I forgot to upload this pfffft, but yeah, Heavy Load Training for my kiddos! Lempi is a wild kuku, but gets along with people great, so Saniainen decided to bring grandma along for some training. Punakuono is more of a mystery, why is he even here?? Who knows.
.. Also I really need to make ref for Kulta, since it seems I'm gonna be using him as a handler for some of my kids. :3c
I - Carrying Backpack
It takes certain amount of strength to carry both a rider and a backpack. Some Kukuris react badly for sudden extra weight, some better.
Draw a picture of your Kukuri practicing with a backpack and their reaction to it.
III - Hard Terrain
Be it mud, snow, ice, mountainside or swampy area, sometimes carriages just get stuck or hard to navigate with.
Draw or write either handler or non-training Kukuri helping your Kukuri navigate or get over hard terrain.