VixorNarukami — Chris meets Anyma Chapter 1: The Cage
#anyma #30daychallenge #maymadness #anymamaymadnesschallenge
Published: 2020-05-04 18:52:07 +0000 UTC; Views: 937; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 0
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Description It was a normal day in Hammatsu Japan, Chris and his roommates has stepped out to do a few things. His older sister Layla went out shopping with her new friends who are werewolf and cat hybrids, Wyatt went out to Yodobashi-Akiba in Tokyo to pick up a few things for his Gaming PC he and Chris are building together, Ace Chris' saiyan friend went out on a date with Kale, Zephstar Chris' Faunus friend went to the movies with Ruby and Yang to see that new spy movie, as for Chris himself he decided to take a walk around he city just to get some fresh air; while he was walking a mysterious voice appear behind Chris.

???: Psst...Green Guy....

Chris turned around quickly and no one was there then voice appear behind him again whispering

???: Hey...Porcupine....

Chris turned around again this time he was getting annoyed he probably thinks it's Matt with his stupid pranks as usual he does this kind of prank to him pretending to be a girl otherwise known as Matt's Catfishing technique. The moment Chris turned around there was no one around.

Chris: Alright, Alright whoever's doing that please stop you're really annoying me.

That's when the mysterious voice appeared behind him whispering.

???: But I can't let you see me then the surprise will be ruined.

Chris: Surprise? What Surprise better yet let's find a park so I won't look like I'm talking to myself.

???: Fine with me.

A few minutes later when Chris made it to the park the mysterious voice followed him without no one noticing them

Chris: Alright 2 things, 1. What Surprise are you talking about? and 2. Exactly who are you?

???: Alright here's your answers 1. Since you walked in the right location that give me the right opportunity for me to do this!

The Mysterious voice injected Chris with a tranquilizing needle.


Chris took the needle off his neck that's when things got drowsy for him, he was trying to keep his balance making sure he don't fall that's when things are slowly fading to black.

???: By the way for your second answer my name...is.....

Chris passed out for a few Hours then he later woke up still feeling drowsy.

Chris: Uuugh....My head...I Can't get that swinging motion out of my head what the hell happen to me?

That's when the mysterious voice from earlier piped up and said in a smug tone

???: That's because you are swinging and I manage to put you in here and it was that hard I didn't know you were heavy I thought all Porcupines are light...

Chris snapped awake he recognize that mysterious voice from earlier.

Chris: Alright Mysterious voice Exactly who are you and where am I?

???: Who am I? Are you serious almost everyone knows who I am.

Chris: Except for me.

???: Wow what a bust. Okay, I'll show you who I am.

The voice came out of the shadows revealing a human woman with Long wavy lavender hair wearing a light blue dress shirt blue jeans, and to top it all of she's wearing a mask that changes expression.

???: Now that you know what do I look like my name is Anyma I happen to be the world's greatest tickler and you my Green Porcupine friend are in my Cage so we can spend the next 8 days hanging out just us two.

Chris: Woah, woah, You know my Sister and roommates will come looking for me right?

Anyma: I knew you would say that, so I myself texted them that Asuka needed you for the next 8 days because there's something important going on and she needed you.

Chris: Wait, Which Asuka?

Anyma: Well there was two different Asuka numbers so I picked the first one.

Chris realized which number Anyma picked it was Chris' Edgy fox friend Asuka Genos the one the somewhat likes Chris

Chris: You picked the Edgy one?

Anyma: Look the point is thanks to that text no one will come to rescue to your Aid I have you locked up in the cage in my tickle lab and I can spend the Next 8 days with you.

Chris: Listen, I can deal with cages they're like the easiest- Wait did you say tickle lab?

Anyma nodded her head in agreement.

Anyma: And if you try to escape I manage to put a special wrist band that will give you the volts of laughter.

Chris: The volts of laughter?

Anyma: So there are different types of electricity volts this one won't hurt you but this is like a tickle shock it'll feel like 20 feathers tickling you and I've got some resources that the mighty porcupine-

Chris: (Annoyed) Hedgehog.

Anyma: Hedgehog is actually ticklish and he have lots of tickle spots. I want to learn them and if you play along I'll let you go and we may never see each other

Chris: And if I refuse?

Anyma: I just told you if you refuse but if you would like a demonstration you could've asked.

Chris: Wait I take that back I take that Ba-

It was too late Anyma pressed the button on her remote and the wristband on Chris glowed a bright pink and pink electricity shocked Chris like what Anyma said it won't hurt but tickle a lot and she was right was in a fit of giggles.

Chris: Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah okahahahahahahahahahahahahahay okahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahy Ihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihi'll plahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahay Ihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihhihihihihihihihihihihihihihi'll plahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahay juhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhhuhuhust tuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuuhuhuhuhuhuhuhurn ihihiht ohohohohohohohohohohhohohohohohohoff tuhuhuhuhuhuhuhhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhurn ihihihihihihihit ohohohohohohohohohhohohohohohohohoff!!

Anyma Pressed the button on her remote and the wristband stopped tickling Chris he was on the floor on the cage panting and recovering from laughing.

Anyma: Glad we're on the same page Chris, Now let the testing commence!

To Be Continued.
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