Violyte64 — Gem (MLP) Reference

Published: 2013-08-29 03:37:48 +0000 UTC; Views: 2269; Favourites: 37; Downloads: 11
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Description Name – Amethyst Garnet Aquamarine Kunzite

Nickname(s) – Gem (self-given)

Species – Ghost Unicorn

Gender - Male

Age – 270,866 (mortal equivalent of 27)

Occupation – Mine owner

Specific Powers/Abilities – Ghost magic (ability to levitate short heights, become invisible, and pass through solid obstacles), as well as dark magic. Considerably skilled in both.

Background/History – Bloodstone's slightly younger brother, raised on part of the range of mountains called Unicorn Range. From the very beginning, Bloodstone was favored over Gem in nearly every way, by everyone—including their parents. The two shared a sibling rivalry that shows few signs of letting up even in their adult years, save for being much more one-sided. Bloodstone never had anything against Gem, though; he just picked on him and belittled him a lot, as older siblings often do.

The opposite is not true at all, however. Gem DESPISES Bloodstone. His self-image became so deplorable and his hatred so deeply-rooted that by the time he was about 170,000 (17 in mortal years), he'd had enough and ran away from home. He'd attempted this on a few other occasions, but this time he never changed his mind, and made sure his tracks were well-covered by a blizzard. Attempts by his family to locate him were fruitless.

Despite not being found, leaving home in the middle of a blizzard may not have been the best idea for Gem. His eyesight has always been terrible; he can only see up to about a foot in front of him, and even then it's really blurry. Normally he would rely on his heightened senses of sound, touch, and smell to get around, as well as magic, but in a blizzard, even all of that was useless. He may have remained lost for days or stumbled off the edge of a steep cliff had he not been found by Lazuli Luster, an earth pony who happened to run into him on her way home.

Having been raised on a mountaintop, Lazuli was much more adept at navigating through blizzards, and was kind enough to bring him to temporarily stay at her home in a tiny village tucked away on the other side of the mountain. The trek took 3 days, and the blizzard never stopped even when they reached the village.

A week after they reached the village, the blizzard had stopped, though Gem no longer had any intentions to leave, and Lazuli was in no rush to kick him out. The two had grown a close bond during their journey, and during his stay. Unfortunately, Lazuli was a living being, and Gem is a ghost. They stayed together until she and their two children eventually died of old age and illness.

Gem learned his lesson all to well. He immediately left the mountain range that held so many bitter memories for him, and settled on leaving to find a home away from mortals, whether that meant he'd be alone or among the undead. He traveled a fairly long distance before finding a suitable place in the Everfree Forest to make his home, knowing full and well that very few mortal ponies ever went there. Having a home in such a treacherous place was daunting at first, even for a ghost, but he has since improved his powers enough not to have to worry about the dangers of the forest, which has become somewhat familiar to him despite its mysterious property of constantly changing.

After about 100,000 years of relative solitude in the Everfree Forest, he accidentally came across the opening of a series of caverns at the bottom of a dried-up ravine, tucked away behind a cover of vines. While he could sense that there was a strong curse laid upon it, the curse seemed to have no affect on him, and he couldn't recognize what exactly its effects were—presumably because this particular curse had no effect on the dead. Whether the curse had been cast upon the caverns by someone, or existed naturally, he couldn't guess. Out of curiosity, he decided to investigate.

Once he'd reached a fair distance into the caverns, Gem found that it was rich with precious gemstones growing in crystalline structures both large and small. The main “hub” of the cavern, the epicenter, was a large room filled emeralds that emitted a natural, eerie glow for some reason. From what he could tell, the cavern's curse was much weaker in the emerald-filled room for whatever reason. From this room, the cavern's tunnels branched off into four other directions, all leading to smaller “rooms.” He did find himself having to fend off powerful creatures dwelling in some areas of the caverns—mostly spiders, bats, salamanders, and some other forms of cave life—but he was equipped enough to do so with his own magic.

One room deeper into the cave grew rubies, one grew diamonds, another grew topaz, and the last grew sapphires, all emitting the same eerie glow as the emeralds, albeit with the color of the glow corresponding to that of the gems. None of these other gemstones were void of the curse, as the emeralds were, though the topaz room was noticeably much less cold than the rest of the caverns—oddly, it was a perfectly comfortable temperature. Each of the types of gemstones seemed to possess magical qualities of their own accord, though Gem couldn't precisely determine what those were on his own. He did, however, know there existed ponies who went through extensive training to identify such enchantments, curses, spells, and the like—and offered this skill as a service.

The nearest such pony he could find was one named Beckett (but preferred the nickname “Chillie,” in reference to her secondary specialty of elemental ice magic)—another ghost unicorn like himself. She agreed to meet up with him just outside Everfree Forest and go with him to investigate the cave to determine its exact nature, as well as that of the gemstones, for a price she would propose afterward, depending on how difficult the job ended up being.

Upon entering the cave, she was able to determine that its curse did not occur naturally—someone had laid it there purposefully several hundred thousand years ago, probably to prevent anyone from finding the hordes of enchanted gemstones within. This curse pointedly did not affect the dead, assumedly because whoever laid the curse considered the possibility that they may come back in the afterlife, and would still want ownership of the cave and its contents, though clearly this did not turn out to be the case. Luckily for whoever cast the curse, the Everfree Forest was the perfect location to do so, as it has a tendency to fuel curses and other anomalous magic within it, thus making the curse able to last infinitely.

Chillie was a tad unsettled at probing the curse's effects on the living. Any living being who would try to enter the cave would be overwhelmed by an intense sense of fear and paranoia, urging them to turn back. If they continued more than a few steps into the cave's entrance, the curse would intensify, and they would begin to have hallucinations of a terrifying entity chasing after them, thus assuring no one would ever make it far enough into the cave to find anything of value inside. On top of that, after the synthetic fear would wear off, anyone affected by the curse would have no memory of the cave or its location—only that they just escaped from something terrifying. From this, Chillie deduced the gemstones growing inside the cave must be incredibly valuable, as their original discoverer had clearly gone to great lengths to make sure no one else would find them.

Gem led her to every variety of gemstone he could find inside the caves, and Chillie was able to identify their properties—other than emitting a natural glow.

The emeralds had the ability to repel disease and sickness, as well as negative magic such as curses, though this effect was limited, and did not destroy these things entirely—only repelled them from whoever had possession of the emerald. The curse laid on the cave was so strong that even the huge quantities of emeralds was not enough to completely repel it from the room, and their range was too limited to repel it from the entire cave.

The rubies had a quality similar to some common love spells—whoever had one would become somewhat more romantically desirable to one being of their choice (pony or otherwise). This effect was not intense enough to cause any kind of abnormal obsession or admiration, however—there was no guarantee the intended target would even partake.

The sapphires held a calming sort of quality, able to suppress negative emotions such as anger or sadness, to an extent.

The topaz acted as a shield from the cold, keeping anyone who had possession of one from ever being cold. Even Chillie's icy spells had no effect on them, or on Gem when he held one. The topaz itself did not emit heat, but rather, repelled the cold.

The diamonds had arguably the most desirable power of them all—the power to enhance the flying abilities of any pegasus who had one, or increase the magical skills of any unicorn who had one—though its ability to do so was limited. The diamonds would not enhance the abilities of anyone who already had considerable power, and by extension, would have no effect on an alicorn.

All of these gemstones' powers could be suppressed with the correct spells, but because of their natural qualities, would be considered incredibly valuable. On top of this, the cave was later observed to grow these gemstones at a rapid pace—missing crystalline formations could be seen regrowing a mere week after being collected. Because Chillie's service was one that required several years—or even decades—of training, and was rather hard to find, a regular job was already quite expensive, but given what an incredible find this was, she set a very high price that Gem would have to make several payments on.

Luckily, getting the money wasn't too incredibly difficult when you had a nearly endless supply of enchanted gemstones to sell. Though it certainly wasn't love at first sight, Gem and Chillie grew closer over time, and by the time he'd paid off his entire debt, they'd become a couple, and later on married and moved in together in the Everfree Forest, not very far from the cursed caverns. They named the caves “Pentakis Caverns,” in reference to the five varieties of gemstones that grew in it.

Without many available resources, Gem and Chillie weren't able to make a very sizeable profit off of the cave, and so they hired Peril and Grievous Pyralis as miners, since they were capable ghosts and in need of a well-paying job. Later on, Jewel was born(?) and she is now the apprentice of a jewelry crafter, able to make some simple types of jewelry out of the gemstones found in Pentakis Caverns—which still remains secret to anyone outside of Gem's family. Chillie, of course, has little to do with this operation, still offering her services as an enchantment identifier.

Today, the enchanted gemstone-selling operation still runs well, and Gem's family makes a very good living off of it, as well as Chillie's job to add to the income.

Personality – Fickle, easily offended and angered, and too quick to judge or form a definite opinion of things. Gem doesn't have much confidence in himself outside of his magical skills, though he can usually hide this well by acting enraged when insulted, rather than letting on how hurt he actually is by it. He's adopted the habits of Peril and Grievous, and acts much as they do, joking around and getting a kick out of the misfortunes of others, pulling pranks, and the like (though this may also be attributed to Bloodstone's mild bullying earlier on). There is, however, a better side to him, though only those closest to him ever get to see it. He does try to help others in that he gives advice based on his own experiences, and tries hard to prevent anyone from making mistakes he's made, though sometimes he comes off as being negative and even bossy when doing this. He is somewhat of a pessimist, as well as a very (and somewhat understandably) overprotective husband and father.

Habits – Even though he can't see well at all, he will still look at you in the eye when speaking to you, given he knows where you are (which he usually does). Possibly his strangest habit is that he sleeps with his eyes open. Since he doesn't breathe, he looks more like an inanimate corpse than a ghost in his sleep.

Body – As he is a ghost pony, he doesn't require food, water, or air—he's already dead. He can be physically harmed, even severely so, but being immortal, he will always survive it, regardless of how long his wounds take to heal. Ghost ponies are also immune to infectious diseases, though not allergies. Gem is rather small and somewhat malnourished (though this isn't really a health concern since he's already dead). His mane and tail are a little on the greasy side. His ears are larger than average. His eyesight is very poor; he can only see up to about a foot away (and even then, what he can see is blurry).

Relatives/Family – Younger brother to Bloodstone, husband to Chillie, and father to Jewel.
(Previously husband to Lazuli and father to two mortal earth ponies)

Sexual Description – Strictly heterosexual. Doesn't usually last very long due to his heightened senses, which includes very sensitive touch.

Chillie's Reference: vibrantechoes.deviantart.com/a…

Gem © VibrantEchoes
My Little Pony © Hasbro
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Comments: 14

leafeonsnivy [2013-11-13 04:29:45 +0000 UTC]

Very interesting pony... I like it!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MentalFloss [2013-09-09 05:46:25 +0000 UTC]

I rather like this ghost pony concept.  It's very interesting! :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

TCrayon [2013-09-06 02:04:25 +0000 UTC]

I like him

T.crayon:Um..H...hello*Smiles weakly*

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

vindurza [2013-08-29 04:22:52 +0000 UTC]

he doesn't seem to have a good diet judging by his figure

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Violyte64 In reply to vindurza [2013-08-29 04:52:56 +0000 UTC]

He's always been that way. Half the reason is because the designs of all of my ghost OCs reflect what they were like before they died in some way.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

vindurza In reply to Violyte64 [2013-08-29 04:55:09 +0000 UTC]

If that is a reflection of how he died then it must be very tragic

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Violyte64 In reply to vindurza [2013-08-29 05:20:13 +0000 UTC]

He died at the age of 6 due to a deformity that kept him from being able to retain much of anything he ate, thus causing malnutrition and death.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

vindurza In reply to Violyte64 [2013-08-29 10:36:50 +0000 UTC]

Poor guy

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

TheStalkerBunny [2013-08-29 04:03:09 +0000 UTC]

One word
Fabulous background it fits him very well
Can't wait to see the rest of them!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

CrucifyTheWolf [2013-08-29 04:01:16 +0000 UTC]

OwO Wait a minute..he uses the magic Sombra uses?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Violyte64 In reply to CrucifyTheWolf [2013-08-29 04:03:26 +0000 UTC]

Well, yeah, but dark magic isn't just limited to Sombra's use. If Twilight can learn it just from watching Celestia use it then I don't see why Gem couldn't have picked it up.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CrucifyTheWolf In reply to Violyte64 [2013-08-29 04:12:52 +0000 UTC]

I was just wondering. 
And that is true, seeing how Twilight just LEARNED it from Celestia just by watching her.
All in all, Gem looks amazing as a pony, and the dark magic use really fits him perfectly. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Violyte64 In reply to CrucifyTheWolf [2013-08-29 04:52:12 +0000 UTC]

Yeah at first I was under the impression it was like really rarely-used and complicated powerful magic and then she just sees ONE SPELL and has it down perfectly and I'm like "...wat"

and thanks :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CrucifyTheWolf In reply to Violyte64 [2013-08-29 05:20:28 +0000 UTC]

I know right ?!I think that's what made me think "Yeah..she's gonna become something powerful later on', Who'd a think that'd actually happen later on?My only shock was that they decided to make her an ALICORN VERY early.

And welcome :3.

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