Species: Dreepy
Name: Davey Jones
Types: Dragon/Ghost
Nature: Jolly
Gender: Male
Traits: Basic
Hatch Date: 3/15/2020
Identification Number: 29584
Family Tree
Mother: N/A
Father: N/A
Clutches: N/A
Level: 44
Level Log-
Current Reference gained 7 levels
PKMN-CC: Ghost problem gained 24 levels
PKMN-CC: To Calm A Ghost :Collab: gained 13 levels
PKMN-CC: Nice island or demonic trip gained 10 levels
CP: 100
Moves: Astonish, Infestation, Quick Attack, Bite
Personality: A very peppy little dragon, loves hugs and always wanting to explore.
History: Davey was born in the forest, though he never knew what was outside it. He kept to his family till he just wondered off, seeing something that he liked. Only that he got lost and couldn't find his way back to his family. Having finally wondered out of the forest and just began to drift around. Having no where to go and finally stumbled onto Aluala on his travels. Following her home and becoming a happy little ghost in the building.
Has a little habit of going through walls. Scaring the crap out of Heiki a lot sadly, though he doesn't mean to it just...happens.
Loves chilling on someone's head, he just feels safe doing so.
Adorable little dragon, and can some how give puppy dog eyes.