VictoriaFox2015 — Tatsu

#griffin #gryphon #originalcharacter #pencildrawing #story
Published: 2019-02-07 04:24:32 +0000 UTC; Views: 529; Favourites: 30; Downloads: 0
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Description Another long project finally complete! Second shot at feathers... I think the lack of organization is better, but it doesn't feel like these ones are as real as Gyosei's. Irgh. I'm getting there, I'm getting there. I mean I have 9 pride members and Fiacre and Niamh to do, so I'll get plenty of practice. Anyway, story below, long-winded, as usual, I'd love it if you read it, can't blame you if you don't. Comments would be appreciated! I'd love to hear what you think!!!

Also curious, do you guys like the Birth name or Pride name better?

Birth Name: Ardith

*Pride Name: Tatsu

Origin Culture: Saxon (German)

**Bird Type: White-tailed Hawk


Coat/Wings/Feathers: light brown with off-white on the head, tail and upper wings

Eyes: Silver

Ability/Position: Strength/Fighter (ground)

***Soulstone: Spine


Ardith is arguably the most essential member of the Pride she helps build under the command of Kasai. Bigger and stronger than most griffins, yet still wise, Tatsu tends to be the one to keep the group together. She knows her flaws and looks to find the strengths and flaws in others and attempts to balance the group. She enjoys others' company and actively seeks to forge new connections. Despite her intimidating visage, being over nine feet tall at the shoulder, Ardith is generally a gentle soul with a keen eye for those in need of guidance. However, when threatened she becomes quite a force to be reckoned with and is undoubtedly one of the most dangerous fighters in the Legere. Her blows are powerful enough to shatter elephant bones and her sharp beak can snap the spine of a horse in an instant.

Born on the farthest edge of the lands controlled by the Legere (Old Latin meaning "Legion"), a central government/society of griffins, Ardith gets to have a unique upbringing. Unlike most young griffins who are taken at the early age of five to be trained and raised by the Legere, Ardith isn't discovered until the age of ten when her homeland is invaded by the expanding society. Young, confused, and separated from everything she has ever known, Ardith struggles in her early days within this new world. She becomes defensive and solitary despite her deep desire to find a family or anyone to connect with, really.

Her isolation and greater size make her the target of other griffins. She is bullied frequently and forced into fights on a nearly daily basis. Despite this, she still retains her gentle nature, helping other struggling young griffins by teaching them survival skills and defensive strategies. She learns how each unique physique affects one's fighting style and does her best to adapt to each as she teaches. Her students go on to forge some of the strongest Prides, but she is always left alone. Unlike most griffins, Ardith wasn't accepted into a Pride at the delicate age of ten and so is considered by the Elders to be a loner whose highest rank would be that of "bodyguard". She achieves this at age 14, making her the main defense for the very same individuals who had taken her from her home. Though not vengeful enough to ever betray them, Ardith does nothing to hide her dislike for the Elders. Between her frequent scathing remarks, her absolute refusal to use the name given her ("Praesidio" or "Praes", meaning "guard"), and tendency to scowl while on duty, she is seen as an unpleasant creature and others are encouraged not to interact with her.

Ardith finally finds a friend nearly ten years after becoming the Elders' guard. He's a ten-year-old griffin called "Red", a nickname based on his unusual coat color. The pair get along well, being that they're both outcasts and both have a friendlier disposition than is assumed of them. Young Red also gains the position of bodyguard thanks to Ardith's insistence, despite the Elders' unusual and seemingly baseless predjuduice against him.

Much to Ardith's dislike, the pair are often sent off with several Elders to retrieve young griffins to be inducted into the Legere. She sees this as stealing and considers it cruel, but has no say in the matter. Here again, Ardith's gentle and encouraging side comes to light as she comforts and advises the youngsters during their travels, often slowing the Elders for the benefit of the young while using the excuse that she needs more frequent rests due to her heavier build. Red aids her in this and eventually, the Elders learn not to argue.

On their last and most memorable trip nearly twenty-one years after Ardith becomes a guard, the pair meet the Celtic sisters, Keary and Dierdre. Assuming this is just another typical run, Ardith enters the home cave of the Celtic family to find Keary on her own. Assuming the worst, (that Keary's parents either died or abandoned her) the large female attempts to approach and comfort the young Celt. In truth, Keary had been returning to the cave to retrieve a few salves and bandages to take care of her father who had just suffered some moderate injuries from a territorial scuffle with wyverns. Confused at the sudden appearance of the group in her home and terrified by the intimidating griffiness' approach, Keary lets out a hair-raising shriek, calling for help. Her sister is the first to respond.

In a magnificent display of agility and power, Dierdre flies into the cave, over the retrieval team, launches off the back wall and lands in front of Ardith with a mighty roar. Ardith is surprised by this, as the Celt is significantly smaller than the Saxon, but still shows no fear of her. Instead, the Celt threatens the more powerful female with growls and roars. It's a distinct first impression. The intervention of Fiacre and Niamh is the only thing that makes the Dierdre back down.

Soon after, the sisters figure out the neither Red nor Ardith seems to agree with the Elders' mission and find themselves in better standing with them.

Dierdre takes off, accompanied by Red, to hunt for their evening meal, while Ardith remains behind with the somewhat shy but sweet Keary. The two become fast friends and Ardith finds that Keary is extremely intelligent despite her youth and her older sister excels in strategy, though bears a rash streak that tends to activate whenever Keary is involved. She immediately takes interest in them and encourages them to be careful in their dealings with the Legere to prevent from being trapped by the conniving Elders.

After the sisters agree to join the Legere, Red and Ardith leave with their small contingent of Elders. In a conversation during their return, Red asks what she thinks of the Celts.

"Keary is a flower in bloom," she replies, "I have no doubt she'll be priceless one day, she already shows the signs of a great healer and tough survivor. Dierdre... She is the shadow that all wise ones fear, the one you can't always predict and cannot control. Those two will change the world as we know it. Whether that is for the worse or for the better depends on them."

A few months later, the sisters join the Legere, but Dierdre declares that they will not join a Pride unless it is led by Red, who she soon after gives the name Kasai, meaning "fire". After a long argument, the Elders agree, and the four immediately become a Pride. Keary gives Ardith her pride name, Tatsu, meaning "strength", explaining that strength is found in many forms and that Ardith seems to embody them all. Soon after, Deirdre, now called "Gyosei", finds them an easily defensible cave for the Pride to settle into. This is, of course, against the wishes of the Elders who desire to keep the fledgling Pride within the barracks where they can be carefully observed, but after several kidnapping attempts and failed midnight raids by the other Prides, Gyosei has had enough. It is one of many rebellious acts she performs in which Tatsu supports her.

Tatsu and Gyosei form a friendship based on their mutual respect and become among the closest companions in the Pride. Gyosei rekindles Tatsu's desire to forge her own path and encourages her rebellious side, while Tatsu supports Gyosei in and out of combat, acting as both advisor and defender as the need arises. She also teaches Gyosei how to handle the Elders with a certain level of tact, which the younger griffiness doesn't originally use. She has a habit of using creative insults and unpleasant explatives whenever the Elders attempt to make her or her sister do anything that she does not approve of. Tatsu's lessons and interventions are just enough to keep these arguments from coming to blows.

She also quickly learns of Gyosei's ability to see spirits and interpret the nature of those who bear them, finding those the Pride could trust and those they couldn't. Tatsu uses this to the Pride's advantage, often asking Gyosei what she "sees" before interacting with anyone. It is through this that they find Tatsu's future mate, Kogarashi, to be trustworthy and recruit him into the Pride.

Tatsu forever acts as the Pride's best defender and second-in-command, adding to their numbers and helping them adapt until they recruit all nine griffins.


Spirit: Richtschnur (Rich-nor)

Color: Siver/Grey

Animal: German Shepherd

Abilities: Toughening, Intuition


Richtschnur serves as more of a conscience for Tatsu than anything else. Without the deeply engrained connection to her spirit that the Celts have, she lacks the control that the sisters have over theirs. After Keary helps Tatsu discover this connection, she learns of a few tricks that Richtschnur has, including one that toughens her hide so that she is injured less and another that is basically and accute intuition of those who would fit well into her new family, the Pride. Richtschnur also encourages Tatsu's protective nature and aids her in caring for the others by alerting her when they are in danger.

In the spirit realm, Richtschnur is a large German Shepherd with silver where there would usually be brown and patches of darker grey rather than black.


*Griffins born in the Legere are not given an officially recognized name until they join a Pride. The names in a Pride will often follow a similar theme or stem from the same language (as is the case with Kasai's pride, all of the names are Japanese words or phrases). This is meant to create a tighter bond amongst a Pride, which ideally helps the group work and fight well together. As Prides are often sent out to attempt to settle in new areas, preventing an overpopulation of griffins in any one place, it is essential that the unit have strong bonds.

Griffins born outside the Legere are given a new name which they are expected to use, though some prefer to keep to their old name, a practice which is greatly frowned upon. Some, like Gyosei and Miso, will keep both names, giving their birth names only to those who they feel close to, while using their Pride names in day-to-day life.

**Though there isn't a huge variation in the lion half of griffins, the bird half can be any bird of prey. It is this that defines many of the griffin's characteristics, both behavioral and physical. I tend to use the bird types as a guide for coloration and head shape as well as physique. These types are also indicative of the griffin in question's homeland or culture. Though the map I have designed for this world is much different than our own, the cultures and origins are based off of real-life peoples whose cultures, I try my best to accurately mimic in my griffins.

***The Soulstone is a physical home for the griffin's spirit upon his or her death (though there are a few rare cases of griffins using the stone before their demise, but it is a great mystery as to how or why this would occur). The stone will take on a shape based on the griffin's "ability" and can grant part or all of the griffin's "ability" to its bearer. The stone also provides the griffin with the opportunity for rebirth, though this can only be used once and the griffin can only take over the body of a creature with a soul matching its own and can only merge into an intact body. Because of this, rebirth is incredibly rare and can occur centuries or even millennia after the griffin's death.

Keary: fav.me/dbr3spq

Dierdre: fav.me/dc12uc7
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Comments: 7

queenofeagles [2019-05-30 14:41:01 +0000 UTC]

looks great! there is some real depth in that eye, wow!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

VictoriaFox2015 In reply to queenofeagles [2019-06-04 22:09:24 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! Her face came out right, but her shoulders didn't. I'll have to try again. She's definitely one of my deeper characters and I try to express that in her face.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

queenofeagles In reply to VictoriaFox2015 [2019-06-12 10:03:38 +0000 UTC]

the face is more important than shoulders anyway and harder too, so well done!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

VictoriaFox2015 In reply to queenofeagles [2019-07-10 20:09:04 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! When I do her prints, I might just crop them a little, see if that works. Lol

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

AayushmanK [2019-02-07 04:27:08 +0000 UTC]

Very elegant and well detailed work. Great job! I think I like Ardith more.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

VictoriaFox2015 In reply to AayushmanK [2019-02-07 04:31:32 +0000 UTC]

Thanks, I really appreciate the feedback! And me too, honestly. Think I'll have her go by Ardith a lot more in the books than I originally planned.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AayushmanK In reply to VictoriaFox2015 [2019-02-07 04:37:14 +0000 UTC]

That's great

👍: 0 ⏩: 0