Vivaliis — Ref | Sol by-nc-nd

#design #horse #mare #ref #unicorn #referencesheet
Published: 2018-12-28 02:30:25 +0000 UTC; Views: 1651; Favourites: 61; Downloads: 4
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Basic writing again, as always

She clearly was made only to be an addition to my boy :") I take it back, she is precious and I love her


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Name: Sol Coalishenko

    Nickname: ---

Gender: Mare

Age: 27 (human years)

Race: Pure unicorn

    Mineral: Padparadscha Sapphire

    Hardness: 9

Breed: Light mix

Height: 14,1hh

Coat: Silver wild amber champagne + bend or spots

Genotype: Ee Aa nCh nZ??

Husband: Vladislav

Children: 7 ( 6 y/o triplets (Isabella, Gabriella and Nicholas ), 3 y/o Charlotte , 1 y/o Leonard , on the way Evangeline and yet to come Diaderik )

Country: Kingdom of Untainted Unicorns

    Otherwise named the Unicorn Kingdom, the Kingdom of Untainted Unicorns is the only country in the world with the population composed with pure unicorns only. All other races (common horses, pegasuses and mixes) are not allowed to enter the country. To access the country as a traveler, you need to have genetic tests done. The Unicorn Kingdom is one of few monarchy countries with the difference of being an elective monarchy. The people here are divided into three groups: common people, nobles and king. Commons have all rights except the right to vote for the king and applying to be one. Although these limitations, commons with diamond or rare mineral horns can become nobles. Nobles are the group with special treatment, they are treated as "better" (more about them below) and they have right both to vote for the king and become one. The new king is elected when nobles decide the old one became useless or bad. There is only the rank of a king; if a king gets married, their partner does not become a queen. All citizens except regular information in ID has additional information about their mineral hardness measured via Moh's scale. Unicorns who did more complex and expensive test have also the mineral name written in the ID.

City: Estermere

    Estemere is considered the oldest "cave" city in the whole country, at the same time being a capital. It is placed entirely inside the mountain, in a few different caves separated by tens of kilometers. To access the city or go through all the parts of it you need to take a high-speed train. The city is completely separated from the "outside world" making it a place with no natural light. For half of the day, city lamps are turned on and for the other half, it's completely dark (which is not a problem for unicorns because of their ability to see in complete darkness). The city is provided with oxygen from outside thanks to a special aeration system. Estermere is located in place being crystal deposits and crystal shards can be seen everywhere. Most of the buildings are "scaled" with the cave, but there are also ones build on the flat ground. In the oldest part of the city, a big decorated castle can be found. The castle is home to the current king. In each part of the city, few "artificial" parks are made, with real plants being kept alive with sunlight lamps. Living here is extremely expensive because of limited space.

Job/Status: Noblewoman/Royalty

    Sol became a noble to help her family financially. As a noble, she didn't have to do anything, nobles do not have any real job and they get money from the king. She was not really interested in royal meetings or other events until she met Vladislav. She doesn't have any side job as because of the rarity of her stone, she receives extra funds. The only one real obligation nobles need to do is reproduction. Each king gives different "orders" on how many children each noble mare should have (with other nobles, not commons), current king's number is 4 per mare. Mares are the most important part of the noble community and they have the most power, they are also the ones who choose the partners, males are not allowed to ask for a "night stand". As a mare, Sol had to give birth to some children but because she was raised in a religious family, her moral code did not allow her to breed with random stallions. She has few children with her husband. She goes everywhere with Vladislav, who taught her how to be a noble and helped her with getting a high rank.


Caring | Cheerful | Farsighted | Generous | Optimistic | Sentimental | Maternal | Religious | Shy | Overimaginative | Submissive

    The mare has been soft-hearted since the very beginning. For her, the whole community should help each other and that's the path she follows. She helps everyone as much as she can believing that good aura will come back to her in the future. Always with a smile on her face, she supports anyone needing her which often makes her overworking herself.

    During free time, she loves to come back to her memories and also imagine the future. Every second of her past is something extremely important to her. But not only the past is essential as so is her future. She cannot be sure about it but she is trying to think about it in the positive light, after all, she doesn't have any reason to think differently. Spending long hours analyzing possible outcomes of her actions in a long way, she tends to do it spontaneously approaching any situation that could result in any sort of an accident.

    Being raised in a religious family, Sol naturally absorbed teachings of her parents. She prays to all 3 gods equally, trying not to make any of them more special from others.

    Sol has never been the soul of the company. She prefers to not be the center of attention but she sure enjoys the company of others. She feels the best among people she already knows and going to some crowded places or trying to make new friends is a really hard task for her. With people close to her, she feels save but she often lets them do more than they should with her. She lets them control herself trying to not be seen as rude.


(I was a bit tired writing this so sorry for my mistakes and basic writing gfherjw)

    Sol was born and raised in an indigent, traditional family. Her parents were very religious and took care of her with obliging her to a lot of responsibilities. They also were very strict and the young mare had to follow a lot of rules.

    While attending public schools and doing many extra classes, she was helping with household duties in free time. The school was important to her and she has been trying to get the best grades possible. Her dream was to go to college and achieve something "more" in her life. Her parents were not wealthy but they supported their daughter. Her mother took care of the home while her father worked overtime as a jeweler to raise funds for her future.

    When she was in high school, her father suddenly becomes ill. He no longer could work full-time and after some time he got forced to quit. From that moment, the mother was forced to work various side jobs to somehow support her family. The illness of the father required buying expensive medicines, which was not helping. Sol, just after finishing the school, abandoned her dreams about college. It was a hard choice for her but mother overworking herself and father suffering from the illness made her realize that college can wait for her. She started to work wherever she could to gain some additional funds for the family budget.

    Some time passed but the situation did not change. Even if Sol supported her mother, they still were not able to live a normal way. The need of medicines increased and both of them needed to work even more. The father could not watch them working so hard. He knew something about his daughter but has always tried to keep it for himself. However, this was the only thing he could do for her at this time.

    He did not know if it was a good idea to tell it to her, but some actions had to be done. "She can always refuse, I am not forcing her to do anything" he repeated to himself. The time has come and the father told the truth, Sol's mineral was padparadscha sapphire, a very rare variety that could be immediately accepted by the noble community. The first reaction of Sol was not the most positive one. She could not abandon her family and dreams! She could not become an imitation of a successful person! She did not know much about nobles but they definitely were not a group Sol would want to be a part of. They all seemed fake and the need of giving birth as an obligation scared her. On the other hand, no matter how she looked at this, it seemed to be the best option. With the money from simply existing, she could support both herself and her parents.

    After many sleepless nights, the mare ended up accepting father's proposition. She was not the happiest with it but the need of helping parents was stronger than her personal likes. When she told them about her decision, the father gave her his last savings to pay for the mineral test. It was required to apply for a noble status and even if it was a dangerous move, there was nothing to lose for him.

    The test has been done and the suspicion has been confirmed. Sol sure was a rare gem... that did not make her happy though. She secretly wished that her father was wrong. With these results, her future has been decided. Not long after that, she met the king to talk about her application. Sol has officially become a noble.

    Along with profits of royal status, Sol got responsibilities. Being a noble mare, she needed to move from her family house and start her "new" life. She obviously was super stressed because of this. Moving to some exclusive place and being surrounded by high-class people she saw only on tv or newspaper was not something she dreamed of. Her parents promised to visit her as often as they could and Sol promised them to send half of her payment every single month. It was more than they needed but she did not accept any "no".

    Sol moved to the capital, she had been told it was the best place to start, to both rank up and make some friends. The prices of even the smallest single-family houses were definitely out of reach for her and so, she decided to rent a small flat for a while, until she maybe finds something better. Living alone, far from family and friends gave her some time to think about her decisions. She had to get used to her current situation and to all this darkness inside the capital city. The future days didn't seem bright for her.

    Some time passed and Sol got truly bored of all of this. She had thought she would be forced to really be a part of the noble community but in reality, she was doing nothing except talking to her parents and friends on phone all day. She tried to explore the city a bit but going anywhere alone was making her uncomfortable after a while. She tried not to think about the whole "3 children rule". Finding someone she could love in this place seemed impossible for her and random stallions just weren't an option. Instead of this, she started to think about maybe making a friend. After all, then she would not feel so alone; having someone she can meet with.

    One day Sol paid attention to the letters in her mailbox. She had been receiving them for some time but she never has been in the right mood to open any. All of them were about some "balls" or "meetings". The king told that nobles have some sort of special meetings but she hasn't ever felt a need of learning more about them. However, the boredom won. Maybe she could give it a try?

    Even if she was against it, she decided to go to one or two of such meetings. When the day of her first noble ball has come, she took the only dress she had and leave. Despite her being 20 minutes too early, there were tons of people inside. She wasn't sure what to do, it was her first time among that number of nobles. As a result, she was just standing quietly, observing them. To her surprise, nobody talked to her more than simply greetings. The event ended but... she was both disappointed and happy because she didn't talk to anyone.

    The ball turned out to not be that scary as she thought. She started to go to these events regularly, trying to be more confident and not just stay in the corner. With every new event, more people began to have small talk with her. Mostly the ones that she met were mares as somehow stallions didn't want to approach her. She met some nice horses to talk with but they were not always around so she mostly was standing alone, too shy to do anything herself.

    One time at a ball a lone white stallion approached her. The stallion was not a random noble but Vladislav Coalishenko, a very popular man in the kingdom. Sol knew him, she saw him everywhere, he was some sort of a celebrity after all. Even if she was able to feel comfortable while talking to regular nobles, this man was a way more known person, which made her extremely nervous. The stallion noticed her stress and didn't bother her too much, leaving after a while.

    Sol started to see Vlad more often. The stallion has always been on every single event but since he met her, he has been trying to be closer. He was approaching her almost every single time, with each time being more and more talkative. The fame of Vlad stopped being a problem for the mare and she began being really happy with his companion. Not much time has passed and Sol started meeting the white stallion even besides the events.

    The more time they've spent together, the more Sol was feeling to him. Vladislav was more than happy to show her everything she was scared to see alone and explain her everything she was not sure about. He showed her the capital, the castle and some other places. He explained her everything about noble life and helped her with her problems. Vlad had a busy life but he tried to give her as much attention as she needed. Sol was really happy during every single second spent with him.

    It didn't take her long to realize she was in love with him. Her mind was full of thoughts about a long-term relationship, marriage, and even kids. She wanted to be with him but she also knew how strong Vlad's belief in noble rules was. As a noble mare, she was the "man" in a relationship and she should be the one who asks about living together or propose... which, of course, was a bit odd to her. Her feeling towards Vladislav was strong but she could not convince herself to these unusual rules. At the same time, she knew her dearest would not break any of them. Eventually, with the advice of her friends and parents, Sol decided to follow the noble way of living, it was the only way for her to stay with her love.

    The mare was not sure if Vlad would accept her request of officially being a pair and living together though she had to ask him, she had to hear the answer. After all, he was a true celebrity while she was only a new noble mare from a poor family... however, the white stallion accepted. He was more than happy to take her to his home and be with her. He confided in her that he also thought about it for a long time but it would be rude for a stallion to ask a noble mare anything like this. Sol, living with her dearest, started to believe more and more in both herself and their relationship.

    Not a long time passed and Sol got enough confidence to propose to Vlad, what he also accepted with a big smile on his face. Living as a marriage made Sol feel more complete. She supported her husband as much as she could. She loved him and let him live the noble life he wanted, even if she was not really happy with him meeting other mares. But no matter what he did, she has always tried to be by his side.

    Years passed and Sol's maternal instincts went on. Vlad happily gave her the children she wanted. With a bigger family, they bought a bigger villa. Sol was taking care of her children while Vlad, not always being home, was trying his best to reconcile his noble and family life.

    Sol does not care about her noble status but she tries her best to not look bad at the side of her husband. She loves him and shows it clearly in her own way, supporting him and giving him children.


Mother: ---

Father: ---

Siblings: none


    - Never ever takes off her wedding ring. It's a very important thing for her and not wearing it makes her uncomfortable. The possibility of losing it makes her shivers.

    - She adores her children more than anything in the world but often gets tired of them as Vlad, unfortunately, is not a full-time father.

    - Just let her watch tv shows all day and give her some cookie ice creams, she will be the happiest mare in the world.

Art, design & character (c) Vivaliis

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