Vixie-Bee — Pokemon-Amie: Drei by-nc-nd

#gimp #opensource #mypaint
Published: 2013-12-02 11:00:41 +0000 UTC; Views: 3493; Favourites: 51; Downloads: 0
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Description Ahhhh, no joke, I am so excited for this group! So, yeah. App time!  


Pokemon: #683 Spritzee
Nickname: Was nicknamed Maddy at the Pokemon Centre where she was raised, and changed her name to Madreika when she was given the Dittech. Her band mates have taken to calling her Drei, and she will sometimes introduce herself as such.
Gender: Female
Birthdate: April 11th
Current Age: 21 Years Old
Orientation: Pansexual. Dominantly interested in men.


Father: Wilbur | Spritzee
Mother: Chacha | Aromatisse
Siblings: Kiki | Malik | Dommy | Paton | Others(unknown, see history)

Romantic Partner: Open
Offspring: N/A

~Pokemon Stats~

Faction: None
Current Level: 28
Nature: Bold [+Defense/-Attack]
Sweet Kiss: The user kisses the target with a sweet, angelic cuteness that causes confusion.
Echoed Voice: The user attacks the target with an echoing voice. If this move is used every turn, it does greater damage.
Calm Mind: The user quietly focuses its mind and calms its spirit to raise its Sp. Atk and Sp. Def stats.
Draining Kiss: The user steals the target's energy with a kiss. The user's HP is restored by over half of the damage taken by the target.

~Battle Stats~
Attack:          **
Defense:       ****
Speed:          ***
Sp. Attack:    **
Sp. Defense: **

Residence: Even in her Spritzee form, she prefers to stay in human communities. As she is unable to fly, going out into the forest or tall grass can be dangerous for her.

~PokeHuman Stats~

Occupation: She is the singer in a Melodic Death Metal band called Vengeful Burial Cofagrigus. She spends most of her time practicing or doing shows with her band, but as they are a small band just starting out, they all have part-time jobs on the side to make sure they can pay the rent and buy groceries. She works at a cafe near their apartment.
Town Residence: She lives in a two-bedroom apartment/studio with two of her band mates in Southern Lumiose City. Their apartment is in the top floor of a three story building that has a small mom and pop pizza shop on the ground floor and a pub on the second floor. The place is relatively soundproofed, but even with the noise they make they don't ever get in trouble, as the bar and pizza shop are open late(and the bar is very loud on it's own, as it has live bands at least twice a week), and the building belongs to the drummer's father. She gets her own room, but shares half of it with their equipment.


Drei has a small chin, round cheeks, and a fairly prominent nose. Her eyes are the same colour in her Pokehuman form as in Spritzee form(gradient red to white), but everyone always assumes they are coloured contact lenses. She supports this assumption whole-heartedly. She also has prominent inner eyes sockets, which can sometimes make her look tired. Her lips are naturally pale, but she always wears dark lipstick to cover that. Her hair is long, thick, wavy and pink, and she takes great pride in it.

She is lean and actually more muscular than she appears, as she works out every day. She has a small waits and a long torso and legs.She can't do push-ups, but makes sure to do a bit of weight lifting with her arm. She is 5'6". Her skin is very pale, and she is sure to brush some pink blush on her nose, shoulders and cheeks every day to give herself a bit more colour.

When it comes to fashion, she is somewhat of a Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde. When with her band, she wears what you would expect from a metal band singer. Dark clothing, ripped jeans, other bands shirts, often DIY'd into short dresses, and tall chunky boots. The band also doesn't shy away from corpse paint, which she finds incredibly fun to wear. When at the cafe, however, she always puts her hair in fishtail braids or fancy up-do's, wears girly button down shirts, crisp skinny jeans and sometimes even jewellery. When she goes out on the town, it's a coin flip what she'll wear. Undoubtedly, though, in either style she is almost always wearing her white studded belt.

Because of her arm, Madreika mods a lot of her clothing so that sleeves won't hang by her side. Again, the style of the clothing is what decides whether has a bandmate help her neatly sew a sleeve closed, or if she just ties it in a knot and calls it a day.



Madreika is extremely adventurous, enthusiastic, and energetic. This lends itself well to the stage, where she has to maintain high energy levels for long periods of time. It is a rare moment that someone makes a suggestion that she turns down, and it is her greatest dream to have a show big enough that she can surf the crowd. She is always jumping onto and off of things and people, with little thought to her own safety. She doesn't always have a great attention span. She actually exhibits quite a few symptoms of ADHD, but is not diagnosed.

She doesn't shy away from risks or challenges, no matter how great, and would always rather try something she thinks she'll fail rather than just decide from the beginning that she can't do it. She is very impulsive, and doesn't delve deeply into thinking about what is good in the long term, and also sometimes gets extremely excited about really bad ideas. Or really dangerous ideas. She can come off as a daredevil because of her refusal to say no. Because of her impulsive, adventurous nature, she can also be incredibly impatient, especially when someone is deliberating a topic or idea that she already thinks she knows the answer to. In these situations she can get very pissy, and her band likes to joke that she is the quintessential lead singer.

Although they usually take her in stride, she has been bad enough on occasion to have her band mates request she take a time out, creating long-running joke that anytime anyone is being brash and grumpy they need to be "sent to the Drei corner". This kind of behaviour often arrises from a part of Mareika that enjoys the human life so much that sometimes she forgets that she is not just living a dream, but actually living a real life, where other people have feelings and aspirations. After taking some time to think about these situations, she is often the first to come out and apologize, as she usually understands after some meditation and reflection when she is in the wrong. This doesn't mean that she won't repeat the behaviour later, but she tries her best.

She is also a very confident person. It's not often that she has a "bad hair day", and less often that she would admit to having one. Even when her day starts out badly, she tends to try to wrestle it into being a good day. She is very dynamic, and will never just lay down and let bad things happen to her(or someone she cares about). She can sometimes step on toes in trying to help people fix problems that aren't her place to fix. She is very courageous and protective of people, and doesn't mind putting herself in harms way if it means helping another person. She is relatively well meaning, and really friendly, but doesn't always make the best decisions for herself or others.

She can also be very, very quick-tempered. In her two years living as a human, she has already been in a handful of brawls. Although she can trash talk with the best of them, she has a hair-trigger, and things can go from what appears to be relatively moderate ribbing to volitile situation very quickly with her. She also isn't afraid to hit someone if she thinks they deserve it, although she does try to contain that impulse.

Drei was born to a male Spritzee and female Aromatisse who belonged to a small-time Spritzee breeder in Camphrier Town, the youngest of far too many siblings. The breeder(who's name Drei was never told) had started off small, but eventually decided they wanted to breed a differently coloured Spritzee, in the hopes of selling the rare Pokemon for a lot of money. Unfortunately, the breeder knew nothing at all of breeding, or of taking care of large numbers of Pokemon. The breeder was never able to breed a shiny, but Drei, along with several of her siblings, did suffer sometimes crippling injuries or illnesses due to the breeder's negligence.

Drei was very young when the authorities were officially alerted to the abuse that was taking place in the environment in which she was born. Many of the Pokemon who were used in the breeding mill either didn't make it, or had already been given away, but her family was lucky. Her parents, herself, and her four older siblings, as well as a few other Spritzee families, were taken from there immediately, and the breeder was arrested. She was so young that she has nothing but vague memories of what happened there. They were then transported to the Pokemon Centre for emergency care which, for some of them, turned into a long term scenario. Drei was one of the Spritzees who was kept at the Pokemon Centre long term, as her underdeveloped wing and inability to fly made the staff at the Camphrier Pokecentre doubt her ability to survive on her own in the wild. As such, she ended up becoming a somewhat spoiled Pokecentre Pokemon, free to wander about and visit with the patients and their trainers. She became very fond of human beings in the years she spent there.

Outside of her time actively in the Pokecentre, she was taken in by the elderly head Dr. Mai, who had a fondness for pink and an empty nest at home, with her children grown and her husband having died years before. She was a very ornery companion Pokemon at first, being bossy and not wanting to listen, but over the years, Mai's patience did great things for the nearly feral Spritzee's personality and behaviour. Mai was fond of Opera and Blues, and they would spend nights with the Spritzee snuggled in her lap as she read and they listened to music together. They would also sing often, and she went with Mai every weekend to the children's choir where she volunteered.
Unfortunately, the doctor died when Drei in her late teens, and she was heart broken. Unable to imagine going back to the Pokecentre without Dr. Mai, Drei ran away. With no life skills in the wild, things were very, very hard for her, and it was only by luck that she cmanaged to survive. She had spent so many days wandering alone, trying desperately to avoid both trainers and other Pokemon, and luckily she was found by a wild Sentret, who was sympathetic to her plight and told her about the Dittech. She scrambled immediately to find one, and after a few months was the proud owner of a Dittech device of her own.

After taking her "human" form, she worked odd jobs to save money so that she could move to Lumiose City. She soon got interested in the local music scene, and liked to go to the bars and venues around the city to listen to live bands. She especially loved the heavy rock and metal bands. She bought a second-hand music player, and spent her nights listening to CDs that she would buy at these shows. A few months after arriving in Lumiose, living in a slummy apartment near the outside of the city limits, she found a poster advertising that one of the bigger bands in Lumiose was looking for a lead singer. She knew very little about being in a band, but knew that she wanted to be in one, so she rushed to audition. Unfortunately, the band in question was looking for a more surly, manly type, and they didn't even listen to her sing. Fortunately, one of the men who was helping them set up and take down equipment approached her to ask if she would audition for thier band, and she happily agreed.

Her voice won them over immediately, and she became the singer for Vengeful Burial Cofagrigus. It was shortly afterwards that they decided that her extremely sketchy apartment(which was also as for North from their apartment in the South as it could get) wasn't going to work, and they invited her to move in with them instead. They have been living together for almost a year.


* She has a four octave vocal range. She can also do all of the "deathgrunts", growls, and harsh vocals required for her chosen occupation. She practices every day.
* She is very physically affectionate, and kisses friends, acquaintances and strangers way more than she should. She also hugs and snuggles other people all the time. She thinks nothing of this behaviour, however, and it doesn't necessarily mean anything beyond a friendly gesture.
* Except for when it does.
* She is very complimentary, and it can come off as flirting. Sometimes it is flirting. Sometimes it isn't.
* She can be hard to read.
* She warms up to people very quickly if the have an interest in music/come see the band perform.
* She's badly lactose intolerant, and has to avoid milk products. Sometimes she breaks this rule, but she always regrets it later.

Only with her band right now. She loves meeting other Pokemon though! *winkwink*

~User Info~

Time Zone: Atlantic Standard Time

Chat Availability: No specific time. When I am online, it will likely be in the afternoon/evening, or on the weekend. <3
* Chat: I don't usually frequent RP chatrooms, and will often only actually go there to RP(versus creeping) if someone asks me to meet them there.
* Note: I don't really like note RPs, as I find them hard to keep track of. I will try them, though, if you like!
* Google Drive/Docs: A shared Google document is actually my preferred method of RP, as it can be updated when both people are online or if only one person is. I'm much better at these RPs.
* I prefer lit RP over chat-speak style RP, but I can(and will) happily do either.

~Role-Play Example~
(The beginning of a note based RP for PokePlatform )

The late summer sun rested high in the sky, warming the grass and upturned branches of the flora along Muchie River. The river churned quietly over the rocks that formed its bed, cradled like a winding snake in the thick forest that surrounded it. The water gurgled and chimed, filling the air with its tinkling, as a Pidgey cooed sleepily from a nearby nest.

The trees, teetering on the seasonal line between Summer and Autumn, held tightly to their leaves as a gentle breeze blew through them, causing a dry rustle to join the chorus of the river. The leaves were now beginning to form the darker, mottled pattern that signalled their eventually change to the fiery colours of the colder season, and the wild Pokemon on the island had started to fill their stores for the coming winter.

A young woman with dark hair crouched on the riverbank, her boots kicked off and laying in a crumpled heap beside her. Her thick, dark tail swung gently from side to side as she watched a young Mudkip, very small and obviously a hatchling, playing nearby. She smiled as it dug happily in the mud with its tiny blue paws, burying itself up to its neck and wagging its own, fin-like tail in jubilation.

Looking up from the river, the Umbreon gijinka sheilded her eyes with a delicate hand, squinting against the brightness. Although she loved the feeling of the sun on her skin and the sound of the many diurnal Pokemon that she could not encounter at night, she could never completely escape her nature. She knew that non-gijinka Umbreon prowled the grass at night, and delighted in the light of the moon and the sound of Hoothoot in the trees, but she couldn't resist the daytime when the weather was this good, and soon the weather would be too cold to stand on the riverbank with her toes buried in the mud, watching a baby mudkip roll about in the muck.

Character design & art (c) Vixie-Bee
Pokemon-Amie /Template (c) Novaling & Mods
Pokemon/Spritzee (c) Nintendo/Game Freak/Ken Sugimori

Made entirely with MyPaint and GIMP.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License .
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Comments: 27

Wheelzzz [2015-01-18 05:10:50 +0000 UTC]

This girl needs a million trillion little hugs and kisses. ~<3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Wheelzzz [2014-11-03 06:51:46 +0000 UTC]

I would just die if I could cuddle this cutie forever.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

roobertoober [2013-12-23 10:23:56 +0000 UTC]

oh my god I know I should really read the rest but I can't get over 'She is the singer in a Melodic Death Metal band called Vengeful Burial Cofagrigus.'

Can our OCs get married please.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Vixie-Bee In reply to roobertoober [2013-12-23 17:50:36 +0000 UTC]

Ehehehehehe! Yesssss!

I also couldn't get over your app. I feel like our girls are going to click right away, and then they can have a friend to freak out with over our fake Poke-metal bands! Poke metal solidarity! \m/

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

roobertoober In reply to Vixie-Bee [2013-12-23 20:41:52 +0000 UTC]

Eeeeeee now if I could just stop being a coward and RP and actually talk to people it could be a realityyyyyyyyy

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Vixie-Bee In reply to roobertoober [2013-12-28 08:13:49 +0000 UTC]

Do iiiiiit~!

But seriously, I know your feels. Shy/awkward people partyyyy!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

roobertoober In reply to Vixie-Bee [2013-12-28 08:50:22 +0000 UTC]

So a large room with people either alone or with just one other person desperately trying not to look at the other people and not getting a drink because then people might notice they're at the party.


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Vixie-Bee In reply to roobertoober [2014-01-03 23:13:06 +0000 UTC]

Ahehehehe~ Yep, pretty much. ; w ;

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Jollymushroom [2013-12-10 12:32:02 +0000 UTC]

Your a bee, I'm a bee. You have a Spritzee, I have a Spritzee. It's like you're my more attractive twin.

I love Drei~ I can't get over how wonderful she is. ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Vixie-Bee In reply to Jollymushroom [2013-12-23 17:46:30 +0000 UTC]

Wat, aahhhhh~ We're the best bees. The bee lords. THE BEE EMPERORS! Welcome to the kingdom we didn't know we ruled over, dahling!

And thank yoooou! I also adore Birdy, and I think that we should RP them and their magical pink Spritzeeness at some point. <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

CoulroCarnivalesque [2013-12-09 12:43:06 +0000 UTC]

Aaahh, your character is beyond gorgeous OWO Her outfit is awesome! Plus she's super cute <3 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Vixie-Bee In reply to CoulroCarnivalesque [2013-12-23 17:40:31 +0000 UTC]

Ahhh, thank you so much, Stine! I'm glad that you like the design. Trying to balance pink and metal head was fun! Haha.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Artistic-Twist [2013-12-08 23:06:26 +0000 UTC]

I just wanted to say that you have an absolutely gorgeous artstyle! Those thick beautiful lines and cell shading go so together! ;w;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Vixie-Bee In reply to Artistic-Twist [2013-12-09 05:03:29 +0000 UTC]

Ahhhhh~ *buries head in the sand*

Thank you so very much! I'm glad that you like it. Thick lines and cell shading are my absolute favourite! So very fun!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Shiokaraazu [2013-12-08 22:55:04 +0000 UTC]

love her design! ; o ; welcome to pma!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Vixie-Bee In reply to Shiokaraazu [2013-12-09 05:02:04 +0000 UTC]

Aaaah, thank you! I'm very excited to be here! ;w;

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

FirstAidKittens [2013-12-08 22:47:34 +0000 UTC]

Ahh what a gorgeous character ;u; 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Vixie-Bee In reply to FirstAidKittens [2013-12-09 05:01:37 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much! I'm really excited to use her in the group. <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Satsu-Kururugi [2013-12-03 08:33:52 +0000 UTC]

I... oh my god. Oh my God.
oooohhhh my god
You're so perfect. i need to hurrrryyyyy and finish this before it's took laaate!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Vixie-Bee In reply to Satsu-Kururugi [2013-12-07 06:30:47 +0000 UTC]

Aaahhh, Satsuuu~ Thank you!

I am literally so anxious! I want us to all get in so very badly! ;^; So many of you majestic gorgeous friends of mine have apps in, I can't even contain my excitement.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Satsu-Kururugi In reply to Vixie-Bee [2013-12-07 06:49:02 +0000 UTC]

Oh Definitely!! It would be so much fun! I'm rping with Saku on skype now lol!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Vixie-Bee In reply to Satsu-Kururugi [2013-12-07 12:27:41 +0000 UTC]

AGH, how did I miss this! I totally could have popped into Skype, but I'm a dummy and didn't notice this comment. whyyyyyy

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Satsu-Kururugi In reply to Vixie-Bee [2013-12-07 20:58:12 +0000 UTC]

Lol No!!!!
It's okay! we can do our own sometime! i'm on all day today. <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Sakura-Akira [2013-12-02 16:14:37 +0000 UTC]



She's so beautiful! I can't even, with her pink hair and her no-arm. ;___; I want to hug her little (well, my height) badass, cuddly self and never let her go. Except to eat non-lactose things. 

I really hope you (and I) get in... Wishing all the luck!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Vixie-Bee In reply to Sakura-Akira [2013-12-07 06:31:54 +0000 UTC]

Sanyuuuuu Sockie!

She would totally hug you back forever. She is a large fan of public displays of all the affections. <3

And you know, of course, that I am wishing you all the luck!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SayakoArt [2013-12-02 11:01:15 +0000 UTC]

Cute *.*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Vixie-Bee In reply to SayakoArt [2013-12-07 06:32:06 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much! <3

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