VonTriggers — Lilith Howahkan

Published: 2016-09-29 21:52:19 +0000 UTC; Views: 1723; Favourites: 24; Downloads: 1
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:: I D E N T I T Y ::

Name: Lilith

        *Meaning: Of the Night

        *Alias(es): Lily

Gender: Female

Age: Young Adult [4yrs]

Current Height:

Height: 32"
-Mature Height: 35"

Current Weight: 

Weight: 100Ibs
-Mature Weight: 120Ibs

Orientation: Bi-Sexual
[Leans more toward Females]

Sexual History: Virginity Stolen

Voice: Morticia Adams: m.youtube.com/watch?v=EnrWZiqg…

        *Mannerisms: Her eye twitches whenever she is irritated as well the tip of her tail flicks rather quick when angry, also her tail tends to curl up whenever she is excited or running.

Bloodline/s: Bayou 25%/ Mountain Blood Line 50%/ Marsh Blood Line 25%

Scent: Red Roses

Theme Song: www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6OtF7…

Physical Description: Lilith is Athletic and Muscular, she is tall with long pointy ears and fluffy coat, her fur on the back of her shoulders and neck stick up and just looks messy, her neck and cheek fur flows back like (example: wind constantly blowing against her.. picks will be posted with examples later on.) There is a small mole on her right cheak, she also has a semi long/short poofy cotton ball tail that tends to curl every so often. She has scars over her right eye and over her right shoulder. She walks at a slow pace her paws placing quietly as she moves and her head always held at a relatively low stat. When she stands in one place her head is held high and her chest pumped out as if she is better then others. She holds onto her mothers fang giving her the strength to keep moving and knowing she is always with her. 

Pack or Guild: Howahkan

    Rank:  Tier 1 - Gamma (Atolat)  

:: P E R S O N A L I T Y ::

Traits: Aggressive, sometimes Caring, Hides Emotions, Guarded, Hostile, Stubborn, Tough, Skillful Vindictive, and Deceptive.

In Depth: Lilith is one to not socialize herself with others, she tends to keep to herself, deep within her thoughts she holds an emotionless expression, her passed is dark and cruel, she tends to avoid questions ask about her or her passed. Anyone she comes across tends to be unable to read her, her life and everything involving her is meant for no-one else. She constantly plots her plans carefully, her every move is already put to place before she even makes it, she has yet to find another that can keep up with her, Lilith's mind is very dangerous even for herself. Nothing good comes from her, she enjoys the suffering of others, thus then would you ever see another expression upon her face. Don't get her wrong she can be friendly, but little does she allow such emotions to show, her trust is very hard to earn, if you are able to earn such a high spot, then you are worthy of getting to know her true self. Go ahead and try and approach her, she won't bite.. hard.

Aggressive: Negative.
Lilith tends to bite those who touch her, she does not welcome others very kindly, avoid touching her or looking at her the wrong way she will snap with no hesitation.  

Caring: Positive.
Although she may have a very tough shell and her guard is always on high alert she does have feelings, emotions for others other then her own self. Once you can gain the trust of Lilith she will begin to show you little by little her true colors behind her walls, one way to tell you've begun to get in she will change her cold expressions with warm smiles and gentle smacks of her tail to your face. 

Hostile: Negative.
Lilith has a very wicked mind, she can plan anything out and not have any second thoughts for what her actions will cause toward others. She is like a poison, if she is after something she will stop at nothing till she gets her paws on it, weather it be killing, or torturing innocent lives she will never stop.  

Stubborn: Negative.
Everything for Lilith must go her way or it's the highway for anyone. She does not let nothing change or redirect her mind from her decisions. You can sit there for hours arguing with her she will not back down. Even if it is just simple talk anything said against her she will scuff and throw back an attitude toward you. ((BUT there is one way to get her mind to waver.. Bite her tail and you'll see.  ))

Tough: Positive.
Her body is very muscular, her strength is something she holds highly of and she doesn't allow herself to get weak, she runs and climbs, swims to make sure her strength remains and grows. Often she will wonder looking for any random wolf to fight with, her scars are proof that she can be hit so she isn't untouchable or very fast, but she wears her marks and shows them off like trophies. 

Skillful: Positive.
Lilith has good skills in anything, but how she uses them will truly show. Her cockiness is her breaking point, although despite that she has brains and brawn she can be a very good hunter and warrior to a pack that accepts her.

Clever: Positive.
Lilith is a very clever girl, she will spend a lot of her time observing and watching others with patience, she takes what she learns about every individual, although this is not close to being negative, but it is very possible, she shows her value and masterminding brain, she is not stupid and she will take advantage of a situation and manipulate if she must to be one step ahead.   

Flirtatious: Positive.
Although she comes off very cold and non-social, if she comes upon another that strikes her fancy she will not hesitate to take action. If you catch her eye she will be the one to start a conversation, her golden eyes and fluffy long tail are her main points of use. 

Hides Emotions: Negative.
Lilith is very good at keeping her emotions hidden, if she is sad, angry, etc. nothing will slip in front of others, even when she battles and fights other fellow wolves she keeps her face blank. ((Let's just say she is not much but a broken doll who needs fixing.)) 

Vindictive: After all that Gabriel had taken from her Lilith wants nothing more then revenge, where ever she goes she is always plotting for the day they cross paths again, whenever she is in a deep trance this thought is always running through her brilliant mind the many ways she will torture him, the way she will kill him. 

Deceptive: From all that has happened to her Lilith built a wall hiding her true self from everyone and all those around her, she feels this is safer for herself if she hides who she really is, so over the years she created a new personality, her quiet, cruel and wicked new self is all anyone should really know. 

:: H I S T O R Y ::

Pre-Group History: Lilith was born into a very dark and unfriendly pack, the valley was dead, no plants or anything living were to be found, her mother, unlike her pack members, was a loving and kind hearted wolf. Her mother Lilly was taken in by the dark pack when she was found in the desert suffering from injuries received from an attack that had taken the lives of her family, pack mates, and her loving husband. The only thing she had left was Lilith, her other siblings had died from the birth, so, Lilith was the only last bit of happiness and love that she had and she would keep her so close that nothing would ever hurt her. Lilith did get her fathers golden eyes, his Dark coat, and bubbly personality, she was almost the exact spitting image of her father. Lilith was never allowed to wonder far for as her mother Lilly wouldn't allow, Lilith did not ever question her mother nor did she ever leave her side, she was a pup that learned about her surroundings at such a fast pace, although she was quiet the character, cheerful and spazy pup, she spent most of her time analyzing and studying her pack mates, she watched as the other pups coward in fear whenever any of the males would wonder near, they two were just as back as there pack leader Gabriel, although they did not kill pups they would torture them for there amusement, the mothers could never step in for if they did they would be punished far worse, the packs leader Gabriel was very hostile and hated the site of pups, even though the pack suffered in numbers he would not hesitate to kill one or two to feed his hunger, but with Lilith he was not so harsh with, he took a liking to this young pup and he would most of his time spend watching frequently playing with and observing her, Lilly had begun to notice this and she had to stop it. Upon the fact Lilly hated that she had to bring Lilith into such a horrible life and that it ate at her so much, now with Gabriel sinking his twisted sick self into the mix, this was a nightmare and this was not a place for her daughter to continue on living in.

Since there was such a lack of food source Lilly took advantage of the hunts that the females were allowed to go on and leave the territory going outside the boarder was the best solution for a better hunt. She was plotting, plotting an escape for not herself.. but Lilith, she needed to be free, she needed to live a life happier then this and Lilly was going to make sure this plan worked, with no flaws weather her life was to be taken in the process, she had no fear.

After many seasons had passed, Lilith grew into a fine female, her mother was so proud, yet the time for there goodbye was drawing nearer and nearer, Lilith was finally 4 years old, perfect age and she knew her daughter would be able to survive alone. Although the time was coming Lilly would never allow her daughter to see her pain. Tonight would be the night she would ever see her daughter again, but since it was still early she enjoyed those very last hours with her daughter Lilith she took her to the only area that still had a river and they sat talking, talking about there lost family, and of her father Leroy. Lilith always enjoyed listening to her mothers stories, Lilith loved story telling in general, it made her always use her imagination, she is a very smart wolf, but not smart enough to know what her mother had plotted for that night. 

As darkness grew near Lilly and Lilith walked side by side along with the other female hunters as they made there way to the end of the boarder, although to a surprise Gabriel there leader had accompanied them that hunt and noticing this Lilly had to think of another plan, she was certainly not going to let this keep her from saving her daughter. Sweeping in Gabriel pushed his way between Lilly and Lilith, using his devilish charm he made his moves, Lilith had no interest, this only made him irritated and pissed, he stormed off quickly he was not going to let this go he will find a way to get to her.

Once they reached the hunting grounds they began there hunt, Lilith and her mother made there way toward the wooded area that covered there bodies with heavy bushes while the other female wolves positioned themselves into there spots. As they waited for the others to start Lilly finally made her move this was the perfect chance for her daughter to escape, she placed herself before her blocking her view of the valley, her mother finally told her everything all she had planned and what she had to do, Lilith knew not to question her mother, she always kept that in mind, she was shocked yet saddened she didn't want to leave her mother behind she tried her best to get her mother to come with her, but as much as she begged Lilly knew she would never be able to accompany her without them both being attacked. After a few moments of embracing her mother she said her goodbye, but that this would never be forever she will come back to get her. 

As she looked back at her mother she quickly turned around Lilly spotted Gabriel and Lilith stopped instantly in her tracks, his large body keeping her from passing by, his teeth were bared as he growled fiercely, he was not going to let her leave, he was hers and he was going to make that so. Lilith began to slowly back up as her body was low her head almost touching the ground as she did so Gabriel lunged himself toward her, but instead of attacking her he leaped over and quickly taking down her mother Lilly. Using his large body he held her down his fangs in her neck just enough to keep her still, his red eyes looking over at Lilith she begged him not to hurt her that she would do anything if he let her go. His dark muzzle revealed a devilish grin, he had something better in mind.. dropping her mother he remained on top of her, his head lifting up he gave her a ultimatum. He would let her mother go and promise not to harm her and as well give Lilith her freedom if she gave herself up to him. His grin only grew more wicked as he starred at Lilith. Saying before he was not going to let her get away from him, Lilith's eyes shed tears as she looked to her mother who was begging her to run and not give herself up to this monster. Lilith loved her mother so much she wanted more then anything not to lose her forever. She would come back for her and that will be a promise she will not forget. Ignoring her mothers cries and please she looked to Gabriel anger within her eyes, tears still falling she agreed to his offer, Gabriel chuckled evilly, his wicked grin remained upon his muzzle as he made his way toward Lilith, as he did Lilly quickly leaped up growling aggressively as she placed her fangs around his snout, a fight went down yet it only lasted a moment as he threw her down, one of Lilly's fangs broke in the process landing in front of Lilith, she looked at her mother wishing she could run to her, but as Gabriel directed her into the dark bushes they disappeared. Lilly layed on the cold ground as she watched her daughter vanish, she failed as a mother, she failed her daughter, this would be the quilt that would forever stay against her mother, As well the last time either one of them saw each other again. 

As morning came Lilith layed in the dirt battered and bruised, she was alone, Gabriel had left in the night once he got what he wanted, she felt helpless, lost, alone, and dead inside. She slowly brought herself to her feet, making her way out toward the valley, as she did she spotted her mothers fangs laying upon the ground, she starred upon it for so long, her expression was blank, she stood there deep in thought. As the sun began to fall, Lilith picked her mothers fang up holding it close, her golden eyes looking over the horizon to where the pack is, her eyes showed anger and hate. She would get back at Gabriel for what he did and as well to get her mother back. That day she made a promise to her mother that they will be together again.. She now had made a new promise.. This promise was to be her main goal, Gabriel will fall from her fangs, she will make him suffer for all that he has done to not only her, her mother, but to all the innocent lives he had taken, that is her promise and as she finally moved she headed off into the wilderness toward the unknown that she soon will discover and become as strong as she can be.
The Lilith her mother Lilly had loved and held dear for those years had died that day, a new Lilith was born and the world that she storms over will know her name.  

Group History: N/A ((Will put more here once Lilith is accepted to the group.)) ^^

:: R E L A T I O N S H I P S ::

Mate: Possibly Searching (If you can get her interested then you're bad enough for her.)
    Offspring:  None.

        Father: Leroy (Deceased)
        Mother: Lilly (Alive)
        Siblings: None.
        *Other: N/A

*Other: N/A

:: A V A I L A B I L I T Y ::

Timezone: PST 

Preferred Methods: 
        Notes: Always welcome.
        Comments: No please.
        Skype: Ask.
        Docs: No please.
        Other: Open to suggestions.

:: O T H E R    N O T E S ::

RP Status: OPEN!
[[I'm open for any kind just hit me up with a note!]] ^^

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Comments: 17

Sinotaur [2017-01-01 22:01:17 +0000 UTC]

She's stunning! Really love her backstory too~!
I'll for sure send you a note<\small >

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

VonTriggers In reply to Sinotaur [2017-01-03 07:33:49 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!
I look forward to rping with you soon

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sinotaur In reply to VonTriggers [2017-01-03 11:40:42 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

xFuturisticTrash [2016-11-19 08:39:16 +0000 UTC]

SO, should she meet Angel?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

VonTriggers In reply to xFuturisticTrash [2016-11-19 09:56:14 +0000 UTC]

Yes they should totally meet!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

xFuturisticTrash In reply to VonTriggers [2016-11-19 11:05:00 +0000 UTC]


should we discuss/plan a setting for their meeting or just wing it?
do you want me to start or would you want to start?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

VonTriggers In reply to xFuturisticTrash [2017-01-01 22:00:09 +0000 UTC]

Hmm let's try and wing it xD

And if you don't mind starting the RP please?

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

XKuonjiX [2016-10-06 09:17:56 +0000 UTC]

Such a cool character and congrats in getting in!   I do hope we can rp someday if you´d like of course

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

VonTriggers In reply to XKuonjiX [2016-10-07 10:30:03 +0000 UTC]

Hehe thank you so much. ^^

And yes I would certainly love to rp sometime. Just shoot me a note/starter whenever you are wanting to.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

XKuonjiX In reply to VonTriggers [2016-10-08 07:12:07 +0000 UTC]

Yay! Sure will  

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

homiicidiac [2016-10-03 20:22:03 +0000 UTC]

Congrats on getting in! c:

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

VonTriggers In reply to homiicidiac [2016-10-03 23:37:59 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much I'm super happy! ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

scowle [2016-10-03 20:15:22 +0000 UTC]

Oh my goodness what a pretty girl. Congrats on getting in!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

VonTriggers In reply to scowle [2016-10-03 23:39:22 +0000 UTC]

Eee thank you! :3
I'm really glad to be in the group ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ToothyApocalypse [2016-10-03 20:09:58 +0000 UTC]

Omg she's so pretty x_x I love the tail and her fangs.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

VonTriggers In reply to ToothyApocalypse [2016-10-03 23:39:00 +0000 UTC]

Hehe thank you!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Stormangelique [2016-10-02 01:46:28 +0000 UTC]

Lol my name is Lily and one of my friends calls me Lilith😂

👍: 0 ⏩: 0