Comments: 267
Faesal-iq [2016-12-14 07:41:58 +0000 UTC]
When I see you iwlli raped your mother
i am from Iraq๐ฎ๐ถ
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valis In reply to Faesal-iq [2020-02-18 13:44:12 +0000 UTC]
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No-FaceYoutuber1216 [2016-10-22 01:02:46 +0000 UTC]
WARNING! Carry on reading! Or you will die, even if you only looked at the word warning! Once there was a little girl called Clarissa, she was ten-years-old and she lived in a mental hospital, because she killed her mom and her dad. She got so bad she went to kill all the staff in the hospital so the More-government decided that best idea was to get rid of her so they set up a special room to kill her, as humane as possible but it went wrong the machine they were using went wrong. And she sat there in agony for hours until she died. Now every week on the day of her death she returns to the person that reads this letter, on a Monday night at 12:00 a.m. She creeps into your room and kills you slowly, by cutting you and watching you bleed to death. Now send this to ten other pictures on this one site, and she will haunt someone else who doesn't. This isn't fake. apparently, if you copy and paste this to ten comments in the next ten minutes you will have the best day of your life tomorrow.You will either get kissed or asked out, if you break this chain u will see a little dead girl in your room
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lulu87a [2014-01-31 12:41:02 +0000 UTC]
Fly the us army back home to their families ,get busy fixing the internal usa problems and get OUT OF the Middle East.
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Waracki99 [2013-01-06 18:48:12 +0000 UTC]
wtf. If you dont want death americans, better stop.
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faathir95 [2013-01-02 05:40:51 +0000 UTC]
fuck israel
fuck amerika (fuck usa)
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e11world [2012-11-08 23:49:15 +0000 UTC]
I don't think this is the best way to display what you want to say because looking at it zoomed out it's very offensive to all Iraqi people so for that, shame on you and I hope you create a better representation of what you say next time.
To everyone saying we should bomb Iraq and all that stupid talk, if your family lived, there would you do that?
If you think you are a human, then act like one. Iraq is where the biggest civilizations started. It has a deep and beautiful history unlike USA which is not even that old. Too bad the rest of the world and it's politics act like idiots just because they are benefiting from our oil (which is what it's all about) thank you very much.
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cthulhufhtagn1987 In reply to e11world [2016-06-01 22:28:33 +0000 UTC]
Then Iraqis should probably learn to use the zoom function before whining around?
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valis In reply to e11world [2014-12-18 02:13:14 +0000 UTC]
The whole point was to attract the assholes and then deliver another message. Tthat's why it looks like that when it's zoomed out.
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Phsycopath200 [2012-07-19 20:07:54 +0000 UTC]
Yes indeed bcuse I live in Iraq and does goddamit us army alla wakber lave us alone
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IraqiLover [2012-07-10 07:34:01 +0000 UTC]
HEY dnt swear at my country okay okay mate
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Hettman [2012-07-04 06:21:57 +0000 UTC]
Woah dude you'd be assasinated before you even get the chance to implement any of those noble points!
Plus what happens after that pure atrocity, I don't even want to begin to contenplate what comes after that!
First point: The invisible world government would prop up the calamity and use the insuing chaos to again install another puppet prezident in throne of the white house and use it as an exuse to restrict even more rights and liberties that we might still have!
Second point: Don't forget that media these days have been a real problem since Duranty's time and are aeven worse this day in age! Not to mention the corporate media would be onto you on day one of your campaign! They'd smear and omit thing left, right, and center all day long, 24/7 till your either booted off the election or out of office!
Third point:You would have to have a pretty damn deep wallet to even attempt running for prezident! Since time Imamoriam all major leaders always come from the nobility or the wealthiest of society! Always has been! Unless someone puts a huge price limit on such things, it will always be the exclusive playground of rich people!
Fourth point: You would have to find a way to stop the perpetual debt and its creators that owns almost the whole entire world financially! (Including the U.S.A! If that's not too painfully obvious enough!)
Fifth point: Well since I'm too lazy to ramble on about the infinite things that way against your favour, I will leave it at that!
But if you managed to that! Even with all the trials and tribulations that come with it!..... You would be one of the bravest and noble souls I've known in this world!
But good luck on that! And may God protect you on the fourth day! All this world really needs is respect for differances of opinions, tolerance, compassion, and love! And there would be some real living peace on this planet for the first time since its inception!
P.S: To all the pure retards that think radical islamisicts were behind the 9/11! Its been proven OVER 9000! times by thousands of independant scientists, journalists, and your own freaking citizen's who described what happened when they watched the event from all four sides or the survivors that lived to tell the tale, that it was completely an inside job!
My goodness even Julian Assange and his wikileaks team proved that in seconds!
Only took me several years to figure that out before it was even was created!
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XenocidaEnder [2012-06-26 15:07:14 +0000 UTC]
Actually, the civilian casualties are already over 120 000...which only supports your point.
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cthulhufhtagn1987 [2012-06-25 13:23:35 +0000 UTC]
The children have died from Saddams mismanagment, not from the sanctions. And yes, GW Bus shouldn't have attacked Iraq. He should've attacked Iran. They DO really try to get nukes and sponsor terrorism. A lot.
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haithoomee [2012-04-16 18:10:43 +0000 UTC]
us army = ladies and gays
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cthulhufhtagn1987 In reply to haithoomee [2012-07-03 21:25:38 +0000 UTC]
And also the army of the only superpower remaining. Giving equal rights to women and homosexuals taps their potential, why should a state refuse to use the potential of people fo rdefense only, cause they're women or gay... That idiocy is a thing from the past, buddy.
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AbuMalkGd [2012-04-04 21:27:46 +0000 UTC]
I'm proud because I am Muslim and Arab
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Code0615 [2012-02-26 00:30:40 +0000 UTC]
Just Fantastic.
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Khair-Udin [2011-12-24 11:14:19 +0000 UTC]
go to fuck your mom's guts.
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seever123 [2011-12-11 16:35:01 +0000 UTC]
oh now i get first i was mad you know because i read (FUCK IRAQ) but then ..... you know what i mean
any way nice pic and FUCK IRAQ HATERS
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nopeman12 [2011-12-03 03:44:26 +0000 UTC]
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ZADHY [2011-08-25 06:30:51 +0000 UTC]
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ZADHY In reply to ZADHY [2011-08-25 06:41:18 +0000 UTC]
first, I'm still loving MOESLEM... because I was still in sight of Allah !!!
will I break those who dare to fight against the Muslims ...!!!
Remember well
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Master-of-the-Boot [2011-05-19 07:51:48 +0000 UTC]
Good advice, now implimenting it. That's the hard part
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Aleksus [2011-05-02 02:28:06 +0000 UTC]
With this statement, and you can bet
NATO did not ask to climb back to politics now who's to blame
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cthulhufhtagn1987 In reply to Aleksus [2012-07-03 21:28:04 +0000 UTC]
The 2nd Iraq war is not an NATO operation.
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OffizierHashem [2011-03-18 22:58:35 +0000 UTC]
Submitted: December 8, 2002
& still there are some people trying to justify that massacre... like it's a distant old history event!
but this war is never going to end, we -in the middle East- tend to hold grudges for a long time.
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ladyrandomm13 [2011-03-06 22:39:34 +0000 UTC]
Great view and facts to back it up, and another indirect view:to read the fine print...
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aliraqi18 [2011-01-19 23:24:42 +0000 UTC]
fuck ya'll Mather fuckers
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Rabar11 [2010-12-16 11:28:58 +0000 UTC]
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cthulhufhtagn1987 In reply to Rabar11 [2012-07-03 21:31:15 +0000 UTC]
Piss off you ruffian... Aren't you happy, that the US helped to kill Saddam, so he can't kill Kurds anymore and the Kurds now have a chance at much more autonomy than under Saddam?!
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Rabar11 [2010-12-16 11:23:08 +0000 UTC]
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code933k [2010-11-07 09:21:41 +0000 UTC]
Politics is so boring... #semisatiricalmode Thanks for this wallpaper!!
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Dennys82 [2010-11-06 11:13:29 +0000 UTC]
The best solution for Iraq is simply: leave alone the entire territory with troops retirement so, leave everything on his own destiny. There's no democracy down there, no Government and a strong minds side doesn't want that. Why United States should start his elitism over there? The religion over there (Iraq) is the essence of a pure violence. People of Iraq should be isolated and troops retired. Elitism is another faith of violence by the way. The entire world will be always divided because everyone of us must respect differences and stay away from elitists narrow-minds. United States is a country that can't change his methods because is simply build on a system that if you insert a small change, a variable, the entire structure could risk to blow up. Completely.
I have known marines and navy families, all good guys like us, but simply victims of an elite system that is typical of a British capitalism. I believe in journalism, reports, dossier in the correct way: research of truth behind an honest base but the most important thing is that everyone of us should open his own conscience's eyes! Art helps a lot, art is the weapon of freedom, an instrument without narrow-mind statement. Keep it up your good messages, cheers.
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Nooglehead [2010-07-04 16:37:05 +0000 UTC]
I am just gonna start off here, I am a United States Soldier. My MOS is 19D so I see a lot of mind wrenching stuff. Now ALMOST (not all) every citizen, and Non combat arms soldier I have meet does not know why we are in Iraq. Operation Iraqi FREEDOM establishes US troops to combat terrorist and Hostiles to help Iraq Rebuild and to Establish a Democratic Government in Iraq. And before you say we are blood crazied killers you should see what the Terrorist have done. I have seen the Terrorist blow up a street market with hundreds of people to try and kill One American. I will never forget that day when I had to scrap a boys face off the road and pick up body parts for hours. I have seen Terrorist do drive by on women who what freedom from the old oppress government. The list is long but we are there to set the oppressed there people free.
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valis In reply to Nooglehead [2010-08-09 18:20:36 +0000 UTC]
Your very presence there is the direct cause of all the fighting going on there. How is that even arguable?
More than a million Iraqi refugees, at least as many Iraqi's dead since the US decided to invade. HALF A MILLION Iraqi children murdered by US driven Sanctions during the Clinton & Albright years. If this is 'freedom from oppression' then PLEASE spare me your freedom.
Amerika is in Iraq for oil and politics.
I'm glad some soldiers actually might believe they're fighting for something as high-minded as freedom or justice, because it implies they might possibly suddenly have an epiphany and SEE what they're doing - raping a people and their land, for oil and political gain.
There is no moral high-ground here, on either side.
One of the reasons McVay (would you call him a Christian Terrorist? And if not, you should wonder why? How come he's never referred to in those terms?) went loose in the head was because while he was fighting in the first Gulf War he found himself and his fellow soldiers told NOT to harm Saddam, despite being drilled for 6 pre-war months during which they were told he was the devil incarnate.
The fact that you're willing to believe the Iraqi people need you to 'set them straight' is racist and insulting to a degree of which you're clearly, painfully, unaware.
Listen to what Mike Gravel has to say about these things, at least he doesn't pretend to the hubris it takes to think he's qualified to 'fix' other countries.
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Nooglehead In reply to valis [2010-08-09 19:10:50 +0000 UTC]
I do agree that are presence there will increase the fighting sure but it has dropped dramatically since 07 there are less than 5 skirmishes a month. Many of the civilian deaths are blamed on us we the 2 main religious groups kill each other.
Now I don't know if you know but Saddam Hussein when he was in power he killed over 1.8 million! Civilians that is a lot of people if you ask me.
Now there are bad soldiers out there who do rape and murder civilians i am not going to deny it but the media blows it way out of proportion.
If we were so interested in the oil why don't we have more people defending them, we have less than a brigade defending them. Plus A little fact about oil America gets 40% oil from domestic, and 40% from Canada, Venezuela and Mexico that only leaves a whopping 20% from the middle east.. We get more oil from our own country
But when it comes down to politics i am sure that it is involved when it shouldn't be
Are you talking about McVeigh
And I know the Iraqis don't me or the coalition forces but with out us another dictator will roll and kill many more like saddam did
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tonymontana77 [2010-06-07 09:59:09 +0000 UTC]
fuck america,look what you did to iraq
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GlaDiaTor17 [2010-06-06 11:57:30 +0000 UTC]
ืืฉืจืื ืื ื ืืืชืจ
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CrazyArtist101 [2010-05-11 08:48:22 +0000 UTC]
i've been in america, that country is in total mess.
were from germany.
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Bass4819 [2010-04-10 18:39:44 +0000 UTC]
It's easy to pass judgment when you're not a part of either group involved.
You can sit there with your Wikipedia facts and photoshop all day, but if you haven't been there, and you don't know the people who have, you probably don't know what you're talking about.
I could probably go online to some web sites and find a ton of facts as to why using Child Soldiers to fight the wars in Africa is a great idea, that doesn't make it true.
And seeing as I haven't been to Africa, and don't know anyone who's been to Africa, I'm not going to try and act like I know something about it.
Maybe you should take that stance on Iraq. Expand your horizons and maybe you'll see that the soldiers over there are doing a lot of good for the people. The one's who are harming the people? Taliban, JAM, and AQI cells, who try and win the people over through intimidation and fear, much like the former leader Sadam Hussein did.
Lots of Iraqi's fight on the side of the Americans, and I'm quoting one here, "To bring peace to a land that has never seen it," so their daughters don't have to grow up to be raped and killed by the family members of a radical dictator, and their sons can hope for more in life than being killed by the opposite religion, for their beliefs.
But I know your type, and I know you don't care to hear the other side's point of view, so I'll let you get back to making your wallpapers.
On the bright side though you're a very good photographer, and you do a great job of capturing the beauty in the desert.
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Inkyblot In reply to valis [2010-04-21 05:00:23 +0000 UTC]
Indeed, as for rape... Perhaps you should look into Theo van Gogh: [link]
He produced a film, "Submission," about the mistreatment of Islamic women. That movie is... a horrific tale, a documentary of one woman's life, specifically about rape and the like. He was assassinated by "your people" for filming it. So don't talk about rape like you're offended by it, when you support a culture that oppresses women in a multitude of ways.
Do you even seriously think about the content of the links you posted up? One such article claimed, "What also has not been revealed to the American public is that the sexual humiliation of Islamic prisoners and rape of women detainees is actually an Israeli Jewish practice[...] These interrogation techniques were taught by Israeli operatives to the CIA and Military Police at the Abu Ghraib prison..."
Your people may be like this, but mine are not. The men who sign up for our military undergo training and discipline that grooms them to behave with honor, even when dealing with people who deserve none for their terrorist crimes. Even were a female Iraqi detainee a known suicide bomber, I'm sure they wouldn't do more than necessary to get any vital information out of her; we're not a third world country, we behave with civil and moral honor, and many soldiers are family men who would be appalled at the very idea. This sounds like wild propaganda simply to slander them, but you're just going to believe the conspiracy theory and that anything *I* say is propaganda to the contrary.
But do you seriously believe that the US military would circumvent its own tried-and-true practices by "learning interrogation techniques" from Israel? It's ridiculous. We have our own methods that are strictly controlled and taught to soldiers in training, and I'm sure they don't need any on-the-fly tips from the Israeli people who -- I will admit, due to the emotionally charged war in that region -- take things too far, as do other peoples in that area. We wouldn't sacrifice our own principles and do something as drastic as the Israelis would, despite being their "ally." It even claims these techniques were taught to the CIA... That's an Intelligence Agency, they don't often get their hands dirty. They sit back in their nice little offices data-mining and whatnot, not manhandling Abu Ghraib prisoners themselves. But you still believe this BS?
Also, you said, "and American made Caterpillar bulldozers are tearing down their homes to make room for russian immigrants to Israel."
Does this mean that if I go murder somebody with something Made in Taiwan, that I can blame it on the Taiwanese? Cool. Maybe you should be blaming the large influx of Russian immigrants causing the bulldozing in Israel. Because if it weren't Caterpillars being used, they'd probably just use another country's brand of bulldozer. But then you'd be out of another way to try making America look bad. It's rather pathetic.
Again, I maintain that your links are merely propaganda, and bad propaganda at that. That you're so radically and blindly nationalist that you believe all that is just ridiculous, but keep on making your wallpapers and seeing what you want to see if it makes you feel better.
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valis In reply to Inkyblot [2010-05-01 13:24:07 +0000 UTC]
I'm the one who's radically nationalist? You're the one who actually believes that all American soldiers behave with civil and moral honor when time and time again the evidence has shown exactly the opposite. Abuses in Iraq, Afghanistan, and all over the world.
Illegal invasions, coup d'etats, and the list goes on. Hundreds of illegal military actions since pretty much forever, starting with the black destroyers in Tokyo harbor in the late 1800's to intimidate Japan into signing a trade deal with America, and right up to the present time - when we've had a rich kid whose money comes from his grandfather's dealings with Nazis start up two wars for his weapon-manufacturing and oil business buddies. Shameful.
And if you honestly think the US wouldn't betray its own declared principles, you're on another planet. The fact of the matter is that according to US law, it's actually illegal to sell arms to Israel, but that's something that not a single American seems to pay attention to, especially if he/she is called 'President'.
Whereas I'm sure SOME soldiers do behave with honor I'm afraid they're a minority, most of which belong to hollywood movies and video games, unfortunately real life shows otherwise, with examples starting from the PR nightmares of Private London in Iraq, to the recent disaster of the Apache slaughtering people from a nice, safe, distance.
America's wars are about selling weapons and getting cheap oil, and the government has no problems sacrificing as many naive 'true believers' such as yourself or any 'honorable' soldiers it can get to believe its party-line.
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Bass4819 In reply to valis [2010-04-14 19:04:49 +0000 UTC]
Nice job getting angry and sending out eleven other links. One that was literately to a wiki page.
Oh and your "brothers" in Palestine, Iraq, and Afghanistan are getting killed by Americans? Just because your arab, or the actual sons of your immediate father?
I guess being an American doesn't mean that I get to watch, and lose first hand MY brothers, brothers in arms, and literal family, who die trying to bring peace to a land filled with clowns like you.
Go ahead and send me another fifty links to internet newspapers.
Maybe I'd send you some back, but rape and murder are such common place in that land that you guys don't even feel the need to document it, or hold people accountable for it.
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valis In reply to Bass4819 [2010-05-01 13:12:22 +0000 UTC]
Clowns? You've just lost the right to a civil conversation. Have fun.
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