VentiDespresso — Mental Mischief (Chie Satonaka/Yukiko Amagi [P4]) [NSFW]
#aware #chie #fondling #hypnosis #mindcontrol #persona #yukiko #persona4 #mentaldomination #femdom #chiesatonaka #chie_satonaka #yukikoamagi #yukiko_amagi
Published: 2024-02-04 14:52:13 +0000 UTC; Views: 20628; Favourites: 42; Downloads: 0
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Description “C’mon, Yukiko, you can’t seriously believe in this stuff, can you?”

As she stepped out of the eccentric general store, Chie Satonaka looked at the girl walking beside her with a mixture of pleading hope and resigned exasperation. When the other schoolgirl giggled by way of reply, Chie’s shoulders slumped as her worst fears were confirmed.

“Well, Yu-kun buys stuff from this store all the time, right? If it works in the TV world, maybe it’ll have some effect out here too!”

Yukiko Amagi laughed again as she glanced inside her shopping bag, which was filled with what could only charitably be described as junk. “Oh my, it really is a lot of random stuff, isn’t it?”

“You’re only just now noticing that?”

Chie groaned, burying her face into her hands as the two walked down Inaba’s busy main street. “How are you even planning on testing any of this stuff anyway? You can’t just go up to random people or animals and try to make something happen, you know!”

“Hm. That’s a good point.” Yukiko paused, clearly deep in thought. After a moment, she clapped her hands and turned towards Chie, a beaming smile spreading across her face. “I’ve got it! We’ll just try it all on you!”


“Seriously, how much longer are we going to keep doing this?”

Chie yawned, stretching lazily in her chair. Late afternoon sunlight streamed through the windows into Yukiko’s room, painting the space in a cozy golden light. The warm atmosphere was making the girl sleepy; she fought to stay awake as Yukiko rummaged around in her bag for yet another trinket to play with.

“Oh, it shouldn’t be more than another hour or so!” Despite her lack of success so far, Yukiko remained as cheerful and excited as ever. “Here, let’s try this one!”

“What is it this time?”

With a groan, Chie leaned forward and turned towards Yukiko, sending the front legs of her chair crashing down to the floor. “...a necklace? What am I supposed to do with that?”

“It’s not a necklace, silly! It’s...well, I’m not actually sure what it is, to be honest.”

Chie watched, feigning interest as Yukiko busied herself with untangling a fine chain. After a few seconds of wrangling, Yukiko let out a triumphant laugh.

“It...it looks like a medallion. See, take a look!”

Chie peered at the metal disk, which Yukiko was now holding up to catch the light. The golden reflections were oddly captivating, and the girl found herself leaning further to get a better look at the object as it swayed back and forth.

“What’s with this...spiral pattern…?”

“A spiral? Ooh, maybe this is a hypnotic charm! Chie, keep looking at it!” So saying, Yukiko began to move her hand back and forth, causing the medallion to swing like the pendulum of a clock.

“Looking…?” Chie’s words began to slur, her movements growing sluggish as she shifted in place. “How...how l..looong…?”

“I don’t know, maybe another minute or so?” Yukiko paused, tilting her head to one side as she pondered the question. “I really don’t know, to be honest. The stories usually just gloss over that part.”


“Isn’t this exciting? Ooh, maybe you’ll start acting like a chicken!”



A note of concern appeared in Yukiko’s voice as she stopped to really look at her friend for the first time in a while. Much to her surprise, the normally-animated girl was staring blankly ahead, unmoving save for her eyes. It was clear that she was tracking the movement of the little trinket, but Chie had ceased to react to anything and everything else.

“...Chie? Um, are you listening to me?” Yukiko laughed nervously and stood up, taking a few steps towards her friend and waving her free hand in front of the girl’s face. “...uh, Chie…? Hello?”

No matter how often she repeated herself– or how many times she poked and prodded at Chie– Yukiko found herself completely unable to elicit a response. As her frustration grew, the girl became bolder and bolder with her attempts. Pokes turned into pinches, pinches into pushes. For a brief moment, Yukiko even considered slapping Chie across the face.

At that instant, realization finally struck. Yukiko looked down at the little medallion that she was still holding aloft– then glanced at Chie. The girl’s eyes were unmistakably still glued to the medallion, following it as Yukiko slowly set it down on her bed.

“No way. Are you telling me...it actually works! Chie, Chie, it works, it works!” After a few seconds of silence, Yukiko sheepishly shrugged her shoulders. “...at least, I think it does. How else can you explain this?”

Chie said nothing; her gaze remained locked on the little trinket lying on Yukiko’s sheets. She did not see the mischievous twinkle that appeared in Yukiko’s eyes– or the light blush that rose to her friend’s cheeks.

Something had started to smolder inside Yukiko the instant she had seen Chie’s trance-like state. The girl felt her heartbeat accelerating, her breathing quicken– and something sparking deep her core. Before she knew it, she found herself shifting ever so slightly in place, rubbing her thighs against one another and biting her lower lip.

“Chie, stand up.”

The words were out of Yukiko’s mouth before she could stop herself. All she could do was watch, frozen, as Chie slowly rose out of her chair, rising to stand at attention. As soon as she was finished, the girl fell still, unmoving save for the slow rise and fall of her chest.

Yukiko could only stare, flabbergasted that Chie had obeyed her so readily– and so quietly. She swallowed nervously, her next command– and desire– already on her lips. If she actually gave voice to her wish, there would be no turning back. Certainly, there would be no explaining herself to Chie if she woke up– or worse, if she had been pranking Yukiko all along.

“Take...t-take your...sweater off!” Yukiko stammered, her blush matching the deep red of her cardigan. A flood of embarrassment washed over her as Chie wordlessly carried out the order. She could not believe that she had actually managed to get the words out– and was moderately disappointed that she had backed out of her original request at the final moment.

Yukiko had seen Chie in just her Yasogami uniform on many occasions, but seeing her friend’s prized green top lying carelessly on the ground completed the picture in a way that Yukiko had never known she wanted. Her breath hitched as she imagined asking Chie to go a step further– to ditch her sailor top– but the girl stopped herself at the last second.

She hesitated, then reached out and gently laid a hand on Chie’s cheek. After waiting for a few moments for a reaction, the emboldened Yukiko began to trace a line with her fingertips down Chie’s face, along her neck, then over one of her breasts. All the while, the girl held her breath, simultaneously deeply aroused and morbidly terrified of what would happen if the trance were to end.

Yukiko tightened her grip ever-so-slightly, her face ablaze as she took Chie’s left breast into her hand and squeezed. The firm mound molded and gave beneath the pressure in a hypnotically erotic way; it was impossible for her to resist doing it again and again, applying a little more force each time.

It was not long before she was kneading both of Chie’s breasts with considerable force. The heat in Yukiko’s core was building, demanding that she do more; it was now beyond impossible to deny the intense feelings washing over her as she continued to paw at her best friend. Pent-up and long-repressed desires expressed themselves through her hands, one of which eventually began to drift downwards.

She had never wanted to touch herself so badly. Her existence had not been so sheltered that she had never experienced arousal before, but the sheer need that she felt was shocking. When her fingers brushed against the fabric of her hose, they came away ever-so-slightly wet. A simultaneous rush of shame and excitement flooded through her, and the faintest moan escaped from between her pursed lips.


The girl practically leapt into the air when she heard Chie, the quiet murmur perfectly in sync with her own. Stumbling backwards in abject humiliation and alarm, Yukiko flinched and whirled away. Surely, a look of disgust was rippling across Chie’s face; surely, she would hear the sound of her friend shouting at her for her horrible misdeeds.

Instead, there was only silence. After a moment, Yukiko tentatively turned back towards Chie. The other girl was blinking slowly and swaying back and forth– but still apparently unaware. Yukiko hurriedly bent down to grab the discarded sweater and practically hurled it at her friend.

“P-put this on!”

There was a note of desperation in her quavering voice– then a sigh of utter relief as she saw Chie wordlessly carrying out her command. The instant Chie finished zipping up her top, a flicker of life returned to her eyes.

Chie blinked several times, then stretched and let out a loud yawn. She turned to her left, then her right, a frown flickering across her face.

“Huh…? When did...when did I stand up…?”

Chie’s words came slowly, as though she were not yet quite awake; after a few more seconds, the girl straightened and visibly seemed to perk up. “Uh, Yukiko? Are you doing okay?”

“I– I-I’m fine, I’m fine!” The crimson-clad girl practically yelped in response to the other girl’s question, causing Chie to raise a skeptical eyebrow.

“Are you sure? You’re completely red in the face right now. And uh, you seem pretty shifty–”

“Yes, yes, I’m fine! I...I uh, I have to go to the bathroom! I’ll be right back!”

Without giving Chie any further time to ask questions, Yukiko spun on her heel and raced out the door. She did not stop running until she made it to the bathroom, where she slammed the door shut behind her and slid to the ground. She buried her face in her hands and slumped back against the wall with a groan.

Amidst her swirling thoughts, the girl felt a pushing, insistent need that refused to let her focus on anything else. Unconsciously, one of her hands dropped between her legs and began to rub at her most intimate of spots, sending lightning bolts of sensation shooting through her nerves. Memories of Chie– of her surprisingly-soft body, of her firm, trim curves– swirled in her mind until a powerful surge of white–

–she gasped. For an unknowably long moment, she had lost track of time and place. Her entire body shuddered with the aftershocks of her first climax, spasms running through her arms and legs as she came down from her euphoric high. The feelings were unfamiliar, but the pleasant buzz that descended on her was difficult to dislike.

As her breathing slowed back to a normal pace and her thoughts began to settle, contentment turned to embarrassment as she looked down at herself. While her skirt hid the dampness spreading through her panties and hose, she could see a sheen of sweat coating her skin and a red flush tinging her pale complexion.

Yukiko leaned her head back against the wall and closed her eyes. Immediately, her thoughts returned to Chie– and to the little spiral medallion that had enabled her adventure. Despite everything, a smile crept across Yukiko’s face as she considered what else might be possible with a little more practice.

“Chie…” she whispered. “We’re going to have so much fun together. I promise.”

A buzz in her pocket drew Chie’s attention to her phone. Fishing the device out of her pocket, she immediately saw a new message demanding her attention. With a roll of her eyes and an exaggerated sigh, the girl unlocked her phone and opened the short note.

|> Let me know when you’re getting close. I’m so excited to see you!

Geez, Yukiko. I saw you just yesterday! And the day before that! I can’t spend every weekend with you, you know!

Her complaint was only half-hearted; the two had been almost inseparable for a long time, and it was hardly uncommon for them to spend long hours alone with one another. Still, something was nagging at the back of Chie’s mind– an odd feeling of confusion and anticipation all bundled into one.

It was an uncomfortably familiar sensation, one that had begun to color her recent interactions with Yukiko. Something was pressing against the edges of her consciousness, teetering on the threshold of recall– but every time she tried to focus on it, the memory slipped away.

The girl shrugged, absently punching and kicking at the air as she continued towards the Amagi Inn. While the feeling was vaguely unsettling, it was nowhere near enough to cloud her cheerful mood. Sundays were the highlight of her week, free from school and generally hers to do as she pleased. Sometimes, the Investigation Team– less Yu Narukami, who had returned to the city after a joyful summer visit– would get together at Junes, just like the old times.

On this particular day, though, she had nothing scheduled except for a few hours with her dear friend. The Amagi Inn came into view as she rounded a corner, and she quickened her pace as she saw a red-clad figure waving at her in the distance.

“I’m glad you could make it!” Yukiko’s voice was exuberant as she opened the door to her room and beckoned Chie inside. “It’s been pretty quiet here today; mom and dad are out of town and we’ve only got a few guests staying here right now.”

The Amagi residence was relatively isolated from the rest of the premises, and Chie had only seen the briefest glimpse of other people as the duo had made their way to Yukiko’s room. When the door closed behind them, almost total silence descended on them both.

“So...what did you want to do today?” Chie asked, making her way towards a chair and setting herself down with a huff. She glanced up at Yukiko, who was still standing by the door and fiddling with something around her neck. Chie caught a glimpse of a fine gold chain as it slipped around to Yukiko’s front and out of sight.

“I just wanted to show you this little pendant!”

Turning around with a broad smile, Yukiko stepped towards Chie, a little golden disk dangling from one hand. As the girl walked forwards, the trinket began to sway back and forth, its motion strangely captivating.

By the time that they were close enough together for Chie to make out the spiral pattern on the disk, her eyes were already beginning to glaze over; a few seconds later, she had slipped into a daze, her expression going blank and her body stilling in place.

Yukiko giggled, bending down until she was at eye level with her friend. For several seconds, she stared at Chie’s unmoving face, entranced by the total lack of will and personality she saw there. It had taken less time than ever to reduce her spunky friend to a subservient plaything, with no chance of breaking free until the trance wore off.

Normally, Chie would not have even been capable of wanting to resist Yukiko’s control. Today would be different– the culmination of a number of experiments carried out surreptitiously over the past several weeks.

“Okay, Chie. When I snap my fingers, you’ll wake up. You can’t move anything but your head, and you can’t yell.”

Yukiko waited for a few seconds, making sure that her instructions had plenty of time to sink in. Anticipation built in her chest– accompanied by a bit of heat in her stomach– until she could not stand a moment longer.

She snapped her fingers.

Chie started, shaking her head back and forth. Light returned to her eyes, and a look of confusion spread across her face when she saw Yukiko standing just inches away.

“What’s going on?” the girl asked, blinking as if to shake off the last throes of sleep. “I thought you were by the door just a...second...ago…”

The girl trailed off, her expression suddenly troubled. Her head bobbed forwards and backwards then shook from left to right. Concern flashed to panic, and Chie’s eyes flew wide open.

“Y-Yukiko...I can’t move. What’s going on?”

Despite the sudden fear in Chie’s voice, the words came out as though she were simply having a casual conversation; the girl was totally unable to raise her voice. When Yukiko began to laugh, Chie’s eyes flashed with anger and she jerked as much as she could, still completely paralyzed from the neck down.

“Hey, this isn’t funny, Yukiko...wait, why...why can’t I…?”

“I told you not to yell, silly! And so you can’t! Isn’t that just...snnrk...wonderful?”

Reaching out, Yukiko pat Chie on the head, ruffling her friend’s hair as she did. Before Chie could respond, another order was already in the air.

“Don’t move anything except for your eyes.”

Immediately, Chie’s mouth froze open, what she had been about to say dying silently behind her lips. Her eyes began to dart back and forth, their movement rapid and frantic. Again, Yukiko giggled, a mischievous look stealing across her features. She brought her hand down and traced her friend’s frozen lips, laughter bubbling up and out of her all the while.

“Oh, Chie...ghhk...you look so, so...silly!”

Yukiko, I’m going to kill you!

Unable to respond in any meaningful way, Chie could only stare at Yukiko, who was now threading the pendant’s chain back around her neck. Realization and memory flashed through Chie’s mind, but there was no way for her to act on her thoughts, no way to exercise her own will.

She was completely and totally helpless.

Her task complete, Yukiko flashed Chie an impish, conspiratorial grin. Straightening up and stepping back, Chie’s friend-turned-tormentor walked over to her window and drew the curtains, then walked back to the door and locked it. Only then did she return her attention to Chie.

“Okay, Chie! Stand up, and take off your sweater...and blouse.”

No...no way! Yukiko, what are you doing?!

While her mind thought one thing, Chie’s body did entirely another. Despite her best efforts to resist, she felt her muscles moving on their own accord, bringing her first to her feet, then undoing the zipper of her sweater and shrugging it off. Her blouse lasted for a few seconds longer, but it was soon sliding down her arms, revealing a plain white bra underneath.

Chie wanted to shiver, wanted to shriek. Wanted to run away from her crazed friend. She had never seen this side of Yukiko before– strangely obsessive, utterly controlling, and deeply perverted.

And in her current situation, she was entirely at Yukiko’s mercy.

There was no way to even convey her distress save for the faint sheen of tears that had begun to form in her eyes. Yukiko had begun to circle Chie, looking her prize up and down as though she were appraising a statue. Several times, she reached out with a hand to caress Chie’s firm curves, or to pinch and knead at her surprisingly soft skin.

“Now…” Yukiko giggled, the normally-innocuous sound incredibly ominous, “...let’s play, Chie!”

Her last words were whispered into Chie’s ear from behind– if she could have, Chie would have shivered. Mixed into the fear and anger swirling inside of the girl was a little spark of something else– something that seemed to respond in a decidedly unnatural way to her helplessness.

She had little time to think on the matter, as Yukiko took both of Chie’s breasts in her hands and began to grope them vigorously. A moan rose, then died in Chie’s throat; even this small thing was denied to her by the strange hold that Yukiko had over her entire body.

“It looks like you’re enjoying yourself…”

Yukiko’s fingers were now beneath Chie’s bra and fondling the girl’s hardened nipples, rubbing and rolling them this way and that. Unfamiliar sensations surged through Chie, electric shocks that gradually began to merge into a kind of wet heat deep inside of her. Her eyes crossed and a deep blush rose to her cheeks as shame and embarrassment melted into something else altogether.

W-what...Y-Yukiko, you…

She was not so naive as to not know what was happening to her– nor was she so unaware as to not know why it was Yukiko stirring the feelings swirling inside of her.

But...but doing...t-this…!

It was difficult for her to hold onto her thoughts as a pink haze began to settle over her vision, slowly growing until all that she could see was Yukiko’s increasingly flushed face. A desperate need was growing inside of her, an ache that she could do nothing about– even as a small part of her began to beg for Yukiko to–

“Yukiko? Yukiko, where are you? I need to check something with you!”

The voice from outside startled both girls, stoking the potent mixture of shame and frustration bubbling inside of Chie– and prompting a crafty smile from Yukiko, who had circled back in front of Chie. Leaning down until they were again at eye level, Yukiko gave Chie a broad wink.

“Chie, I know you were enjoying that as much as I was. I know because we’ve tried it before. So...I know that you hate being made to wait...but that’s just what you’re going to have to do!”

Yu...Yukiko, what the hell?! What do you mean…‘before’? What’s going–

The thought was cut off by a sudden realization, and Chie’s eyes flew wide open in shock and horror.

Can you make me forget? Is that what’s going on?

Despite the tempest raging in her mind, she still found it difficult to focus through the veil of arousal that was draped over her consciousness. Most of her was still straining to move, to call out– perhaps even to beg. But Yukiko was already turning away, cracking the door open and slipping out with a cheerful wave.

Chie could only fume and moan internally, trapped by something that she could barely comprehend. All the while, she struggled to decide what she was in that moment.





She had no idea.

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