Next up for my Pokemon ancestors project was the Monster group, which is a pretty catch-all group of mostly terrestrial Pokemon that look generally more intimidating than those in the Field group. Synapsia references synapsids, which are a real-life group of mammal-like reptiles, and somewhat of a 'middle stage' between the two.
There are a lot of Gen 1-3 Pokemon in the Monster group from when Pokemon designs were more of a mash-up of real-world inspirations that look vaguely kaiju like (I personally really like this design philosophy for Pokemon). I found there were a lot of Rock, Ground and Grass types, and a lot of 3-stage evolutions, so I tried to create a line that would represent these, evoking the likes of Bulbasaur, Nidoran, Nidoking, Aggron, Tropius, without being too similar to any of them.
In terms of real world inspiration, I looked at the gorgonops, diictodon, and dimetrodon, which are all synapsid reptiles, as well as brontosaurus, purely because there was a trend of long-necked Grass type Pokemon in the group. Dimetrodons are notable for the large sails on their backs, which I saw as the perfect opportunity to allude to the 'plant growing on the back' designs seen with the Bulbasaur line and Torterra.