VampireSelene13 — ASP - Pheasantfoot App

#cat #cats #warrior #warriors #vampireselene13 #araej #pheasantfoot
Published: 2018-10-21 21:32:34 +0000 UTC; Views: 1486; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 5
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Name: Pheasantfoot

Age: 39 Moons

Gender: Male

Rank: Medicine Cat

Mother: Quailheart
Father: Unknown
Siblings: None



Pheasantkit was born just before Leafbare, and was confined to the nursery for most of his kit hood due to the extreme weather conditions. With no siblings, Pheasantkit became very dependent on his mother, and spent little time with kits his age and more time with her. This led to him becoming considerably more mature than most kits his age. He never sought to break rules or push the boundaries set by the clans, nor was he overly rambunctious. He was just okay with what was.

His odd disposition meant that he got along a bit better with apprentices than kits and often helped them while they replaced his bedding. As they brought in fresh moss, he would gather the old stuff and nose it out of the entrance. While the fresh air was welcome, juxtaposed to the stuffy den, the cold really made his leg and paw ache; Pheasantkit was born with a severely mis-shapen leg. His elbow and wrist joints are unable to extend as they should, which renders his right leg as useless as carrion...Sometimes it would ache all through the night and his mother would have to lick his fur to lull him to sleep. At first it really got him down, but after some cheering up from his den mates, and some practice, he realized that he would be able to at least hobble around with just three legs. 

Although his mother encouraged him daily, he worried about what would become of him if he were apprenticed. He had had many moons to come to terms with the fact that he may never become a warrior... But this couldn't be it! As much as he loved his oldest clanmates, the last thing he wanted was  to end up in the elder's den as soon as he set paw outside the nursery! His fears heightened as the first day of his sixth moon came and went, with no announcement of his apprenticeship... He tried to tell himself that it was likely due to Redstripes's death, as well as Windclan now residing in Thunderclan territory. He he completely understood that their leader was very busy, but he had to know what their plans were for him! 

This had been the first time in his life that he could not sit still! He had to take his destiny into his own paws! So he left the nursery and stalked clumsily around the camp, looking for the leader's den. All he had to do was convince them to give him a chance! But he didn't get far before the Thunderclan leader called a meeting and to his relief it was indeed his apprentice ceremony! He was named Pheasantpaw and his mentor was the Thunderclan leader himself.


Pheasantpaw quickly became friends with an energetic apprentice named Mintpaw. The snowy white she cat was a little older than him but became one of his best friends, along with another apprentice named Fogpaw. The three of them were almost inseparable and usually ended up training together since there was always a reason why one of their mentors were unavailable, leaving them to group up with whoever was around. But none were more unavailable than Pheasantpaw's mentor, Smokestar; being the clan leader was a huge responsibility and it was understandable that he had little time to help Pheasant train, so he just made the best of it and tagged along with his friends. He found it difficult to do what the other apprentices could do due to his leg; Hunting was the worst since he had a hard time balancing his hunter's crouch and his jumps were always slightly off, causing him to scare off prey more often than not. In the end this led to him spending a lot of his free time alone where he would work on strengthening his rear legs to compensate for his weaker front half.

Soon it was time for Windclan to move back into their own territory! Their home had grown back after the Twoleg fire which had also taken the lives of their previous leader and deputy, and it was deemed suitable for living. The clan was ready to go when they found their new leader and medicine cat, Palestar, dead. It was a shock to everyone because surely he'd had 9 lives? His successor, Beestar, believed that he only had one life because Starclan had rejected him as a leader. She led them home and named Hawkstep her deputy, and Lionclan became a little less lively with them gone. He would miss the friends he'd made, even if they weren't super close.

Shortly after this the Thunderclan deputy tried to asassinate Smokestar! Pheasantfoot couldn't believe that he would do something like that! Just the other day he had been out on a patrol with him! The event shocked him and the rest of Thunderclan to its core. After this Smokestar was never the same, and always seemed to think there was some deeper meaning behind every cat who didn't agree with his ways.

After that things moved along as usual; Pheasantpaw and Mintpaw were still as close as ever but Fogpaw was becoming a little more distant; he'd gotten really close with one of the other apprentices, Mousepaw and usually spent his time with them. This led Pheasantpaw and Mintpaw to become more of a duo than a trio, and Fogpaw began to think they were ousting him. This small miscommunication was the beginning of the end for their friendship that would play out in a big way over the rest of their apprenticeship and warriorhood together.

Around this time cats started going missing! It was discovered that Twolegs had been putting traps down for the feral cats and were taking them away from the forest! Mossstooth the new Thunderclan deputy was sent on a mission to seek out the root of the problem, and shortly after Mintpaw, now Mintleaf, got roped into some unofficial patrol to mark the traps to make the territory safe. The idea was actually pretty good and he felt it was a brave thing to do, but he wished that she would have told him before running off to do something so dangerous. In the end they were caught, and since it was against their orders to stay away from the traps, Mintleaf was demoted back to Mintpaw for a moon. Pheasantpaw could see that she was beginning to develop an acute distaste for Smokestar and he couldn't really blame her. Even if he had seen Smokestar as a sort of a father figure for most of his life, the incident with Tawnyclaw had changed him so much and some of his decisions were becoming questionable.

Eventually Thunderclan's population as well as Windclan's, dwindled so much that they merged once more, becoming Lionclan. There were many cats who were unhappy about this but Pheasantpaw saw it as a necessary precaution in order to secure their safety. 

One night at a gathering, two Windclan cats got into a conversation with Mintleaf! Mintleaf made a comment about how Fogpaw, now Fogstorm was her crush and they decided it would be funny to tell him. Fogstorm, now extremely distant from Pheasantpaw and Mintleaf, brushed her off cooly like he'd never been friends with her, and Mintleaf ran away in tears. For the first time in his life Pheasantpaw felt intense rage and he shouted at Forgstorm for treating his friend like that. He couldn't believe that he would treat her that way. The interaction took everything out of Pheasantpaw, he hated being negative and it drained him. He walked away from his old friend in sadness and disappointment. It would never be the same again.


The time finally came for Pheasantpaw to become a warrior! He had come leaps and bounds in his development and was excited to finally join Mintleaf as a full warrior of Lionclan. Just before his ceremony he approached Smokestar about naming him Pheasantfoot. Smokestar wasn't sure since he felt it would draw attention to his misshapen leg and cause bullying from other clans. But Pheasantpaw wasn't as sensitive as he used to be, and he'd become accustomed to his short comings. He was making the best of his situation and he would wear that with pride, and thus he became Pheasantfoot.

Shortly after this Lionclan finally decided to leave the old territories and find a new home; the Twolegs were becoming impossible to deal with and it wasn't worth staying. It was hard to leave his old home behind, but there was no other choice and at least they were going together! 

Once they had arrived at a spot that seemed suitable, the clan was divided into groups to scout the territory. Pheasantfoot was put into a group with Fogstorm and one of the cats who had bullied Mintleaf at the gathering that one time. Pheasantfoot wasn't one for grudged, and he put the event behind them, even trying to befriend the spunky cat. She didn't seem as thrilled but eventually the mood lightened and they were able to get along even just a little! The two of them led their patrol to a waterfall! Which would become an excellent source of clean water for the clan, but there was something else they found there too! A rogue! The patrol fought the rogue, and even though there was only one of them and several clan cats, the rogue managed to escape... 

Luckily though, the rogue never returned and for many moons Lionclan lived in peace! This lull was not to last though since Tigerclan, a joining of Shadow and Riverclan, finally came to settle near Lionclan's new territory. Their arrival was met with hostility and suspicion, but it was clear to Pheasantfoot that they had happened upon Lionclan by accident and were tired and hungry. He suggested to Smokestar that they welcome Tigerclan on their land just for the night and then a more permanent arrangement could be made in the morning. His former mentor and leader turned on him in anger at his suggestion. He didn't want to help their former rivals. Pheasantfoot was hurt by his harsh words, surely it wouldn't have been wrong to help them at such a hard time? From that point on he began to be wary of Smokestar, and their closeness faded; he always felt on edge around him like anything he said would be met with anger.

Eventually the leaders of both clans decided to meet and discuss permanent borders, and the two clan went their own way again. And then came the question: Would Thunderclan and Windclan remain merged? The leaders asked the clan for their opinions and a heated discussion broke out immediately and several fights almost broke out! Mintleaf was among those that was against the merge and thus began her downward spiral; she began spending more time away from the clan, alone in the Lionclan territory and Pheasantfoot barely saw her anymore after that... But it was finally decided that they would remain merged forever! Everything was going great, but falling apart at the same time. Pheasatfoot just hoped that eventually his clan would come to see the good in staying as one.

Around this time, Pheasantfoot began to develop an interest in herbs; he was no medicine cat but he really wanted to be able to help others if he needed to! So he began spending time with one of the Lionclan medicine cats Mousestep. He taught him a lot, and Pheasantfoot really enjoyed absorbing everything he could about healing! Forgstorm on the other paw, was becoming even more irritable; he seemed to be jealous of Pheasantfoot spending time with Mousestep... In time Pheasantfoot pieced together that Forgstorm was in love with Mousestep, but he said nothing since their relationship was against the warrior code. Even if they were at odds he wouldn't sell out his friend, and what harm could love do anyway?

Then it started again. Cats were going missing, the Lionclan Deputy Hawkstep being one of them, as well as a prior Windclan cat named Spottednose who was sisters to his friend Cinderfur. No cat really knew what was going on but suspicions were high and tensions higher! And then one morning the reality of the situation hit hard. Beestar, one of the Lionclan co-leaders, had found one of her kits dead when they had returned from a gathering! A patrol was sent out to survey the territory, only to come back baring the body of... Mintleaf. She had been found at the edge of the river which seprated Lionclan from Tigerclan territory. Pheasantfoot, who had been returning with Mousestep from collecting herbs, felt like he hand been hit in the chest by a twoleg monster! He almost went deaf with grief as he made his way to her body slowly, curling up with her and washing all of the mud and grim from her coat; she had always been so clean and white... She shouldn't look like this. He couldn't believe how cold she was, he had never felt a cat so cold. He had never experienced the death of a loved one before... And it felt like he was being pulled to the center of the earth by the weight of it all. 

The cats around him were shouting and breaking into fights, Fogstorm, surprisingly, was under the impression that Tigerclan were the culprits and that Lionclan should do something! He was infuriated with Mintleaf's killing even if they had not been friends in many many moons. Somewhere in there... He did care. The fighting went on and on until Smokestar finally decided that they would send a non threatening patrol into Tigerclan territory to ask them about it. Not everyone was pleased with this but it was the safest way. Beestar was to lead a back up patrol, hidden behind them in case things went sour, and Smokestar chose Pheasantfoot to go on the patrol to speak with Tigerclan; he knew how much Mintleaf had meant to him. 

The discussion with Tigerclan was tense, not only were the Lionclanners on their land but they were subtly suggesting that they had committed murder! If only they had had a bit more time... Beestar grew tired of waiting and called the attack! Lionclanners crashed into the clearing and a war broke out! Everyone was fighting viciously and it was one of the most terrifying things Pheasantfoot had ever witnessed! He was frozen, shouted for everyone to stop, this didn't need to happen! THey could talk about it! He couldn't do it! He had been trained as a warrior, had become a warrior, but he just. Couldn't. Fight! The first thing he did was try to make his way through the crowd of teeth and claws to find Mousestep! Surely he would need help with all of these injuries! But not before he saw a Tigerclan she-cat who was bleeding out in the snow, her eye missing. Her clanmates were huddled around her, not really sure what to do and Pheasantfoot couldn't walk away! He couldn't let a cat die right in front of him! Jumping into action he ran over to them, explaining quickly that he wanted to help and that they would have to move her to the river so they could clean the wound! With hesitation the Tigerclanners agreed and the band of them scrabbled to the river.

Pheasantfoot spent most of the battle at the side of a Tigerclan cat, ensuring their safety while his clanmates were fighting for their lives back at the battle. When he believed the she-cat was finally stable he made his leave, only to find out from one of the Tigerclan cats that Smokestar had been the one who had given her that injury! His heart sank, he had not only helped the enemy, but he had helped to save the life of a cat who had tried to kill his leader... He didn't know how Smokestar would take it if he found out... 

Shortly after Lionclan had been forced to forfeit and retreat back to their camp. Many of his clanmates were severely wounded, and several were dead, Among them was one of Smokestar's kits as well as Heathertail, the small Windclan warrior who had bullied Mintleaf, but had since become more or less a friend to him. He sat with her as he had with Mintleaf and let the reprecussions of the day's events wash over him; it was so heavy... He then decided to confess to Smokestar what he had done. Smokestar was furious and lost any trust he had in Pheasantfoot for that moment. 

Lionclan and Tigerclan, needless to say, did not attend the next gathering, but it wasn't long before Tigerclan brought a patrol onto Lionclan land. Apparently they had found this location's connection to Starclan! Like the Mooncrack in the old territory. It was a large mushroom, under a tree, surrounded by shallow water. It was to become the Moonshroom. Smokestar was understandably suspicious of this claim, but one of Lionclan's medicine cats insisted upon going, and it was indeed true!

After this everything seemed to fall apart at the seams; cats were still missing and Beestar along with her mate Owlclaw, turned up dead. Smokestar stepped down from his position as leader in order to spend more time with his mate and family, and Mousestep stepped down from their position as medicine cat in order to be with Fogstorm. Mossstar became the new leader and since Hawkstep was missing and Beestar was dead, Maplepool was chosen as the co leader. At this point Pheasantfoot was becoming a much gloomier cat than he'd once been; everything seemed to be for nothing and everything just kept getting worse! Justrecently one of the only close friends he had left died during their kitting, along with their kits! But it was now that his life would change forever, as Mossstar named him as the new co-medicine cat! Though he was still feeling cruddy, he was overjoyed to become a healer instead of a fighter!

Medicine Cat:

Pheasantfoot took to his role as Medicine cat naturally; he was built for this and it was wired into his very soul! He always made sure the clans herb stores were stocked and all kits and elders were at tip top performance levels! And though he was still having a very hard time coping with the deaths of all of his friends, he could feel a hole inside of him filling up. He was in charge of the care of the clan, and he had enough heart for all of them and then some! So once the clans started having gatherings again, Pheasantfoot went out of his way to try and befriend the friends of the Tigerclanner he had helped during the battle. They seemed so close and it made him feel a twinge of nostalgia for how he, Mintleaf and Fogstorm used to be, so he oculdn't help but seek them out. One of them, Cricketstep, had been very sweet and Pheasantfoot felt like they would get along! But he ended up meeting the more cynical one, Rookfeather! He graciously offered to kill Pheasantfoot quickly the next time they met in battle since he had saved his clanmate. Pheasantfoot felt the rare feeling of anger bubble up inside him at how nonchalantly this cat spoke about taking another cat's life! He shouted at him about how mesed up it was and that more killing would lead to even more killing and nothing would ever be solved! Needless to say the cat left a bad taste in Pheasantfoot's mouth and the next time they met at a gathering he acted very cooly towards him.

At some point after this, Pheasantfoot ran into Cricketstep's grandmother at the border and the two had a long chat. The older cat was very sweet just like her grandson and he held her in high respects from then on.

Then one day his old friend Fogstorm left the clan, and though they still weren't friends he couldn't help but feel a deep regret that he hadn't tried harder to patch things up between them before this happened. He, Mousestep and some other Lionclan cats decided to become loners and leave clan life behind... Part of him couldn't blame them... Smokestar, the cat who had been his mentor, leader and father figure, also left the clan with his mate Fawnheart, in order to search for their missing daughter Shrewpaw and never returned. It was a sad day, but Pheasantfoot's relationship with Smokestar had been going downhill for a while. He hadn't been the same cat he once was for a long time.

The rogue problem continued for many moons and cats were still going missing or turning up dead regularly, but one day a rogue came to the Lionclan camp baring the dead body of another rogue. He claimed the body was a peace offering, and that he had eliminated one of the threats and would like to become part of Lionclan. Pheasantfoot was usually one to find good in all cats, but even he was uncertain if this was the right move in such hard times... Maplestar claimed to have had a vision of this cat, and he was welcomed into the clan for the time being, but did not receive a warrior name; he had to earn it like the rest of them.

A few moons passed and Hawkstep, the long lost deputy, returned to them, along with a loner by the name Crow. He said he had simply hit his head and was dragged down river all those moons ago, but found his way back with Crow's help. He was missing an eye but more or less had come back unscathed! 

Around this time, Pheasantfoot had one of his patients die of illness. She had always been a sickly cat and finally succumbed. Pheasantfoot took the death of the apprentice very hard; he didn't feel responsible, he had truly done all he could, but he wished he could have done more... As if the day couldn't get any worse, several kits were stollen from Lionclan's territory by rogues! Patrols were sent out to find them but Pheasantfoot had other things to deal with... One of the Lionclan elders also came to the den but she was dying of a sickness he couldn't cure... Old age... Pheasantfoot nearly lost himself in grief, how could he let two cats die in one day! But with her help he finally came to learn that all he could do was his best, and Lilacnose had served her clan well. She had had two sons (one of them being Fogstorm), a mate, served as a warrior and nurterur. Her heart was full and her life was great. This was the perfect way to go... She passed peacefully in her son's embrace and would be with her mate who had died only a few moons prior. Pheasantfoot had grown a lot that day, and he was beginning to understand the ups and downs of being a medicine cat.

He later found out that one of the cats on the patrol to find the kits was the rogue who had been living with them for several moons. He had fled when he had the chance and had betrayed the clan! Hawkstep and the loner Crow, on the other paw, had served the clan well and Crow was named Crowflight, while Hawkstep was reinstated as a deputy of Lionclan. 

From then on life went on more or less the same... Well as samey as life could get when your territory felt like a prison and death could be lurking around everycorner. But the same none the less. Then it happened. 

The rogues lay seige to the clans, attacking in large numbers! Lionclan and Tigerclan ultimately were forced to band together to defeat them! Pheasantfoot had his fair share of fighting for once, and while he was trying to tend to the wounded he witnessed a rogue tear his friend, and co-medicine cat, Beechflower away from a patient, only to be dispatched quickly and thrown aside like fresh kill! The rogues wasted no time in coming for him next; Honey, the rogue who had lived with Lionclan all thos emoons ago, had likely divulged the hierchy of the clans to his rogue pals and they knew to go for the healers to cut the life support of the clan! They took advantage of the fact that he couldn't use one of his forelegs and took turns pulling out his other legs form under him so he couldn't keep his balance! Luckily his clanmates noticed this and came to his aid, but not before he bore a few scars of his own...

After the battle, the clans were victorious but with how many dreadful things had been happening, Hollystar, one of the Tigerclan leaders, decided he would take whoever was willing of his clan and leave. These lands weren't safe in his eyes and he would stay here no longer. Some of the Tigerclanners chose to stay behind, either due to wounds or not having it in them to leave their home. Pheasantfoot spoke with Maplestar about joining the cats that were left into one clan, and later she spoke with the other high ranks and it was agreed that from now on there would be only one clan. Leopardclan. 

Pheasantfoot has seen his fair share of death, and had grown from it. His experiences, like any cat, has made him who he is, and though the losses the clans suffered during the battle were great, he couldn't help but feel hope for the future. All he'd ever wanted was for Lionclan and Tigerclan to be at peace, and now it was done. And he would serve his new clan as he had his old one no matter where they were from.


+ Kind + Thoughtful + Hard Working

Pheasantfoot is an extremely caring cat. He can tell when someone is feeling down and will go out of his way to make sure they're feeling better when he can. He's gentle and sweet when addressing patients, unless the situation requires him to be firm to get his point across. Sometimes you need to snap cats out of their stupor in a time of crisis to make sure what needs to be done gets done! He's also very thoughtful, ever since he was young he would always come up with ways to work around any issues he had; whether it be developing his own method of huunting or creating a garte out of sticks to cover the fresh kill pile in winter. Lastly he is hard working; you'll never catch him making excuses if something needs to be done! Whether it be collecting herbs, helping elders with ticks or babysitting, he'll do whatever it takes to help the clan. 

= Empathetic = Pacifistic = Accepting

Pheasantfoot has a knack for understanding and in turn internalizing how others feel. He can put himself in another's paws in an instant and this will influence his decisions on many things. This can be seen as good and bad, it helpd him to be understanding of both sides, but it can also cloud his judgement when it comes to situations where violence may in fact be the only answer. This doesn't work well for him because he despises harming others; even as a warrior he was hesitant to do his duty, thus becoming a medicine cat saved him a lot of hurt. As before, this can be good an bad, since there are times when fighting isn't neccessary, but there is a time and a place for everything. Lastly he is very accepting; he doesn't care who you are or where you're from, if you're in trouble he will help first and ask questions later. Whether that's a good or a bad thing well... You know. 

- Sensitive - Anxious - Gullible

Pheasantfoot has been known to be extremely sensitive; he is easily talked down and lets his emotions get the better of him. Whether it be during a battle or just n argument amongst clanmates, if he's mad, it's going to come out, though it is very rare. He's also pretty anxious, always thinking and rethinking the siatuation over and over until it could be too late to act. He also has a tendancy to be a little pessimistic. Lastly he can be gullible, and easily be swayed into helping someone who may not be an ally. This oculd get him into trouble if he were to ever find himself without his clan to see the other side.


* Pheasantfoot has radial hypoplasia, which is the cause of his mis-shapen (front) right leg 

* Pheasantfoot's father is unknown to most cats in the clan. Quailheart has not revealed her mate.

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Comments: 5

Foxkino [2018-10-22 18:12:56 +0000 UTC]

So sad... Pheasantfoot is such a great character

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

VampireSelene13 In reply to Foxkino [2018-10-23 22:05:00 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SnowyRaven7502 [2018-10-21 22:04:50 +0000 UTC]

awwwww he is so cute

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

VampireSelene13 In reply to SnowyRaven7502 [2018-10-21 22:08:44 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! He's my pride and joy <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SnowyRaven7502 In reply to VampireSelene13 [2018-10-22 14:10:06 +0000 UTC]

He is really adorable, I love his personality. so sweet ^-^ maybe when I have my kitty in the group we could do an rp, but that's completely up to you

👍: 0 ⏩: 0