In a violent dance of locked limbs, the women twirled into the air. Taking this into her advantage, Mai focused her energies and yelled out in a strong, clear voice...
"Ryuu Enbu!!!"
A wave of heat engulfs Kitana. But this was nothing-- she had lived and fought for thousands of years, and witnessed many fatalities and experienced countless brutalities in her time. The ninja's flames were not the fires of the neather realm... they could not hurt her.
Unfortunately, the weighted ball on the ninja's sash could.
Yeah, this took a while.
Part 2 of 's commissioned Kitana vs Mai battle! Getting the layout to work just right was a considerable challenge-- I wanted to have as much detail as the first part , especially since the background plays a bigger role in the "story" of the battle.
(It might be noted that the story's my idea, so don't blame the commissioner for any inconsistencies or flat-out incorrect details in the story! )
And this isn't the finale, not yet! In fact, I kept myself from seeing the results of my latest Poll until I finished this one. So I'm probably more in the dark than any of you on how this fight is going to end...!
Ah, but what an ending it will be...!
Pencils on A4 Vellum Board
Screentone created and applied on Photoshop CS3, custom-made tone
Mortal Kombat © Neatherrealm Studios
Fatal Fury © SNK Playmore