel giving me a slight peek at the lower curves of her bare ass.

"Aw, isn't that cute!"

Scarlet walked toward me and I was too distracted by the hope that gravity would be my friend and dislodge the pink towel and expose the jiggling mounds that trotted in my direction to notice that in her hand she held a black strip of cloth. She was holding it up to my face before I realised what she had.

"Relax," she whispered, "it's just a blindfold."

She quickly encircled it around my head and fastened it tightly.

"You didn't really think we were just going to let you watch us bathe naked, did you? Naughty girl!"

She slapped my boob with her scolding, and I flinched. I could see nothing.

It was eerie. I was outside, naked, yet well protected by our backyard's tall fence, and I could not see. It was a strange blend of vulnerability and power.

Scarlet pressed something into my hands and I realised with a shock it was the towel she was wearing, er, had been wearing. Suddenly a hand grabbed my boobs in a viselike grip. My voice went up a few octaves as I screeched in protest.

Scarlet's voice was in my ear: "Now Petra, if you thought this morning was painful, don't even think of taking off that blindfold. If it comes off for any reason, even accidentally, you're in for torture you wouldn't believe possible."

I didn't doubt Scarlet's words in the least, but even so, my mind was spinning with the temptation. Did I dare take a look? Could I perhaps, manage a peek without being caught? Would the reward outweigh the penalty? The thought of both Elise and Scarlet naked, dancing and swimming and lounging all around me, and yet I couldn't see a thing, was supreme torture. Surely I'd be a fool to pass up such a chance. Yet I was afraid, truly afraid. This morning's treatment had been harsh, and I was positive there was more in store, so how could I dare run the risk of adding to my torment? It was a glorious dilemma. I decided that for now, at least, I'd cooperate. Let my ass heal a bit. Enjoy the cool water.

I could hear the girls giggling and from snatches of their conversation ("Oh, that's cold!")

I gathered they were applying suntan lotion to each other. That aroused me. Naturally, if they were naked, there'd be intimate parts to coat with white cream. Moving carefully in the darkness, I found the edge of the pool with my toe, then got onto my hands and knees and slipped into the water. It felt wonderful. It was cool and soothing, and it enveloped me like a blanket. I felt much less vulnerable and naked. I playfully dove and swam along the bottom of the pool, carefully to keep my arms out so I wouldn't bump into anything. When I came up, the girls were in the water with me. I could hear them splashing and giggling a few yards to my right.

"Oh, it's wonderful," cooed Elise.

"There's nothing like swimming nude," sighed Scarlet.

"Isn't it comfortable?"

"Yeah. As long as Pervert Petra keeps her eyes shut!"

"Hey, I can't see anything," I protested.

"Well, just be sure you keep it that way."

For a while we just swam, enjoying the water, and then Scarlet suggested we play a game. A normal water game involving a ball wasn't going to work with me being blind, so it was decided that we'd play water tag and I was it.

It was a blissfully aggravating game. I swum around blindly, chasing vague sounds and giggles, while the girls easily evaded me. I'm sure many times I was inches from one of them, yet I couldn't see to touch them. Finally, in a marvelous bit of blind luck, my hand brushed against Elise's bottom as she swam passed me underwater. I was ecstatic that I'd won as well as having gotten the opportunity to touch Elise's ass, however briefly.

It was quickly determined that the game made no sense with me not being "it," as Elise simply tagged me back before I'd swam two feet, so essentially I was permanently "it."

That was fine with me, as it gave me the chance to legitimately grope the girls with no consequences. If I heard a girl near me, I dove and struck out blindly, grabbing whatever flesh I could find. Twice I managed to touch Elise's breast, and once I caught Scarlet around the waist and let my hands slide over her bottom.

We were underwater at the time and I was terrified when we surfaced that she'd be angry, but she didn't say anything except, "Petra got me. That's three for me, seven for Elise."

The game was fun but tiring, and after a half an hour, we decided it was time for a break. The girls lounged on deck chairs, while I stretched out on a towel on the grass and lazily reflected on what it was like to touch another girl's body. I'd been surprised at how firm and warm and alive the girls felt.

I was touching another being, feeling her strength and vitality via the muscles under her flesh. It was powerful and erotic. Without sight, it mattered little where I touched her, just the fact that I was making contact was arousing. After a little nap, it was growing warm and we decided to break for lunch. But first, Scarlet announced a prize for my skill at playing tag.

"Since you were always 'it' in tag, I have decided to reward you. You will be allowed to touch each of us, anywhere you want, one time for each tag. That's four for me and nine for Elise."

"Hey, no way," protested Elise.

"I'm not letting him fondle me!"

"Be quiet," said Scarlet firmly.

"Little Petra's been a very good sport and it's only fair she gets a little reward. But you can only touch us five seconds for each tag."

My head was spinning at this wondrous news. Could the day get any better? While I was daydreaming, it did. I slowly became aware that Scarlet and Elise were having a full-fledged argument over my reward, with Elise decidedly against it. Suddenly there was a loud SMACK and I flinched. But it wasn't me being spanked.

Elise let out an "Ouch!" and I could imagine her grabbing and ruefully rubbing her naked ass.

Oh how I wished I could have seen that spank! But I could only listen as Scarlet scolded her friend, warning her that if required, the cane could just as easily be applied to her bottom as mine. Elise reluctantly capitulated, and it was decided that as further punishment for her, I'd be allowed a full ten seconds for each touch on her!

"Okay, Petra, Elise is in front of you. Where do you want to touch her first?"

My lips and mouth were dry as I tried to swallow. This was like a dream.

"Her breast," I finally announced.

"Good. Hold out your hand."

I felt Scarlet take my hand and extend it in front of me.

"Now I'll keep count. At the count of ten, you remove your hand immediately. If you leave it there even a fraction longer, you'll get one stroke of the cane for each second too long! Is that clear?"

"Yes, Scarlet."

"Now there's no squeezing or pinching. You just press your hand against her bare breast for ten seconds."

I gulped.

"Yes, ma'am."

Suddenly my hand cupped warm soft flesh.

Dimly I heard Scarlet saying, "One, two, three," in a slow beat.

I could feel Elise reluctantly pulling away, at least at first, then she seemed to relax. Her breast was wonderful, and I could feel the rough bulge of her nipple in the middle of my hand.

"Ten," announced Scarlet, and I tore my hand away as though it had been pressing a hot stove.

"Okay, Petra. Now where do you want to touch her? You have eight more."

God, I was in heaven! Poor Elise was helpless, forced to obey strict Scarlet, and submitting to my fondling pleasure. I wished I could have moved my hand around and squeezed the succulent flesh, but I dared not disobey Scarlet's orders or she'd beat me -- and even worse, take away the rest of my reward.

"Her ass," I said, and then my hand was pressed against Elise's right cheek.

I knew that because my pinky finger was in her crack, at the base of her bottom, while my hand cupped the graceful curve of flesh. Elise wiggled a bit, which only made the experience more enjoyable to me as I got to feel her ass moving underneath my hand, and then my ten seconds were up almost before they started. Elise's ass felt so good, I asked to touch it again, and then again. Then I went for her right breast, and then her pussy, which was softly furry. I asked Scarlet if I could touch Elise's breast and bottom at the same time, and she agreed, but noted that it would count as two touches.

The ten seconds flashed by in an instant. For my last and final touch I chose Elise's splendid ass, enjoying the feel of cupping the firm round cheek. Then it was Scarlet's turn. I only had four turns with her, of only five seconds each, so I decided to maximise them. I chose her ass crack for the first touch, placing my hand between her cheeks so I could feel them both. Then I went with the ass plus breast combination, and I could feel Scarlet's body trembling with excitement. She was aroused too! I finished by placing my hand on her pussy, and there I found the fur wet with her juices.

"Oh God," moaned Scarlet when I took my hand away.

"Have you ever eaten pussy?"

"No," I said, wondering what she meant.

I soon found out, as the girls decided it was a skill I needed to learn. Scarlet sat on a lounge chair and spread her legs. I was forced onto my hands and knees and my face guided to her crotch. I could smell her scent, rather dank and yet alluring, and then I was told to lick her pussy. The thought disgusted me, but when Elise began to spank my still sore bottom, my disgust dropped. I couldn't see anything anyway, so I just stuck out my tongue and began to lick. With every stroke, I could feel Scarlet quivering and shuddering, and occasionally she moaned.

I deduced that she moaned when it felt good, so whenever I had a moan lick, I continued that technique, gradually learning what turned Scarlet on. Elise helped by encouraging me with hard slaps to my ass whenever my technique was poor or I was too slow. Finally, Scarlet came. She nearly screamed her moan was so loud and her whole body shuddered violently several times. Then she lay panting. Elise and Scarlet swapped places, and though I was tired and my tongue muscles hurt, feeling Scarlet squeeze my ass cheeks in warning provided all the motivation I required. I dove into Elise with a vengeance, licking furiously, quickly figuring out which parts of her body most stimulated her. She too came with a series of spasmodic jerks and a loud cry.

"Wow," sighed Elise.

Scarlet laughed.

"Little Petra's a quick study, isn't she?"

"I'll say! We've got to keep her around!"

I was vaguely pleased by what I perceived as praise, though I wasn't sure I liked the idea of such a one-sided sexual release plan. When was I going to be satisfied? Suddenly Scarlet was fondling me and whispering soothing words in my ear.

"Aw, does little Petra need release?"

After just a few strokes, it was too much: with a strangled cry of dismay I came. My hips spasmed with several surges and with each I spurted wads of cream. I heard Elise scream and Scarlet giggling and I figured out I must have sprayed Elise.

"You're gonna pay for that!" shouted Elise.

"You shouldn't have been standing with your face two inches from her pussy," laughed Scarlet.

She gave my ass a hard slap and pushed me toward the house.

"Go upstairs and clean yourself off."

Hastily, I obeyed, stubbing my toe on the step near the sliding glass door.

Wincing and limping, I stumbled forward. I took advantage of the situation to bow my head and raise my left hand, deftly shifting the blindfold up on one side so I could see where I was going. I found the handle and slid the door open, stepped through, and carefully closed it behind me. While sliding the door closed, I peeked. The slit I'd managed was tiny, but the quality of the view more than made up for any lack of quantity. All I got was a brief glimpse, but for a split second I saw Elise, completely naked, standing with her back to me. She had a towel in her hands and was wiping her face.

Scarlet was next to her, in profile to me, and also completely naked. The two girls were stunning, unquestionably the two most beautiful women in the world. Then it happened: Scarlet glanced toward me. There was no way, from that distance, that she could have been able to tell I was peeking, but terror made me illogical, and I panicked. Frantically I slammed the door shut and flipped the latch. I tore off the blindfold and ran. I was halfway up the stairs when I realised what I'd done.

"Oh my God!" I said aloud, stopping abruptly.

"Did I just do that?"

Immediately, as if in answer, I heard a frantic pounding. Slowly I turned and went down the stairs. I looked toward the back yard. The two naked girls were slapping the glass door and tugging vainly on the handle. Scarlet saw me.

"Petra, you open this door NOW!" she screamed.

Her voice was dull and faint, like on a bad phone connection.

"I see you, Petra, come on out. You are SOOO gonna get it!"

She stood, hands on hips, glaring at me through the glass. She was unashamedly naked. I stared, getting my first real glimpse of her nude body, unable to move. I knew my inaction was making her even more angry, but I was too overwhelmed to move. I swear it hadn't been intentional. It was habit. Mom was always on my case about leaving the door unlocked after using the pool, and in my panic, I just did the normal thing. But how could I ever convince Scarlet that I was innocent? She was furious with me: she'd never believe I hadn't meant to lock them outside. Oh God, was I up Shit Creek. Slowly, I moved toward the door. Should I open it? Wouldn't that just be asking to have my ass whipped clean off? The girls were arguing, with Elise being the more vocal of the two. Scarlet was trying to calm her down. She turned and faced me. She smiled, a beautiful, completely insincere smile.

"Petra darling, open the door."

I shook my head.

"Petra, open the door."

There was steel in her voice.

I shook my head, backing away a foot or two.

"You're gonna punish me," I said.

"It was an accident. I didn't mean to do it, but you're not going to believe me."

"Petra, just open the door and we can talk about it. We're not mad at you. It was a mistake, that's all."

I shook my head.

"You're going to punish me."

"No, I won't."

"You promise?"


"No, I don't trust you," I said.

"Petra, if you don't open this door, you're going to be in serious trouble! You think you'll be punished for locking us out? You're really going to punished for not letting us back inside! I'll cane you until you bleed!"

Scarlet was so angry her whole face -- no, her entire body -- was red. She glared at me.

"Take a good look, Petra, because you're going to pay for this," she said bitterly, pressing her breasts against the glass door.

After a moment, she tried again.

"You're going to have to let us in sometime. You can't just leave us out here all day. You're parents are going to be home this evening. What do you think they're going to do to you?"

The pit of my stomach roiled in fear. I'd been dreading thinking about that inevitability, but there was a part of me that had known that the situation I'd gotten myself into was bad, really bad, and that at some point, it would come to a head. That head was my parents coming home and finding that I'd locked my babysitter outside. I'd be in for more than one "talk" with my father for this! That's when it hit me. What would my parents do if they came home and found the babysitter and her friend naked by the pool?

Surely skinny dipping wasn't appropriate babysitting behaviour. The more I thought about the more I began to smile. The girls had no clothes out there, only towels. How could they explain it? Say I stole their clothes? What were their clothes doing off in the first place? Oh boy, did I have Scarlet over my knee! Scarlet saw me grinning and must have realised her mistake. She suddenly frowned.

"Come on, Petra, you can't be serious. You don't want to leave us out here."

"What would my dad say," I asked slowly, grinning so big my lips ached, "about you two running around naked in his backyard?"

All humour vanished from Scarlet's face. She became cold and hard, like a ferocious wild animal caught in a corner.

"You little fucker," she breathed.

"I'm gonna thrash you until you don't have an inch of skin left! I'm gonna torture you so badly you'll WISH you were dead. I'm gonna cut of_ those little boobs of yours. I'm gonna--"

I'd heard enough. Anger boiled inside me.

"Shut up! Just shut the fuck up!" I said loudly, sharply, and to my surprise Scarlet obeyed.

She stared at me in shock and fear.

"Now listen," I said coldly.

I could feel the power building inside of me. It felt wonderful.

"We both know that if I open this door, no matter what you say now, you're going to beat me, so that's not going to happen. You two are stuck out there."

I paused to let that sink in.

"My parents will be home in about five hours, so the big question is, will you be locked out and naked when they get here?"

Scarlet seemed to understand. She brushed off Elise's whisper and faced me.

"What do you want?"

I smiled. This was much better, much better indeed.

"First, I want to see you. Naked. I want you two to put on a little show for me, show me everything."

"What!" cried Elise.

"No way, you little prick! No way!"

Scarlet shushed her friend.

"And then you'll let us in?"

I shook my head.

"Of course not. I told you, you aren't getting in before my parents get home. I'm not stupid. When my parents get here, if you two have been good, I'll give you your clothes back and unlock the door. By the time they get inside, you two will be dressed and respectable, and my parents will never have to know anything about anything that went on this weekend."

"How can we know you'll follow through?" asked Scarlet.

"The same way that I know you won't beat me if I let you in early," I said.

"In other words, you don't."

Scarlet looked at Elise.

"If the two of us say you took advantage of us, stole our clothes, tried to rape us, blackmail us... We could make things awkward for you."

I nodded.

"Yeah, but I could show my mom what you did to my ass."

"You were a naughty girl and we had to spank you."

"Yeah, sure. I and could tell her you fondled me and made me have sex with you."

I could tell Elise was growing more and more worried during this conversation and she finally stepped forward.

"Look, we're all in trouble if your parents find us like this. Just give us our clothes back, okay? We won't come inside and we won't spank you. Okay?"

I shook my head.

"No. I like seeing you two naked. Which reminds me, take off that towel."

Elise had wrapped herself in the blue towel and I couldn't see her fine body.

"Fuck off," she said.

Scarlet was nodding.

"Elise is right. If your parents find us out here like this, it would be bad for us, but we'd make sure you shared in the blame. We'd all end up with sore butts."

"So? That just means I'm in for a sore butt no matter what I do."

"Not if you give us our clothes. Then your parents don't have to know anything."

"Yeah? We'll, my butt's already sore," I grumbled.

"That just means you two get off scott free."

"Not completely," said Scarlet with a coy smile.

"You're seeing us naked."

"So? You've kept me naked since yesterday. Besides, Elise is wearing a towel."

In response, Scarlet whirled and tore the towel off her friend's body. Elise screamed and tried to get it back, but Scarlet ran to the pool and threw the towel into the middle. Elise stood at the edge, dancing with indecision, furious.

"See? Now we're both naked."

"You'll put on a show for me?"

Scarlet frowned.

"Yes," she said finally.

"If you promise to give us our clothes back and let us in before your parents get here."

"When they get here," I said.

"Before they come inside."


"And there's more."

"What's that?"

"I've been thinking about what you said about us all having sore bottoms. That sounds like a good idea."

Scarlet's beautiful eyes began to glare.

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that you two need sore butts."

"Aw, no way!" muttered Elise.

"Would you rather be caught out there?" I said.

"That's fine with me. I'm dying to see your excuse to my parents about why you're out there with no clothes on."

Elise bit her lower lip. Scarlet looked uncomfortable.

"You two will spank each other," I said sternly.

"Like you spanked me."

"Ah, shit," grunted Elise.

She looked at her friend.

"You can't seriously be considering this, can you?"

Scarlet gave me a soft smile.

"You know you'll pay for this someday, Petra, don't you?"

I shrugged. "Do we have a deal?"


"What!" cried Elise.

"You're going to let her blackmail us?"

"Well what else can we do?" growled Scarlet.

"She's got us over a barrel."

The two began to argue, and Scarlet drew her friend away from the door so I couldn't hear them. For several minutes they talked quietly, with Elise the more upset of the two, but finally she quieted down and they both returned.

"We'll do it," said Scarlet.


"Yeah, me too."

"Good. Then step back and let me look at you. Put your arms up in the air and don't cover anything."

Silently, reluctantly, the girls did what I said. This was incredible! It wasn't even their nudity -- already I was almost becoming used to that -- but it was the power I sensed I had. I was in control. I could make them do anything I wanted.

"Turn around," I said, and they did.

I stared at their chubby bare ass cheeks and masturbated. 

"Scarlet, give Elise a spank on each cheek."

Scarlet obeyed, slapping Elise's butt twice very quickly. The pale flesh was briefly pink. Elise squealed and tried to take her arms down, but I told her sharply to put them back up and she slowly did so.

"Now Elise, you spank Scarlet."

This command she obeyed with enthusiasm, grinning as she smacked her best friend's shapely buttocks. Scarlet didn't say anything, but took the slaps well.

"Again," I said, rubbing my dick furiously.

SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! Elise went beyond the call of duty, but it was obvious she was enjoying it, and I didn't try to stop her.

"Keep going," I shouted, masturbating, and Elise went to town.

The lovely sounds of palm against flesh echoed throughout the back yard. Scarlet was standing, Elise slightly bent over beside her, whacking her buns with her right hand. It was a beautiful sight, but the two were six or eight feet away.

"Come closer," I said.

"Sit on the step and take Scarlet over your knee."

Elise didn't need much encouragement, and Scarlet cooperated, though she looked ready to kill me when her eyes met mine. Elise sat her white bottom on the cement step by the door and Scarlet reluctantly went down and laid across her lap. Scarlet's butt was already a hot pink, but I knew that was just a temporary colouring: I wanted her butt to be scalding. At my nod, Elise began to spank again, and this was a wonderful sight. The girls were just inches from the door, the nude Elise now oblivious to her nakedness. She was concentrating on turning Scarlet's plump butt to mush. Scarlet's bare ass was perfectly within my line of sight, and I relished every spank. The buns jiggled and hopped, bouncing wildly, and gradually began to go from pink to crimson. It was awesome! I longed to feel Scarlet's firm butt in my hand, but except for that minor omission, this was a dream come true.

Even if I wasn't the one actually doing the spanking, it was being done at my command, which was almost as good. To think that I was spanking my babysitter! Finally, after a solid fifteen minutes of applying pure pain, Elise was exhausted. Her hand was hurting her, and she asked me if she could stop. I decided it was okay. Scarlet's butt almost matched the colour of her hair.

"Scarlet? Press your butt against the window," I said.

Wincing and frowning, Scarlet got to her feet and stretched. Then she turned her back to me and stuck out her glorious ass. She backed up, pressing it against the glass. It squished, flattening out, but the deep red colouring remained, as did the magnificent crack dividing the cheeks. I stared, transfixed, and began to touch myself some more. 

"Now it's Elise's turn," I said, and Scarlet's mouth broke into a wide grin.

Elise's glumness returned, but she didn't protest going over Scarlet's lap.

Scarlet, however, didn't like setting her sore bare bottom on the hard concrete step, and liked the extra weight of Elise even less. She took it out on her friend. I had thought Elise had done an excellent job spanking Scarlet, but it was now obvious she was only an amateur. Scarlet was the master. She spanked hard and blindingly fast, but varied her blows, always keeping Elise on edge. The girl rolled from side to side, screamed and protested, writhed miserably, shaking her ass like a tambourine, but nothing deterred the Terminator: Scarlet was a spanking machine. After just five minutes, Elise's butt looked like Scarlet's, and after ten, Elise's looked like an overripe tomato about to explode. I decided it was time to even the playing field.

"Don't you two move!"

I ran upstairs and fetched the hairbrush, strap, and cane. I went to my parent's bedroom which overlooked the back yard. I opened the window and peered out. The two girls were still on the step, whispering quietly. I carefully dropped the items onto the grass below. Back at the sliding glass door, I saw the girls were standing up and staring at the items. Gloom hung on their faces.

"That's right," I said pleasantly.

"I said you two would be spanked like I was, so that means the hairbrush, the strap, and, of course, the cane."

I had Scarlet finish Elise's spanking with the hairbrush. It proved tremendously successful, for every stroke hurt something awful, as I knew all too well. Elise, however, had apparently never been so privileged, for she screamed and kicked and fought and spat and swore the entire time.

"Oh shit that hurts! Ahhhh! You little fucker... EEIIIEE! Just wait until I get my hands on you. Ah, oh shit-shit-shit! Stop! That fucking hurts! Ohhhh... I'm gonna kill you! Ouch! Oh God oh God that burns. Oh! Please, Scarlet, have mercy! Shit!"

There was much more like that, but I ignored it, letting Scarlet have a full five minutes to lambast Elise's ass, and then I made them switch places.

Scarlet bore her punishment much more stoically than Elise, but Elise was out for blood and really laid down that hairbrush. I actually had to tell her take it easy a few times, lest she really hurt Scarlet or break the brush! Looking at the clock and noting the time, I let the girls have a ten minute break. At my suggestion, they went straight to the pool to soak their blistered bottoms. When they came back, I told them it was time for the strap. I already had a plan for this, as I'd decided the spare the girl's bottoms. Not out of mercy, but because I wanted there to be some flesh left for a good caning!

"You're going to whip each other's breasts!" I announced, and the girls looked shocked.

Scarlet gave me another of her "you're dead meat" glares, but I was becoming immune to those.

"Who's going first?"

This time, Scarlet volunteered, so Elise began the strapping. At first she went tentatively and struck much too gently. Scarlet's breasts hardly moved, though she no doubt felt a sting.

"Harder!" I cried, and eventually Elise got the hang of it, striking upwards so that she caught the undersides of Scarlet's breasts.

When she did this, the entire breast would move, shuddering from the blow, and then Scarlet would react, writhing from the pain causing more jiggle. It was great! I let Elise do spend five minutes on each breast, making sure she strapped them all over, and when she was done Scarlet's breasts looked like swollen tomatoes. Scarlet gripped the strap with determination and fury, a cold smile on her face. Elise trembled but obediently got into position, standing facing the door with her legs apart and her hands behind her head, breasts thrust forward. It was almost painful to watch. Elise screamed and cried the whole time, almost so much as to spoil the show, but I enjoyed watching Scarlet do the whipping. She was magnificent, striking with terrific power and skill, drawing the maximum amount of pain out of every stroke.

She had her back to me, of course, as she faced Elise, so I had the delight of watching her scarlet buttocks jiggle as she moved and whipped her friend. Since Elise was making such a fuss, I let Scarlet go several extra minutes. I needed to use the bathroom, but I didn't want the action to stop. Then I had an idea.

"Now strap each other's thighs," I ordered. "I'm going upstairs for a few minutes, but I can hear, so you'd better be strapping constantly. And when I get back, both of you better have crimson thighs, inside and back."

Reluctantly, Elise bent over for Scarlet to strap her thighs, hissing and grunting at every stroke. I grinned and left, hurrying upstairs. I used my parents bathroom, since it was closest to the back yard, and opened the window so I hear the strapping. Elise was crying. I took a leisurely crap, then a long shower. When I finally returned, Elise was strapping Scarlet vigorously, and Scarlet looked up at me with a hopeful expression, begging me to stop the torment. She was kneeling on the cement, her legs spread wide so Elise could strap her inner thighs. 

I let it continue for another few minutes while I watched, and then had the two girls line up so I could study their thighs. They'd actually done a remarkable job, going far beyond the call of duty, thoroughly welting each other. Neither showed any qualms about spreading their legs to show me the blistered flesh of their inner thighs, though of course this gave me a closeup view of their most intimate parts. I noticed both girls were moist, dripping in fact. I supposed they'd been masturbating while I was away. I wondered if they were, perhaps, enjoying this?

"Go for another swim," I said, "and then we'll finish with a nice caning."

The girls looked horrified at that prospect, but the water was inviting and they both ran to climb in. Neither jumped, of course: with their sore skin, the hard water would have felt like a giant slap. That gave me a devilish idea, so after ten minutes or so, I ordered them out, then ordered them each to do a belly flop.

"Whoever does the smallest splash gets an extra three strokes with the cane," I said.

Elise's flop was excellent, but she came up screaming and was crying as she got out of the pool. Her breasts looked like they were bleeding they were so red, and her belly and the fronts of her thighs were nice and pink. Scarlet seemed determined to beat her friend, but wasn't quite as effective, though her breasts did noticeably redden.

"Triple or nothing?" I asked.

"If Scarlet wins, she gets no extra strokes. Otherwise she gets nine!"

Reluctantly, the girls went again, and as I figured, this time Elise was frightened by the pain of the first flop, and did very badly. Scarlet landed flat as a pancake and it looked horribly painful. She came out teary-eyed and grimacing, her front very red, but she'd made the biggest splash.

"Let's try a sitdown dive."

"What's that?" asked Elise cautiously.

"It's like a flop, but you land like you're sitting, with your legs flat in front of you. The water should connect with your butt and legs."

The girls didn't like this idea at all, but they had little choice in the matter.

"Six bonus strokes to the loser," I said, and watched as Elise tried.

She was too scared, however, and her ankles dropped going in first. Her butt probably got a little bit of a slap, but it certainly wasn't a good sitting dive. Scarlet grinned and went for it, keeping her legs level in front of her. She landed with a loud slap and a cry of pain, but came up smiling because she knew she'd beaten her friend. Elise looked bitter. I had both girls show me their backsides and decided they were punished enough, at least except for the final caning.

"Scarlet, you'll start by giving Elise a dozen, then Elise will give you a dozen, and so on," I said, not giving them a hint at how many they'd receive.

The girls looked grim as they got in position, with Elise bending over in front of the door and grabbing her ankles. Scarlet was a wizard with that stick.

Every stroke made me wince and Elise howl. In two minutes she'd laid down a dozen stripes, almost all of them nicely parallel. Elise, however, was much more erratic. Often the tip of the cane would dip, striking Scarlet low across the back of her right thigh, and leaving a deep weal. Scarlet didn't like this at all and howled loudly in protest. After a couple turns each, Elise's butt was well-striped and evenly reddened, but Scarlet's looked awful: her left cheek was nearly flawless, with only a handful of pink marks, while the right cheek had a bloody mass of overlapping weals in the lower corner.

The back of her right thigh bore a scattering of imprints as well. Action had to be taken: Elise's technique was woeful, to say the least. As someone experienced in receiving the cane, I disliked her results intensely -- they were ugly and unrefined. At my instruction, she switched sides, striking Scarlet from the right. Unfortunately, Elise's backhand strokes were extremely weak, so I told her to give Scarlet two dozen.

By the end of the two dozen, Scarlet's left buttock was somewhat marked, but still not enough, so I said, "Another dozen," and then, "Another."

Finally, after four dozen backhand strokes, Scarlet's left cheek was nicely reddened and even bore a few nice weals. It wasn't nearly as damaged as the right cheek, but it was certainly an improvement.

"All right, Scarlet's turn," I said, and Scarlet gave me a grateful glance.

She'd been suffering under Elise's awkward technique for much too long and was eager for revenge.

"You need to train her better," I said, and the look that Scarlet gave me clearly said that she'd love to teach Elise how to cane... with my bottom as the target!

The final twelve strokes I allowed Scarlet to administer to Elise were doozies. It was a thorough thrashing, far worse than anything I'd ever gotten. Elise howled and cried the whole time, writhing and rising up, causing even Scarlet to get angry at her friend. I didn't say anything, just watched the two lovelies, for I could tell that there was no way Scarlet was going to let Elise off easy without her twelve strokes. I thoroughly enjoyed Elise's dancing as the cane lit up her ass, and Scarlet's beauty took my breath away as she so gracefully and athletically thrashed her friend.

When it was finally over, I had both girls come and stand with their backs to the window, buttocks right up to the glass but not touching. I let them stand there for a good ten minutes while I masturbated. The clock read six twenty, so I decided it was probably time to start cleaning up. I had the girls press their bottoms against the glass, then cleaned the glass, enjoying the the sensation of wiping a wet paper towel right over their sore, blistered bottoms and yet not touching them. I made sure the front door was locked, then went upstairs for a quick shower. I dressed, set out clothes for the girls by my parents' bedroom window, and then came down. Elise and Scarlet were still at the sliding glass door, but they weren't still: both were actively rubbing themselves.

Scarlet saw me out of the corner of her eye and must have said something, for they stopped when I approached, but I told them, "No, continue. In fact, step away from the door and face me and let me watch you."

And so I spent the final few minutes before my parents returned watching my babysitter and her friend masturbate. At first they were reluctant, but soon enthusiastic; I suppose having a someone watch them gave things an extra charge. At just before seven I heard a car outside and I quickly ran to the front. It was my parents! I raced upstairs, grabbed the clothes and flung them outside. Then I ran downstairs and peeked through the peephole. Dad was unloading the luggage and Mom was coming up the walkway. I ran and unlocked the sliding glass door. Elise and Scarlet were hastily pulling on shorts and t-shirts.

"You didn't give us any underwear," cursed Elise, and I laughed.

I grabbed the cane, hairbrush, and strap and threw them behind a bush. I'd have to put them away later. Then the front door was opening and in came my mother, quickly followed by Dad. Elise and Scarlet greeted my parents politely. Elise looked nervous, but Scarlet was cool.

"How were things this weekend?" Mom asked.

"Did Petra give you any trouble?"

"Nothing we couldn't handle," answered Scarlet.

She grabbed me from behind and playfully ruffled my hair. Her other hand, however, was ruthlessly pinching my butt. I put on a fake smile and laughed.

"Good," said Mom.

She came and gave me a hug. Dad took the suitcases upstairs, and Mom went after him. I was alone with Scarlet and Elise.

"Don't even think of trying anything," I hissed warily, inching away from the two angry girls.

"You have no idea what you're in for," whispered Scarlet, and a dark shiver went through me.

I was saved, or so I thought, by the return of my mother.

"Petra," she asked, "why is our bedroom window open? Were you in our room?"

Before I could answer, Scarlet glided in.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Johnson, but I caught Petra in your room. She had removed all of her clothes. I gave her a little spanking, but I figured you'd want to take care of the matter fully when you got home."

"What?" I screamed.

"No way. Mom, she's lying. That didn't happen at all!"

I saw instantly that it was a lost battle, however. Mother's face was pink with anger. My father was watching, and he came and put his arm on my shoulder.

"Why don't you and I go downstairs and have a little talk," he said in a voice that sent chills down my spine.

"Yes," said my mother.

She glared at me and turned to Scarlet.

"And I want you to tell me everything that's gone on this weekend. It doesn't sound like Petra was a good girl after all."

"I'm afraid she was a bit naughty," Scarlet was saying as Dad and I headed for the basement and my destiny.

I groaned, but I knew when I was outmatched. There was no way out of it. No doubt Dad and I would be having a series of long and involved discussions. But still, as I reflected on the sweet memory of Scarlet's and Elise's nude bodies, I decided it had been worth it. I probably would pay for my crime many times over, but was still worth it. Already I was anticipating the next time Scarlet would come to babysit. 

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